
2210 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Extreme bad language mainly about that f*cker Boris Johnson

Make sure your kids do not listen to this podcast. Today I cover the latest bonkers idea from Malcolm Stacey, NetFlix (NFLX), tesla (TSLA), IQE (IQE), Dods (DODS), Flybe (FLYB) and Totally (TLY). I also explain why I am even more of a f*cking feminist than before, as of today.


2282 days ago

The Genius of Titania McGrath Part 2 - The Gender gap & the myth

I have flagged up before the twitter genius that is @TitaniaMcGrath a radical intersectional feminist on twitter. Her true genius is that her account is a parody but it is so plausible that folks get really angry with "her" dismissing her as just another idiot uber-liberal millenial. Yesterday's offering, below, is another classic which has generated an amazing response from those with no sense of humour or who are just plain dumb. But as with all great parody a serious point is made about some of the rubbish talked about gender equality.  Enjoy.


2282 days ago

The Genius of Titania McGrath Part 1 - Tom Cruise & Su Pollard - the gender pay gap

I have flagged up before the twitter genius that is @TitaniaMcGrath a radical intersectional feminist on twitter. Her true genius is that her account is a parody but it is so plausible that folks get really angry with "her" dismissing her as just another idiot uber-liberal millenial. Today's offering, below, is another classic which has generated an amazing response from those with no sense of humour or who are just plain dumb. But as with all great parody a serious point is made about some of the rubbish talked about gender equality.  Enjoy.


2428 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Despite being a staunch feminist, I reckon the birds who run FootAsylum must be fired NOW!

I explain why the FD and CEO of FootAsylum (FOOT) must be fired at once after today's profits warning. I forgot to say that any company holding and announcing an "analyst teach in" - as Rob Terry used to do - is almost an automatic sell in my book and FootAsylum is an offender in this respect. I also look at FastForward (FFWD) and explain why I think Jim Mellon has sinned, albeit legally. I cover UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Andalas (ADL) and McCarthy & Stone (MCS). In terms of the walk we are now well over £9,000 with gift aid and ahead of a training walk in the rain tonight I ask again. Most bearcast listeners are enjoying my suffering but are yet to help Woodlarks with a donation. Please, I am sure you can spare a tenner HERE


2510 days ago

Photo Article: The Cheerleader fired for breaking her employment contract - oh it must be sexism

Great I get to run a photo of an NFL cheerleader and of the same bird wearing lingerie in an article and it is all because I am so supportive of the feminist cause. Sometimes I really like my job. Meet Bailey Davies formerly, for three years, a cheerleader with the NFL team the New Orleans Saints.


2545 days ago

Photo article: Proving I am a real man... pyromania at last at the Greek Hovel

You know that I am a feminist. Child care, nappy changing, shopping, washing, cooking, I dxo more than my fair share. But there are some things that only women can do. Breast feeding for example. And there are some things we men do: snake killing, ouzo drinking and.. lighting fires.  My repeated failure to burn off the olive branches and frigana I cut down last year at the Greek Hovel has thus been somewhat emasculating. And it got far worse yesterday before it got better.


2558 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: FFS DO NOT WAKE JOSHUA

Friday is one of my two and a half days a week when my 17 month old son Joshua is not at nursery and I am the primary carer. I am such a fucking feminist it is unbelievable. In fact I am almost expecting Harriet Harman to call for the Mrs to start giving me vast sums of money for being such a role model. Anyhow, I record with Joshua snoring so if I speak quietly it is so as not to wake him. In this podcast I cover Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), IQE (IQE), Versarien (VRS) and Sosandar (SOS), shares in which I am VERY happy to own.  My son and heir is pictured snoring away below.


2559 days ago

Radical Feminist Mark Slater and the cause of women's soccer

There are two things that I have never associated with my friend Mark Slater. One is being in any way, shape or form politically correct. The other is having any interest in football, it is surely a game for the oiks. Imagine my shock then to see the latest image tweeted by Brislington Ladies FC, my local club who I follow keenly - on twitter at least.


2567 days ago

Middle class women celebrate as more working class girls chucked on the dole in the name of feminism and progress

I noted the other day the extraordinary way that those fighting the feminist cause really did not appear to give a stuff about working class girls and women suffering real exploitation, preferring to show masive outrage on behalf of middle class girls suffering far less. Now the feminazi movement moves up a gear and is today celebrating a victory which sees working class girls chucked onto the dole. Hooray, trebles all round in Islington!


2760 days ago

42 BBC fat cat women like Fiona Bruce and Laura Kuenssberg dress up naked greed as a feminist fight

42 grossly overpaid readers of autocues at the state funded generator of fake news that is the BBC have written to their boss today demanding that they be even more grossly overpaid. The least grossly overpaid of these women earns £150,000 a year or, put another way, just over 1000 license fee payments. They have made demands for substantial pay rises because they are doing their bit in the invaluable fight for women's equality, they are fighting as feminists. This is a truly selfless act on their part. Yup.


2898 days ago

The pathetic feminists of the West - how they demean the plight of women who really suffer

Emmeline Pankhurst, Countess Markievicz, hell even Germaine Greer, these were feminists who fought for something important and fought bravely. And still the struggle is not over. In many parts of the world women are treated shamefully, as sex slaves, as second class citizens as folks who have no rights. Think of FGM, think of the battles of Saudi women to have a voice and to avoid execution for crimes that are not crimes if you are a man, think of the way ISIS treats female captives. Gosh there are some real battles feminists - whether male or female - still need to fight. 


3042 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am such an ffing feminist & is Justin the Clown always a red flag?

The reason for that is revealed at the end of the podcast. Before that I look at Gable (GAH), Entu (ENTU), Gulf Keystone and a stock ramped by Justin the Clown, Global Energy Development (GED). Does an endorsement from the Clown mean that the shares might not be cheap?


3057 days ago

This is how you self express said the midwife...that is the time a Gentleman makes his exit

A couple of midwifes have just visited the Mrs and the 13 day old baby with no name. As I heard the latter screaming I thought I should head upstairs to see what was going on. I am, as you know, a supportive progressive partner if not an outright feminist.


3068 days ago

Baby No name.. sssshhh, don't wake up Oakley

Actually I call the baby Patrick as I fear that in 40 days time when he is registered he will have another name so I shall enjoy Patrick while I can. In his first night on this planet at the hospital he was an angel. Other babies bawled he did not. However, one night does not make a lifetime.


3075 days ago

Black Lives Matter, Climate Change and your cash spunked - I am livid

I have noted before how ludicrous the demonstrations of BlackLivesMatter in the UK are given the incidence of Police on Black crimes. They are almost non existent. So to broaden its appeal BLM is now protesting against climate change which, apparently, is racist. Natch. But it gets worse and this is where your blood will start to boil.


3109 days ago

Feminist Caption Contest: Women's Beach Volleyball Egypt vs Germany, C15 vs 2016

As a feminist I, naturally, support the right of a woman to wear what she wants not what some moronic theocrat dictates she wears. This contest from Rio sees the 15th Century playing 2016 or do you see the game in a suitable manner. Caption contest anyone? Please submit you entries in the comments section by midnight Friday 12 August.


3262 days ago

Five Photos of Women Role Models to Infuriate hypocrite feminists on International Womens day

Living with a Guardian reading sociology lecturer I need no reminding that it is International Women's day. Natch I gave the Mrs a thankful pay on the backside after she cooked my breakfast and reminded her that my new West Ham top was a bit dirty and that she should not forget it when putting the clothes wash on. But how to celebrate this great event? With some photos of women from around the world who show that there are no glass ceilings, who demonstrate how powerful women can be, who are role models for our daughters and who will infuriate every feminist in town. Let's start with some athletes.


3435 days ago

Charlotte Proudman – just another whining, boring humourless lawyer and a hypocrite to boot

The ghastly feminist lawyer Charlotte Proudman was doing the rounds on the British news channels last night and did herself no favours, as she whinged away in a nasal faux working class drone she showed herself to be little more than a humourless, publicity seeking hypocrite.

You remember that on the tedious LinkedIn website Ms Proudman posted a photo of herself in which she polished up well prompting some buffoon of a lawyer (Alexander Carter-Silk) to post a comment “I appreciate that this is probably horrendously politically incorrect but that is a stunning picture!!! You definitely win the prize for the best LinkedIn picture I have ever seen.”

Ms Proudman promptly accused the sexist old beast of being a sexist old beast stating: 


4266 days ago

#RadFem 2013 – Conference NOT cancelled – mad feminists celebrate: Wonderful quotes!

The London Irish centre was reported to have cancelled a conference called RadFem2013 citing the fact that it appears to engage in “transphobia” whatever that is.

But I am absued on twitter as a "moron" by some nutter who insists that it is going ahead. The same nutter @heresthebs who tweeted a quote a few days ago "This whole world is based on male fantasies. Women just are expected to live them." Right, Melissa from near Philly you are clearly bonkers.

As a believer in free speech I am naturally delighted that this event is to go ahead even though as the quotes below make abundantly clear the radical feminists who were planning to attend were all completely stark raving mad.  I really can add nothing to the quotes below - they say it all:

Luckynkl: SCAMs (Surgically and Chemically Altered Males) are nothing more than MRAs (Men’s Rights Activists) in dresses.
MaggieH: [Males are] Fucking mutants. When will there ever be a male-only deadly disease taking over the earth to put them out of their misery, huh?
Bonobabe: Personally, I think we should do away with circumcision and replace it with castration.

WhiteTiger: If we’re going that road, why not just cull boy babies for awhile? Re-establish a sane balance. Then we can start selective breeding programs for donor males… [To cull means to reduce the population of by selective slaughter.]
Luckynkl: So if we can come up with a biological weapon that can be ingested and kill off the Y Chromosome in a man’s sperm count, we’re almost home. We can all get hired as waitresses or chefs or work at McDonald’s and sprinkle it into the food or something… It’s not a quick solution. It will take about 2 generations to cull males. But it will work.

Bev Jo: [Transgender Women Are] Male supremacists

