Emmanuel Goldstein

94 days ago

The Welsh just like being spanked by Nanny State at 20 mph – reports from the last village in Wales

There was a recent survey showing that those, like myself, living in the rain sodden post industrial second world nation of Wales were among the most depressed in the world and one of the reasons cited was the rollout of 20 MPH speed limits. They are absolutely everywhere. The overpaid political midgets in the Senedd left it to the discretion of local councils as to where to apply the new limits and the power-hungry non-entities who run local councils across this once fine land could not wait to impose the limits everywhere they could.


946 days ago

Merry Christmas to all my readers from myself, the Mrs and the kids here at the Welsh Hovel

The Mrs has managed to get the lights working, the tree is topped with Olaf’s angel from 17 years ago, the in-laws have arrived and we’ve had our first covid scare.What more could one want for Christmas?  To all readers of this, my personal website, even those neighbours here in the last village in Wales, who tried to snitch to the Council on the new English folks in the village or who berated me as Emmanuel Goldstein in a two minute hate, myself and my family wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope that we can all enjoy a less miserable, end of Mark Drakeford, 2022.


1068 days ago

Once again I am the dastardly villain, the Emmanuel Goldstein of the village facebook group in Holt, Wales

I am back in the last village in Wales, Holt, and it seems as if the village Facebook page has again identified me as Emmanuel Goldstein and a two minute hate, which will last a lot longer than two minutes, is now underway.  This time my “crime” is not to make a “modest proposal” to the local face nappy jihadists, it is far worse. I appear to have made a young woman cry.


1082 days ago

As Record A level Grades are announced in Airstrip One the Ministry of Truth reminds us that there is no grade inflation

The chart below is, the Ministry of Truth reminds us, testimony to the hard work of teachers and students alike. Suggestions that we have seen massive grade inflation since results were driven not by kids actually sitting exams but by teacher assessment are vicious lies spread by Emmanuel Goldstein. Thanks to Big Brother more and more of our young people will win more and more prizes for educational excellence.


1098 days ago

The mask jihadis of Holt insist that I hate this entire village near Wrexham – I am their Emmanuel Goldstein

I should stress that there are few out and out loons in the village of Holt in which I live when not here in Greece. But, as there are in every village in England and Wales, there are some and the covid scandemic has allowed such souls to flourish showing virtue as they boast of wearing masks in the bath and tut tutting at anyone who dares question the cult. As I did yesterday with my “modest proposal.”


1338 days ago

Disgraced Guardian star writer Carole Cadwalladr blames the Russians for her exposure and wants more suckers to give her cash

On Wednesday night, shortly before facing heroic Arron Banks in the High Court, fantasist journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted she had no facts to justify her Orwell award winning fantasies that Bankski’s Russian pals did sordid business deals with him and then funded the Brexit campaign. But if you are a Guardian reading fantasist Carole still wants your money and so continues the charade
