29 days ago
Analyst Tim Price from Price Value Partners is concerned over Europe’s chaos, comparing it unfavorably to the US under Trump, who he sees as reducing ‘woke culture’ and neo-Marxist economic policies. You can tell he attended the same college as Andrew Bell!
197 days ago
Writing as a loyal shareholder in Red Rock Resources (RRR), if only to remind me of what an idiot I can be, I am waiting for our new consultant, Mr. David Lenigas to weave his magic wand of value creation, that is to say penny share ramping. Pro tem we have death spiral news and complete bullshit from Andrew Bell.
208 days ago
Andrew Bell reckons that David Lenigas knows how to create value. Hmmmm. On the day that Bell appointed Lenigas to drive the “new phase of growth” at Red Rock Resources (RRR), after a last phase of growth that has seen shareholders lost 92% in three years, Lenigas created UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) had yet more disastrous news and its shares are now minus 99.99% down from peak ramp. And you know what? It is going to get even worse.
217 days ago
What could possibly go wrong for my old pal Andrew Bell and Red Rock Resources (RRR) where I am NOT recommending the shares, at a wretched 0.0775p, but where I remain a loyal shareholder to remind me what a prize prick I can be at times.
299 days ago
Earlier today I flagged up how we morons, aka loyal shareholders in Red Rock Resources (RRR) had been screwed over yet again by Andrew Bell as he has done yet another placing, raising £500,000 at just 0.075p. This company really has had more placings than I have had inappropriate thoughts about Cheryl Cole. Okay, not that many but a lot! However, readers point out that Mr. Bell appears to be playing fast and loose with the truth, when it comes to how the moolah, call it £465,000 after costs, will be spunked. Sorry I meant spent.
299 days ago
For months and months we morons who own shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR) have been told by our esteemed leader Andrew Bell that the sum of somewhere in the region of $7.5million was on its way from the DRC. The cheque is in the post. Except it’s not a cheque and it has not been posted.
330 days ago
This looks very bad for my friend Mr Bell but apparently he is innocent. The first tweet below is from Red Rock Resources (RRR) twitter account.
330 days ago
I am, as you know, a loyal shareholder in Red Rock Resources (RRR). I am well out of the money and retain my shares merely to remind myself of my own folly. Anyhow, CEO Andrew Bell seems to be making an arse of himself on the LSE Asylum.
412 days ago
And so after lunch it was Peter Hambro (gold), Dominic Frisby (Bitcoin and a bit of gold) and me ( no longer convinced by either) on stage. Both guests knew their stuff and were excellent but I wonder if this debate is really of that much interest these days.
468 days ago
I am back with these bonus video shows and in this one my job is to play the sceptic though I own Red Rock Resources (RRR) shares – silly boy ! – and have 25% of my portfolio in gold & PGM shares. In this show I interview Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources dissect that interview myself and then chat to Nigel Somerville before discussing the gold and PGM shares I own and why. I hope you enjoy the show.
560 days ago
The final Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks trek has ended. About a mile and a half before the finish, Dr Sam, Steve Moore and reader Nick from Islington caught the old geezers bar Andrew Bell who had wandered into a pub to emerge at Woodlarks a bit later in a taxi. The remaining walkers now in increasing pain, especially me, somehow managed the last bit which really is 90% uphill and met up with heroic Woodlarks supremo Nick Richards, posed for a group photo and headed up the drive to an enthusiastic reception from campers and carers. That always warms my heart and it is that reception I try to think about in those last painful miles. We have now raised, with gift aid, more than £27,000 so thanks to you all. If you have so far forgotten to give you can still donate HERE.
560 days ago
The Rogue Bloggers have only 9 miles left to Trek. But someone who wasn’t there 25 miles ago has now joined in, Mr Andrew Bell. With fresh legs he is in fine form and , as is his wont, tells me how cheap are shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR). Where have I heard that before? We have now raised , with gift aid, more than £26,000 Please help us to help Woodlarks with a tenner here.
561 days ago
In today’s Bearcast I discuss my pal Jon’s imaginary g/f the air hostess, Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f and today’s walk. If it has slipped your mind you can still add to the £26,500 raised by the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then onto my massive Avacta (AVCT) scoop which demands a statement Monday and is another reason that my bearish stance has been vindicated. Again. More ouzo for the Sheriff.
561 days ago
No sign of Andrew Bell or Dr Sam for the early start. Bean counter Nigel and son Xavier arrive two minutes late. And minus bell we are off. We start the morning off at £23,400 plus gift aid. You can help Woodlarks with a donation here.
568 days ago
With two exposes today it is a Tingo (US:TIO) – tastic day for me. I discuss why I am so interested and why this is a zero. Then it is onto More Acquisitions (TMOR), Westminster Group (WSG) and its scallywag chairman Tony Baldry. Then Ascent Resources (AST) and Amur Minerals (AMC), finally I look at the pretence I expect to be announced tomorrow by Supply@ME Capital (SYME). Finally, Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f is real! I have spoken to her and she WILL join the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks on June 17. More on the fragrant Mercie later, please do donate HERE
573 days ago
Can you list them in terms of long term career value destruction? I start with Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and some of the daft comments made. The to More Acquisitions (TMOR) and Doc Holliday’s cunning EGM plan which will surely destroy the company and lose it its quote. Then Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Red Rock Resources (RRR), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and Tern (TERN) which looks to me to be almost bust and where I look forward to reporting its auditors to the FRC when the Fat Lady appears on stage. I should add what I forgot to say in the podcast: Tingo (US:TIO) is the most obvious zero from the province of Norfolk that I have see for ages. And it is shortable.
573 days ago
The final Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks trek has ended. You can see the photos starting from 4.15 AM yesterday over on ShareProphets HERE. They are all ex paywall. But as a taster these are the last 1.5 miles….
600 days ago
In today’s Bearcast i start with madness at the Dublin marathon. I then cover Red Rock Resources (RRR), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Cellular Goods (CBX), where the seaweed shite does not add up – Marechale (MAC) and Ariana Resources (AAU).
606 days ago
I told you all to sell but have kept my shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR) as a reminder of what a prick I can be but perhaps also so that I can attend the AGM and give boss Andrew Bell the roasting he deserves. Gold is at a near all time high. The last time gold was at today’s levels, Red Rock shares were at a consolidation adjusted c400p. Today Bell has placed, yet again, at just 0.1425p. Bell makes excuses but there can be no excuses for such an abject performance..
642 days ago
I start with the horse manure and then I move onto Andrew Bell and Red Rock Resources (RRR), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and then Gear4Music (G4M).
644 days ago
I discuss that lawyer’s letter c/o the fools at Reabold (RBD) and will respond tomorrow. Thanks to a big donation I shall post pictures of Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f who we hope will join us on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. To see more please donate HERE. Then to the takeover of Sheffield United by a man in bed with proven scoundrels and whose US listed company’s finances stink. I called this out at ShareStock last year and they stink even more today. If the soccer authorities allow this deal to go through they are bonkers.
645 days ago
Did you spot my April Fool story today? I start with that and end with Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f. If Donations to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (currently £2605 + an unbooked £500 pledge) go above £3,000 by Sunday, I will publish photos of her supplied by Bell and she is a looker, if perhaps imaginary). Donate HERE. In the main bearcast I discuss at length UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), the stench of David Lenigas related party deals and the lies of Lyin’ Steve Sanderson plus, in detail, the bailout of Genedrive (GDR) at 6.32 PM last night
658 days ago
I end with a discussion about myself, Andrew Bell, his imaginary marathon running g/f and Cheryl - please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Before that I look at six piggies filling me with despair, are there no rules or basic morals at all any more: Braveheart (BRH), Nanoco (NANO), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), ScotGold (SGZ) and Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA). Has Andrew told anyone today that he went to Oriel College Oxford?
659 days ago
I start on journalist ethics, that is to say not selling shares before advising readers to and a chap called Magna Carta who reminds me of the weeds in my strawberry patch. Then onto Rogue Bloggers where Andrew Bell says he is joining us and bringing a fantasy woman. I shall bring Cheryl. Please donate HERE. Finally, referring to Sarah Willingham and Dame Sharon White of John Lewis infamy (see the Daily Mail article I refer to HERE) I suggest that a glass ceiling for women in business has been replaced by a wooden floor.
666 days ago
Mr Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) – Eton and Oxford – may be unused to being called a pleb, certainly by a ghastly little oik like Gavin Burnell of the Globo (GBO) fraud infamy. But it seems that in the float of Elephant Oil in the USA, there are two classes of investor and Red Rock is very much the lower class while the frightful Burnell is king of the castle.
712 days ago
I write as a shareholder in Red Rock Resources (RRR). But the broker note below, today being trumpeted on twitter today by boss Andrew Bell is complete and utter bollocks. The idea that Red Rock shares could go from 0.26p to 2.60p is just fantasy. There is more chance of me getting lucky with you know who by the weekend than of this work of fiction proving any where near accurate.
742 days ago
Maybe I have fallen out with these folks already: Colin Bird, Richard Poulden, and Andrew Bell. But after this podcast I sure will have done so. I own shares in two companies mentioned. It is my intent to cut my losses when back at my desk in Wales next week and to reinvest the little cash that comes in, in a boring gold play with a dividend which will not be passing the begging bowl around numerous times next year. I think probably I shall buy a few more Ariana (AAU). The three companies that I slate today are Red Rock Resources (RRR), Tiger Royalties (TIR) and Wishbone Gold (WSBN)
788 days ago
As we all face a cost of living crisis with the poor and the young hardest hit, Andrew Bell insists that Opera needs more subsidy. Is this a more tenable position than his defence of the Red Rock Resources (RRR) share price? I start with that then onto the two big losers from yesterday’s surprising mid terms in the USA. Then onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ithaca Energy (ITH), MGC Pharmaceiticals (MXC) – which looks like a possible zero – and Dignity (DTY).
788 days ago
I am no longer tipping Red Rock Resources (RRR) as, I feel that its failure to monetize assts and thus prove what they are claimed to be worth has gone on for too long. Why can’t it monetize even one asset? The failure to do so means more fund raisings and that, to me explians why the shares I still own after almost three years have been such a duff investment for me. But boss Andrew Bell has another excuse…
837 days ago
I start with the industrial scale economic illiteracy of today’s budget. It is non sensical and inequitable. Then onto one Tory, Andrew Bell, and Red Rock Resources (RRR). Enough is enough. Then onto Deepverge (DVRG), nanosynth (NNN) and the soon to IPO Streak Gaming, the latest bastard offspring of Bixby and Edwards and one to avoid like the plague.
870 days ago
Yesterday I asked HERE if I should report Bell, the marmite boss of Red Rock Resources (RRR) to the FCA for selective disclosure of ( very good) news. Bell says he is an innocent man and explains why below. Do you believe him? Over to Mr Bell, Prisoner Number CB9298 says:
873 days ago
If Steve Holdsworth has not passed away as I was told I hope he enjoys what I have to say about him. If he has that is my greatest loss today although I do also discuss Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) in detail, the two battering the value of my pension fund. I won’t push Steve O’ Hara in the River at Sharestock but if he brings his chairman I’d be tempted. Grilling O’Hara in person over a Wrexham lager is surely another reason for you to book HERE. The number of seats now needed: 74. Join the crowd on September 10. I discuss Red Rock Resources (RRR), Allied Minds (ALM), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and, on behalf of a convalescing Nigel Somerville, Haydale Graphene (HAYD).
894 days ago
I have no skin in this game, though I wouldn’t wish to own shares in Flip Flop’s Kavango Resources (KAV). However, as the two men go to war, it is time to grab some beer and popcorn and enjoy from the sidelines. Then, I look at Asimilar’s (ASLR) cash crisis, and Red Rock Resources (RRR) where, despite Andrew Bell pulling his usual trick, I hang on. Finally, I take a detailed look at Ince Group (INCE), where I am now 90% vindicated, with the shares crashing to c. 5p. I await an apology from its PR man, who suggested that, at 52p just before Christmas, I was wrong to be such a bear. To watch my next hat eating, go HERE.
1015 days ago
The RNS merely states that all resolutions passed at today’s AGM. But, given the speculation regarding CEO Andrew Bell’s future, after the piss-poor share price performance of late, Mr Bell is being unduly, and uncharacteristically, modest and not giving the actual results. Luckily, I can assist…
1025 days ago
To date, controversial mining boss Bell, has managed 18 miles, 31miles and 3 miles (the last three). But on June 11th he will try to make it 4th time lucky and complete the 34miles Winchester to Woodlarks walk. He joins myself, writers Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, three of our readers Jonathan Price, Nick and Sam plus 80 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham and his long suffering trainer. So that makes nine rogue bloggers so far.
1081 days ago
A late and short bearcast. I have been distracted by news coming out about historic incidents at my old school Warwick. It is all very disturbing. In the podcast I look at Cake Box (CBOX), Amur Minerals (AMC), Novacyt (NCYT), Verditek (VDTK) and Red Rock Resources (RRR) where Andrew Bell has somemore explaining to do to we long suffering shareholders.
1117 days ago
In today’s podcast I reflect on yesterday’s family meal in Shipston, then look at Central Copper Resources and Red Rock Resources (RRR), folks may believe in Santa but do they still believe in Andrew Bell? Then I consider Tern (TERN), PCF Group (PCF) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and I urge you to enter Nigel’s sweepstake HERE before midnight. Finally I have along look at Vast Resources (VAST).
1172 days ago
The Fleet Street Legend is up in arms about what he terms a foul smear on him HERE but, as I explain, the old champagne socialist is trying to pull the wool over our eyes with his mockney dining habits. At least the budget means that the champagne for Brian and his comrades will be cheaper but the Budget really is a shower. I explain why. Then it is onto Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Red Rock Resources (RRR) where it looks ever bleaker for my pal Andrew Bell and finally why the Redcentric (RCN) valuation is bonkers.
1181 days ago
In bearcast yesterday I discussed whether Andrew Bell would be given the order of the boot at the December/January Red Rock Resources (RRR) AGM where he is up for re-election. There was, I suggested, a reason why some shareholders might feel this was a risk worth taking. Mr Bell has – at my request – responded with his case for the defence. We, as shareholders, can all make up our own minds but a sub 0.5p share price will not help Mr Bell’s cause. His detailed case follows:
1181 days ago
I start with the wish of Joshua’s best pal to be a sheep in the school play. Like father like son, natch my boy is one of the three wise men. Then I ask if Andrew Bell will be fired at the Red Rock Resources (RRR) AGM before looking at Simec Atlantic (SAE), Feedback (FDBK), the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL) and my next missive to the FCA and British Honey (BHC) where, following up from my earlier piece, it seems an entire family was at the trough.
1245 days ago
In yesterday’s Bearcast I questioned the (small) share sale at Red Rock Resources (RRR) by Andrew Bell, concluding it was probably a buying opportunity for others and though it annoyed me greatly it was not a hanging offence in itself. Respect to Bell! He has posted a long comment below the bearcast which is well written and generally fair. It merits a wider audience and so I publish below and I am not selling my shares on the basis of what he writes. The great man opines:
1245 days ago
In today’s podcast I look at Red Rock Resources (RRR), Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Pensana Rare Earths (PRE), Zoetic (ZOE), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and strange coincidences at Global Petroleum (GBP).
1246 days ago
I start with a few reminiscences about how myself and George the Architect exposed the InternetQ fraud. Then I cover: Kefi (KEFI), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and More Bull from it, Vast Resources (VAST), Purplebricks (PURP), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Verditek (VDTK) and Andrew Bell’s Red Rock Resources (RRR).
1287 days ago
I have yet to work out how to find a hat to eat as per my bearcast the other day regarding Red Rock Resources (RRR) but its boss Andrew Bell thinks I am being beastly to him and unfair and has posted a detailed rebuttal on the comments section. I suppose this merits a wider audience. Do you think I am too harsh on Bell? Here is what he says:
1287 days ago
I start with logistical issues. Thanks to Andrew Bell and Red Rock Resources (RRR), I need to find another hat to eat on video. This may take a while but I am a man of my word. I discuss Red Rock and why Bell has let me down. I end with a picture of where I was at lunchtime with Joshua celebrating today’s personal triumph re Eden Research and KPMG. Then I look at Verditek (VDTK) where surely the FCA or the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation must act now. Today’s news begs more questions for the AIM Shit of the year 2012-20, Richard Gill, aka Gollum. Then onto Hurricane Energy (HUR), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and Eight Capital Partners (ECP) part of the Supply@ME Capital (SYME) swamp.
1325 days ago
It is 8:12pm and the Rogue Bloggers have only 3.5 miles left to trek. Andrew Bell finally arrives and reader Andrew joins the crew. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.
1326 days ago
It is 3pm and the Rogue Bloggers are at Jane Austen’s house. So far they have walked 21 miles. There are now 13 walkers. Still no sign of Andrew Bell. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.
1326 days ago
It is 9:25am and the Rogue Bloggers are at Alresford. So far they have walked nine miles. There are now 10 walkers. Still no Andrew Bell but joined by Miers family and friends. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.
1326 days ago
It is 6:00am and the Rogue Bloggers number six. Lucian Mier’s son joins us. Andrew Bell is a no show. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… As of now, we are at £47,200.89, Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.
1327 days ago
I seem to have pulled some muscles in my back and shoulder and am in a bit of pain which will make tomorrow’s 34.2 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks even more “fun”. But walk I shall as the quite amazing charity said that it needed to cover its costs in this year when its revenues have been eliminated by lockdown by us raising £48,000. So I will walk and I will finish. I won’t be alone but ask that you do your part and sponsor me as we seek to raise that £48,000. To those who have already done so, I say thank you, to the rest of you…
1351 days ago
And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, a sparky interview with Red Rock Resources (RRR) boss Andrew Bell and then a detailed four way with myself, Chris Bailey, Gary Newman and Nigel Somerville on all things mining. Which metals are the ones to be in and why and how to play that. If you invest in mining stocks this show is for you..You can access the show HERE
1371 days ago
The 98% of you yet to donate to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks will not have seen the offer made by Optibiotix (OPTI) boss Steve O’Hara. You can both see his offer and make a donation as you think of the misery that looms for Andrew Bell on 29 May HERE. In the rest of the podcast I discuss being snitched on by some cottage burning freak, Ridgecrest (RDGC), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and Alba Minerals (ALBA).
1428 days ago
I am massively ahead on the Red Rock Resources (RRR) shares I bought at about the 0.625p offer price when we tipped the shares. Though initially frustrated by news that the company has raised another £1 million at 1.05p, I have considered the rationale and I have bought a few more shares today after recording an interview with Andrew Bell you can watch HERE. Here is why you should also buy the shares.
1428 days ago
And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with 2 CEOs of companies where I own shares and bought more after these interviews: Eldur Olafsson of AEG Gold (AEXG) and Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). In both cases I explain why I bought more. Then it is Gary Newman on small caps, oil stocks and mining stocks, where there is value and what he is buying. You can access the show HERE
1473 days ago
We are good Europeans, the Mrs and I. We live in Greece as much as we can and love the place. The Mrs is a fluent Swedish speaker and she would, I suspect, live there again. We speak to each other in French when we do not want Joshua to understand and we happily toasted our freedom at 11 PM on December 31 with Metaxa, greek brandy. We love Europe, we detest the EU. The toast was to three great Eurosceptics not there to witness this great day: Ronald Bell, father of my friend despite the day’s earlier humiliation Andrew*, my uncle Christopher Booker and my Grandfather Sir John Winnifrith.
1473 days ago
I said that if shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR) did not double by Christmas, I would eat my hat. Thanks Andrew Bell for this humiliation. However, I am a man of my word and so, as you can see below, I have done as I said.
1480 days ago
I have not read the full 1500 pages of the Trade treaty between the UK and the Evil Empire. I am sure that buried in the detail are a few dastardly measures from inserted by stormtroopers from the Death Star. I don’t need to fall asleep reading it; I just look at the reactions of those who have.
1573 days ago
Dan Levi makes grave charges about Peter Brailey today but has no proof. Peter says he will swear on oath the accusations are false so how on earth can I sack him? I am off to Shipston today clutching a DNA test kit but before going leave you with some words on Dev Clever (DEV), Urban Exposure (UEX), Eurasia Mining (EUA), Kefi (KEFI) and Red Rock Resources (RRR) where I hope Andrew Bell appreciates the literary imagery.
1578 days ago
And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Chris “3 brains” Bailey on his dirty secret, the real economy why UK shares are so cheap, on gold and his 3 top picks. There is also a detailed interview with the boss of AEX Gold (AEXG) who is not really 13 years old plus I discuss a new stock I have bought into heavily and also why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has this week hoisted its biggest red flag yet, is a scam and is worth 0p. You can access the show HERE
1585 days ago
And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with bear raider Matt Earl on the markets, the real economy and on 2 stocks where he is short (IQE & Boohoo) and one where he might be soon (Future PLC). we focus on Boohoo. There is also a detailed interview with Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). Its shares are 0.82p and what Bell says is ground breaking. I am on record as saying I shall eat my hat on video if the shares are not 1.26p before Christmas. I now reckon 1.65p is achievable and this is explained very clearly. Finally I return to the liars at Verditek (VDTK), why it is drowning in red flags and more. You can access the show HERE
1603 days ago
London Millionaire liberal elitist, our own in-house Euro Loon Jonathan Price, faces house, or should I say mansion, arrest within days. About bloody time. I joke with him on email but I am not sure he sees the funny side. After that digression I discuss Red Rock Resources (RRR) – do you believe Andrew Bell? – Amigo (AMGO), Sunrise Resources (SRES), Cobra Resources (COBR) and the very odd price movement at joke company Anglesey Mining (AYM). Cheryl Cole gets two mentions in this podcast
1605 days ago
I start this bonus bearcast prompted by your emails and comments while I started to make some Damson Jam with Joshua with a few comments on the wisdom or otherwise of averaging down with reference to Wishbone Gold (WSBN). Then I look at NoGold’s claim ( poor fellow having no gold exposure of late) that gold is being driven higher by herd behaviour. Finally I am told that Messrs Andrew Bell (Red Rock Resources -RRR), Colin Bird (Xtract esources – XTR, and others) and Harry Adams (Kefi) are only looking like heros, rather than zeros as has been the case for many years, because gold is going higher. Referencing also Mr Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU) I discuss this and the nature of investing in mining stocks.
1608 days ago
Am I the only man in Christendom who can say that he is now in profit on Red Rock Resources (RRR) shares? Well I am and you might have missed today’s big news. I shall eat my hat on video if I have not doubled my money by Christmas. Then it is onto general market lunacy and knavery focusing on Supply@ME Capital (SYME), where the share price is almost as bonkers as some of the turds ramping it (see below). I must rush as I really do hope to have a business meeting with a commie.
1629 days ago
I wonder how Nigel Somerville is celebrating. I wonder how long the gold rally will continue and discuss why Red Rock Resources (RRR) could utterly roof it if it can IPO its Oz gold arm in time. I just need another 25% and I am back at break-even. On an Andrew Bell stock, how many folks can say that? Only kidding Andrew – maybe we are in the right place at the right time? In the podcast, I also look at EasyJet (EZJ), Intercontinental Airlines (IAG) and how the woes of vodka fiend Olaf may be a sign of worse to come for all. I cover Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and look at results and the rum ‘n’ coke valuation of Dev Clever (DEV).
1661 days ago
No prize here just a chance to display your intellectual genius. Ideally the answers will be stockmarket related. I suggested to Andrew Bell that if he was a real stockmarket spiv he’d spin off the Aussie gold tenements of Red Rock Resources (RRR) via an IPO as the market is red hot. He thinks it’s a good idea but asked if that made me a spiv too for suggesting it? I replied by explaining the irregular inflection of the word stockmarket spiv:
1808 days ago
The 12 EU flags I had bought to burn on Brexit day seem to have disappeared. I have my suspicions. The Mrs may have voted the right way but has still not dared to admit as much to her lefty pals who, being public sector workers, have nothing better to do than post comments on facebook about how 17.4 million of us are stupid, ill educated racists and how they are considering a permanent move to Tuscany. She does not wear her beliefs, on this one, on her sleeve. That is probably wise as it cannot be long before University lecturers who are found to have voted for Brexit are no platformed and accused of being members of the alt right. But I am not a man to give up easily as you can see below.
1847 days ago
Yes Merry Christmas to you all and to your families however you celeberate it and even if you are a pagan like Darren Atwater orf a sinner like some of those I discuss today: Vast Resources (VAST) and a spoof warrant exercise, my friend Andrew Bell and Red Rock Resources (RRR) who makes himself a hostage to fortune with his careless words, Drew Nelson at IQE (IQE) with an odd management greed RNS and Charles Tatnall whose Fandango Holdings (FHP) serves up the most bonkers and misleading set of results in 2019.
1897 days ago
In today’s podcast I discuss Global Resources Investment Trust (GRIT), Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Funding Circle (FCH). Warning this podcast contains some strong language.
1933 days ago
Just one guest in this week’s show, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) and The Brexit Party. we discuss UK politics, gold, AIM’s woes and Red Rock. Before Bell I look at recent bond flops and the looming liquidity crisis. After Bell I look at share options with reference to Falanx (FLX) where we shareholders have been kicked in the goands. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.
1954 days ago
By convention the speaker of the house of commons, standing as an independent, is returned unopposed by the major parties. But John Bercow is a divisive fellow.
2058 days ago
I know that a lot of folks do not like Red Rock Resources (RRR) boss Andrew Bell and so disregard all fundamentals for his company. Perhaps why these shares are just so stunningly cheap as news from Jupiter Mines makes clear. I do like Bell and do not hide the fact that he is my friend but I would not buy shares in his company just on that basis.
2058 days ago
From the Farnham golf club two and a half miles out the young folks (plus Jonathan Price, minus Steve Moore) were sent ahead to finish as promised at 8.30. Andrew Bell’s knee collapsed and he had to complete the walk by taxi and the old men slogged on.
2154 days ago
My daughter Olaf is on half term and bored so has called twice to discuss the great issues of the day. Being an Islington leftie she reckons that ISIS supporting nutter and her son should be allowed back into the UK. I disagree. In the podcast I also look at Footasylum (FOOT) and the lardbucket loud-mouth wild card when it comes to being short retail, at Yourgene (YGEN), Falanx (FLX), African Battery Metals (ABM) and Red Rock (RRR), Victoria (VCP), Motif Bio (MTBF) and Plexus (POS). To go heckle Zak Mir, drink as much free booze as you can and grill Andrew Bell next Monday book your seat HERE
2222 days ago
For the first time I tasted the oil from the 2018 harvest. It is peppery and just plain fabulous. This stuff is for drinking or eating with bread not for wasting on salads or in frying. The remnants from 2017 will do for that. Joshua and I bought a stack of jars from Dunelm yesterday and today we decanted most of my first, of three, 5 litre cans. As you can see below it is a classic lime green. Perfect in colour as well as taste.
2230 days ago
I have been sitting on this account of the final day of the 2018 olive harvest for some days as I am rather cross. I know the sums involved are trivial but none the less….
2234 days ago
And so to day two of the olive harvest. We merry band of three all have our jobs. As you can see below, Shareprophets reader Bernard really is wearing shorts and a T shirt as, during the day it is hot enough to do so. He trained as an engineer and so, naturally, he is the twerker specialist.
2235 days ago
The olive harvest starts tomorrow and I will be assisted by a Shareprophets reader from Eire and by Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) who is trying to communicate with the natives in his best Ancient Greek. I expliain why today's output from me is limited and then break the latest news from Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer MBE. Then I look at Independent Oil & Gas (IOG), Optibiotix (OPTI), Dignity (DTY) and the scam that is the funeral industry and BCA marketplace (BCA) which may have hoodwinked Andrew Monk but whose interims today are shoking. They could have been written by wretched Theresa May and are alarmingly bad. I also comment on the Project Fear Brexit uber bollocks spouted by the not fit for purpose Bank of England Governor Mark Carney yesterday.
2237 days ago
10 AM Greek Time: We merry band of three are now sitting in the Kourounis taverna in Kambos having a late breakfast but the harvest, is as you can see below, underway. So far two trees have been harvested but we will pick up the pace shortly.
2260 days ago
I have just booked my next flight back to Greece. It was cheaper than a super off peak train ticket to London. By late on 26th November I should be in Kalamata and the next day I shall pick up a car and head up to the Greek Hovel where I sincerely hope all will be ready. For I have a guest, a volunteer to assist myself and George the Albanian with this year’s olive harvest. Step forward a Woodlarks walker, Mr Andrew Bell, chairman of AIM listed Red Rock Resources. I am not sure how skilled Mr Bell is at olive harvesting but we will soon find out.
2288 days ago
You may remember that my coach for my Woodlarks walk was 75 year old Fleet Street legend Brian Basham who himself completed the London marathon last year. My coach was in town yesterday and we met up for lunch. Uh Oh!
2360 days ago
The 33 mile walk from Horse Hill to Woodlarks was actually a bit longer for myself and super-fit Dan Levi, Brokerman Dan. At about fifteen miles Dan and Lucian Miers were striding ahead and myself and Andrew Bell were somewhat lagging. We came to a junction and the sign clearly said head left, downhill. And so we did that. Worrying that we might have made the wrong decision I called Lucian who assured us that it was okay to follow the sign at the gate. He said Dan and he would wait.
2361 days ago
This is the night before at our hotel in Dorking. Andrew Bell had yet to pitch up so this is Brokerman Dan, Lucian Miers, myself and Joshua standing in for Bell. Joshua hit the bottle hard, Lucian followed suit. Myself and Dan kept a clear head as we start walking at 5.30 AM. To help us raise £25,000 or more for a great cause - and if we raise more than £25,000 to ensure Dan walks the last of 33 miles in his underwear, please make a small donation HERE
2378 days ago
This is good news for those, such as Andrew Bell ,who have volunteered to come to Greece as unpaid slave labourers on this year's olive harvest. My babies up at the Greek Hovel are looking good. It must have been the pruning I did a couple of months ago. As you can see below the olives are of a good size already and while the trees are not dripping with fruit, as they would in a great year, most trees have a good amount and some are dripping.
2440 days ago
This session was chaired by our own Chris Bailey and featured Andrew Bell of Red Rock (RRR), Rob Scott of Anglo African Agriculture (AAAP - where we own shares - Ahmet Dik of Victoria Oil & Gas (VOG) and Colin Bird of numerous companies, including Jubilee Metals (JLP) tipped by Andrew Monk this morning.
2440 days ago
This panel was chaired by our own Gary Newman and featured uranium cheerleader Paul Atherley of Berkeley Energia (BKY), coal bug Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) and waste to power enthusiast Keith Allaun of Powerhouse Energy (PHE).
2443 days ago
He is my friend but, I am aware, not universally appreciated. A marmite figure. Welcome to Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR)
2445 days ago
I am sure that some folks wnated to attend this one to pelt my friend Andrew Bell with rotten fruit. They would be pelting wrongly IMHO but that is another matter. Andrew was in plenty of panels but in this Regency Mines (RGM) session it was Scott in charge.
2476 days ago
Tin hat on! Defending my friend Andrew Bell is always a way to get the modern equivalent of hate letters in green ink. But here goes anyway, proof that the guy can do smart deals and that those who say everything he does turns to dust are talking rubbish. Let's just look at some facts.
2674 days ago
On 8th September I penned a long piece explaining why the valuation of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), then 9p, was crackers and anyone owning was a moron. My friend Andrew Bell posted a response saying that his company owned the shares, that he was not a moron and this is why I had it all wrong. In light of news today I repost Mr Bell's comments:
2683 days ago
UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) nutter Michael Boyle wants to trap me and report me to the FCA. What a prize poltroon. Andrew Bell has been selling lots of UK Oil & Gas shares but - with millions still on the book - tries to argue that they are cheap. Hmmm. I have a second maths lesson for my friend Mr Bell following on from this one yesterday. Then it is onto my old friend the offshore based asset stripper Jim Mellon and one of the many dogs in his stable, the related party snakefest that is FastForward (FFWD). Clearly it is placing ahoy as the company has zero cash and grotesque PLC costs but I explain why the shares, at 9.5p, are monstrously overvalued - fair value is sub 5p. Sorry Jim.
2689 days ago
I have reported before on the work of top geologist Dr David K. Smythe. Last time we carried his work of the various Weald basin drill programmes including Horse Hill & Broadford Bridge Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) "played the man" as well as the ball and slammed his analysis. I note Regency has been selling down its position not buying and so judge it by its actions not its words. Now we have a new detailed dossier on Horse Hill.
It states that claims made by UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) have been "fundamentally flawed." Certainly
2753 days ago
The other day Red Rock Resources (RRR) announced a deal to fund the Steelmin smelter in Bosnia which involved some alternative financing from Yorkville. At once the critics of boss Andrew Bell - of whom there are more than a few - screamed "death spiral, dilution, the man hads gone mad." A few critics disagreed, arguing that Bell had always been mad. But perhaps before leaping to conclusions it is worth looking atnthe actual structure of the deal?
3164 days ago
This was meant to be just a fun debate to start the day with a few laughs. Girly swat Chris Bailey took it really seriously but other competitors myself, Malcolm Stacey, Colin Bird, Dominic Frisby were more relaxed. Speaking for gold Andrew Bell was so relaxed he forgot to turn up but Jan Nelson stood in at the last minute. I explain what a balloon debate is in the video. Enjoy.
3166 days ago
Where were all the folks who threatened to heckle Andrew Bell? All mouth no trousers or whatever the phrase is. This is his presentation on behalf of Regency Mines (RGM) from the UK's leading investor event.
3225 days ago
Okay the photo is from tree huggers but WTF is going on at Horse Hill. Men in whote protective suits arriving on the site and wandering around. Doing what exactly? Perhaps you'd like to suggest what the men in white coats are looking for at the Gatwick Gusher? Over to you. David Lenigas, Chris Oil, PR genius Steffi ( who works for both), anyone involved in Sefton, menacing PR hardman David Bick, Andrew Bell, shareholders in US Oil & Gas are all fair game. Do your worst in the comments section below. Deadline midnight Sunday
3231 days ago
I refer you to my bonus podcast earlier for the depression note. I ask you what is the point? back to the markets and I look at another Horse Hill pump and dump, step forward Regency Mines (RGM ) and Andrew Bell. Next to dump Solo (SOLO) then UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) whatever David Lenigas tweets. Then I look at Origo (OPP) and also at Sprue Aegis (SPRP)
3232 days ago
Earlier today I accused the Horse Shite companies led by UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) , run by proven liar Steve Sanderson, of ramping the "Gatwick Gusher" with misleading statements. Mr Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) denies this and has posted a few words in our comments section. I disagree with Mr Bell's spin but in the interests of balance here is Andrew talking his own book, oops I meant offering a considered response.
3232 days ago
I warn you that there is a lot of bad language in this podcast. I start with the balls talked by D&D on Fastjet (FJET). I have put the company on the spot as to what $20 million cash available means and I await a response. It matters big time. Then there is Andrew Bell talking balls on Horse Hill ahead of placings ahoy across the board. Then those who denied placings at Pantheon (PANR) and the posh fuckwits who spin for Scancell (SCLP). Both denied my stories. Both placed today. Folks: you know where to send your ouzo apologies. I discuss those placings and also that of Armadale (ACP) - a pisser as we own those shares. Then I discuss dire results from Glenwick (GWIK), shares in which deserve to halve and which were ramped by the same sort of mothers who ramped CEB/Andalas. The result will be the same. And also a horrid profits warnig from Tandem Group (TND) comes under the spotlight. I also mention my articles today on greedy Junior Doctors ad the BBC's woeful Trump coverage HERE
3314 days ago
Today's final video from Gold & Bears is of a presentation by my friend Andrew Bell for Regecy Mines (RGM). Enjoy.
3319 days ago
And now the man that some readers want me to dedicate my life to attacking. It is not going to happen folks. Here is Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) presenting at Gold & Bears.
3355 days ago
I am still recovering from lunch with Paul Scott yesterday. It was great fun but I have no idea how I made it back to Bristol and now I want to go to bed again. In this podcast I discuss the idea of investing in bad companies at the right time. I look at Rob Terry's antics on Friday at Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Imaginatik (IMTK) and discuss flip flop tipping Red Rock Resources (RRR).
3417 days ago
When the swarm attacks someone on twitter it is an ugly spectacle and the man attacked on two counts on Friday was Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). I publish this podcast knowing it will not win friends but becuase the spectacle was unedifying. I speak in defence of free speech and in defence of Andrew Bell.
3471 days ago
Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). His conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE
3474 days ago
Once again IT issues in Greece delay this podcast. I start by explianing why the reaction of Paul Scott and the craven deadwood press to the new national living wage proposed by George Osborne displays 100% economic illiteracy. It is simply a transfer of wealth from business to the State, the poor will gain nothing. Then onto defending David Lenigas and Andrew Bell from some of the sillier comments made by some folk and to explain why flip flop Ben Turney is again wrong on New World Oil & Gas. hats off to Paul Curtis for the silliest remark of the day as I stck the boot into Gulf Keystone and then also to the prep, pump and dump at Beowulf Mining. And finally I have another go at biotech dog ValiRx.
And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE
3520 days ago
This might be the last video from UK Investor Show 2015 and it is Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) in action.
3543 days ago
Having been the star of the explosive Horse Hill or Horse Shit forum at UK Investor Show (see HERE), Andrew Bell also presented on behalf of Red Rock Resources (RRR) as you can see in the video below.
3548 days ago
Over the weekend Big Dave Lenigas of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and numerous other companies took to twitter with a series of evening tweets threatening to sue some Bulletin Board Moron from the Grim Northern welfare safaris who had questioned Horse Hill. Has Big Dave actually launched proceedings? We know not. But next up is Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) who Lenigas accuses of “being a liar”
3552 days ago
Once again this main stage panel at UK Investor Show 2015 was chaired by scruffbum Ben Turney. On the panel were Amanda Van Dyke, John McGloin of Amara Mining, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources and Richard Poulden of Wishbone Gold.
3556 days ago
This was a last minute special for UK Investor but it contained some pretty explosive stuff. On the panel were Andrew Bell, Derek Musgrove, Andrew Monk of VSA and Ben Turney. All four men have a special unique angle and insight on this project and it is explosive stuff at times. Watchthe video and enjoy.
3782 days ago
Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Regency Mines (RGM) like me started his life as an oil analyst. Bell is a Scot living in England and, I sense, supports the Union. As an English taxpayer I cannot pray hard enough for the welfare addicted Money Tree worshipping Greece of the North to vote for independence as I explain HERE. But Bell adds to the debate in a very well argued video showing how SNP assumptions about Scottish oil revenues are quite simply sheer fantasy.
3807 days ago
Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) is clearly a bit of an AIM Marmite figue. Are his critics right? Since this video Regency has got itself involved in Horse Hill where we might just see spudding next week. Anyhow listen to Bell speaking at the UK Investor Show and judge for yourself
3816 days ago
Along with David Lenigas, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) is one of the true marmite characters of AIM. In a sector that has been a nightmare for three years Red Rock has survived but is he delivering for shareholders? And can he deliver more? Watch this video from UK Investor Show and decide for yourself.
3913 days ago
It is now a day less than a year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 31 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015! And there are 27 more names to reveal as the show moves up into superdrive
Our new speakers are Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra and Matt Suttcliffe of Alaxander Mining and they join on stage Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..
NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Cassandra Harris and BrokerMan Daniel
Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!
3927 days ago
It is still just over a year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 21 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015!
They are: Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..
NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Dominic Picarda and BrokerMan Daniel
Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!
And there will also be 110 stands for PLCs to exhibit and present from. Already we are almost 20% booked out and we will start announcing those exhibiting very soon.
There are two classes of tickets:
A Golden Ticket guarantees you a front three row seat in any of the days 110 sessions plus a pass to the after show party with CEOs, speakers and journalists. It costs £60 (inc VAT)
An Investor class ticket gains access to any session at the show and costs £12 including VAT.
BUT you can buy either type of ticket with a 50% early bird discount if you book NOW. You can buy your early bird tickets HERE
4362 days ago
Andrew Bell and his Red Rock Resources (LSE:RRR) mining investment company have admirers and detractors. We all do. I met up with him last week to discuss various points about Red Rock. I covered both operational matters and also allegations put to me in email and on posted on Bulletin Boards. To date the company has not responded with its side of the story but Bell has gone on the record in this webcast to deal with the allegations made and the motivation of some of his critics. This is pretty explosive stuff.
As to Red Rock’s shares and are they cheap? It strikes me that Jupiter Mines in Oz is a pretty cheap stock and plausibly Red Rick could soon trade at a discount to the value of its Jupiter shares. If Greenland is sold and Colombia is – as Bell indicates in the interview – cash generative then Red Rock would have trading appeal. I realise there are three IFs in there but I think you can see how a bull case could be made.
On the Agenda
1. Jupiter
2. Colombia
3. Greenland
4. Kenya
5. Allegations made against Red Rock & Bell by Mr Gary Carp and associates.