
2583 days ago

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel or the crony capitalist - stockmarket boss wants clampdown on short sellers

We all know that stockmarkets are rigged and that fraud is endemic. So what is the answer? Natch. Clamp down on short sellers. That is the answer those who benefit from the scams such as Stockmarket bosses, as well as those who lose like Bulletin Board Morons, always come up with. What short sellers do is immoral. In fact it is down right unpatriotic. You could not make this nonsense up. But as the excellent article below from a website you must start reading ( www.Wolfstreet.com ) shows, we already live in this parallel universe.


2818 days ago

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton - the Polls are still Rigged for the Dems ...but

As we go into election day some polls show Trump in the lead but most show Crooked Hillary winning. Even allowing for the admitted margins of error some pollsters have got it badly wrong. But the average poll shows Hillary 3.3% ahead and I am sure that FBI-gate will have given her a small bump since those polls were in the field. But that does not mean she wins for two reasons of which rigged polls remains a real factor. Lets look at the latest ABC/WashPo poll showing her +4 in a four way. It is just wrong. Demonstrably wrong.


2836 days ago

The Hypocrisy of the liberal Media as Donald Trump blasts rigged election

As soon as debate three was over the liberal media had their line "Trump won't accept General Election result - a threat to democracy". It was what Hillary said and it was the line that liberal worms on our TV screens such as the loathsome Matt Frei on C4 News repeated endlessly, Frei, who likes telling black folks they are racist for voting for Donald Trump, told us all that he was truly disgusted and that this was a new low point in American politics, it threatens democracy, yadda, yadda, yadda. We had never heard this before. Except that ... we had.
