508 days ago
Call me somewhat old fashioned if you wish, but I am not a great fan of folks who fought in Nazi Regiments in World War Two. My Great Uncle died fighting against such chaps and three of the most important people in my life are Jewish who have very few relatives left in Europe because of what those Nazi fellows got up to. But, as I say, maybe I am just old fashioned. As the excerpt below shows a 98 year old man hot a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament yesterday with President Zelensky also applauding. The President got 10 standing ovations as he addressed the fawning MPs.
748 days ago
Its 2023 so everything has to be a political statement about what is happening now, even when it is remembering events of 78 years ago, the liberation of Auschwitz. And so, on Holocaust Remembrance day we all look back and remember.
815 days ago
Of course, Ukraine did not deliberately attack Poland. But last night two missiles landed a few miles away from the border with Ukraine killing two. Immediately, President Zelensky blamed Russia and urged NATO to stand by a member state and retaliate, to invoke clause 5. To start World War Three. The Daily Mail was still trying to blame the Russians and talking up WW3 this morning. It drank the war whisky without hesitation. But, thankfully, saner minds and the truth prevailed.
816 days ago
Yesterday I made the mistake of pointing out that when Ukraine’s President and his fellow leaders of the second most corrupt country in Europe (after Russia) said that a Russian missile had hit Poland, killing two Poles, and that NATO must collectively respond, this was a lie. Not just any old lie but a lie that could have lead to World War Three so a rather dangerous one. Naturally, on twitter and elsewhere, folks responded by saying that I must be a Putin apologist, supporting Russia’s invasion and it shooting down an airliner in 2014. Of course, I am not an apologist and I do not support either, wholly unwarranted, military action. But that sort of smear is what happens when you write facts exposing folks who are lying in 2022. It is what always happens when you are not part of the GroupThink. The wretched Daily Telegraph, one upon a time a half decent newspaper, is now part of the GroupThink…
1268 days ago
I follow the account @AuschwitzMuseum on twitter. Each day, in fact several times a day, it sends out the bare details of someone sent to Auschwitz, usually accompanied by a photo. When they arrived and what was their fate. Say what you like about the Germans, they were damn good at record keeping so in most cases we do know the exact fate. Each day you see the smiling faces of little boys and girls in happier times. Most of those were sent straight to the gas chambers. It is an upsetting twitter account to folow but an unpleasant reminder that one’s daily upsets are really trivial, they mean nothing at all. Today’s tweet is below.
1648 days ago
We all know that if you are seeking asylum then you must do so in the first safe territory you come to. When I seek sanctuary in the land of the free, I shall thus fly direct to Moscow to kiss the hand of President Putin.
1845 days ago
I wonder if, in places like bourgeois East Oxford where at least one house in every street flies a Palestinian flag all year round, how many candles are burning this Holocaust Memorial Day. I suspect rather more will be burning on Friday as the chattering classes mourn our exit from the European Superstate founded a few years after the last failed attempt at European unification.
2940 days ago
I once dated a woman who, it turned out, was a holocaust denier. That is to say she started to argue that the numbers had been greatly exaggerated. I ended that relationship on the spot. The problem is that you cannot argue with a denier.
What is a fact?
3352 days ago
So Mr Richard Penny of Legal & General, as well as the toscas from Tosser Fund, you still believe in InternetQ (INTQ) - as Mr Penny believed in Globo (GBO) - even after the first three exposes I have run on its dodgy dossier, its weedy rebutal to From Athens With Love. Well try this, with assistance from the Global Shorting Conspiracy (GSC) man on the ground in Poland.
With regard to Akazoo in Poland, here is an excerpt from the Q3 trading update:
4255 days ago
I have long been a fan of First Property (FPO) the AIM listed property fund manager and investor but its exposure to Poland is worry as all the signs are that out East the shit is about to hit the fan. I wonder if it is worth the risk of hanging on in First Property? On balance I wouldn’t.
So what is going wrong in Poland? Well it is an emerging markets economy. And there is a growing global liquidity crisis which traditionally sees secondary “growth” markets take a beating. I note that Polish construction activity in May plunged by 28%. That is pretty dramatic and suggests to me that the Polish economy could be set for a rather rocky patch.