178 days ago
It was last year that I contacted the celebrated campaigner on the matter of historic sexual abuse at Britain’s public schools, Alex Renton, to discuss how to push my old school to be more proactive in addressing its own scandals. My abuse at the hands of sadistic Geoffrey Eve was physical. But other boys suffered sexual abuse. One victim, having suppressed his memories for decades has finally decided to confront them, contacted Renton who put him in touch with me. We spoke last week.
697 days ago
My father and mother were in Oxford in the 1960s at a time when Sergeant Morse arrived in the City and when Oxfam was set up and they were – like Morse – almost, lifelong supporters. They paid over a monthly direct debit even when they could not afford it and would order Christmas presents from the third world via the Oxfam catalogue. But in his final years I finally persuaded Dad that sending his cash to an organisation which covered up for paedophiles in the field was not a good idea. We discussed the bloated salaries of the administrative staff in Oxford and how Oxfam was now opining on areas well outside its original remit of fighting famine. He could not argue and one glorious day I answered a begging call for a Tom Winnifrith from the aggressive sales team at Oxfam, and, with the consent of my father, ( also called Tom) told them to bugger off and to stop the direct debit.
764 days ago
It is not often hat I urge anyone to listen to the BBC. But at 8 PM tonight the excellent Alex Renton has a new programme on historic sexual abuse at the UK’s public schools. I urge the staff, Governors and Headmaster of my old school Warwick to listen to Radio 4 very carefullty. For the issue at hand is how schools covered up and protected abusers and Warwick is guilty of that to an extraordinary degree.
940 days ago
45 years ago I was pushed back into that freezing outdoor pool at Warwick School behind the “new gym” as I tried to haul myself out. There was no real malice by the three boys who did it (Petley R, Townsend & Moffatt A) but what happened was part of a culture of bullying which teachers just overlooked. Moffat A was, in particular, a real bully in my years in the junior school. Both his parents taught there and so that was just part of life, part of what made Warwick such an appalling place. On this occassion, my ankle caught between the iron bar that went around the pool and the edge of the pool. As I struggled for breath the ankle became horribly twisted. I could not walk for many weeks. It has never fully recovered.
1394 days ago
I start with a few comments on paedophiles as yet another one is brought to my attention from Warwick School. Then it is on to the tawdry world of insanity that is Valereum (VLRM), a true nest of ramping snakes. I then cover Sosandar (SOS), Atalaya (ATYM) and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). Finally, Boohoo.com (BOO) has made a very generous donation to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks and we are almost 1/4 of the way to target. Please make a small donation tonight to get us to that 25% mark, we are just £600 short, HERE.
2553 days ago
Let's be clear, there are paedophiles and other monsters working in every industry, in every sector, in all parts of the economy. It has come as a shock to some that the charities world seems to have a real problem in this respect. I am not surprised. It is only that it has taken this long for the cover-ups to be exposed that shocks me. I would expect that charities like the church would have far more than their fair share of perverts on board.
2555 days ago
The sort of well paid metropolitan elitist who works for the BBC will no doubt mingle socially with the numerous champagne socialists earning £100,000 + per annum working for NGOs and lecturing rich folks in the private sector about how evil we are for not tackling poverty. These are the chattering classes and they stick together.
2595 days ago
In today's podcast I spend a lot of time looking at Pantheon Resources (PANR) - when is the next bailout placing? I make wider observations about this sector. There is then a direct challenge to Mileestone (MSG) about Lyin' Larry and to its Nomad Cairn Financial. I then look at Mila (MILA) and MySquar (MYSQ) commenting on how some AIM CEO's groom BBMs like peadophiles groom their victims. Sam Antar has made the same analogy . It is all about gaining trust.
2757 days ago
For every safe seat, and 80% of all labour and Tory seats are safe. there is a line as long as your arm of folks begging to be selected. Much though MP's bleat about their poor pay (they are in the top 2% of earners even without expenses fiddles, second jobs etc and anti social hours (outside 30 weeks holiday a year, there is no shortage of hopefuls for this cushiest of jobs. Yet the pampered bastards who perennially forget that they work for us not the other way round, always want more special treatment.
2779 days ago
Sometimes in business you have a moral choice. Do you accept the custom of an individual or not. As a libertarian I do not thing it should be for the state to tell me who I can or cannot choose to serve.
3241 days ago
Yes it is official. Today's fairy tale from Project Fear is that if you vote to leave the EU on June 23rd you will be damaging your children and grandchildren. Hell's teeth why didn't Education Secretary Nicky Morgan just go the whole hog and liken Eurosceptics to paedophiles?
The ludicrous assertion is based on the idea that the economy will be damaged by Brexit so young folks will not get jobs. But Ms Morgan asserts this economic view as if it is a proven fact which of course it is not. And thus her whole proposition is just based on opinion and is thus nothing more than an assertion.
In case you think the paedophile jibe is going a little far I refer you
4003 days ago
Harriet Harman, her husband Jack Dromey given a safe Labour sat on an all women shortlist, and Patricia Hewitt are the sort of ghastly career politician, New Labour figures who one cannot help but despise. The six day campaign by the Daily Mail to link them to those campaigning for organised paedophilia has thus found many on the right salivating and scenting blood. I am not so sure I want to join in this vengefest. And I note that many of the allegations made were known a long time ago. Much of this is not newsbreaking but instead an organised campaign.
In the 1970s the three ghastly New Labourites worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), the organisation now known as Liberty in senior roles. The NCCL had more than 1,000 affiliated groups who were clearly not vetted terribly carefully. Among them was the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) which wanted the law to be changed to allow adults to have sex with kids and many of whose leading lights have since been exposed and imprisoned as sickening nonces.
Harman clearly put her name to one or two documents from the NCCL pushing for changes in the law on, for instance, child pornography, which of one looks at them today are frankly disgusting.
Harman has after six days expressed “regrets” over certain matters but she has not issued an outright apology. She has in a very New Labour way bashed the Mail for stating things it did not actually say and thus claimed this is a “smear campaign.”
Hewitt has said nothing. The Daily Mail continues to push. The new media right
4042 days ago
Last week instead of a caption contest I asked you to name the odd one out and say why from the four gentlemen pictured below. It was so simple yet no correct winner emerged. The four men pictured below are of course: Jimmy Saville, Cyril Smith MP, Sci-fi writer Arthur C Clarke and former Tory Minister and European Commissioner Leon Brittan.
The correct answer is of course
4101 days ago
David Cameron came into power promising to roll back the State. Yesterday he announced what has to be the most Nanny State measure in history. I concerns my wife, your wife and pornography. It shows Call Me Dave at his very meddling worst.
As ever with a politician seeking to allow the state to intrude into your private lives, Call Me Dave comes up with a claim that he is fighting an evil so wicked that anyone who opposes him is by definition evil themselves. In this case the evil Call Me Dave is fighting is not terrorism but paedophiles.
Stage one of Call Me Dave’s fight against online nonces is to get Google and other providers to remove certain search terms from their web engines. Stage two is that from late 2014 anyone wishing to access adult content via an ISP will have to opt in to do so. In other words, according to Call Me Dave, you will have to ask the Mrs if she minds you downloading porn.
Of course this is all spurious.
4419 days ago
The BBC may not be very good at stopping its staff from abusing kids but when it comes to things that really matter the national broadcaster ( cost to the grateful taxpayer £4 billion a year) is bang on the money. Just look at the way that it is stamping out the menace of bananas.
Glossy posters with a banana with a large red cross through it have appeared all over the grand new headquarters of the BBC. The reason: one member of staff will suffer an unpleasant (not fatal) allergic reaction if he or she comes into contact with these deadly fruit.
Surely it is not too much to ask this sensitive soul just not to go picking up bananas? Er no. Their minority rights (presumably that means the right to inspect the lunch boxes of colleagues) means that all the other space wasters (oops sorry I meant valued employees of the BBC) cannot now bring bananas into designated zones of the building. Perhaps as we used to have “smoking rooms” the BBC could set aside “banana rooms” where folks might indulge their cravings undisturbed.
There are no doubt going to be other BBC employees with allergies to wheat, bread, biscuits, apples, strawberries, dobbing in peadophile colleagues, etc. Will all of them be indulged in a similar fashion? Why not just go the whole Orwellian mile and ban all food from the BBC? Or better still ban all staff from the BBC and just close it down.
4427 days ago
Will Reading get relegated this season? Is paedophilia a national sport in Belgium? Do sheep get nervous when they cross the border into Wales? Is the Guardian a paper fit only for lighting fires with and using in the cat’s litter tray? Is the Pope a Catholic? Of course Reading (and QPR) are going down.
4472 days ago
Yesterday the most shocking allegation was made in the house of commons about the late MP for Rochdale Sir Cyril Smith. Using Parliamentary privilege the obese Northerner was accused of being a lifelong, and serial Liberal Democrat.
Smith’s family have reacted with anger, claiming this is a viicious smear. One said, this is just untrue: Cyril was just an ordinary paedophile. To suggest anything otherwise is simply malicious.
4473 days ago
In case you missed it, given that every day is World something or bloody other thing day, today is World Kindness Day. This is a day organised by the World Kindness Movement on which we are all urged to “celebrate and promote kindness in all its forms.”
Examples given from 2011 show the sort of fatuous way that the West slips into decline. There was an enormous “organised hug” on Bondi Beach in Australia. A Kindness Text wave swept the UK. A Kindness Awards ceremony took place in Italy.
I never cease to be amazed by the new heights of civilization and achievement that man reaches in the early part of the 21st Century. Awesome.
But just to show that I am embracing the spirit of the day I hereby pledge that for the whole of the 13th of November I shall not saying anything nasty about paedophiles in Belgium, believers in global warming, the lying scumbags at Sefton Resources or David Cameron. I cannot say fairer than that. Now who wants to give me a big hug?
4477 days ago
A map appeared the other day showing how Britain had invaded 90% of the countries on this planet at one stage or another. Generally the 10% had suffered from missing out. The longer the British stayed the better off a country was. I am no apologist for Empire. It is a matter I will be covering at some stage.
I just looked at my Google analytics map and I see that this blog has now been read in 117 countries around the world during the past two weeks. So I still have a way to go to catch up with the British Empire in bringing the message of hard line small state libertarianism to the world. Most of the planet now looks green. I seem to have a good few readers in Belgium. I wonder if it is the articles on their national hobby of paedophilia that attracts them or perhaps, noting that members of the EU press office now follow me on twitter, it is just the Evil Empire tracking members of the rebel alliance?