
529 days ago

BBC Radio 4 Women’s Hour on the distressingly white England Women’s soccer team and why the most lesbian packed sport needs more diversity

The starting XI of the Lionesses which won the European Championships last year was all white. There were folks of mixed race or of colour in the Squad but not the starting line up. And this is just unacceptable say those in the liberal media establishment.


1237 days ago

Anne Boleyn was straight and white whatever the TV says

When it comes to historical dramas, the liberal luvvies are determined to out as LGBT as many folks as possible even if those folks are manifestly straight. Ask any school kid today what they know about Queen Anne and the few who have the foggiest will tell you, following the movie, The Favourite, that she was a rampant lesbian. Maybe the odd kid will say that Queen Anne was a racist because she was involved in slavery.


1518 days ago

Songs of Praise boss Cat Lewis - another rich guilty white liberal who the BBC should sack at once

Cat Lewis is the producer of the BBC’s Songs of Praise and has leapt into the debate on Rule Britannia in spectacular style. If the state broadcaster had any sense, it would fire her at once for stupidity, ignorance and for insulting 99% of those whose taxes pay her bloated salary. 


1751 days ago

Photo article: Bad News for @TitaniaMcGrath – she has a rival as the UK’s leading woke poet

I found this in Pickering in the far North of England. I am sure Titania McGrath would not visit a place like this as it is horribly white and full of Brexit supporting racists. But there does appear a voice of sanity in this sea of fascism. Meet poet Howard Owen Griffiths.


2547 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: rabbits white rabbits - am I wrong on Big Sofa?

Did you say "rabbits white rabbits" this morning? I always forget. I start with a run though of my Russia Today interview yesterday in case you missed it which you almost certainly did. But I hope Presidents Putin and Trump approved anyway. Then it is onto Big Sofa (BST) have I got it wrong? I look at Nighthawk (HAWK), Echo Energy (ECHO), Halosource (HALO) and then what the Next statement really means. And I have a few more words on Andalas (ADL) after this morning's shocker.


2775 days ago

End St Patrick's Day to combat white racism

I may be of distant Irish descent but I would scrap St Patrick's Day because it is an excuse for a bunch of idiots across the world with zero Irish links to get smashed and make complete fools of themselves. But it seems that I am missing the point. As the new twitter campaign shows we should end St Pat's Day because it encourages white racism.
