
457 days ago

The global warming myth from Lake Vyrnwy – will the MSM GroupThink apologise now?

You may remember that last August the Mainstream Media flocked to Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, to show an old village (Llanwyddyn) appearing as the waters fell and, as one, warned that this was a portent of things to come thanks to man made global warming. With data and a site visit I have shown several times on this site what total tosh that was! Now we have the latest data from United Utilities and, well, guess what?


458 days ago

A fool and his money are easily parted: Prince William and the global warming coral reef grifters

If you believe in the bogus religion of global warming there are a few chants you must break into if you meet someone like me, a sceptic or, put another way, someone who looks at actual data. You must chant that “the Maldives is drowning” (of course they are is not), that water shortages in South Africa are caused by global warming (they aren’t), that Pakistan is seeing more flooding ( it is not) and, say it loudly, that the Great Barrier Reef and other corals are being destroyed by warmer seas caused by man made global warming. Among those shouting about corals the loudest is Prince William.


483 days ago

Back to Lake Vyrnwy, the parched Welsh lakes & The Guardian warning of dried out rivers – anyone guess the latest data?

Back in August of last year the sight of a parched Lake Vyrnwy in the hills about an hour from where I live was a posterboy for those predicting more and more droughts thanks to man made global warming.  As someone who remembers my local reservoir drying up in 1976 but refilling very quickly the next year I thought that this was media bull at the time and with data from United Utilities and a site visit I have demonstrated a number of times that I was right and the MSM was talking GroupThink cock. But the mainstream media has not apologised, indeed over at the Guardian they have doubled down.


562 days ago

Another week of rain here in Wales and in the North West of England for the global warming nutters to ignore: new reservoir data in

I am sorry if this sounds a bit obsessive but I like dealing in facts, that is to say what has happened, hard data.  Those in the Global Warming GroupThink, the followers of the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg and employees of the BBC engage in wild speculation. And so I return to my specialist subject of reservoir levels here in Wales.


613 days ago

The Avaaz global warming grifters at it again – now it is drought in Somalia

There is a drought in Somalia. Nobody denies that fact. But the cause? The grifters at Avaaz do not care about facts  and are thus calling it out as another symptom of global warming and asking the saps they spam for money, some heading out to East Africa and some to line the pockets of the grossly overpaid liberal grifters at Avaaz. The grifters lead with a touching father and son photo from Somalia and say:


711 days ago

Tory Minister Therese Coffey – are you really that dim or do you think we all are?

Therese Coffey MP was on Sky this morning where she was meant to be batting away questions on the cost of living crisis and the drought. Either Ms Coffee is thick as two short planks or she must think we are.


2359 days ago

Channel 4 News on the Drought in Cape Town caused by Climate Change - Fake News!

Channel 4 reporter Lindsey Hilsum could not contain her excitement as she reported on the drought hitting Cape Town. There were a number of factors to blame but Climate Change was repeated many times. Her conclusion was clear, Governments across the world must not wait for climate change to hit them as it had hit the Cape as that would be too late, they must act now. Hmm. Fake news alert! We know Channel 4 prefers pious virtue signalling to hard data analysis but this was extreme.
