
168 days ago

By Zionists, the anti-semites infesting British campuses mean Jews

Even in today’s climate of overt hostility the bigots normally cannot quite bring themselves to demand that Jews get out, be cleansed from certain spaces. Some can, but most pretend that they are not engaged in Jew hating by calling for Zionists to be purged ,to be sent packing and their businesses boycotted. The picture below is from Birmingham University this week.


1509 days ago

Twitter suspends Titania Mcgrath again but gives a blue tick to a Jew hater to spew lies to 100,000 followers

Poor old Titania Mcgrath suffered another temporary twitter ban this week. Dare to suggest on this platform that there are 2 not 108 genders, that you have reservations about your teenage daughter sharing a changing room with a bearded “woman” with a penis, or that Israel might be allowed to defend itself and you get banned. Twitter only seems to believe in free speech if you say the correct things. Take this little gem below. Ali Abunimah has a blue tick so does twitter condemn his absurd Jew hatred which sees him accuse a Jewish activist, David Harris, of “holocaust revisionism” as he defends the desecration of Churchill’s statue in London by Black Lives Matter activists?


2569 days ago

Channel 4 News - Fake News from Israel

As the flagship fake news liberal elitist broadcaster in London it is no surprise that Channel 4 hates the State of Israel with a passion. And to that end the channel that just loves its fake news had a field day yesterday as three Palestinians opened fire on security guards at the sacred Islamic site, the old Temple. The terrorists were shot and killed but not before they had killed two Israeli guards.


2584 days ago

Video: the whitewashing of anti-semitism in the Labour Party

If folks like me say that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party is so infected with the virus of anti-semitism that it has become institutionalised I am accused - as an out and proud right winger but also as a proud Zionist - of smearing. The video below is remarkable in that it is produced by and features a raft of fully paid up Guardian reading, left wing academics, many indeed are Labour Party members. It is a truly shocking expose of the evil at the heart of the British left.


2595 days ago

The Jews did not murder 60 people at Grenfell Tower - when will Mayor Khan & the liberal left stop condoning blood libel?

Jew haters rarely use the word Jew when making their despicable claims and demands. A hundred years ago the word Hebrew was used to describe a Jew. My maternal grandmother, in most ways a terribly progressive and tolerant lady had a blind spot here and would talk of "the chosen people," her words laced with Irony. These days the words Jew and Israeli are often used interchangeably. Since we are told repeatedly how evil Israel is, so too must be the Jews. But the current word to use is Zionist. When a Jew hater refers to a zionist he is not describing someone who supports the state of Israel's right to exist, he is talking about a Jew. And that brings us to yesterday's Al Quds Day march in London.


3018 days ago

Do most British students hate Jews and back ISIS? Their vile new leader does

Only total losers get involved in the National Union of Students. Your university days should be about sex, drugs, alcohol and a bit of learning, not the NUS. As such it is always a taxpayer fund irrelevancy lead by utter lunatics who are utterly unrepresentitive of 99% of students. But the election of its new leader, the Jew hating, ISIS condoning Malia Bouattia, sees the NUS plunge to new depths. Truly she is vile.

Ms Bouattia


4045 days ago

The Politically Correct World of Word Mole

I blame my partner for introducing me to Word Mole. It is an addictive game on my phone. A 6 by 6 square is filled with letters and you need to make words to rack up an ever increasing number of points to get onto the next round. Unable to sleep overnight I managed a new high score of 4,154 – a totally pointless and meaningless achievement in the world of mind rot. Especially as this US game is politically correct in a nasty sense.

I accept that I cannot use the word rounders although baseball is fine. Not a problem.  Horny is okay, shit is not. But then move on. Faggots – as in the British meat dish or indeed a bundle of wood tied together is not allowed. That is because it can be used as a disparaging word for a group of gays (that word is allowed).

Rather more sinister is that the word Zionist is not allowed. German, Arab are fine but Zionist is somehow beyond the pale. How odd. I wonder who might be offended by such a word being acceptable.
