
1241 days ago

Ha-Ha again, another photo article from the Welsh Hovel

On the side of the new raised lawn and Ha Ha at the Welsh Hovel which faces the River Dee, the grass is now almost three weeks old and the slope looks even greener than when I showed you pictures last week. But now, something of a miracle, that is to say a couple of days of dry weather here in Wales, has allowed us to almost complete the works as you can see below.


1438 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Mowing the orchard and filling the new compost pits

The ground is uneven in the new orchard I am creating at the Welsh Hovel. You may remember that two years ago this was a field with grass, ferns and nettles growing six foot tall. If you stood where the photo below was taken, you could not see the gate, fence and chicken shed which stood at the end of this field less than 80 yards away. So we will never have a smooth lawn for croquet, even if the accursed badgers were persuaded to bugger off.


1457 days ago

The Badger Trust joins the trolls organising a Tom Winnifrith Pile on but is regretting it - Part 1

I do not hide my view of badgers. If you are reading this in some big city, you probably think of them as loveable fury little creatures just like Foxy Woxy. I view them as aggressive vermin just like Foxy Woxy. Badgers eat hedgehogs, animals I rather like. They dig up the graveyard at the end of my fields where one day I shall be buried. They are not after the bodies, just the worms, and that also sees them digging up my lawn and those of all my neighbours. They have a go at my strawberry patch which is adjacent to their sett here at the Welsh Hovel. I loathe badgers.


1468 days ago

The Battle for free speech – let’s get Tom Winnifrith the badger killer sent to jail

The battle for free speech is hotting up. I have just published a piece HERE on attempts to shut down a new TV channel before it goes on air because its founders are not part of the woke establishment. Meanwhile, a few days ago I expressed my hatred for the badgers living at the Welsh Hovel here. Mistakenly I also outlined a plan to get rid of them which, I now understand is against the law. Suddenly, on certain bulletin boards and on twitter, badgers are seen as the nation’s favourite animal and I am off to jail.


1470 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Fruit harvest plans 2021, starting with the strawberries & bad news for Ron Davies

There has been great progress on all fronts and, this year, I hope for an abundance of apples, pears, plums, damsons, cooking apples, crab apples, raspberries, blueberries, rhubarb and more and there are photo updates on all to come. But I start with the strawberries.
