
1429 days ago

Daughter Olaf lambasts me on the 6PM curfew for men issue – here is why she is both wrong and patronising

Green Baroness and career politician Jenny Jones said she might propose a 6 PM curfew for all men. That Bonkers Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford showed some sympathy with the idea is surely all the proof that you needed that it and Jenny are mad as a nest of snakes. But my wonderful, but a bit woke, daughter Olaf lambasts me for saying so.


1475 days ago

Frightening Video of the West Mercia Police, drunk on emergency Covid powers behaving like the Stasi

Yet again we see evidence of how Britain’s Police forces, drunk on emergency covid lockdown powers and egged on by second rate headline seeking quote merchants, such as Priti Patel, are behaving in an Orwellian fashion. West Mercia, the force that failed to spot the industrial-scale sex abuse in Telford over three decades, has already disgraced itself with its antics on snowballing. And now this video below emerges. Tell me with a straight face that you are proud to live in a free Britain. 


1494 days ago

Things that give you Covid in 2021: throwing a snowball, Mercia Police are today's most Orwellian cops

I am almost longing for those heady days in July when the daftest thing the Police did was to take a knee to an organisation that wanted to er…defund the Police. At least, at that point, Plod just looked ridiculous. Now Forces across the country compete to use new Covid powers in the most authoritarian and pointless way and they look sinister and frightening. We had thought that the force that was most authoritarian was that of Northants leading the fight against eating Big Macs, before Derbyshire served up a storming entry with its designation of drinking a cup of coffee as having a, now, illegal picnic. But in the race to hand out £200 fines, we have a new winner of today’s most Orwellian force in Britain award.


2518 days ago

That dog with the Nazi salute, the death of free speech and the stupidity of the whining Police

I heard yet another whining Policewoman on the radio today saying that the Old Bill were not able to contact victims of sexual assaults for several days, in some cases, because they were overstretched. Whatever. The Boys in blue have time to paint their nails blue in protest against slavery, to arrest someone for tweeting a picture of a burning poppy, to investigate Katie Hopkins for hate crimes every time she opens her mouth. I am sure we could all add in numerous other examples of things the Old Blue do have plenty of time for.


2527 days ago

How do you get the BBC to report on the Telford sex scandal? Tell them President Putin is involved?

Over the weekend news broke of the UK's biggest ever sexual abuse scandal. This makes events in Rochdale seem like small bear, horrific though they were. Thanks to the Mirror and the Mail we now know that over 40 years more than 1000, nearly all white, working class girls and young women were raped and abused and in a handful of cases murdered by Asian gangs in Telford.

I use the phrase Asian and wince.It is the phrase we are told we must use. My wife is Asian and so my son is half Asian
