308 days ago
The BBC’s Panorama programme last night exposed Boohoo (BOO) yet again. This time it was for sticking labels saying “Made in the UK” on tatty clothes aimed at teenage morons which were actually made in Pakistan. You might think this a minor transgression although Trading standards folks will be having a word, but it is symptomatic of the rot at the heart of Boohoo in two ways.
374 days ago
Last week the Daily Telegraph reported that investors were suing Boohoo (BOO) over the allegations of modern-day slavery. Today another bombshell lands c/o the BBC’s Panorama team who planted an undercover reporter, Emma Lowther, with the company.
1299 days ago
Well cripes! Blow me down with a feather, I am less trustworthy than John Terry ( the ex footballer) and Catholic priests. So say 43% of the 49 morons responding to this poll. Hmmmm, commended multiple times by the regulators for exposing fraud flagged up by Panorama for the same. But I guess I should ignore all of that and take on board these peasants tapping away their anonymous bile from the spare room at the Council House. Whatever… When you attract this sort of moronic attack and trolling from such obvious non-entities you know you are doing something right.
1342 days ago
Update August 24 2021: I have now been painted as a villain for writing the article below, demonised on my village facebook group. Demonised most unjustly, I should say. That mob attempt to silence someone just telling the truth is written up here.
The most famous person in these parts, apart from my cat who starred on Panorama’s Neil Woodford special and has been receiving fan mail ever since, is Eleanor Farr, aka Miss North West Charity girl. And she wants us all to give money to help her plant trees. Her green shite maths is off this planet.
1457 days ago
I do not hide my view of badgers. If you are reading this in some big city, you probably think of them as loveable fury little creatures just like Foxy Woxy. I view them as aggressive vermin just like Foxy Woxy. Badgers eat hedgehogs, animals I rather like. They dig up the graveyard at the end of my fields where one day I shall be buried. They are not after the bodies, just the worms, and that also sees them digging up my lawn and those of all my neighbours. They have a go at my strawberry patch which is adjacent to their sett here at the Welsh Hovel. I loathe badgers.
1460 days ago
The BBC’s Panorama recognised which journalist exposed the disgraced fund manager Neil Woodford from 2015 onwards with more than 1000 articles, podcasts and videos. When I confronted Woodford at his AGM in May 2019, he signalled me out as the journalist who had been most “wrong” about him. Within 3 weeks his funds had been gated – as I predicted. Woodford made £40 million from the venture, tens of thousands of ordinary savers lost billions. I had been right while Fleet Street blew Woodford off almost to the end. The FCA is now looking into Woodford but 20 months later the disgraced fund manager is plotting a comeback. How do we know? The Sunday Telegraph had the scoop. This is corrupt journalism that shames our profession.
1508 days ago
Heck, Sian starred on Panorama so I know my two scouser rescue cats have a big fan club. So one last treat for the fans, following my Life Imitates art series this Christmas. The Mrs bought another duck for our second Christmas which will be shared with the younger generation today.
1937 days ago
There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me and I start with the 4 massive misses in this week’s Panorama on Neil Woodford. Then, bracing myself for massive trolling, I explain to shareholders in Bidstack (BIDS) how broker research actually works and why they should sell all their shares NOW! If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.
1939 days ago
As you can see below, Joshua watched Panorama on Neil Woodford avidly. He liked seeing me but had a major gripe. I reflect on the show. I look at the bonkers boss of you cannot be Sirius Minerals (SXX) and at his company and then on to the latest “news” on Horse Hill from UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and, yes, Britain’s most talented chanteuse is relevant.
1942 days ago
I see that Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is today praising the FT’s coverage of Neil Woodford. How sad and predictable that the establishment engages in mutual masturbation rathing than seeking the truth. The FT is the paper that publisshed a blow job interview with Woodford as recently as April 2019. Of course Roger is not mentioning our work in his little read blog posts or praising the folks who called this one out with more than 1000 articles and podcasts since 2015. But I hope that the BBC does recognise who was Woodford’s nemesis on Monday. In case it has forgotten here are our 50 most read articles on the ex fund manager
1943 days ago
i bet Watchstone (WTG) directors chant “can we play you every week?” when they meet the poltroons who run Aussie listed Slater & Gordon (SGH). I discuss the latest news and where it leaves both companies. Then I look at Purplebricks (PURP), Amur (AMC), you cannot be Sirius Minerals (SXX) and finally Big Dish (DISH). I start with a generous offer to you all! And PS. Make sure you watch Panorama tonight.
1943 days ago
In today’s podcast I come clean on tomorrow’s Panorama on Neil Woodford and then look at today’s dishonest and disgusting coverage of Neil Woodford in the Sunday Telegraph, Mail on Sunday and, worst of all, The Sunday Times.
3132 days ago
Last month I wrote on Shareprophets about how British and Irish investors have been ripped off by numerous dodgy property developers in the unregulated backwater country Cape Verde. These victims had received very little publicity up until now but BBC's Panorama last week featured a pension scam by one of the major Cape Verde developers – The Resort Group.