
1188 days ago

Is nature telling the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg and others that this winter will be an inconvenient truth?

As I have noted previously, as we observe extreme cold in Russia and China, in “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder,  an admrable libertarian but now like most dead white authors now officially a racist, nature warns the Ingalls family that the “extreme weather” occurring without man made carbon emmisions will be brutal. So what is in store for the UK this year?


1501 days ago

Diolch to North Wales Police as it shows how it uses its time and your cash so effectively

I realise that the main job of North Wales Police right now, as snow falls across the region, is that vital task of preventing the spread of Covid by stopping folks from going sledging. As we all know, “the science” shows that this is almost as lethal in terms of spreading the plague as going for a Big Mac in Kettering. But there are other crucial tasks here in the land ruled by Mad Mark Drakeford.


1507 days ago

Photo article: father & son, my best Christmas present to myself & 1 Joshua got earlier as we walk in Wales

The smaller Peppa Pig wellies contain the feet of four-year-old Joshua. The larger wellies were a late Christmas present to myself and meant that we were able to go on a decent New Year’s Day walk together up the River Dee on the Welsh side heading towards Chester. Walking with your son does not spread Covid in the way that sledging might in the world of mad Mark Drakeford, our dear leader here in Wales.


1508 days ago

Things that you give you Covid in Mad Mark Drakeford’s lockdown Wales, No 765: sledges

It has not yet snowed this winter in the last village in Wales. Apparently the global warming was deep, crisp and even just 15 minutes away among the accursed English infidels on the other side of the border. And in the hills above Wrexham, the global warming was deep enough to allow folks to go sledging. And thus, my neighbour C took her young daughter up to the Horseshoe Pass where she always used to go sledging when she was a girl.
