
532 days ago

Glacial Lake flooding and another #fakenews headline from the BBC

Barely a day goes by without the BBC pushing out some fake news in support of the global warming cult.  The headline below will have grabbed the attention of many. Thanks to academics at Newcastle University, Pravda is able to warn that millions face a new threat, 15 million to be exact could be drowned as glacial lakes burst their banks. Few will bother to read to the end of the story which quantifies the actual threat:


565 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo podcast: Lake Vyrnwy and the GroupThink myth of global warming here in Wales

In August 2022 Lake Vyrnwy, about an hour from where I live in Wales, was the posterboy of the Global warming GroupThink cult as I recalled here. I took my kids to the lake today and combine those photos taken with hard data from United Utilities to show how the GroupThink are just so wrong. Not that the BBC or anyone in the Mainstream Media will report it.


936 days ago

Last Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel Christmas 2021 - catering for a Pescetarian

As you may recall my thirsty daughter Olaf has been brought up in Islington and has therefore picked up some freakish liberal traits such as wishing to not only rejoin but to work for the accursed EU, bleating on about polar bears and the global warming cult and being a pescetarian. That means she will not eat meat so for her late Christmas meal with us, I prepared a whole salmon, not hooked in the Dee from our garden but bought in. Starting to fish in the river is a resolution for 2022.


1097 days ago

NOW It really is the time to back Ian Westbrook against the Versarien bullies

The Morons who believe in the cult of Neill Ricketts and the cash guzzling POS that is Versarien (VRS) think that Ian Westbrook (Club Sandwich), the Bulletin Board poster Ricketts wishes to destroy will fail to raise the £20,000 needed to keep his defence going. They are wrong. Here is one cultist posting on ADVFN today. Hap tip JD:


1220 days ago

University of Winchester firing staff to save cash but spunking £24,000 on a Greta Thunberg statue

No I had never heard of the University of Winchester either. It is not quite up there with Oxford. In fact it is not even up there with joke marxist madrassas like Bath Spa. Two years ago its staff went on strike as Winchester announced it was cutting 10% of teaching posts because of a funding crisis. Last year it warned that it needed more voluntary redundancies as covid threatened. However…
