
25 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: gold dips, bitcoin surges, what is going on?

In today’s podcast I discuss: gold, bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB) and why it is still burning cash, FCA failings, statements needed from Chill Brands (CHLL) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the latest shocker from Vast Resources (VAST), Roland “fatty” Cornish and his pal the sex therapist.


33 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - No Soft Landing In Sight, Means Unavoidable Performance in Hard Assets

Foul mouthed ( and I say that as praise) podcaster Chris Irons of Quoth the Raven is still a bear but seems to have become a bitcoin bull.


90 days ago

Another £19m spoof from the chancer Jonathan Bixby: Cykel AI to reverse into Mustang Energy, this is beyond parody!

A couple of years ago Bixby and his business buddy Mike Edwards were floating all things cannabis. Then the pot bubble burst and it was NFTs having dabbled into the bitcoin space before that bubble burst. Now, of course, it is AI and today we have another spoof. Those involved in enabling this sort of bollocks, should be ashamed.


96 days ago

Video: U.S. Treasury Market Continues To Dictate Dollar Liquidity Policies, buy gold, bitcoin & oil

Analyst Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees says that the interest on US Government debt will exceed a trillion this year. He explains that the U.S. government will need to borrow more money to cover the interest expense, indicating a debt crisis. According to Luke, the USA is essentially insolvent and running out of time.


139 days ago

Argo Blockchain: You say it best when you say nothing at all

With bitcoin on the up, along with gold, you might expect bitcoin miners to be making hay while sun shines. But are they? Today we have a November trading update from Argo Blockchain (ARB) and as ever it tells us what sounds good but it does not tell us what really matters.


150 days ago

Argo Blockchain new CEO Thomas Chippas – how impressive is his CV?

Struggling and drowning in debt bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain (ARB) still describes itself in today’s RNS as “a global leader in cryptocurrency mining.” Heck, if it is a leader, I’d hate to see what one of the laggards looks like. Anyhow the global leader is spaffing shareholders cash has a new CEO, Tomas Chippas who joins with immediate effect. So what is his CV really like?


241 days ago

Photo Article from ShareStock No4 – this fellow thought he'd beaten the old master at Croquet As Andrew Bell winds up the IRA man

And so after lunch it was Peter Hambro (gold), Dominic Frisby (Bitcoin and a bit of gold) and me ( no longer convinced by either) on stage.  Both guests knew their stuff and were excellent but I wonder if this debate is really of that much interest these days.


267 days ago

Vinanz: Oh David Lenigas you are awful but I like you, another spoof from the big man

Vinanz (BTC) the sub scale bitcoin play floated amid a related party nest of snakes on the Aquis lobster pot is at it again. Another day, another spoof.


277 days ago

Argo Blockchain, forget the bitcoin price it NEVER makes money- ghastly interims out

At last year’s Sharestock, that fellow from Boatman Capital patiently explained how Argo Blockchain (ARB) never had made money and never would make money whatever the bitcoin price. And that is why its shares have a fair value of £0. Of course, as bitcoin surged in the first half of this year some investors with PhDs in ignoring FACTS thought they knew better.


355 days ago

The Luxembourg of bitcoin mining Argo Blockchain serves up another operational update with the really bad news missing

A trading update is meant to inform by posting key metrics. You can therefore assume that any company posting an operational update which excludes the key metrics has something to hide, that is to say bad news. And that brings us to a July operational update from Argo Blockchain (ARB).


366 days ago

Argo Blockchain – as predicted discounted placing, clearly far less raised than had been hoped

In the first half of 2022 Argo Blockchain (ARB) burned cash despite the bitcoin price averaging $37,000. With the bitcoin price higher than it was but nowhere near $37,000 let alone a level that would ensure cash neutrality, the company’s shares were ramped up to 17p on the basis of some low grade pumping. After the pump…


367 days ago

Video: The Current World Order is Breaking Down, buy gold AND Bitcoin

Nick Giambruno, founder of The Financial Underground and Editor-in-Chief of the Contra Speculator is the sort of conspiracy theorist I like my wife to listen to in order that she realises how moderate and mainstream I really am.


389 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: feck off James from Selby you deserve to lose your house and go bust

I start with bollocks talked all round today about bailing out those suffering mortgage misery. Blah, blah, blah. Then it is on to bitcoin and Argo Blockchain (ARB), a deep dive into the stinkiest deal done in eons, Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) is the culprit. Then I look at Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR), more nonsense from Chill Brands (CHLL) and why Bidstack (BIDS) may go bust and why I hope it goes bust. En passant, I mention Cook’s Coffee (COOK) and the disgraced Andrew Monk who IPO’d it.


397 days ago

Video - Hugh Hendry: The Gravest Financial Disruption in Human Experience, buy Bitcoin

Asset manager Hugh Hendry bet heavily on the Icelandic crash way before anyone else. His macro calls can be stunning and he is highly articulate as well as contrarian and switched on. He is always worth listening too.


397 days ago

Argo Blockchain dire Q1 results even as Bitcoin surged and things are only going to get worse

For reasons I cannot explain the bitcoin price surged in the first quarter of calendar 2023 so Argo Blockchain (ARB) prospered right? Er…wrong. Quarterlies out today are dismal and what it does not say about the current balance sheet should have shareholders running for the hills.


404 days ago

Great new Dominic Frisby video - Nicola Sturgeon's cellmate

Dominic will be performing with a Gilet Jaune at Sharestock where he is also speaking on bitcoin and gold. His latest short music video is just brilliant. Enjoy.


414 days ago

David Lenigas you old spoofer: Vinanz is going to get a dual OTC US listing, rampity ramp!

Vinanz (BTC) The sub scale bitcoin miner which does crazy deals with pals of its founder David Lenigas listed on the Aquis lobster pot at 3p. Its shares are today, despite Lenigas personally hoovering up any (loose but wise) sellers, still just 3p to sell as nobody is buying the Lenigas bull. Since Lenigas and his pals like Richard Poulden got in at 0.25p they don’t care but instead the company serves up another bullshit spoof.


461 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - spending the morning with the Old Bill

I start with that morning with the Fuzz regarding Operation Cassady which was fascinating. Then it is onto Wandisco (WAND), bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Online Blockchain (OBC), Deliveroo (ROO) and Manolete Partners (MANO).


471 days ago

David Lenigas has a new bitcoin IPO and Richard Poulden’s undeclared related party deal

No this is not a five-day late April Fool. David Lenigas really is on the cusp of listing a new bitcoin mining company on the Aquis Lobster Pot, Vinanz. Aquis today announced that First Sentinel is the advisor without any moral qualms and it has applied for a listing. But there is already one red flag flying here and it concerns Richard Poulden’s Aquis listed joke company Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) which we have exposed on this website numerous times.


498 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Virgin Wines will surely wither and die - another IPO disgrace from 2021

In today’s podcast I look at Credit Suisse and the banking crisis, bitcoin, gold, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Online Blockchain (OBC), Mode Global (MODE), Okyo Pharma (OKYO), Virgin Wines (WINO) and Versarien (VRS) in light of the bombshell here earlier today.


501 days ago

What’s Argo Blockchain hiding in its latest monthly update?

At the start, the February update from Argo Blockchain (ARB) looks like all the other monthly updates up until December. It gives the number of bitcoin mined, an excuse for why it is a piss poor number and then the number of bitcoin equivalent held at the period end. And then…


541 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: But the Welsh Girlies are shite and nobody wants to watch them!

I start with the news that the Welsh women and men’s soccer teams will now get equal pay. Does nobody understand economics any more? Then it is onto bitcoin and also Argo Blockchain (ARB). Then Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) which sounds madder by the day. It certainly does not understand economics. Then nanosynth (NNN) and finally Omega Diagnostics (ODX). I wonder how this Saltire flying Scottish dickhead is doing these days? 


556 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the mystery of the Midas Harland and Wolff share tip

I start with a bit about weather, snow rain and drought. Then gold vs bitcoin, Enwell (ENW), Ferrexpro (FXPO), Harland & Wolff (HAWL), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Pantheon Resources (PANR) before ending with Vast Resources (VAST) where a placing at 0.1p is surely being attempted after today’s incomplete news.


558 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Pantheon collapses, boy you should have heard Peter Brailey on September 10

I start with a health update, finally some joy from the NHS and, even before that, I am starting to feel better. Then it is onto Pantheon Resources (PANR), Inspirit (INSP), and Atlantic Lithium (ALL) and share options, incentivising the dead. Then macro calls on interest rates, inflation, the real economy, shares, bitcoin, gold and oil. Details of ShareStock 2023 on September 23 are HERE


566 days ago

Video: Worst Recession in Memory and New Highs for Gold in 2023, bitcoin to $9,000

Market Strategist Gareth Soloway of “In The Money Stocks” is a cheery fellow predicting doom and gloom all round unless you are in gold and silver or short shitcoin.


608 days ago

BREAKING: Today’s shitcoin disaster is c/o chancer Mike Edwards – Aqru, you couldn’t make this up

In the bitcoin, NFT, blockchain frenzy of early last year the gang of Mike Edwards, Jonathan Bixby, disgraced Peter Wall of soon to go bust Argo Blockchain (ARB), disgraced broker Andy Frangos of (has just gone bust) Pello infamy and proven liar John Story staged a number of heists, or as they termed them IPOs.


613 days ago

Peter Schiff reminds us all of the great lie of shitcoin – the crypto winter may last as long as a Nania winter

The great lie pushed by those supporters of bitcoin and other crypto currencies was that supply of bitcoin was limited by the halving formula. So, we were assured that while promoters of shares or funds or any other asset would always match demand with new supply, bitcoin was different. Of course, that was just misleading.


617 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Let them eat cake and the latest shitcoin crash

I start with a few words on UK press coverage of the mid terms. No the Democrats have not won! Then I look at bitcoin and its woes, Argo Blockchain (ARB) – bust by next week? – Revolution Beauty (REVB), (BOO), Novacyt (NCYT) and Nightcap (NGHT) and the problems a CEO has when the media blows smoke up his or her arse for too long.


662 days ago

BREAKING: Jim Mellon, Matt Earl and Malcolm Burne join the fun – Sharestock 2023 now open for bookings

Some folks said that I did not give them enough notice about ShareStock 2022 so they were on holiday, could not find anywhere to stay or had accepted a prior engagement. So for 2023 I am giving you almost a year’s notice of an even more unusual event! We start with some amazing new speakers:


694 days ago

Argo Blockchain – ANOTHER clear sign that it is bailout placing or bankruptcy ahoy

A week ago interims from drowning in red flags bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain (ARB) made it abundantly clear that it faced a near term cash crisis. Today another sign that it is readying itself for a bailout placing has emerged. But I foresee a problem.


695 days ago

BREAKING: Argo Blockchain – how will it ever get out of the Texas electricity pickle

This will, in years to come be seen as a case study in the invisible hand and creative destruction, that is to say capitalism at work. In times gone by when all the sort of poltroons who believe in Modern Monetary Theory also predicted that the bitcoin price would keep on soaring ad infinitum, there was a rush to build new mining plants in places where there was stacks of spare land and good hook-ups to readily available power, i.e. Texas.


764 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No No No you Bitcoin cultists! You are kidding yourselves but nobody else

I have had a few comments about yesterday’s Bearcast on the Bitcoin crash. I address some of those cultists speaking out from the last redoubt today.  Then. prompted by Three Brains, I look at what a PE of 5 means as a guide to value and why it can so often mean nothing at all.


764 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Father's Day Treat tonight & not just Bitcoin crashing

Ahead of that, I describe triumph in the garden. Then, I discuss the accelerating Bitcoin crash, Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Cineworld (CINE).


764 days ago

Bitcoin crashes to below $19,000 - Argo Blockchain should be suspended Monday Morning; it may well be bust by then

Bitcoin is crashing once again, and now trades well below $19,000. According to Peter Schiff, the charts point to $10,000 as the next stop. Therefore, shares in Argo Blockchain (ARB) should be suspended first thing Monday; here is why.


796 days ago

Argo Blockchain – Q1 numbers an attempted distraction from the current emergency

Bitcoin did not crash during Q1; that happened later. As such, today’s Q1 numbers are irrelevant. Even so, as you would expect from the scallywags who run this company, Argo serves up a masterclass in the study of what a “profit” is. It is, of course, just a matter of opinion.


801 days ago

Boatman hammers Argo Blockchain again

Bitcoin has rallied overnight, and is back above $30,000; that will, no doubt, convince more millennials that BOTFD is the way to make money in a Ponzi. But will the rally continue? If not, this poses – as I flagged up yesterday, here – massive questions for Argo Blockchain (ARB). Bear raider, Boatman, which exposed a host of red flags at Argo, took to Twitter to raise additional issues, and we followed up with an e-chat.


802 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is this the beginning of the end of Peter Wall?

In today’s podcast, I discuss the FTSE 100 sliding; bitcoin’s crash; Coinbase; Online Blockchain (OBC); Argo Blockchain (ARB) and 3 questions Peter Wall MUST answer; Cellular Goods (CBX), where Wall today stepped down as chair (odd timing); Verditek (VDTK); the shame of Innovate UK and ex-footballer and NFT spiv, Michael Owen; Petropavlovsk (POG); and Versarien (VRS), where a cash crisis looms. Now, to brace myself: the mother-in-law will arrive at her new home in just a few hours.


831 days ago

Video: The Monetary Methadone is Running Out, so buy gold, silver & bitcoin in that order

Apart from on bitcoin, analyst, Gerald Celente, is bang on the money. He kicks off this podcast with the scamdemic, and the resulting actions of governments around the world. He states that one country after another is acting in lockstep, attempting to ‘flatten the curve’ by locking you down and putting you out of business. Then the vaccines came but, contrary to general belief, did worse than nothing. We in the West adopted the Chinese way of suspending our freedoms.


844 days ago

Video: The Crowd will Start Chasing Gold like they Chased Bitcoin

Analyst, Gareth Soloway, believes Bitcoin will survive – and thrive – but it’s likely to correct further, as there remains irrational exuberance in the crypto space. He argues that the current pattern is more likely to break down.


876 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Who has been swimming with no trunks and Ukraine musings

I start with events in Ukraine and offer a few thoughts. But I also look at a few companies notably Eurasia Mining (EUA), Versarien (VRS), ADVFN (AFN)  – one of which is, I think, a buy – and also, en passant, the fraud that is Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and in the context of bitcoin tanking, Argo Blockchain (ARB).


886 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How to play Ukraine and what to believe about what is happening? A detailed rebuttal of my Shield critics and THE crypto short

I start with some thoughts on Ukraine and Russia which some of you may disagree with. Perhaps what is happening there will be a handy excuse for Eurasia Mining (EUA) to ‘fess up to the lack of bid? Then onto how bitcoin and other cryptos are faring as a safe haven right now. And why that makes Argo Blockchain (ARB) such a monumental sell. It could utterly implode. I see that more than 25% of posts on the ADVFN Bulletn Board,a few hours ago,were on Shield Therapeutics (STX) with nearly all of them slating me for all the usual reasons. I do not play the man here even though my critics do seem to have the collective IQ of a Cheese sandwich, but the ball and answer each of the bull points made to rebut my bear thesis in turn.


911 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian doing due diligence in Eastleigh as Wrexham is too posh for Cake Box

This podcast contains reference to various chats with Lucian on the markets, millennials and on Cake Box (CBOX) after yesterday’s bearcast & the Maynard Paton expose. I discuss what Trustpilot says about the company HERE and Lucian’s road trip to do more due diligence. Re Lucian I also discuss other big blowups that will happen this year and bitcoin. Then there is Amigo (AMGO), Chill Brands (TOAST), MyHealthchecked (MHC), Novacyt (NYCT) and Argo Blockchain (ARB) in light of today’s NFT nonsense but also the collapsing bitcoin price.


911 days ago

Video: Gold Will Outperform Bitcoin and Stocks this Year

Another one to annoy our in-house bitcoin loon Jimbo although I sense that this particular sinner is somewhat repenting. 


912 days ago

So our Polish cleaner’s 12 year old son wants her to buy Bitcoin – at least it is not Argo Blockchain he wants to punt

I am rather taken with the new cleaning lady the Mrs has hired. She scrubs up well, works hard and her views on a range of issues including masks, vaccines, inflation and the role of the state are thoroughly admirable. And hearing myself and Lucian discuss how mining companies claim to be ESG friendly by hiring loads of lesbians, she thought that a good joke and remarked that my work seemed interesting. That would not be how the Mrs would react, both to the joke and the description of my work.  I mention all of this only because Agnieszka has been arguing with her 12 year old son who wants her to invest her wages in bitcoin.


915 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Unilever's new Emperor's ESG Clothes and TW ramping gold and deramping bitcoin bollocks

I start with the suggestion that I am ramping gold and de-ramping Bitcoin. I discuss this nonsense although I am vaguely flattered that anybody thinks me so omnipotent. Then onto Unilever (ULVR). Finally a related discussion on the wretched Sunday Times coverage of the laughable Black Pound Report.  I refer to the LadBible piece HERE


916 days ago

Video: Bitcoin to crash to $20,000 but gold set to puke too

I run this to annoy both our in-house crypto loon Jimbo but also gold loon Nigel Somerville. But Andrew Gilbert who makes the call is a chartist so, almost certainly, wrong.


927 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Eurasia and Vast taking the dividend piss

Tom Winnifrith, bearcast, bitcoin, Argo Blockchain, ARB, SOS, Sosandar, toxic, Union Jack Oil, UJO, Vast Resources, VAST, Eurasia Mining, EUA


927 days ago

Argo Blockchain December update – why is it selling bitcoin at a loss? And why is it punting on a falling knife?

The monthly trading update from Argo Blockchain (ARB) is the usual mix of smoke and mirrors. If you are someone who has waded through the sea of red flags highlighted HERE and still believes  there is comfort for you. But if you are a cynic you too will find comfort. Plenty of it.


929 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the fallacy of green bitcoin and the bad things hidden in ESG wrappers

I start with a couple of points of economics, covering disincentives to work for low paid folk, especially if divorced dads and also the epidemic sweeping the nation, the public sector variant. I flagged this up to Bath Spa students a few years ago, it is still true.  Then, tying in to my 4th tip of the year out today, I move onto bitcoin and also the smokescreen, being seen as ESG friendly provides but why it will unravel as the market gets nervous this year.


936 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The ghastly Mail on Sunday airbrushes history for a man who lost £21m of other folks cash

Yes Piers Linney is back. I fill in a few gaps for Mail readers including red flags from the latest venture of disgraced Piers, Moblox Limited.  Then it is onto macro predictions on oil, gold, interest rates,inflation, house prices, tax, equity markets and bitcoin. Happy New Year.


955 days ago

Boatman Capital savages Argo Blockchain again - devastating dossier Number 2

The highlight of this dossier is Boatman demonsrating how Argo’s (ARB) rebuttal of its allegations about a dodgy Texas land purchase made in dossier No 1, just does not stack up. One might even say Boatman shows Argo was telling porkies.  Then there is the really sniffy related party investment in a company in all sorts of regulatory scrutiny because of its involvment with disgraced broker Pello and its “colourful” boss Andy Frangos. And it goes on and on. As Boatman points out, if you believe in electronic tulips there are many ways to play bitcoin without buying into Argo’s forest of red flags. Anyone owning these shares is mad. The dossier is below.


976 days ago

Video: Maybe They're the loons - new Dominic Frisby song

This comes in two parts and is a gem from my pal Frisby, the UK’s top liberatarian comedian/singer songwriter/bitcoin loon. Enjoy.


981 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Joe Biden going to screw Bitcoin and is Biome Justin the Clown's new disaster

I start with Bitcoin and sleepy Joe Biden’s new legislation, the Infrastructure Bill. Then it is Versarien (VRS), Biome (BIOM) and finally more on Union Jack (UJO), before I discuss Peter Brailey’s big oil call and what that means for gold stocks and how I might adjust my SIPP.


1022 days ago

Video: Gold 1, Bitcoin 0

This is just for Jimbo! Writer Keith Weiner says that economists and experts tend to say the strangest things and most of their statements don’t pass basic scrutiny.


1040 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - a sink full of beans which I shall be selling for gold by Christmas

I already have 25 bags of beans in the freezer and another 4 jars in oil in my larder but yesterday I picked the last of the 2021 harvest, enough to fill half a sink. Now you may laugh but it will be me who laughs last and loudest. Let me explain.


1047 days ago

Argo Blockchain – the bitcoin price goes up so it borrows more money, this makes no sense at all

The cash crisis at Argo Blockchain (ARB) becomes more evident by the day which is why, though this company is heavily operational and financially geared to the price of 21st century tulip bulbs, its shares have massively underperformed bitcoin during its recent sharp rally. Today’s news is that Argo has taken advantage of the bitcoin spike to borrow even more dollars.


1063 days ago

Video - gold is going up but bitcoin will see $20,000

Okay, the call is from a chartist so you may wish to ignore it but since it will annoy some folks here goes anyway.


1094 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: PR firm takes its knob off the Block

Forgive the crude title or love it if you are Matthew and his dog. I could not resist. I start with a discussion of the tyranny of village facebook pages prompted by my latest spat with some villagers of Holt in Wales HERE. Then I look at Kefi (KEFI), Zoetic (ZOE), Kanobo (KNB), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Block Energy (BLOE) and the bitcoin pump by America’s Neil Woodford and others. Ian Westbrook is now at just under £12,000 and has ten days to reach £20,000 to see the loathsome Neill Ricketts at the next stage. To call the bluff of the Versarien (VRS) bully, please donate HERE. PS Darren points out it is the 26th not the 27th. He is correct.


1097 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Could Argo Blockchain explode within weeks?

A frantic morning of tidying sees Joshua and I ready to face the Mrs, we head to Athens shortly. Ahead of that I suggest a new gender test for the Olympics. In the main podcast I look at bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Fevertree (FEVR), coping on a meltdown day, Nightcap (NGHT) and St James House (SJH).


1116 days ago

Argo Blockchain – takes out bitcoin backed loan – where has all the money gone?

On 8 March 2021, a couple of weeks after directors dumped millions of pounds worth of shares at 243p, Argo Blockchain (ARB) raised £26.8 million at 200p. So where has all the money gone?


1129 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: bad language special as I consider the repellent greed shown by the 1 percenters at Sosandar

I am so angry that I forgot to mention bitcoin crashing again and the operational and financial gearing at drowning in red flags Argo Blockchain (ARB). So I am angry and the resultant bad language will delight Matthew and his dog. I consider Sosandar (SOS), Hurricane Energy (HUR), Bidstack (BIDS), Kefi (KEFI) and Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV).


1130 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - filling in another fecking form for Greece

That wasted an hour of my life but it looks like all systems go for Saturday when Steve Moore will be in charge of this website while Joshua and I head to the Greek Hovel. In today’s podcast I look at bitcoin’s latest dump and Argo Blockchain (ARB) and at Dev Clever (DEV) and its joke acquisition. That required a bit of work for me at Companies House as did researching today’s smoke and mirrors deal from Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) – how did Nomad SP Angel sign off on this cobblers? I then look at Avacta (AVCT), Zoetic (ZOE), MyHealthChecked (MHC), Bidstack (BIDS) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). Where are its results?


1139 days ago

Video: Inflation – Redefining Robbery

Nick Giambruno is Chief Analyst of The Casey Report and warns that the thief in the night is now out of control.  Nick differentiates money from fiat currency and where investors should hold their wealth in times of crisis. He argues that Bitcoin is a good alternative and is not unlike gold. Digital scarcity is a new invention, and the real revolution is in bitcoin, not other digital currencies. Bitcoin is unique because it isn’t controlled by banks or corporations and works as a form of digital gold. He believes bitcoin is in the process of monetization around the world.


1142 days ago

Breaking: Pocahontas says Bitcoin an environmental disaster for our planet

I can’t take Senator Elizabeth Warren very seriously but the woman who has gained massive career advantage by claiming that she is a Native American, though she is in fact 1/1024th Native American, holds great sway in the Democrat party. What she says is a good indicator of the direction of travel of the party now running America. As such, her full-on assault on bitcoin as the inherently pointless ultimate environmental vandal is of note. As it happens, for perhaps the first time ever, I agree with her. Enjoy.


1162 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a smug dinosaur who thinks bitcoin is a joke

I start with good news on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - see for yourself HERE. Then a few words about incredibly exciting work today at the Welsh Hovel. Then onto bitcoin, China and Argo Blockchain (ARB), which links to Zoetic (ZOE) which really is starting to collapse. Then onto the arrogance of the City, Neil Woodford, Andrew Monk and Hurricane Energy (HUR).


1162 days ago

Bitcoin crashes as China pricks the bubble – timber for the AIM crypto plays

Suddenly we dinosaurs who did not understand why a worthless piece of code, which was inherently vulnerable to substitution by other worthless but cheaper pieces of code, was so valuable don’t look quite so dumb. Bitcoin is down by 18% at sub $35,000 having been $64,870 just four weeks ago. This time it is not the prick Elon Musk to blame, the bubble today is being pricked by China.


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This dinosaur still does not get it

We are now well over £30,000 (with gift aid) for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks so that is 70% of our target, if you are yet to donate please do so HERE. In the podcast I discuss MyHeathChecked (MHC), Zoetic (ZOE), bitcoin, Tesla (TSLA) and Argo Blockchain (ARB).


1165 days ago

The charlatan Elon Musk and the bitcoin bubble chapter 2

After part one of the Musk pump and dump and then volte-face on bitcoin, the great fraudster faced the problem that Tesla (TSLA) was still sitting on around half of the $1.5 billion of bitcoin it had bought to great fanfare in February. But this bitcoin is dirty and environmentally tainted said the great green auto-maker – what to do with it?


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This is bull market madness: Musk, Tesla, Bixby and Edwards

I start with the frustrations of a visit to Tesco (TSCO) Wrexham. Piss poor customer service. Then I look at Manolete (MANO) where I smell more trouble ahead. Then I move onto bull market madness and how it will end in tears for my mother-in-law, Elon Musk, Tesla, Bitcoin, Jonathan Bixby, Mike Edwards, NFT Investments, Clarify Pharma, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Novum Securities and Uncle Tom Cobley and all.


1165 days ago

Crypto cheerleader, the Tesla Charlatan, Elon Musk says now boycotting bitcoin citing new found green concerns

Some of us have pointed out for a good while that mining cryptocurrencies consumes enormous amounts of electricity and if you are into all of that global warming green shite, which I am not, then you should not be going near bitcoin. It seems that having ramped bitcoin and crypto, Elon Musk has finally noticed this too.


1188 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More regulatory fails by the wretched, woke bedwetters at the FCA this St George's Day

I comment on St George’s Day HERE. In a long podcast I look at Versarien (VRS), Audioboom (BOOM) – misleading again – Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Bitcoin and Argo Blockchain (ARB), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). And we are now just three hundred quid shy of £14,000 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, please donate HERE.


1191 days ago

Video: The manager of the world's most bearish hedge fund warns we live in the most dangerous time in financial history

Brian Hirschman is the Managing Partner of Hirschmann Partnership, dubbed by  ValueWalk as the “World’s Most Bearish Hedge Fund.”  He warns that all the bubbles have only grown in recent months and that the two biggest bubbles are bitcoin and residential real estate.


1196 days ago

David Lenigas and Zak Mir MUST be on drugs - the Richard Poulden ramp Valereum

Valereum (VLRM) in the Aquis lobster pot has, as of today, zero revenues and – if it is lucky – £300,000 net cash. But mention the magig bitcoin word, throw in a few tokens and some magic beans and, hey presto, promoter David Lenigas and the Sith Lord Zak Mir reckon the shares should hit 60p. That would be a valuation of £38 million. Whatever you say Gents…today’s ramptastic love triangle from twitter is below.


1201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 23: Just under 2 hours of bitcoin, blockchain, NFTs and a stream of jokes

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Charlie Morris a bitcoin guru where we also discuss gold and the markets and Malcolm Palle of Aquis listed Coinsilum which is now an NFT play Plus there are a few thoughts on wider stockmarket issues from me. This bitcoin, blockchain & NFT special has a lot of gags but is also, I hope, pretty informative.You can access the show HERE 


1204 days ago

Video: Bitcoin is not real money

Gold businessman Keith Weiner argues that there is no way to extinguish debt in our current system, so the total debt grows, and due to interest, it tends to grow exponentially. He says that in the past, the Fed loosened regulations and lowered rates, but it’s like they are now pushing on a string. 


1233 days ago

Bitcoin, tether, fraud and the bubble - does this worry you at all?

I am sure that folks will say that I am just being a bit of a sad old dinosaur and that I really need to listen to more videos by Dominic Frisby and get my head around it all. Whatever… This morning a well known broker penned a piece which should surely, at least, give bitcoin bulls a pause for thought. The broker writes:


1245 days ago

Bitcoin isn’t getting greener: four environmental myths about cryptocurrency debunked

This article from a team at Newcastle University does raise the question of the sheer pointlessness of the pursuit of bitcoin, especially by a generation that is keen on berating we oldies for ruining the planet. When will Greta Thunberg et al turn their fire on cryptocurrencies? It reads:


1264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the million morons suffer a damp squib with Metro Bank

I start with the Mrs being phoned by a fraudster. Then it is a natural move to Elon Musk and bitcoin before going onto the Million Morons on Reddit and a damp squib with Metro Bank (MTRO). I comment on looking daft for eons before vindication so look at Nightcap (NGHT) and then at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC). Then it is on to Abingdon Health (ABDX) and Yourgene (YGEN).


1272 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 17: Well over 2 hours with a professional comedian and a bloke who runs an AIM listed company. Boom Boom.

It is such a good joke I think I make it about 5 times in what follows. And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), where i am a loyal shareholder expecting the shares to double or more by mid year, and also Dominic Frisby. The singer, songwriter, comedian, gold guru, bitcoin expert and libertarian is on great form especially on the bitcoin/gold issue and tips the only AIM stock he owns and explains why. You will laugh and learn with him. You can access the show HERE


1274 days ago

Video: Yield Spike Will Burst Stock Market Bubble but also whack gold, bitcoin and silver

Macroeconomist Henrik Zeberg analyses where we are in the winter season of the Kondratieff cycle and what comes next. He believes we are approaching the final deflationary phase, which will have severe consequences for investors.


1287 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 15: Stuart Ashman runs what could be a 20 bagger and Lucian Miers on his longs and shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Staurt Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) where I am 130% up in seven months but think the shares could 20 bag from here and bear raider Lucian Miers on macro economics his cooling feelings on cold and warming feelings on bitcoin and his big longs and shorts. Then there are a few thoughts on companies you must NOT own, including the latest nonsense from the scallywags at Powerhouse Energy (PHE).You can access the show HERE


1292 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: so they took off the trousers of some chaps and made them cut their hair

I start on the Greek Albanian border in the 1970s. Then it is onto the dotcom boom in 2000 and bitcoin now and the idea of Institutional acceptance and validation. Then it is onto Versarien (VRS) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME).


1294 days ago

Video: Inflation Starting to Rear its Ugly Head: buy bitcoin and gold shares

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates argues that the system has failed due to unsound money, and an immediate restructuring would be preferable. The alternative may be dragging the process out for the next twenty years. He explains the differences between today and 2008 and why we haven’t seen much increase in money velocity yet.


1296 days ago

Video: Bitcoin fuelled by a con, gold will surge

Analyst Kirian van Hest is a specialist on the Comex and where its delivery default risk may be heading in the coming months. Kirian was expecting more stimulus this last Autumn and more investment in the precious metals. He says that the numbers Comex is reporting are highly suspect, and it appears that it’s now one big fraud. He feels that by February or the latest, the middle of 2021, the Comex’s fraud will become very evident.


1314 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 14: Dr Doom becomes a mega bull & 1 stock where you MUST average down!

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble (FOX) and Dr Doom David Scott. I discuss averaging down  and after news this week Fox is a rare case where that is justified. This will – as I explain in the show – be a multibagger from here. Meanwhile Dr Doom is now a bull. we discuss sharers, bonds, real estate, bitcoin and gold in a must listen to interview. Then there are a few thoughts on companies you must NOT own, including Powerhouse Energy (PHE).You can access the show HERE


1318 days ago

Video: Fed will lose control of inflation so silver, gold and bitcoin will soar

Writer Lyn Alden looks at the economic downturn and notes  that we’ve seen a rebound in some asset classes, but, she argues, that it will take most of 2021 to see all the effects play out. We’ve seen a weaker dollar and slowing GDP growth globally. By late 2021 the global economy should improve gradually.


1325 days ago

Video: Negative Yields Pushing Money into Bitcoin and Gold

Nicholas Mertin is the founder of Digifox a digital finance platform and DataDash, the largest cryptocurrency YouTube channel is talking his own book here. But as we have a few bitcoin nutters on this website, as well as the legion of gold bugs headed up by comrade Somerville,  here is something for you.


1327 days ago

Video: the world is bust but bitcoin is NOT Gold

Bullion dealer Simon Mikhailovich argues that today’s accounting practices may look okay on paper but the truth is that we are bust. It is now impossible to meet the future demands on cash-flow. Rates today are at 5000-year lows, while most assets are very overpriced. The dollar has declined in value during the past century by 95%. He argues that since interest rates are now zero, currency can only fall in value from here.


1338 days ago

Video: Gold and bitcoin to the moon, or at least $4,000 for the yellow metal

Asset manager Frank Holmes argues that the US the election results and a split house may be the perfect scenario for the stock market and the ideal scenario for gold. He believes that G20 Central bankers have been functioning as a cartel since 2008 by synchronizing taxation and regulation. Now they are playing with MMT, zero interest rates, and monetary stimulus. However, they have redefined the CPI, and today if you use the old model, inflation is running at close to eight percent. Smart people are buying real assets like art, gold, silver, mining equities, and bitcoin.


1343 days ago

Video: Protect yourself with bitcoin and gold as shares and bonds set to tank

Libertarian speculator and author Doug Casey says it’s difficult today to be an investor with all the government economic distortion and mis-allocation of capital. However, in contrast a speculator can do well in this environment. He says, “Being a speculator should not be confused with being a trader.”


1344 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Maybe I am a dinosaur and past it but this is why I am not attracted to bitcoin

I start with the therapy my woodshed offers and also a note on Chris Bailey. Then I look at Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS) before considering bitcoin and gold and why I personally have big exposure to the “barbarous relic” and no exposure to crypto.


1430 days ago

Video: We are in the Early Stages of the Largest Bull Market in the History of Precious Metals

Analyst Nick Giambruno explains which assets are “hard assets” and so will fly when fiat is, as now, being debauched. There are key characteristics that make gold the best money, and other assets like silver and bitcoin share many of those features. Bitcoin fits this definition because it’s scarce, and its supply growth is similar to that of gold, gradually declining.


1535 days ago

Video: Don't buy into the idea that crypto is safe - Fiat Currency is a Better Store of Value than Bitcoin

Trader Chris Vermeulen is expecting another market correction since the fundamentals for the market have only worsened. Small investors have been piling in while smart money has been exiting. He warns that “The average person is going to get completely slaughtered.” But he is bullish on silver, as it seems primed for a move higher.


1592 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: did you hear all those bubbles (we warned you about) bursting?

In today’s podcast I talk about the sell off and discuss the shape of the recovery that will happen in the real economy and in equities but warn against optimism on the rate and timing of that recovery. I look at Restaurant Group (RTN) which, again, I warn is a disaster waiting to happen, then at various bubbles that have burst  in the past few weeks including bitcoin (ha Dominic Frisby take that!) cannabis, junk bonds and AIM shite and discuss a few companies in those sectors. I also clarify a point on bailouts for the benefit of NoGold.


1783 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHT with Tom Winnifrith, Frisby, Bramhill & Friel

In this eighth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast, sponsored by Yorkville Advisors, in order I discuss my guest next week (the biggest name yet on the show) and Burford (BUR) and the more genberal issue of revenue recognition. I then chat for about an hour to liberatrian comedian, songwriter and singer, Brexit Party activist, gold & bitcoin guru Dominic Frisby. Prepare for a few laughs.  Then it is Cathal Friel of Open Orphan (ORPH), where I am a shareholder, and finally David Bramhill of Union Jack Oil (UJO). After that section I discuss nearology with reference to Union Jack, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and more generally.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1794 days ago

Dominic Frisby's new song, "Hate Speech" out today- cracking video

My friend, the comedian & gold/bitcoin guru & Brexit party wannabee MP, Dominic Frisby, has a new song out today, Hate Speech. Suffice to say it is brilliant. The video is below.


2068 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: are bitcoin & the other cryptocurrencies dead?

You may wish to watch my UK Investor City forum gig with bitcoin nutter Dominic Frisby HERE to frame what is in this podcast, the title of which is self-explanatory.


2076 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Three reasons to be fecking angry today

Number one is Amazon (again). Number two is Barclays Bank (BARC) again! And the third is explained HERE. Elswhere I explain what it means when I am made an insider and how I have to behave. I look at the bitcoin bloodbath and in that vein at Argo Blockchain (ARGO), Vela (VELA) and the Clem'Chambers spoof Online Blockchain (OBC). I cover Falanx (FLX), Photonstar Led (PSL) and AO World (AO).


2107 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith vs Dominic Frisby on bitcoin, blockchain and goats

The final part of Tuesday night's Nigel Wray UK Investor City forum was a debate on bitcoin, blockchain and goats between myself and Dominic Frisby. I think I had the best jokes though Dominic is the comedian. Anyhow it was fun and, I hope, informative. The next Wray City Forum is on December 3rd so put the date in your diary now.


2115 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: on the Anniversary of the Brighton bombing & other murders by Jeremy Corbyn's Sinn Fein/IRA pals

Forgive a brief historic digression at the start of this podcast but I start with a history lesson for those misguided souls who think that SinnFein/IRA brought peace and happiness to Ireland. Then I look at some other tossers from Ulster, First Derivatives (FDP) and the 3Xs. I comment briefly on Purplebricks (PURP) and Versarien (VRS) then move via BCA Marketplace (BCA) to Neil Woodford. Then it is onto MySquar (MYSQ), Symphony Environmental (SYM) and on to UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) with a few words for Dominic Frisby on the nature of bitcoin and its bubble ahead of our bust up next week in London.


2118 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Versarien is 11p away

In today's bearcast I look at the idea of a bear market on AIM, Cenkos (CNKS) as its CEO walks (again), Versarien (VRS), Plutus Powergen (PPG), First Derivatives(FDP), Mysquar (FRAUD), Mayan (MYN) and Wolfe Minerals (WLFE). Due to a bit of a mix-up there are a newly available handful of tickets to next week's wine, canapes, Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) evening in London with me ripping Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin as a bonus. To grab your seat for 16 October book HERE


2127 days ago

Just 30 places left: 16 October me Dom Frisby, Falanx and a long Premaitha slot plus booze and canapes

There are now fewer than 30 places left for the next Wray family organised UK Investor evening seminar in central London. So if you want to book a slot do so now HERE.  The event kicks off with drinks and canapes from 5.30 with the first talk just after six. It will be a packed evening.

Falanx (FLX) has a 20 minute presentation and will take questions for another ten or maybe more. As a supportive e but long suffering shareholder I have a couple of questions myself. Then it is Premaitha (NIPT) which presents for twenty minutes but will face another twenty minutes of questions INCLUDING A NUMBER FROM ME !!!!!

There this then a session where I plan to tear into bitcoin and blockchain believer Dominic Frisby about the ponzi he appears to think holds water. Then more drinks and canapes.

There are only about 20 places left so if you want to “have words” with Adam Reynolds and Premaitha now is your chance. Book HERE


2129 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Premaitha kicks itself in gonads & Cabot, did the ex CEO insider deal or not?

First things first. If you want free booze, canapes, a chance to see me rip Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin and to hear presentations from and quiz Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) then book a seat for 16 October in central London HERE.  In today's podcast I look at Premaitha (NIPT), Avanti Communicatiuons (AVN), Cabot Energy (CAB) and the scandal it won't discuss, Greka Drilling (GDL), SpaceandPeople (SAL) and add to Gary's piece on a CEO who should be going straight to jail and not collecting £400 on the way, Brian McMaster of Jangada Mines (JAN). 


2130 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Frontera Resources is quite simply bust, it is that simple

First things first. If you want free booze, canapes, a chance to see me rip Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin and to hear presentations from and quiz Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) then book a seat for 16 October in central London HERE. In the podcast I look at the madness of Corbyn once more in relation to the Natural rate of Unemployment in a non broken economy. I add to my earlier comments on troughery at Frontera (FRR) HERE by showing it is bankrupt. I cover Concepta (CPT), Fishing Republic (FISH), the Widecells (WDC) scandal and Wolf Minerals (WLFE).


2202 days ago

Photo Article - through the keyhole, whose books are these?

When I visit my dad, he urges me to take away one or two of the zillions of books in his house. Naturally I want to please him and do as requested but I am equally conscious that the Mrs reckons that our house in Bristol has too many books and that my suggestion that she bin her sociology books to make way for more of mine is not a runner. And now Joshua is collecting book after book as well...


2269 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Main stage Video: What is Blockchain & Is Bitcoin a bubble?

This session was chaired by Dominic Frisby with a panel of Malcolm Palle, Jonathan Bixby, Tony Sanders, Bob McDowall, and Ralph Hazell


2375 days ago

The Anatomy of CryptoCurrency Scams (tweaked)

I am not sure where this first apperared but thanks to the reader who emailed it over. I have tweaked it to remove the name of a famour journalist as I can live without another lawyers' letter. But the core message stands about botcoin and all the other crypto bubbles is fair. Enjoy.


2387 days ago

GOLD – If You’re Not Long, You Will Be Wrong - bitcoin & Metcalfe's Law

Frank Holmes is chairman of a blockchain company (Hive) yet is a major gold bull. He became interested in the space when found out that the CEO of Fidelity a company with two trillion in funds has been discussing bitcoin. He says, “Something big is happening.


2410 days ago

Video: American Super Bear Andrew Left discusses 2 blockchain bitcoin shorts and the madness of the market

Andrew Left of Citron Research is one of the sharpest cookies in the global shorting conspiracy. He has just recorded an interview on CNBC discussing two blockchain/bitcoin shorts in the US. Change your name and your shares soar even though there is nothing there? Sound familiar Clem?

Left's two targets are Bitcoin Investment Trust (US: GBTC) and Riot Blockchain (US:RIOT). Enjoy...


2414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: shorting bitcoin is insane but so too is being long

In this bearcast I look at the issue of share buybacks at this stage of the stockmarket cycle in general but with reference to Domino's Pizza (DOM) in particular. Then I look at the bitcoin bubble explaining why it is NOT a currency and why it will in due course pop as Goodhart's Law kicks in. But you'd be crackers to have a position either way right now


2414 days ago

Embrace Bitcoin – When Commodities Move Just Imagine the Potential!

I am not so sure. But here is the raging bull case put by Peter Spina. In this podcast he discusses the cryptocurrency space and how it is similar to the dot-com boom of the late 90’s. No one knows how all of this will play out, but it is all but certain that crypto will play an essential role in world finance. Spina feels that both gold and cryptocurrencies are complimentary. You should be careful and protect your wealth in precious metals and only speculate in the crypto market. It is a new technology with much potential that creates a much more free and open marketplace. But...


2423 days ago

Video: Rick Rule on bitcoin, gold stocks, the uranium opportunity and on the time to speculate

Rick Rule of Sprott is perhaps the world's best known investor in resource stocks. This video interview will be controversial covering bitcoin, uranium, gold, dollar default and much more.


2436 days ago

It’s Time to Rotate Crypto Gains Into Forgotten Gold Stocks

Like the rest of us, Jeff Berwick has been surprised by just how good the crypto space has done this year. He was telling everyone to buy bitcoin back in 2011 and has continued to recommend it. Jeff compares cryptocurrencies to the beginning of the Internet. It feels like we are entering the Internet 3.0 and Wall Street seems to be finally catching on. The bitcoin market is still tiny, and if it ever gets valued anywhere near gold, it will still go up thousands of percent. The entire thing is bizarre and mind-blowing.


2503 days ago

Peter Schiff: Beanie Babies, Bitcoins, and What’s next?

Libertarian Peter Schiff is a great hero of mine and I am glad to see him calling Bitcoin out as a bubble.


2506 days ago

Bitcoin is Going to Drive Gold & Silver to All Time Highs

I still really do not understant bitcoin but it seems to grip fellow libertarians like Dominic Frisby and, in this case, resource guru Doug Casey. In this Palisade Capital podcast, Doug discusses the commodity markets and why the most important thing is what they do cyclically. Most commodities are down 50% since 2011 and the dollar has lost 20%. Commodities remain quite cheap, particularly gold, silver, and copper. He discusses Junior miners and why now is a good time to get into these markets.


2519 days ago

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, ICOs the Beginning of a New Tech Sector Bubble

I really do not get this bitcoin shite at all, however much my pal Dominic Frisby tries to explain it to me. I just fear it will end in tears but I am cognisant that some folks have made a complete killing on it so far. In a podcast with Palisade Capital, sector guru Michael Pole makes some bold calls. Is this just the start of the gold rush or are we close to dotcom bust in 2001? 


2562 days ago

Bitcoin or gold - which is the real safe haven or store of value?

Naturally Sprott Asset Management, as the world's best known resource investor, favours gold but, and this may surprise you, it does see a case for bitcoin exposure. Its latest monthly report discusses the battle: Bitcoin vs Gold. Over to analyst Trey Reik who writes:


2762 days ago

Stay Down-to-Earth with Gold, While Going to the Moon with Bitcoin

There are so many radically extreme events that are happening, or will likely happen soon in the world economy, we have to be very careful. In Jeff Berwick’s 20+ years of market investments, he sees this as the most difficult time for investors. He suggests getting a lot of your money out of the markets by holding precious metals, other hard assets, and bitcoin.


2996 days ago

Video: Bitcoin & Blockchain session from UK Investor Show with Coinsilium & Dom Frisby

Do you understand bitcoin and blockchain? No. Neither do I. At UK Investor Show a panel organised by Coinsilium (COIN) including Dominic Frisby tried to explain the excitement and the investment opportunity.


3149 days ago

Video: Dominic Frisby explains Bitcoin at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

I do not understand Bitcoin but my good pal Dominic Frisby does and explained the investment case in full at Gold & Bears


3175 days ago

I’m following the Jim Mellon crew and taking a small Bitcoin punt on Coinsilium

I do not understand Bitcoin, blockchain technology and the like. I leave that to smarter folks like Dominic Frisby who will be presenting on it at Gold & Bears and my good friend Jim Mellon who will – I’m sure – mention it in his G&B talk. This could all be the next phooey hype but it could be big so I’m getting a small exposure via Coinsilium – a two year old blockchain investor listing on ISDX later this month. I’m backing Jim’s judgement on this one.


3380 days ago

Video of UK Investor Presentation by soon to IPO Bitcoin play Coinsillium

Coinsillium is planning an IPO within weeks on AIM and it seems to be attracting some interesting backers as a bitcoin play. It presented at UK Investor Show 2015 and here is the video.
