
1458 days ago

AC Grayling, The High Priest of #FBPE lunacy, FFS Don't mention the war

These remoaner types like AC Grayling, hereditary TV presenter Dan Snow, crazed fantasist the cat lady Carole Cadwalladr, Lord Adonis (who the fuck is he anyway?), the entire staff of the BBC and our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price are absolutely obsessed by the two world wars. It used to be thought impolite to talk about them when discussing things to do with Europe lest any Krauts overheard you and took offence. But these folks talk of almost nothing else these days.


2200 days ago

Ex MP, Tory Remoaner, Ben Gummer and his fake facts the BBC does not bother challenging

Having lost his seat at the last election, former MP Ben Gummer is constantly wheeled out by the BBC and other liberal news outlets as a “mainstream” Tory. That is to say that – unlike most Tory members - he wants to stay in the EU. He then trots out the most monstrous canards claiming them as facts and, naturally, goes unchallenged.


2215 days ago

Photo article: on Brexit which sort of remoaner are you?

This article is for my public sector employed, Guardian reading, wider family. It is for the oh so middle class lefty sociologist pals of the Mrs and for my business partner Darren Atwater who, being Canadian, is on the wrong side of history on everything and is by definition a deluded lefty. When it comes to Brexit, which sort of remoaner are you?


2242 days ago

Video - classic Remoaner ButtHurt and post Brexit insanity

A hat tip to Skipster X on twitter for this complete classic of Remoaning lunacy. This has it all.


2368 days ago

Remoanometer - a measure of just how much of a mad, metropolitan elitist, Brexit loon of a remoaner Jonathan Price (or you) are

I saw this cartoon and at once thought of my pal & fellow Hammer, the metropolitan elitist remoaner Jonathan Price who, as @BC3Pres torments me on twitter with dire warnings of how flights will be grounded, the power will run out and as we all starve to death how West Ham will be relegated the day after Brexit.


2458 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Begbies Traynor on Brexit - a worse data abuser than Ed Croft ( well almost)

For the last time I laugh at Ed Croft's joke system at Stockopedia which rates Quindell a storming buy after it is exposed as a fraud and Globo a buy but slates, for instance, Learning Technologies (LTG) - did you see its news today Ed? Then I look at the Begbies Traynor (BEG) red flag report which is remoaners treat and an even bigger abuser of data analysis than Quindell cheerleader Ed Croft. I also cover my pike fishing exploits and Online Blockchain (OBC) - now more than 50% below its placing price and 75% off its year high.


2489 days ago

The butthurt of a Brexit remoaner - Carole Cadwalladr has a new bone to pick

Rather confused about the clocks going forward, my eighteen month old son Joshua and I prepared to watch some of the old Michael Horden voice-over Paddington Bear cartoons on video. Instead we found ourselves watching Andrew Marr as he introduced Guardian and Observer journalist and all-round nonsense talker Carole Cadwalladr.


2571 days ago

Now about that global warming (falling in near record amounts in the US today) - I quote the UEA, Chris Booker and the Guardian fake news paper

A friend who is the epitome of the remoaning metropolitan elitist emails me today to claim that "you really are becoming a fascist in your old age what with your support of Donald Trump and your climate change denial." The elitists always forget that labelling anyone with whom you disagree as a fascist demeans the true horror of what fascism is. But I suppose it is easier than actually debating facts. I shall deal with my admiration of the leader of the free world another day but let's look at some hard facts about climate change or , as it used to be known, global warming. I bring you three quotes:


2581 days ago

Blue Passport Brexit fake news from the Guardian

As of 2019 new British passports will be coloured blue as in the good old days, not EU red. This will not cost £500 million as some remoaners like James Caan claimed. It will not cost a cent. But still the fake news continues with the loathsome Guardian leading the way. Its headline today is "Blue Passports to mean red tape say EU officials" Natch this is just sheer fiction.


2608 days ago

Why shackle yourself to a dying continent - a question for Brexit remoaners

Young and growing populations drive economic growth. Ageing and shrinking populations cause economic decline. In light of this perhaps Brexit remoaners should consider the graphic below and then explain why Britain, with a young and growing population.should want to shackle itself to a dying continent?


2618 days ago

Tory MP Anna Soubry you are a collaborator, you are a disgrace and you should stop bleating and lecturing a free press

Arch remoaner Anna Soubry was yesterday bleating about press coverage of her and 14 other Tory MPs who are going to make it as hard as possible to pass Brexit legislation. Soubry views terms like "collaborator" as offensive and links it directly to the fact that she had received 5 threatening tweets on this matter.


2707 days ago

250 Kent job losses as Southern Salads goes bust blaming Brexit but its all lies in the remoaning Independent

When the Brexit remoaners paper of choice, The Guardian, suffers an internet glitch there is always the lamentable Independent which serves up a daily diet of fake news on all matters European. Yesterday we learned that Southern Salads, a Kent firm, had gone bust and 250 ex workers could thank Brexit for it all. Well that is the Indy line, except that it is palpably false. It is just made up news. Fake news at every level.


2719 days ago

The fraudster's friend Vince Cable talks unmitigated drivel on Brexit

The last time I felt under attack from Sir Vince Cable was when he called on the FCA to deal with myself and fellow critics of that Great British company Quindell (QPP). As, even Sir Vince now knows, Quindell was the UK's biggest stockmarket fraud for 30 years, the regulators have thanked me for my work exposing it but Sir Vince worked hard with Lord Peter Hain of sleaze and others to get me sent to jail for market abuse.To the man who has predicted 17 of the last 4 recessions I say thank you once again for your efforts. Now he calls folks like me, hardline brexiteers, "jihadis" in an article in the Mail on Sunday which, even by the standards of that paper, is lie filled fiction.


2724 days ago

My Grandfather Sir John, a hardline socialist would spin in his grave as Remoaner Polly Toynbee demands more cash for farmers

In her Guardian column today arch remoaner Polly Toynbee took time out from tending to her Tuscan castle to bash Brexit because it will hit British farmers so badly as they lose subsidies from the Common Agricultural Policy. Natch, the BBC took time out from the month long LGBT-fest to make way to report this breaking news from its sister publication and thus Toynbee opined on Radio 4's Today Programme. It was classic Toynbee and I am so glad my late grandfather Sir John Winnifrith, a true socialist and friend of Tony Benn and a campaigner for No! in 1975 was not around to hear it. He would be incandescent as he really did believe in "for the many not the few."


2741 days ago

Nick Clegg vs Tony Blair who is the maddest Brexit denying remoaner of the week?

There is a strong contest to be the maddest and most extreme Brexit denier in public life. Normally Tory MP Anna Soubry is a strong contender, turning up on the BBC or C4 twice a day to offer up a few post fact era words to explain why she cannot accept the democratic will of the nation. But this week Soubry started to look positively sane when compared to two chaps who really are yesterday's men.


2793 days ago

Photo Article: Ways to annoy the Mrs No 34: putting up a Tory election poster In Bristol East, then Greece

I am back in Bristol for a few days and was wandering back from lunch with Joshua when we happened to pass the Conservative Club. The door was open and i was conscious that I needed to renew my father's membership. Though not a Tory, or indeed a Bristol resident, he likes the idea of being able to access cheep beer at a place not far from our house.


2821 days ago

In defence of the queen of the remoaners - Gina Miller

Please do not get me wrong. Gina Miller is a loathsome creep but I write today in defence of the Queen of the Remoaners.
As a martyr to the cause of Euro-lunacy Gina complains that she is always being attacked. Some of the attacks are fair. She is a patronising Metropolitan elitist who views those of us who voted for independence with undisguised contempt. We did not understand the issues and we are just not as clever as her. She also keeps changing her arguments about what she is seeking to achieve - she talks incoherent nonsense. and she is married to a man with a face like a baboon's arse. All of these are fair criticisms.


2850 days ago

Article 50 triggered - celebrations as 40 years of family woe comes to an end

In 1975 it was my paternal grandfather Sir John Winnifrith who went into battle against the EU, or the Common Market as it then was. His view of those who wanted a European superstate had not really changed from his time spent thirty years earlier in Churchill's war rooms although his main objection, as a Bennite, was that the EEC would screw the working classes. It did.


2858 days ago

BBC Brexit Bias & fake news on Donald Trump.. why am I paying a poll tax for this?

The BBC started its Ten O'Clock News with its reporters and presenters visiibily delighting in the FBI stating that it was investigating allegations of links between members of the Trump Campaign team and the Russians. But why stick to facts on a day like this?  it was time for some classic fake news from Pravda's gimp in Washington, Jon Sopel.
