857 days ago
I can never understand when folks cheer on the untimely death of their fellow man. But day after day we are treated by the Western media to videos of Russian tanks being blown up and articles delighting in how many Russian dead now lie on the fields of Ukraine. I am in no doubt that some of those soldiers dying horrible deaths were bad men who did very bad things. But many, probably the vast majority, were just young men fighting what they were told (wrongly) was a just war and fighting by Geneva rules. Why should we celebrate their deaths?
1171 days ago
Round one was last week but after Fidelity hit back at JD Wetherspoon (JDW) via poodle deadwood press journalists at the Telegraph, JD’s heroic boss Tim Martin has had another go at the woke hypocrites at Fido.
1225 days ago
I should have mentioned this in bearcast yesterday, the maths is clear and unchallengeable. Abingdon Health (ABDX), a company I warned you about at IPO as it was insolvent and the valuation absurd, is pumping its stock via the yellow journalists on the Daily Mail and the Telegraph ahead of a bailout placing. You know the score: mug punters overpay in the secondary market ahead of a placing at a vast discount to fund managers.
1460 days ago
The BBC’s Panorama recognised which journalist exposed the disgraced fund manager Neil Woodford from 2015 onwards with more than 1000 articles, podcasts and videos. When I confronted Woodford at his AGM in May 2019, he signalled me out as the journalist who had been most “wrong” about him. Within 3 weeks his funds had been gated – as I predicted. Woodford made £40 million from the venture, tens of thousands of ordinary savers lost billions. I had been right while Fleet Street blew Woodford off almost to the end. The FCA is now looking into Woodford but 20 months later the disgraced fund manager is plotting a comeback. How do we know? The Sunday Telegraph had the scoop. This is corrupt journalism that shames our profession.
1461 days ago
Just wait until the professional fake news driven race baiters at the BBC, Channel 4 News and David Lammy MP get hold of this! The NHS has published data showing that almost 20% of white folks have been vaccinated the percentage of other ethnic groups is far lower. Oh no, call out the Witchfinder General of the racism industry, Mr Lammy, so that he can sniff another monstrous crime. Of course there is a rational explanation for this which is backed up with hard data but who cares about that? This is 2021 so we must generate some more grievances and talk of inequality.
1509 days ago
Now that we are out of the EU for good, surely the next great national campaign has to be to #DefundtheBBC. It really is a most nauseating institution. The clear liberal left bias of its news coverage, the woke and unfunny comedy and the smug air of superiority makes it almost unbearable. As it attracts ever fewer viewers and listeners, it ups the bloated pay of its staff, never questioning why folks are deserting it but instead doubling down on the sort of activities which arouse so much anger.
1959 days ago
The Daily Telegraph’s lamentable Questor column has today, finally, as you can see below, advised folks to sell Neil Woodford’s Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) at a loss of 60%. Talk about horses and stable doors! It gets worse.
2053 days ago
A true giant of post war journalism died the night before last with his two sons at his bed side. Much will written elsewhere about his achievements: Co-founder of Private Eye, scriptwriter at TW3, Campaigning Journalist of the Year (opposing awful inner City redevelopment), Telegraph columnist for 60 years, the Godfather of Euroscepticism. The Guardian, if true to form, will have nasty words about that and about his exposing the global warming hoax.
3103 days ago
For the third day, despite receiving clear instructions to deliver the loathsome Guardian Newspaper to my father here in Shipston and despite promising to do so, the Newsagent has failed. And that means that I must again head down to the shop in a few minutes to pick up the rag.
I shall explain loudly
3129 days ago
My lefty sister N is the one who gave her husband, the kraut, membership of the Labour Party as a Christmas present. Jesting with her about the current woes of the People's Party is therefore not something that boosts family unity. But there is a new tease from my father.
3146 days ago
The first big shock was when our car pulled up outside my father's house in Shipston. Up ambled by step brother T who greeted us warmly and then up strode a rather sexy looking woman who I did not recognise at all. Had T found a new wife and not told us? The old rogue. These teachers: we know what they get up to in all their vast amounts of spare time and holidays. Reading weeks my arse. So who was this stranger?
It was only when she started speaking that I realised it was my step sister L. Shockingly she has not only cut her long hair but also stopped dying it brown and is now - like her mother and brother completely grey. It is odd how that change of hair colour and style acts as a total disguise. I must remember that, the next time the FCA tries to stitch me up and forces me to go on the run.
The was not the real shock though.
3665 days ago
The jihadists of the QPPSAG and other frauds and morons have waged war against me, this website and especially our cracking Clerkenwell restaurant for 2 years as we expose crime and dishonesty in the City. Today we accelerate the fight back against the free speech deniers as the restaurant gets a makeover.
We all support free speech don’t we? But how far will you go in its defence? The staff at this restaurant know that defending free speech with words is easy but when you are in the firing line it can be rather harder.
During the past three years I have received more than 75 lawyers letters from a range of listed companies threatening me for what I have written on this website which I run with veteran Canadian journalist Darren Atwater demanding that I desist. I have not withdrawn one allegation or article.
In the first month of 2015, three companies that I have attacked have gone bust or seen trading in their shares suspended. Over the past year I have ended the PLC careers of more than half a dozen individuals and there are more to come. Good riddance to the crony capitalists!
Only one company (Sefton, run by JimmyLiar Ellerton) has upped the ante from bullying to taking full legal action. Its chairman was fired in disgrace and it ended up paying us costs.
I have also received three death threats in the past year which you can see on the walls at the Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House ( as well as a selection of letters from bully boy lawyers including Schillings, Pinsent Masons and Memery Crystal) , we have received dog shit in the post and the staff at one City investment bank have publicly threatened to beat me up for what I wrote about the way they ripped off investors by floating fraudulent companies. I responded by going to film a video outside the bank’s Christmas party which you can see here.
The most venomous reaction
3891 days ago
Thanks to Quindell (QPP) excluding me and also the Fleet Street guys there were very few questions at the AGM which would have troubled Rob Terry greatly. What did we actually learn from what went on there and from the accompanying trading statement?
One thing I learned is that Fleet Street is now very bearish on this company. PR bird Foxy Bex now refuses to answer any tough question she is posed whether being harangued by me on video or asked politely by the nationals. The FT, The Times and the Sunday Times all sent reporters to the AGM and all were turned away. I spoke to all three yesterday and they are not bullish. The editor of Questor on the Telegraph is a total bear. He did not turn up at the AGM because when he tried to go to the last “Teach-In” he was barred. What is Quindell so afraid of?
3925 days ago
Reading this morning’s press I am inundated with reports about the latest “UKIP car crashes” and the mainstream press now questions first whether UKIP will win Thursday’s poll and second, if it does win, how soon the bubble will pop. About the only person calling this right is Tim Stanley in the Telegraph.
I write this as someone now almost 99% certain NOT to vote UKIP, more on that later.
The “car crashes” are in reality nothing of the sort. Some chap in Gloucester has made a comment about shooting a “pooftah” to get the others to turn straight, another fellow in Sussex seems to have an unusual degree of sympathy with the Third Reich and both are standing in the local elections for UKIP. So what, there are a few fruitcakes in UKIP. What’s new?
Nigel Farage was given a good duffing up in an LBC Radio interview. He lost his temper as did his PR man and he sounded a little less clear cut than usual. The interviewer ruffled him. But again so what? 99% of the population did not listen and since Farage was banging on (yet again) about immigration one suspects that his general theme probably played well with many anyway.
What Tim Stanley flags up is something those inside the political and media bubble in Westminster just do not appreciate. The great unwashed, that is you and I and the other plebs and peasants, are sick to the back teeth
4274 days ago
It seems as if Panorama and The Telegraph have nailed three Lords as well as Sir Patrick Mercer MP for asking questions in Parliament in return for cash. In a just world all would lose their titles and would be charged with something and resign at once. But will the political classes allow four of their own to face real justice? There is not a cat in hell’s chance of this.
Apparently Mercer took 24 hours to decide the “honourable” course of action after the sleazy pig knew that he was to be exposed. And even then he got it wrong. The honourable thing would be to quit as an MP at once without compensation and pay the cash he trousered to a good charity. Instead he keeps the cash and will stay in Parliament for two more years (albeit as an Independent not an Official Tory) trousering a vast wage plus expenses and then get a big payoff.
Mercer – you are not in the slightest bit honourable, you are a sleazy scumbag. But in your defence you are not alone.
How many other MPs are taking cash for arranging passes, asking questions in Parliament and assisting various companies without declaring it? In the Westminster political/media bubble other names crop up again and again. It is just that it is either hard to stand these things up or no-one can really be bothered as when you are all part of the same club, exposes make life just a bit too complicated.
If you think this story ends with Mercer or Labour’s Lord Jack Cunningham (whose dad was also done for political corruption, it is a family trait) you are sadly naïve. All the established parties know that there are rotten apples waiting to be exposed with a blue, red or yellow rosette. This scandal is not one that shows the divisions between the “mainstream” parties but the divisions between a political class united in protecting a corrupt system and their own vested interests, and the rest of us.