
185 days ago

Grifters at Avaaz, useful idiots for Hamas and those poor Peruvian kids again

Sure as eggs are eggs the grifters at woke organisation Avaaz are spamming away about Gaza. Every cloud has a siver lining for Avaaz and its extremely well paid staff thanks to its gullible followers. Today’s spam starts with a picture of two kids in Gaza in tears. Yup, you guessed it, like the IRA Sinn Fein Capo, Mary Lou McDonald, Avaaz uses a picture of two Peruvian children taken in Peru to make the point. After that lie…


381 days ago

Socialist Grifter Avaaz lies about Elon Musk’s tax rate of 3% AND that of a Ugandan rice trader as it demands a billionaire tax to save the planet

It is hard to know where to start with today’s utterly lie packed email rom the grifters at Avaaz – highly paid individuals who want to soak the rich, that is not them but entrepreneurs like Elon Musk. Now Musk is right now, a bit of a hero, for his utter destruction of a BBC reporter as you can see in the video below.


527 days ago

The Avaaz global warming grifters at it again – now it is drought in Somalia

There is a drought in Somalia. Nobody denies that fact. But the cause? The grifters at Avaaz do not care about facts  and are thus calling it out as another symptom of global warming and asking the saps they spam for money, some heading out to East Africa and some to line the pockets of the grossly overpaid liberal grifters at Avaaz. The grifters lead with a touching father and son photo from Somalia and say:


531 days ago

Tuvalu PM and Avaaz: more climate change grifters, happy to ignore facts as they seek to raid your wallet

To be fair Avaaz is not just a climate change grifter. It will spam millions of folks on any woke issue getting them to sign pointless petitions or to hand over their hard earned to support bloated salaries, sorry I meant laudable campaigning.  It is an all round grifter. A recent Avaaz spam is from the Prime Minster of Tuvalu. Now he really is a climate change grifter. He wants western money as reparations for our carbon crimes.


1008 days ago

An inconvenient truth global warming map of US states

Another begging email arrives in my inbox from woke hustlers Avaaz. It tells me that European floods are unprecedented and a sign of climate change. Of course you and I know that German flood levels have been much higher many times in the past. It is just that flood defence work (so passe) and listening to warnings about rising river levels (so last millennium) have been abandoned as the powers that be wet their knickers about climate change & spunk taxpayers cash accordingly. Meanwhile, Avaaz wants me to look at temperatures in North America and panic. We have literally months to save the planet so how about I send some of my hard-earned cash to Avaaz so that it can pay its woke staff a fecking fortune, oops I meant save the planet. It all sounds so simple but it is a lie.


1045 days ago

BREAKING: You could not make it up – star Avaaz speaker on media disinformation is crazy cat lady Carole Cadwalladr

I kid you not. Carole is the Orwell Prize winning journalist who made up a stack of stories about Cambridge Analytica, the Vote Leave campaign, Dirty Russian Money, Arron Banks and those pesky Russians getting Donald Trump elected in 2016. It has all been shown to be utter fantasy. Carole has now admitted that she has no evidence at all that Banks, who is minted in his own right, got Russian money to fund the Brexit campaign. She will shortly be taken to the cleaners by Arron in the High Court. She is the ultimate source of media disinformation. So today I learned that lefty pressure group Avaaz is holding a conference on media disinformation…


2536 days ago

Urgent: Theresa May doesn’t want you to vote: another lie from liberal online virtue-signallers Avaaz

I have flagged up before how online liberal virtue signallers Avgaaz claim credit for winning every electoral contest whether they actually back the winner (Macron) or in fact back the losing side (Clinton/Remain) and also operate in the post fact era. Avaaz is always on the right side and always tells lies in its emails. And so yesterday it sent out this classic:


2542 days ago

Online virtue signallers at Avaaz tell me to vote Labour tactically in Bristol East but they can't add up

Online virtue signalling liberal pests Avaaz claimed credit for Macron's victory but said they were robbed by the Trump triumph. That was really a win for them too. Now the virtue signallers are going for a hat-trick of wins and have turned their attemntion to the British Election where threy plan to stop the wicked Tories. Indeed they have contacted me about my vote in Bristol East. Sadly their maths makes those of Dianne Abbott look like Einstein. The snowflakes write:


2740 days ago

The Guardian's snobbish liberal readers swung it for Bush, can dipstick Avaaz millennials swing it for Trump?

Back in 2004 the Guardian identified Clark County Ohio as a swing district in th4e swing state of Ohio. History shows if you win Ohio you win the White House and Clark was an uber-marginal district. So the Guardian got its readers back in the UK to call up folks in Clark. You can guess what happened next.
