Graham Norton

1497 days ago

The BBC so misjudges the nations' mood as it's pay rises all round (for the ladies) – #DefundtheBBC

The news on jobs was bad on September 15 2020. Since the start of the Government’s fascistic reaction to Covid, 700,000 folks had disappeared from company payrolls. More, who are self employed, are now without work. As Furlough draws to a close, we all know that hundreds of thousands of other workers will be handed a P45. Meanwhile, wage rates in most industries seem to be falling as companies look to cut costs wherever they can as they battle to survive. But on this grim day, there was evidence that some are more equal than others.


1511 days ago

The False Lesbianisation of our history is just getting boring: from Queen Anne to Mary Anning

My friend and journalistic hero Kelvin Mackenzie once said something along the lines of “you sell newspapers by putting lesbians on the front page.” I asked him today if this was a true quote and he said that he could not remember but it is the sort of thing he would have said on his glory days on the Currant Bun. But perhaps you can have too much of a good thing, especially when the lesbians you are outing are a) dead and b) not lesbians.


2555 days ago

Video: the rampers meneage a trois made in heaven: David Lenigas, the LSE Asylum and UK Oil & Gas

 UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) may be out of cash and needing to raise £10 million PDQ. It has tried the old French bid ruse but was exposed, it has tried billions of barrels claims but been exposed so how to ramp the shares. Okay Big Dave may have sold many of  his UKOG shares into the last6 ramp but let's not discuss that, the cash crisis, the refusal to admit flow rates or go for any hard analysis. It is time to wheel out Big Dave for an uber soft interview c/o the LSE Asylum with a man who makes Graham Norton on Crooked Hillary Clinton seem like Frost on Nixon The shares are up by 2% on this ramp, a chance to sell some more at 4.45p


2663 days ago

As we all "celebrate" Gay Pride this weekend a look back to Ambridge 2002, a small landmark in the dismal decline of the BBC

The BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media are telling us that this weekend is when we are "celebrate" pride. There is a massive event in London and a march has just set off here in Bristol. I am sure there are events across the land. 


2767 days ago

Graham Norton & Jonathan Ross discuss masturbating on an aeroplane for Comic Relief

Give us your money urged all the celebs and not so celebs on Comic Relief in an orgy of C list virtue signalling on the channel dedicated to such enterprises, the BBC. The celebs themselves donate their time which is, as you know valuable. Why is it valuable? Because the State funded broadcaster pays celebs vast salaries with taxpayers cash extorted via a poll tax, so distorting market forces and creating a false sense of "worth" all round.

So very rich folks donate their "valuable time" and get to show how utterly heroic and virtuous they all are and in return poor folks - that is you and I - are asked to hand over our dosh. Lots of us do and this shows what total heroes the celebs are. But other than the underlying rank con, there is another bit of a problem with Comic Relief which one day will sink is not very funny.


2770 days ago

Did Joshua just say his first word? Can you guess what it was or was not?

Those of us who are hip trendsetters and thus watch Midsomer Murders (think Graham Norton, Mr & Mrs Adam Reynolds and myself) will remember the battle that the second Inspector Barnaby has with his Mrs as to what will be the first word that their baby says. "Mummy" she repeats often as she states at her daughter."Daddy" says the Inspector again and again. Natch, her first word is Dog, for we all know that - until his retirement - the star of the show was Sykes.


2801 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: lefty millionaire media tosser Paul Mason on Greece - you have it 100% wrong you despicable elitist POS

Yikes! I thought I was safe with Greek TV from the likes of Lineker & Graham Norton but then up popped commie media tart Paul Mason lecturing the poor bubbles on why the EU and the Euro was the only way forward. Mason is an asset millionaire. My neighbours here in Greece are starving, unemployed, emigrating and angry. Mason just has no idea and worse still he talks rot. Greece does have a choice and I urge it to take it.


2824 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The Bias of the BBC and pampering of its airhead stars demands not closure but privitization

The tweet below from Nick Robinson should annoy you. The antics of silly Laura Kuenssberg in Washington yesterday should appall you. The wages of Gary Lineker, Graham Norton and Fiona Bruce are nauseating and via the license fee poll tax we, the great unwashed, are paying to make these multi millionaires even richer as they treat our views with scorn and contempt. The fake news pumped out by Emily Maitlis on Donald Trump was a disgrace while her open disdain for his poorer less educated supporters was shocking and failed to give British viewers a balanced impression of what was going on. The Brexit coverage of the BBC was and is shamefully partisan. The only answer is the privitization of the BBC as I explain in this podcast


2899 days ago

Sir Patrick Stewart on Donald Trump - the luvvie who cried wolf

Like most millionaire luvvies Sir Patrick Stewart, as the sanctimonious old bastard likes to be known, is a diehard liberal, embracing every lost cause and muddle headed daft idea with an enthusiasm that only someone who can afford to pay lots of tax can muster. And thus it is no shock that he was cheering for Crooked Hillary in the US election right up to the moment that the smelly little people voted the other way. Now, like all the other celebs he thinks we care about what he says about the result: "Donald Trump is probably one of the very worst things to happen to our World in the last 100 years." Er hang on...


2937 days ago

The Mrs has switched channels to watch Graham Norton - surely this is grounds for divorce?

I managed to tolerate her reading inane women's magazines but this really is a step too far. There was I, having done the weekly shop and cooked a full supper after a hard day's work , happily watching Newsnight. The BBC's finest metropolitan liberals had just explained to me how Brexit had ruined the economy anf how Russia was trying to help Donald Trump win the election by cheating, when the Mrs switched channel to the Graham Norton Show.


3026 days ago

Can we emigrate if Andrea Leadsom becomes PM? I ask the Mrs politely

Before every big election there are always a few luvvies who threaten to emigrate if the reactionary forces of nationalism and eveil capitalism (which have made them so stinking rich) are seen to triumph. That is to say we the plebs are told vote Labour/Remain or the luvvies are off. Paul O'Grady, aka drag Queen Lily Savage. notably said he'd flee the UK and his luxury London apartment and Kent farmhouse if the wicked Tories won in 2015.

O'Grady has, of course, refused to leave. What is his problem? 


3888 days ago

Who Should Present Match of the Day? The BBC thinks hosts re “too white & male”

BBC Director of Television Danny Cohen thanks that Match of the day needs to change. Hanson, Lineker, Shearer et al might know about soccer, be pretty entertaining and have a good on screen rapport but they are all white men. That is clearly no good at all. It is not representative, blah, blah, blah.

So who should host MOTD? Naturally I nominate Hazel Irvine (for whom I have such a soft spot that I even watched a few minutes of the watching paint dry Winter Olympics) who has an encyclopaedic knowledge of soccer. Garth Crooks is excellent. And why not bring in Graham Norton for true diversity and since he appears to be camped out at the BBC so he can appear almost 24 hours a day on our screens.

I am sure Norton would do it. Irvine and Crooks, however, strike me as decent folk who would argue that the current team is excellent (if overpaid) and that merit should out. Neither has risen through the ranks through affirmative action but through natural talent. The BBC once stood for excellence. What is so bad about that?


4130 days ago

Channel 4 supporting Ramadan – who cares? But Can’t we get Graham Norton involved?

Some folk seem upset about Channel 4 running a Daily call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan which starts next week. C4 is a private company and can do what it wants.  It has indeed been a pioneer in trying to support those perceived as oppressed minorities and in many cases its work has been laudable, although I think that giving the Jew hating Islamofascist nutjob who runs Iran a Christmas slot opposite the Queen was perhaps a step too far.

But as I say it is a private company it can broadcast what it wants. Since I cannot remember the last time I watched anything it aired anyway, I cannot say that I would be the right person to boycott it in protest. That is if I cared. Which I do not.

But always keen to be helpful it strikes me that this is an ideal opportunity to perhaps foster greater understanding between oppressed minority groups and so drive forward the struggle for a more tolerant and understanding society.

There are some folk out there who have suggested that some elements of the Islamic community are not terribly supportive of the gay rights movement and the campaing for homosexual equality. Notwithstanding pictures of gay men swinging from cranes in Iran, Egypt and Gaza and the wave of gay bashing seen in parts of East London in the name of Islam, I am sure that this is all a big misunderstanding.

And as such, to drive this point home, following his outstanding work in covering the Eurovision Song Contest might I suggest that C4 recruits Mr Graham Norton to lead the call to prayer each day? If he is unavailable Mr Dale Winton used to be a very sympathetic host of Supermarket Sweep and perhaps he is a man to get the backing of the wider Moslem community.

Tolerance, brotherly love, etc…bring it on.
