738 days ago
For his work campaigning for LGB rights when nobody else was and for his heroic support of free speech, Peter Tatchell is a great hero of our time. But when it comes to Maths he really should go to one of Rishi Sunak’s planned brush up classes.
777 days ago
There is much wailing as the results of the 2021 Census are published and so that for the first time in almost two thousand years the majority of folks in England and Wales do not identify as Christian. Well sort of, many of the supposed godless are just like Cambridge University bisexuals. They will see the light sooner or later. Let me explain on this day before Advent.
779 days ago
I always thought the Tabs were a bit queer but further down this article in the Mail is a survey suggesting that less than half of Oxford Students are straight so has Oxbridge been over-run with gay folk? Quite obviously the answer is no and this is another sensationalist load of cobbers from the wretched Mail. The stats in the Cambridge survey were: straight 49.7%, gay 11.9%, bisexual 29.7% and other 8.7%. In Oxford 49% were straight 33% bi and the other 17% gay or other. However…
1177 days ago
Confused? Remember this is 2021 and on the pyramid of victimhood, women – even if they are lesbians- are now pretty much on the bottom rung. Meanwhile members of the transgender community are pretty much at the top of the pyramid so their needs trump those of a common or garden lesbian.
1322 days ago
When it comes to historical dramas, the liberal luvvies are determined to out as LGBT as many folks as possible even if those folks are manifestly straight. Ask any school kid today what they know about Queen Anne and the few who have the foggiest will tell you, following the movie, The Favourite, that she was a rampant lesbian. Maybe the odd kid will say that Queen Anne was a racist because she was involved in slavery.
2721 days ago
My twitter feed is set to a New York location as I am far more interested in what happens in the USA than in Old Blighty. And for almost 24 hours top of the trending pops has been #LGBTbabes. It does not matter about a Grand jury being called by hysterical liberals to smear President Trump. Frankly world war three could have broken out. Twitter just wants more #LGBTbabes.
3019 days ago
The Guardian reports that "The number of homophobic attacks more than doubled in the three months after the Brexit vote, with toxicity fostered by the EU referendum debate spreading beyond race and religion, new figures suggest. Hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people increased 147% during July, August and September compared to the same period last year, according to the LGBT anti-violence charity Galop." Unfortuanately this is just utterly bogus as the Guardian article itself makes clear.
3172 days ago
If you are here as a result of a search on google you may well be disappointed by what follows although the matter at hand is fancying lesbians. But this is not about pornography you will be sad to discover. You see, the woman I fancied badly when at University has been in touch again.
Back in the day she was one of the most maddest lefties on this planet. Completely Upminster on every subject under the sun, that is to say way past Barking. But I still fancied her and a couple of years after we left, in a rather ham-fisted manner, tried it on. Very sweetly