North Carolina

104 days ago

Preparing for election night at the Welsh Hovel, I’ll be stewing some apples

The Mrs. threatened to take the kids away for a night at her parents as she said she could not bear hearing me scream at the TV. That would be a scream of delight if there was good news for Donald Trump or a scream of anger at the appallingly biased coverage we will get on all UK channels.. Just last night Newsnight had me enraged.


111 days ago

Tom Winnifrith US Election podcast: big news in North Carolina and Minnesota

The news from these 2 states is big and suggests an accelerating direction of travel. The polls are ever more remarkable. Suggesting your opponent is Hitler and his supporters are all fascists is backfiring. This podcast includes an interesting long odds bet


3023 days ago

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton - the Polls are still Rigged for the Dems ...but

As we go into election day some polls show Trump in the lead but most show Crooked Hillary winning. Even allowing for the admitted margins of error some pollsters have got it badly wrong. But the average poll shows Hillary 3.3% ahead and I am sure that FBI-gate will have given her a small bump since those polls were in the field. But that does not mean she wins for two reasons of which rigged polls remains a real factor. Lets look at the latest ABC/WashPo poll showing her +4 in a four way. It is just wrong. Demonstrably wrong.


3028 days ago

The North Carolina poll that tells you Trump is winning massively - this is HUGE for The Donald

North Carolina was an uber marginal win for the Republicans in 2012 and for the Dems in 2008. It is a must win state for Trump and last night the Clinton propagandists at BBC Newsnight were still calling it for Clinton. This is despite a new poll out which showed Trump smashing it out of the park. This is massive at a State but also a National level.


3037 days ago

Trump ahead by just 3% in Texas screams CBS another rigged poll - but the shy Trumpster effect shows up clearly

The liberal media elitists are today creaming themselves over a CBS poll showing Trump just 3% ahead in Texas - Britain's Daily Mail says the historically solidly red State is in play. Natch the poll is utterly rigged but it also gives a fascinating insight into how big is the "shy Trumpster" vote. Indeed for the first time we can start to quanitify it and the implications are massive.


3070 days ago

The default liberal fascism & double standard of twitter: Glen Reynolds suspended

Twitter is run by liberal left fascists who apply a double standard to free speech. You can say what you want as long as you don't say anything which might upset your average Guardian reader, fuckwit millennial from hipster central in Brooklyn or Shoreditch or the Reverend Jesse Jackson.


3071 days ago

Is Hillary Clinton going to come clean on her health issues? Key rally dropout

Yesterday Crooked Hillary Clinton was set to do a fund raising event in North Carolina. That is a swing state which she really must win if she is going to win the Presidency and right now the local polls show Trump in the lead and surging and the wicked witch sinking. And so you would have thought that the last thing that Mrs Clinton would do is pull out of such an event at the last minute.

But she did. She did not look that well


3758 days ago

Well Done America – a good kicking for Obama, the vile Clinton family and the Democrats

The front page of the Telegraph’s coverage of the US midterms has the vile Clinton woman hugging the harridan Democrat incumbent in North Carolina. The democrat harridan lost her Senate Seat. Back in Bill Clinton’s home state the lecherous old dirtbag himself turned out nine times in support of the incumbent Democrat senator. He lost too. President hopey change is now so toxic that he was barely seen on the stump at all with many Democrats refusing to use his name and one high profile Senate challenger refusing to say if she had even voted for the man she refused to name. It did not save her. She lost too.

The GOP now runs both the Senate and the House. President Obama is a widely loathed lame duck President and all those associated with him, including the loathsome Clintons are equally tarnished. What a great day for America.

Six years ago President Obama promised so much and was promptly given the Nobel Peace prize. Six years later
