
1072 days ago

The average GP now earns more than £100,000 + massive pension perks and the greedy and idle bastards still want more

Thank heavens we gave salaried GPs – those not really coining it in from running their own practices – a pay rise of 3% this year. Okay, these days only 56% of appointments are face to face. The rest are over the phone or online and the number of missed diagnoses for cancer and other life threatening ailments is, as a result, soaring.  The average GP works well under the maximum 48 hours per week and yet, after four years of inflation busting pay rises the data is shocking but the greedy bastards want more.


1203 days ago

Photo from the latest Woodlarks training walk of ShareProphets Reader Robert Lewis.

We are now up to eight rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with J, the son of reader Jonathan Price joining the party. That means one more person for the “having to talk to Dan Levi rota” so spreading the misery of hearing about the evils of Brexit and why disgraced Guardian fantasist Carole Cadwalladr is a genius, more widely. That is all good news. But think of how we will suffer on the day, even if it is now for less than 2 hours each and make a donation HERE. Meanwhile we continue with our training walks. As I look at the snow falling here in Wales I am glad I did my weekly walk yesterday. But here is a photo from Robert in Cornwall as he made it up to 15 miles.


2702 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - naughty naughty naughty Paul Scott - lets set the record straight

I felt the need for a mid afternoon nap after a draining twitter exchange with Britain's top share blogger Paul Scott in which he lambasted me for what he thought I said about his calls on TrakM8 (TRAK) in an article he admitted that he had not actually read. Suffice to say he was barking up the wrong tree. I set the record straight  and look again at TrakM8 and why Paul would be wrong to buy back in on the day my original analysis was 100% vindicated - as you can see HERE. I look at Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR) and issue dire warnings. I wonder what is up at Cloudbuy (CBUY). I refer to my postcard on my own website which has just gone up. When is a foreigner not a foreigner and the silliest Guardian reading remoaning bitch in Britain HERE


2746 days ago

Jon Snow allows the black queer liberal millionaire to "own" persecution in Trump's America

As part of the wall to wall Donald Trump hatefest that C4 News is running this week, liberal media establishment posterboy milli9onaire Jon Snow last night found himself interviewing Jonathan Capeheart, a black and senior reporter on the Washington Post. Capeheart will earn a good wedge on the flagship liberal beltway cat litter of choice so its safe to assume he is a dollar millionaire. On the day after Trump won he cried on C4 news so upset was he.


2802 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mark Gustafson are you a bullshitter? I challenge you

In today's podcast recorded with an audience of my Guardian reading father who is torturing me by reading out snippets from the ghastly left wing rag, I start with a look at Pantheon Resources (PANR). I then cover FastJet (FJET) - having a swipe at its smearing scumbag low-life PR fucking geniuses at Citigate Dewe Rogerson en passant - , Avocet Mining (AVM), Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR) and African Potash (FRAUD). Then it is onto Redcentric (RCN) and MXC Capital (MXCP) and the challenge for Mark Gustafson, Mr bullshitter at Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL).


2810 days ago

You don't know how draining it is giving a talk to the suits - now its Christmas party time

I gather that there were a some FT and Guardian journalists in the roolm as I gave a talk at the Offshore Alert fraud conference today and so I made a point of making a few points about how corrupt and useless the deadwood press was. It was just too good an opportunity to miss. 


2844 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gays, Statistics, Conman Windham, & Apps for halfwit millennials

I start on the issue of hate crimes against gays and Brexit and the Guardian just showing it does not understand data analysis as it spreads palpable lies - see HERE. Then it is onto comedy central with Conman Windham and apps for millennials via Valiant Investments. You really could not make this up. I comment on Eurasia Mining (EUA), Golden Saint Resources (DOGWITHFLEAS), Pittards (PTD) and Kefi (KEFI).


2853 days ago

The Newsnight Brexit panel - the BBC does not even pretend to be impartial any more

When a broadcaster that we are forced to pay for abandons any pretence of impartiality with its news coverage, the great unwashed who earn a fraction of the salaries of the star presenters, and even B list camera candy, have every right to be angry. That is where we are at with the BBC right now. last night's Newsnight from the Tory conference marked a new low point. A panel was assembled to discuss Brexit.

Leading the pack was Guardian journalist Andrew Rawnsley, a lefty and a Remainer. Then there was Tory MP Heidi Allen who campaigned for Remain. Third up there was Tory peer, journalist and Cameron biographer Danny Finkelstein. He too was a remainer. Finally there was Jenni Russell a journalist who went from the BBC to C4 to the Guardian and New Statesman and is now at the Times and was described as a "key member of the new establishment". Jenni is left of centre and, of course, voted to Remain.

So the 48% of the country and 30% of Tory


2854 days ago

The BBC & the liberal media creams itself as Nissan warns on Brexit - the boy who cried Euro Wolf

The BBC and the rest of the liberal media was creaming itself last week reporting as breaking news for several days on the trot claims by Nissan that it may cease investing in its Sunderland plant because of Brexit. That will teach those thick racists in the grim North for voting for Brexit smirked the southern liberal elite. The great unwashed have only themselves to blame. They should have listened to the London lefty millionaires from the media and academia who really knew what was best for the "ordinary people" of Britain. What the BBC and Guardian failed to report is that Nissan has form. It is the boy who cried Euro Wolf.


2880 days ago

The Mrs is back in Hospital - has anyone got a "Junior Doctors are greedy bastards" badge?

The baby has again turned around and so the Mrs is back in hospital. as we are now only five days short of due date I guess this is the final stint. I am finding it very hard to bite my lip as I experience the NHS first hand.


2893 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Preparing for a bashing by my Guardian reading public sector funded family

My father berates me angrily for pointing out what greedy. lazy overpaid bastards the teachers are as we celebrate another bumper results day for the mickey mouse tests that are GCSE's. It will get worse when my Guardian reading sisters (Doctor & Social worker) arrive. Away from that I look at Molins (MLIN), African Potash (FRAUD), Strat Aero (JOKE), Ariana Resources (AAU) a good company and Arian Silver (AGQ) a dog with fleas. 


2894 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So Servision are you bust yet? Will African Potash beat you to death's door?

I end with a couple more questions for Darren Atwater to see if the pizza Hard Man is going to get deported back to Canada. I start with a few words on City of London (see HERE) and African Potash (see HERE) before moving on to ECR Minerals (ECR), Harvest Minerals (HMI) and in some detail uber-dog with fleas Servision (SEV). Tomorrow my Guardian reading sisters arrive. Woe is me.


2916 days ago

Show you support the law, visit a Byron Burger Bar today - here's where to find your local store

A couple of weeks ago the great cuase of the liberal left was to protest about how democracy is only good when the little people vote the right way and to demand another referendum on Brexit. Those without useful jobs have now found a new cause, demanding that we all boycott Byron's Burger Bars because this chain decided to assist the Home Office in obeying the law. Byron's crime is not to support crime.


2918 days ago

An apology to red trousered lunatic and ex Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson

I have on a number of occasions pointed out that the red trousered, car hating lunatic George Ferguson was a quite appalling mayor of my home City of Bristol. I feel, however, that I owe Mr Ferguson an apology.


2944 days ago

The Guardian on racists, Brexit supporters and stupid people

As I am with my father in Shipston the paper delivered each day is the Guardian and my father is delighting in reading out various excerpts just to annoy me. Since he is a closet reactionary they also make him despair but he has been well trained by my step mother, who actually agrees with much of this nonsense, to hide that despair. That is until he gets to the White Bear where he can read the Daily Telegraph and smile in open agreement.

On page 33 of the Guardian there is a section where a history teacher who blogs as "disappointed idealist" offers hints on what to tell your kids in school if they ask awkward questions. Today the teacher answers the question that all the kids are apparently asking about Brexit, "are all leave voters racist?" The answer:


2974 days ago

Guardian & Observer hypocrite Carole Cadwalladr & the myth of working class comprehensives

Via twitter I come across a couple of articles by lefty Guardian and Observer journalist Carole Cadwalladr slating the posh and the way that privileged Oxbridge types dominate the media and politics. Carole is good enough to admit that she went to Oxford (a year below me and at the same college, as it happens) but insists that she is not part of the elite as she went to a state school - Radyr in South Wales.

Naturally, we posh twits who went to public school are now expected to listen to every word Carole writes on the matter of privilege because she has worked her way up from the grinding poverty of living in an abandoned coal mine with her 15 brothers and sisters eating rats. Heck, as she proudly boasts, she went to a Compy after all. Except that there are comprehensives and there are comprehensives.



3051 days ago

The Sunday Independent is dead - the liberal media establishment the only mourners, I celebrate

On the Marr show sat two journalists & a politico being interviewed by a fourth (Marr himself). They gazed at the front cover of the print edtion of the Independent on Sunday and agreed how sad they were about its demise. For today I feel that I deserve a glass of champagne for this is the last ever print edition. Hooray.
Marr, who once edited the Independent before heading off to another left wing financial black hole, that is to say the BBC, said that viewing an online edition would just not be the same. Nope that is correct.

The reality is that very few people read the Sindy. It offers the commodity product that is news plus stories pinched from others ( the business section has taken our material) without attribution and left wing columnists ranting about an agenda that few outside the metropolitan elite care about. And its mad left wing columnists are just not as good as the mad left wing columnists on The Guardian. The paper thus did not have enough readers to be viable offline.

Will it survive online with much lower fixed costs? For a while it will. But in due course


3064 days ago

Guardian & News International both firing another 100 staffers - the deadwood press dies apace

Folks like greedy & disgraced Richard Chase of Nyota think that the deadwood press is still king and that online publications do not count. He has clearly been too busy lubing up for his next job at King's Cross to notice that the Independent has shut its print edition and that this weekend both the Guardian and News International have announced that 100 of their staffers will be getting P45s in yet another round of cost cutting.

That 100 folks who earned their living from the BBC's sister publication Pravda are losing their jobs is naturally a cause for great celebration. I have already dug out a fine bottle of red from the garage to celebrate these redundos at the Grauniad tonight and will be cooking the Mrs a fine meal as a treat for this joyous news.


4155 days ago

The nauseating self-righteous arrogance of some cyclists

We are saving the bloody planet, being eco-friendly, caring for our children and so we can do what we want. I am sure that most cyclists are perfectly reasonable but there is a minority whose self-righteousness combines with a brazen selfishness in the most infuriating manner.

Heading to the station today I was delayed by one bearded loon cycling along happily with one hand using the other to make a mobile call.  Others on those really infuriating bikes with tiny wheels trundled so slowly around the roundabouts as to induce added congestion. As for red lights, zebra crossings etc., they do not appear to matter if you are on a bicycle.

All this would be bearable if it were not for the fact that the most persistent law breakers are also the most self-righteous. I strongly suspect that there is a strong correlation between this eco-loon minority and Guardian readership.

