1195 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 No 136 – inviting your nearest and dearest to your own funeral

Under this country’s bonkers covid laws you are now allowed only 30 folks at a funeral plus the corpse even if that corpse is the husband of the Queen. It was the same rule for Phil the Greek as it was for my late father.


1199 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 – No 132 Cheese

I sort of remember that cheese was first exposed as being racist back in 2020 along with sacking sacking a librarian for burning library books, women’s hockey, fancying Priti Patel or Rishi Sunak, coffee, sand, pants, fried chicken, not dating a person of colour, dating a person of colour and so much else besides. But in case the evils of cheese have not yet been exposed, they have been now. I guess this mixed race household must start emptying the fridge at once.  Naturally it is from gender fluid crazy town, aka Brighton in Sussex, that this revelation comes.


1226 days ago

So now my mixed race son here in Wales will now get white folks teaching him about his oppression, as a person of colour, every day of the week

What could be better and bring more joy to this rain-sodden, post industrial nation? In Wales, 5.5% of the population is BAME among them my wife and two kids one of whom starts school in September. In our district, Wrexham, the BAME number is 2.6% according to the Welsh Government which has today announced exciting new changes to the school curriculum.


1269 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021: fighting climate change

It joins a long list including: bras, knickers, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour, drinking coffee and, as of yesterday, paying tribute to the late Captain Tom Moore.


1269 days ago

No Vicar Don’t apologise – you are the sort of reason the Church of England is such a mess

Yesterday I revealed how joining the ever longer list of things that became racist in 2021 was celebrating the life and mourning the passing of Tom Moore. Who said so? A Church of England Vicar.


1284 days ago

A blast from the past emerges from a packing case to delight the Mrs

We have now lived at the Welsh Hovel for almost 21 months and as we renovate it, still there are packing boxes either unopened or only partly opened all over the shop. Some of those boxes include items I had kept in storage since 2012 and had quite forgotten that I ever owned.


1306 days ago

That interview by BBC head of diversity June Sarpong and why it's such good news

Now that we are out of the EU for good, surely the next great national campaign has to be to #DefundtheBBC. It really is a most nauseating institution. The clear liberal left bias of its news coverage, the woke and unfunny comedy and the smug air of superiority makes it almost unbearable. As it attracts ever fewer viewers and listeners, it ups the bloated pay of its staff, never questioning why folks are deserting it but instead doubling down on the sort of activities which arouse so much anger.


1329 days ago

“We hate Millwall, we hate Millwall, we are Millwall haters” but today I am not, well not completely

I support West Ham with a bit of a passion, albeit from the wilds of North Wales. I bring my kids up to support West Ham, something which many folks would consider a reason to report me to social services given the misery such support often brings. So my second team is, obviously, anyone playing Millwall. The tribal feelings are strong when it comes to our friends from South of the river in East London. I really want them to lose every game if only to ensure that we never have to play them again, given what has happened in previous games: pitch invasions, fighting and even stabbings. I was there the last time Millwall visited Upton Park and it was truly awful. Thankfully, only one person died. But you get the gist – I do not like Millwall football club or its fans. But not today. Well not completely.


1351 days ago

Equality Week at Hertford College Oxford – celebrating how the daughter and granddaughter of Lords has made it big

My old college is celebrating “Equalities Week” with a panel of BAME high achievers and a panel of four female graduates who have made it big.  The event is a demonstration of how the woke elites view equality and why they are so out of touch with the grim reality of life for those who really could do with a dose of equality, that is to say the poor.


1496 days ago

The BBC chucks £100m of your cash at BLM driven diversity content today but does the data justify it?

We all have to respond to BlackLivesMatter and it is so much easier when you get to do so by spending £100 million of other folks’ cash as the BBC has announced today. The funding will come from the corporation’s existing commissioning budget over three years. It will also be supported by a new mandatory 20% diverse-talent target in all new network commissions from April 2021. It sounds great but I doubt anyone in the media world will look underneath the bonnet at data already out there.


1562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What Connects Peter Hitchens, Dom Frisby, Evelyn Waugh and that other great literary giant Roger Lawson?

The answer is in this podcast which starts with two service announcements. I have today also posted a new Coronavirus podcast, the 6th in a series, looking at the data on BAME victims on my own website HERE. In the bearcast i take a detailed look at Collagen (COS) and at Premier Miton (PMI). 


1563 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 6 - BAME folk are suffering far more than whites, the conspiracy theories and the data

Not only in the wider population, but also among NHS staff, it is clear that BAME folks are dying in far greater numbers, relative to the population as a whole, than they should. Yesterday I debunked the nation that NHS staff were dropping like flies (they are not) in a way that is beyond doubt connected to their employment. Today I tackle this issue which is likely to be even more controversial.
