
491 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: And today's big new shorting idea is...Celadon Pharmaceuticals

I start with a grumpy old man rant about standards in public and corporate life covering a lying Boris, Wildcat (WCAT) and Osirium (OSI) before moving onto the missing £20 million and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). I cover Amigo (AMGO), Versarien (VRS) and the liquidity trap, Inland (INL), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) before I turn my fire on Celadon (CEL). Finally I urge you to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks as I outline my third training walk on Saturday. C’mon you can afford a tenner HERE


983 days ago

Gibraltar – the shocking data which must surely make folks question Covid vaccination

Not so long ago having two jabs in the UK made one “fully vaccinated” and able to travel without restriction. But now we are told that having two jabs will not stop you catching or spreading the disease and so that the double jabbed will probably soon have the same status as the unjabbed and face restrictions. Unless we get a booster.  But is there any evidence that a booster will work from anyone who did not say the first two jabs worked? Er…. Meanwhile in Gibraltar…


1005 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - for Robert, the wood pile grows even bigger

Fellow Woodlarks walker Robert tries to shame me with a photo of an impressive woodpile at his place. Now I know that size isn’t everything but after some hard work yesterday which even Joshua got involved with, our bigger logs have been split and the pile here in Wales grows as you can see below.


1051 days ago

What would Maggie have made of Boris and today’s Tories?

There is an opinion poll out today showing Labour leading the Tories whose support is collapsing. Why vote Labour Light when you can vote for the real thing? Or if you are a Thatcherite, as I am, how can you bring yourself to vote for a Tory party that would disgust and repel every bone in the body of the blessed Margaret. The Tory party of the serial liar Boris is corrupt with party donors paying for his home furnishings and picking up soft sinecures and lucrative PPE contracts but, as bad, it has abandoned so much of what Thatcher believed in, including basic common sense. My day job is exposing fraud. How can I vote for such obvious frauds? The article below first appeared in my free weekly Tomograph newsletter which you can sign up to receive HERE.


1053 days ago

The folly of the Tory zero carbon plans laid bare as the UK is forced back to coal - we're going to screw the oiks!

One of the many aspects of the regime of Carrie Antoinette and her poltroon of a husband Boris, that so many of us who are natural conservatives find so hard to stomach are their crazed green policies which will cripple our economy and hurt the poorest hardest. The folly of the regime of Princess Nut Nuts was laid bare again this week as one of the UK’s last remaining coal power plants had to be fired up on Monday morning, as low winds meant the National Grid needed an additional source of energy. This time next year this will not be possible.


1126 days ago

A journey from Wales to Greece - even those making the odd challenge to my mask refusal now have no authority thanks to Matt Hancock

The reasons Matt Hancock should be fired are not that he is useless and incompetent, although he is both, or that he has betrayed his wife and kids, though he has. One suspects if those criteria were applied across Government then there would have to be a monumental reshuffle, starting at the very top.


1131 days ago

The Tory death wish for mass unemployment – be careful what you wish for Mr Carrie Antoinette

Once upon a time the Conservative party recognised that what the economy needed was a successful private sector creating jobs and generating taxes and that the best way to achieve that was for the Government to get off the neck of employers. If only we had a Tory Government. Instead the regime of Carrie Antoinette and her husband Lyin’ Boris has a raft of new plans to encourage flexible working. They might seem harmless.


1159 days ago

Photo article: Boris - if you are looking for a stripper for the Stag do?

With a hat tip to the excellent @BurnsideNotTosh account on Twitter…


1164 days ago

So Boris do you really care about we smelly oiks? Aussie meat imports & Tony Benn

This is an acid test for the poseur Boris Johnson and his faux Tory regime: a trade deal with Australia has been negotiated and appears to allow high quality Aussie meat and other foodstuffs to enter the UK tariff-free. This has sparked a row within the Tories which would have greatly entertained my Grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, once the senior civil servant at MAFF, so a man who knew about farming, an anti EEC campaigner in 1975 and a staunch political soulmate of his pal Tony Benn. This is a real test for Boris.


1250 days ago

Considering grief and mourning: is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown the most poisonous woman in Britain?

Nobody knows how they will react to death or to the possibility that a loved one is slipping away – I did not cry at the funeral of my father or as I sat by his bed as he died. I had shed a few tears a few days earlier as I sat in his room with him, lying there in a sleep which could only end one way. I cried buckets at the funeral of my grandmother and also when my cat Kitosh died suddenly. At the funeral of Uncle Chris Booker I think I had a moist eye, nothing more. Does that mean I loved my cat more than my father? Of course not. Grief and knowing you may be close to losing someone hits us in different ways and it is, or should be, a private matter. That brings us to, arguably, the most poisonous woman in Britain today.


1301 days ago

Meet James McAsh, bedwetting Primary School Teacher, Marxist and Labour Councillor

Most folks of sound mind were revolted when Boris Johnson said that, after their heroics of 2020, teachers merited pay rises. As we prepare to fill in our tax returns, meet one beneficiary of Boris’s largesse with our cash, James McAsh.


1321 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the 3 things that make the London small cap world a fantastic place to do fraud right now

I start with Joshua’s Advent calendar and a promise to bring you photos of my wood shed. Are you still awake? then onto Boris and the Brexit sell out. But the meat of this podcast is to explain why the London small cap world is such a great place for fraudsters right now. 


1438 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: At last Warren Buffett has listened to Chris Bailey, Nigel Somerville & myself

I start with a few thoughts on the possibility that Greece might be added to the UK’s Covid red list – feck you Boris you utter clown and here’s why. Then I see that old Warren Buffett has finally seen the light on gold and I have a few thoughts on that. Then a bullcast on why Jubilee Metals (JLP) has crossed in inflexion point and is now such a perfect investment.


1445 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: into battle with Old Mother Walters again as Mike bats - once more - for a company with no sales and which tells lies

I start with reflections on how Boris is begging companies to get the workers back to doing a shift at the office. Sory BoJo but in this mess of your own creation you are dreaming. Then it is onto our major expose of securities fraud at Verditek (VDTK) today, where it seems that Old Mother Walters is again batting for the company with a bonkers market cap, no sales, which lies to investors, and which is technically insolvent. What’s not to like? Oh yes, and the company’s chairman is a former Tory MP. More red flags than at the May Day rally in Moscow.


1450 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: masks in Manchester to a water deprived Kambos and the Greek Hovel

I will start writing up my Greek diary tomorrow when I feel a bit more rested after the travel. But in this podcast, I give you a taster of a few of my thoughts and of life here in Kambos where I shook a man’s hand for the first time in months yesterday. I also look at the latest Covid madness from bonkers Boris and at BP (BP.) and the question of its dividend. Of course it should be slashed and if it is, I’d expect the shares to bounce.


1465 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: this is the final straw Boris, you can all kick me in the nuts if I ever vote Tory again

It is we in the private sector that have suffered the massive economic pain of the Government’s blundering on Covid. It is the private sector that will eventually create the jobs and wealth to pay for it. So what is Boris doing? Landing us with a bigger bill to pay so he can reward Doctors ( the top 2% of earners), taking the fucking knee Policeman and the bedwetting stay at home teachers. Fuck you Boris, this is the final straw, you and I are done. After thar brief message from a, now, Plaid Cymru supporter, I look at healthcare bubbles, Aids and Covid, at Midatech Pharma (MTPH), Audioboom (BOOM), Conroy Gold (CGNR), IQE (IQE) and Bidstack (BIDS).


1538 days ago

ONS Covid data on deaths by occupation: Boris is “literally” sending folks to their deaths claim

After this is all over there should be a national enquiry into why our entire political and media class is swamped by liberal arts graduates with no concept of how to analyse data and the collective intelligence of a bumble bee. It should be let by my cats who have greater predictive skills than Professor Neil Pantsdown, our, until recently, expert in chief whose always wrong computer models drove the groupthink of our leaders. Let me be clear I have no time for Boris et al on this matter as I noted earlier today HERE. However…


1538 days ago

Funeral Provider Dignity offers the Covid-19 quote of the day but shows why Boris, all MPs & a complicit media have screwed up so badly

Britain’s largest funeral services provider Dignity (DTY) has served up a trading statement on Covid-19 which contains both the quote of the day but also the stats which show just how disastrously Boris, but also everyone else in the political and media GroupThink bubble, have created this crisis.


1582 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: As Boris gets Coronavirus the Doomsayers cannot have it both ways

Natch I wish the Prime Minister a speedy recovery from Covid 19. I am sure that like almost all healthy victims he will recover and refer you to my two podcasts HERE and HERE as to why the Doomsayers are engaing in GroupThink but really cannot have it both ways: the virus cannot be both highly contagious and highly lethal. I discuss why the three day shares rally, now reversed today, cannot be justified in terms of the likely curve of corporate earnings recovery. I look at Next (NXT), Optibiotix (OPTI) and dual listings, Dev Clever (DEV) & Royal Mail Group (RMG)


1592 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: I'm now self isolating as my daughter gets Coronavirus and why the Government statistics are total fantasy

My daughter Olaf seems to be recovering well with her mother in London. That is the good news but I discuss how she must have contracted Covid 19 and the abject failure of Queens College Oxford to show a duty of care and just how useless 111 was when contacted. I look at why the Government statistics on Covid 19 are sheer fantasy as it has been stalking us for far longer than Boris admits. And finally I explain why my family and I are now in self isolation and locked down here in North Wales for the next three months and how we must adjust how we live as a result. By the way I shall do my 34 mile charity walk on June 13 come what may but I sense there will be no team hugs at the end. You can sponsor me HERE.


1691 days ago

Brexit Actually - possibly the best ever campaign video and it stars Boris

There are two things you must live about this video from the Tories out last night. 1. It is just very good and makes you like Boris. 2, It is a spoof of Love Actually and so will really wind up all those ghastly luvvies who starred in the movie like Hugh “I want to gag the press so they don’t mention the hooker” Grant and Emma “justy flying in from LA to protest about global warming” Thompson who are right now urging us all to vote anything but Tory. Fuck you Hugh and Emma and the rest of you, when will you realise that we dobn’t care what celebs think and rather resent them yakking on ad nauseam as if we do?  Anyhow, enjoy the video:


1750 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: As Brokerman Dan whinges, Boris is making us all richer but for how long?

So shares are soaring on the hope of a deal on Brexit, but for how long? And will Brexit really change anything fundamental for UK PLC if there is a deal? I discuss this, Nostrum Oil & Gas (NOG) and strategic reviews, Brady (BRY) and its ominous silence and the whinging of Brokerman Dan. I also discuss if AIM would allow a CEO to use the C word.


1762 days ago

Boris and the American tech bimbo caption contest result

Yesterday I asked you to supply suitable captions to the picture below of our esteemed Prome Minister with a blond American tech entrepreneur to whose loss making joke businesses he gave vast amounts of taxpayers cash while Mayor of London. My own idea was Boris: “Give me credit guys at least  it’s not Julie Meyer”.  There were many better entries as you can see HERE But the winner is:


1762 days ago

Monday Caption Contest: Has Boris got a hot tip for you & is it Ugandan related edition?

What is it with British politicians and blond female US tech entrepreneurs who run companies that can’t make a profit? Do your worst in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight (London not Kampala) time.


1776 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Financially illiterate journalists like Carole Cadwalladr and Neil Woodford's cunning escape plan

Evil hedge funds backed Boris as they were betting heavily on shares to crash claims the crazy cat woman Carole Cadwalladr to rapturous applause from fellow financial illiterates. No doubt the BBC will lap thus up but the only problem is that it is completely untrue. It is fake news. I discuss this plus a cunning escape plan put forward for Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund. But there are snags.


1790 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome victims of the day Ian Layden and Annabel Finley-Kense

If you tweet with hashtag #FBPE the odds are that you have at some stage compared Brexit supporters to the Nazis. In a momement of relative balance, you might concede that Boris has not gassed 6 million Jews. well not yet anyway. In that vein meet today’s two sufferers from Brexit Derangement Syndrome, Ian and Annabel. Pity them folks for they are seriously ill.


2148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast; The fraudsters face lapdog journalist Harrington is at it again & the definition of stupidity

Ben Harrington has another tale about Telit (TCM). Truly the fraudsters favourite journalist is a stain on an entire profession. So what to read into this latest Jackanory? Meanwhile some of those attacking me on twitter, after a Steve Holdsworth tweet in support, display almost the classic definition of stupidity. They will, I fear, remain in social housing with this approach. I also discuss Boris, shagging and nasty smears by wretched Theresa May.


2178 days ago

If you were in any doubt about backing Boris and on

Two headlines from Guardian harpie Yasmin Alibhai Brown say it all. Boris for PM to deliver Brexit and the benefits just roll in at once...


2392 days ago

Julie Meyer MBE - another court case at 2PM on the Strand today - Meet Ilona Simpson & the pals of Boris from his hitman days also up

 In 2016 to great fanfare Julie Meyer's Ariadne Capital announced that it had secured the services of Ilona Simpson as a "senior advisor and venture partner". Heck who would not want to work with Julie Meyer MBE, a member of the great and the good. Ilona is clearly a real BSD in the world of auto and this was a big hire for Meyer. Wind forward to today in Royal Courts of Justice at 2PM


2502 days ago

Just why does the BBC think Ken Clarke adds any balance on Brexit?

Radio 4's flagship Today programme was discussing Brexit in light of the recent comments by Boris and the forthcoming speech by the worst Tory Prime Minister in living memory, if not ever, Mrs May. It had already given time to the senile old remoaner Vince Cable who wants us to keep voting until we vote the "right" way, hence the word Democrat in his party's name. And so next up...from our Nottingham Studio it was fat old Euro-bore Ken Clarke.


2846 days ago

Brexit has caused hate crimes against Gay people to rocket 147% says the Guardian - an obvious lie

The Guardian reports that "The number of homophobic attacks more than doubled in the three months after the Brexit vote, with toxicity fostered by the EU referendum debate spreading beyond race and religion, new figures suggest. Hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people increased 147% during July, August and September compared to the same period last year, according to the LGBT anti-violence charity Galop." Unfortuanately this is just utterly bogus as the Guardian article itself makes clear.


2878 days ago

A poem by my utterly deluded democracy denying father on Brexit

I have noted before how my father's father, Sir John Winnifrith, was a spokesman for No in the 1975 Referendum but his son is cut from a different cloth. Like nearly all of my family, my Dad is a Guardian reading, money tree worshipping, deluded lefty enjoying a prosperous retirement thanks to a wholly unjustifiable public sector pension. And thus on June 23rd he voted remain and has now written a poem on Brexit. Its a good poem if almost entirely composed with lies and half truths.


2945 days ago

The EU immigrants living in fear and misery thanks to the lies of the liberal left

The charming woman next to me on the plane back from Kalamata was a Greek living in Cardiff. She said that she was frightened. So were her friends: Italians, Poles and other bubbles living in Britain. How could they plan for the future when it looked as if they would be booted out post Brexit?

I asked: Who said this was going to happen? Which of the leaders of the vote leave campaign: Boris, Gove, Priti Patel, Nigel Farage, Carswell, Gisela Stuart, who? 


2947 days ago

Tory Leadership Poll v2 - 60% of you were wrong last time, please try harder

On Tuesday we asked you who would be the next Tory leader and 60% of you went for folks who are not even on the ballot today including the man who has screwed half the women in London (Boris), the man who has screwed up English Football (Roy Hodgson) and the man who allowed the greedy junior doctors to screw even more cash out of the NHS, Jeremy Hunt. So let's try again. Who will be the next leader of the Tory party? The deadline for voting is midnight on Sunday.


2962 days ago

Friday Caption Contest: Morbidly Obese 3 legged cat on Farage

I, Tom Winnifrith, may be in Greece and have voted anyway so what about those yet to vote such as my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley? Oakley scored last night's Boris vs the three witches contest as a win for Brexit but what about Farage's showing earlier in the week. The best caption for the picture below wins a signed photo from Oakley. The deadline is midnight tonight (Friday). Post away in the comments section.  


2974 days ago

The Daily Mail's Disgusting racist slur on Vote Leave

In today's Mail on Sunday journalist Simon Walters produced what, he terms, a "candid" exclusive interview with Dodgy Dave Cameron in which lyin' Dave says absolutelty nothing new at all. But it is the front page splash from Mr Walters that shames his paper and shows that a panicking Remain Campaign will stoop to anything. The Mail claims Vote Leave has been "infiltrated" by Nazis. 

Infiltration has a clear meaning in British politics. It means gaining membership in an organised and covert manner with a view to securing power. The Militant Tendency infiltrated Labour. On the other hand the Mail has manged to provide evidence that exactly seven nazis are handing out flyers for Vote Leave. it tops this up with a few quotes from a racist online chat room from Nazis who support Brexit.

I do not doubt for a second that the seven folk mentioned are loathsome racist and jew hating pigs. They are scum but to say that them handing out flyers, not setting policy, organising a campaign or anything close to having any power, just handing out leaflets is evidence of infiltration is laughable.

Vote Leave like Remain 


2974 days ago

There he goes again, Malcolm blaming Brexit for everything - he is just plain wrong

Last time it was the slowdown in house prices. Today it is the fact that UK equities are not rocketing that Malcolm Stacey is blaming on Brexit fears. His fellow Guardian reading Euro loons blame Brexit for slowing UK economic growth while Dodgy Dave blames it for an increased chance of World War Three. Maybe it is Brexit that is causing Cheryl Cole not to head out to the Greek Hovel for a night of passion with me?.Bloody Boris, you bastard: it is all your fault that I am not playing jiggy wiggy with the UK's leading chanteuse tonight.
