2101 days ago
Recorded in the sauna that is my car, this bearcast comes in two parts. First are we as investors hyet discounting the political risk that comes not from Brexit but from Corbyn and a coalition of chaos with the SNP for I do think that is the probable next Government. Secondly, confessions of a non estate agent, yes Purplebricks (PURP) again. Now how about the 75% of bearcast listeners yet to donate to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks chip in and take us over the half way mark today? You can do so HERE
2329 days ago
First things first. If you want free booze, canapes, a chance to see me rip Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin and to hear presentations from and quiz Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) then book a seat for 16 October in central London HERE. In the podcast I look at the madness of Corbyn once more in relation to the Natural rate of Unemployment in a non broken economy. I add to my earlier comments on troughery at Frontera (FRR) HERE by showing it is bankrupt. I cover Concepta (CPT), Fishing Republic (FISH), the Widecells (WDC) scandal and Wolf Minerals (WLFE).
2410 days ago
A Survation poll taken on Saturday shows the Tories falling fast to 38% and Labour rising to 40%. And the Brexit betrayal backlash is only just beginning. For starters, Mrs May’s henchmen have so far managed to gag most Tory MPs with threats while they spin the line that her betrayal is a good deal for Britain and is essentially what we 17.4 million voted for. That gag and that lie won’t hold for long. And secondly many of us were too bothered about the World Cup and associated drinking to take on board the full scale of the treachery, of the red lines and ,manifesto pledges abandoned. Only now is that sinking in.
2412 days ago
For many of us Brexit was the defining issue of the past few years. Finally we got a referendum, we were promised that the result would be implemented and we won. Slowly the political class backtracked and now today, Theresa May, will set down a watered down proposal which is a sell out. Mrs May is a Quisling. Gone are her “red lines”. Gone is the ability to cut our own trades deals so to get cheaper tariff free food for the poor and working classes. We will have to accept laws and restrictions imposed by a bloc to which we hand over a vast cheque but have no say over, the Evil Empire. This is the worst of all worlds. This is the bad deal that is worse than no deal. Mrs May has betrayed us.
2598 days ago
In this podcast I look at the threat to free speech & how it does hit financial markets as well as the wider world. I look at the end of the ZIRP and silly money era and how to play it, Unicorn hunting. I look at the advent of a selective bear market, at the unwind of the Consumer debt-fest and how to play that, I look at gold which will, I think shine, in 2018 and how you should play that. And finally I touch on the real threat to your wealth and how to prepare for a Corbyn government.
2690 days ago
It is now quite clear that prices of houses in the better parts of London have fallen sharply and that the "Chelsea ripple" has already started to spread. Here in a less fashionable part of Bristol prices are off by 5-10%. The ripples are spreading. That is great news for young folks wanting to get onto the housing ladder. So what will Theresa May announce tomorrow? Madness. That is what.
2803 days ago
It has started already. The DUP, from God's chosen land of Ulster, will back the Tories and we might just have stable Government for a while. The liberal media elite who are reporting Jeremy Corbyn's "victory speech ( hint Labour lost) is enraged. The knives are out for the DUP for they stand for everything that London millionaires despise.
2811 days ago
I suggested to the Mrs, a Guardian reading sociology lecturing paid up member of the Labour party, that she should start looking at Irish websites to see where we will flee in the event of a Labour victory on June 8th. She seems unconvinced. Worse still, our household is a democracy and eight month old Joshua will get the casting vote.
2853 days ago
In the US election I flagged up the phenomenon of the "shy" Trump supporter. I reckoned that 3-4% of voters were prepared to back Donald but would not fess up to pollsters and that is why I predicted the Donald would win the swing states just as the corrupt liberal media and pollsters assured us that crooked Hillary would win. So are there shy Le Pen voters in France? You bet there are.
3105 days ago
As a loyal member of the Labour Party since last summer I once again get to choose who will lead our great party over the precipice. Ooops. I meant to even greater electoral success. Whatever...last night I got a call from "Freddie" on behalf of Owen Smith MP, the man who is challenging the great leader, Comrade Corbyn on behalf of the Blairite traitors.
3116 days ago
Every day I receive at least one text message or email from either Comrade Corbyn or Comrade Smith as they each seek my support to become the man to take Labour over an electoral precipice. For as each day goes on they make promises that are more and more insane.
3118 days ago
Being a member of the Labour Party is so much fun. Seriously it is the cheapest form of entertainment going. Okay, when I say entertainment, it is rather like having front row seats at an illegal dog fight where both contestants emerge bloodied and unfit for anything but, now that fox hunting is illegal, if you like blood sports join the Labour Party.
One of the joys are the almost daily emails from all levels of the party and from the competing factions. Each sender competes with his or her rivals or superiors and inferiors in the party hierarchy to be the most sanctimonious and pious on issues that no-one on this planet cares about, with an occasional undertone of sheer nastiness sometimes about the Tories but usually about fellow Comrades.
The other joy is, of course,
3122 days ago
I was told that someone called Mr Smith, who no-one had heard of until a couple of weeks ago but now wants to lead the Labour party, was being interviewed on Newsnight and so tuned in. I sat in amazement wandering for a couple of minutes what a drab little man who looked like an accountant from a small provincial town was doing there. Even for an accountant he was terribly dull and as he droned on about double entry book-keeping and how he was generating new business for the practice at the rotary club I fell asleep. I woke up to find that the tedious little man was still droning on and was in fact Owen Smith MP.
3129 days ago
The NEC of the People's Party has changed its rules on who can vote in the forthcoming leadership election in a last stab at stopping Comrade Corbyn from winning the contest. But it is not too late to foil the wicked Blairite anti-democrats and to do your bit for Labour and for the Country. It is simple and costs £25. Actually it does not, you can do your bit for Jezza for far less. But act fast.
The polls suggest that in a contest between Comrade Corbyn and either of his two rivals, the backers of illegal wars in Iraq and many other Blairite causes Mr Smith (who is he?) and Comrade Eagle it would be close.
It seems that Comrade Eagle would be even more of an electoral liability than Comrade Corbyn and so many of us are torn. However Mr Smith might just be less of a liability and thus it is the duty of all good patriots to stand firm behind Comrade Corbyn to ensure that he can lead Labour forward to complete oblivion.
It costs £25 to join Labour buit only a fool would pay the full whack. Here is how to get in on the cheap to back Jezza.
3150 days ago
Suddenly Comrade Corbyn's Labour party is in with a slim chance for it appears that Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is pitching to be the next Tory leader. Short of appointing Roy Hodgson it is hard to see how the Cons could think of a bigger death wish candidate.
3152 days ago
Kerry McCarthy has just become the seventh member of the shadow cabinet to quit in a palace coup designed to oust our democratically elected leader comrade Corbyn. Kerry is my local MP and so as a loyal member of the people's party, since last summer, I am mortified.
3249 days ago
Amid all the hoo-hah about the resignation of Iain ain Duncan Smith it is easy to forget that one reason that the Tories are happy to fight each other is that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party appears determined to make itself utterly unelectable. My local MP, ardent vegan Kerry McCarthy, is now the shadow minister in charge of farming and thinks that meat eaters should be treated like smokers, as pariahs. But if you thought she was barking mad meet Christine Shawcroft.
3432 days ago
The pre-election purge of Comrades who might actually believe in Socialism is over and thus I now feel able to admit to greatly liking the works of Billy Bragg without fear of expulsion from the Labour Party. As I drove to and from London yesterday Bragg was my constant companion and there was a particular pleasure in blasting out and singing along to "Between the Wars" as I passed the former Labour HQ under Comrade War Criminal Blair on Millbank and the Houses of Parliament. Listen to the words and remember that this classic was written is 1985.
Today many on the left talk of austerity but here Bragg uses the word three decades before most Comrades regarded it as fashionable. The Bard of Barking