Hunter Biden

45 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: The EU Elections, the UK & US elections and Ukraine

I start with the results in Europe and what they mean for Ukraine but also what they hint at in the UK and US elections. In the UK I believe that Reform is now ahead of the Tories in the North, the Midlands, Wales, East Anglia and the South West. I discuss its likely vote (large) and seats (small) and just how few seats the wretched Tories will win. In the US I discuss two now convicted felons: President Trump and Hunter Biden concluding neither conviction alters the November race much but the failing mental health of Hunter’s Dad is becoming more of an issue. I suggest that 4 states considered swing states are now firmly Republican while at leat two, maybe more, considered likely Dem are now “in play”.The polling data looks ever more grim for President Biden and his candidacy in November is increasingly less of a given. In Ukraine it gets worse and worse for Ukraine as I detail.


613 days ago

#FakeNews, liberal comedian Tom Walker ( aka Jonathan Pie), twitter and Donald Trump

Donald Trump is back on twitter. Cue floods of liberal tears and wailing leftists protesting about why this is a threat to free speech and giving a potential GOP candidate for the President the same platform as a Democrat imperils democracy. It has also unleasshed lots of fake news. Take the tweet below from Jonathan Pie, aka the left wing comedian Tom Walker.


836 days ago

The chart that shows why Chris Whitty, Jon Van Tam, Boris Johnson, the Vicar of Shipston et al should be in prison

In any study, you need a control group. When it came to train-wrecking your economy, driving folks to suicide and causing untold misery through mask-wearing, social-distancing, and staying away from dying relatives, the European control group was Sweden. The MSM did the bidding of the experts and a united political class, warning that Sweden would see mass deaths and that the streets of Malmo and Stockholm would be piled high with bodies. Well, not quite, but the language was apocalyptic. Ultimately, we dissenters were wrong, and citizens should only ever “follow the science”. Or else, it would end badly for us all back in Airstrip One.


924 days ago

Tyranny in the USA – Joe Biden, the #WorstPresidentEver, drives the censorship of Ron Paul for sharing a video & the VP, insanely, compares Trump to Bin Laden

The opinion polls suggest that Americans now rate Joe Biden as the worst President Ever. After more than 40 years Jimmy Carter has lost his crown and can breathe a sigh of relief. Folks see through the lie that Trump caused vast covid deaths as the body bag toll has gone through the roof under Biden – this was a disease not a political football weaponised by  the Dems in 2020.  Inflation is is the thief in the night and Americans feel robbed every day as they buy gasoline or groceries, just as they feel humiliated by events in Afghanistan.


1131 days ago

BREAKING: You could not make it up – star Avaaz speaker on media disinformation is crazy cat lady Carole Cadwalladr

I kid you not. Carole is the Orwell Prize winning journalist who made up a stack of stories about Cambridge Analytica, the Vote Leave campaign, Dirty Russian Money, Arron Banks and those pesky Russians getting Donald Trump elected in 2016. It has all been shown to be utter fantasy. Carole has now admitted that she has no evidence at all that Banks, who is minted in his own right, got Russian money to fund the Brexit campaign. She will shortly be taken to the cleaners by Arron in the High Court. She is the ultimate source of media disinformation. So today I learned that lefty pressure group Avaaz is holding a conference on media disinformation…


1308 days ago

Jew hating Labour “Lord” Nazir Ahmed commits blood libel against Israel with fake news and photos on twitter and folks lap it up

He was made a Lord by Tony Blair but is one of the few Jew haters with whom Labour has actually parted company. He is not actually a member of the house of Lords any more having been booted out of the chamber last month because of a spot of bother with rape and sexual assault allegations. There are also a couple of child rape charges outstanding.  He has form as a Jew hater claiming that when he was convicted of killing someone by dangerous driving in 2013 that was just a Jewish conspiracy. Today he has sent the tweet below which, as I write has been retweeted 253 times and liked 412 times. It is fake news with fake pictures and a blood libel against the Jews.


1325 days ago

Now the MSM finally starts reporting about Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes – this is the real election fraud exposed

It seems as if the tax affairs and China business dealings of Joe Biden’s cokehead son Hunter are now being investigated by Federal authorities. And with Hunter admitting this, the MSM is starting to report on it. This exposes the real fraud at the heart of the US election a fraud that should terrify all of us whether we are liberals or conservatives.



1344 days ago

Okay Mr Liberal, you were okay with facebook censoring the US election but what about Professor Carl Heneghan?

During the US election, Facebook and Twitter took it upon themselves not only to restrict what President Trump was able to communicate to electors but also to stop folks discovering about the sordid business deals and sexual antics of Hunter Biden and allegations that his dad Joe was involved in the former.  The new media giants were happy to link to stories about Trump which were palpably untrue and had been proven to be untrue, but Biden allegations which are well sourced were blocked. Twitter and Facebook claimed, without evidence, that they were fake news and folks had to be protected.


1360 days ago

The BBC, Ed Davey & My Wife - Do you hate Donald Trump more than you care about Democracy?

If Joe Biden racks up enough legitimate votes to win those swing states, I wish him the best of luck as the leader of the free world. I did not support him but he will be in my prayers. But there are serious allegations of voter fraud. How can anyone be happy about 170 year old Democrat voters in Michigan casting a ballot? If you want to unite America, you do not, as the BBC and my wife are doing, accuse Trump of cheating by challenging these issues. You silence him and his supporters by addressing them. For many there will be rational explanations. If there are not, do you not think the result needs challenging? There was a bigger fraud on the American two weeks ago in the suppression of the Hunter Biden scandal by big tech and big media.  That cannot happen again if you care about democracy anywhere in the world. Yet folks at the BBC and elsewhere are happy to go along with it as long as their guy wins. We live in very dangerous times and, however much you may dislike Trump, surely you must be aware of that danger? 



1374 days ago

Podcast: Now calling the Senate for the GOP as the MSM & twitter suppress two massive scandals

Can Trump win the General Election? I discussed how he could HERE and this morning things look a little better for POTUS. I see the Economist says Joe Biden has a 92% chance of winning. Its writers must be sharing Hunter’s crack pipe. The same publication says the Dems are more than 80% likely to win the Senate. I explain why, as things stand, I am scoring it at 51-49 for the GOP as I look at the eight swing races. Then it is onto two breaking bombshells from last night that is not the Borat sting on Mayor Giuliani which the MainStream Media is focussing on. But Iran exposed by the FBI, not Trump’s friends, as batting for Biden and more damning evidence on the #BidenCrimeFamily – this time fingering Creepy Joe himself. The MSM and twitter/facebook are working hard to supress this and I demonstrate how, but this is seeping out and let’s see how Trump plays the debate tonight. The Donald has the big Mo right now.


1375 days ago

Podcast: This is how President Trump could win on November 3

Whereas all the MSM pundits and pollsters called 2016 wrong, I called it for Trump and explained why from weeks before the poll. So what of 2020? In my last podcast, I moved from too close to call to Biden slight favourite.  But I am looking hard at the polling in the key swing states and for three reasons I can now see a path for Donald Trump to win. I am not calling it for the great man yet but I move my stance back to too close to call and explain why. The earlier podcast on the Biden crime family emails is HERE and has taken a new twist tonight with Delaware Police being asked to review under age porn and messaging on Hunter Biden’s laptop. This will not play well for the Dems with socially conservative folks or with older voters in the swing states. Surely even the BBC has to report this now?


1380 days ago

Podcast: The darkest day for democracy in the dark year of 2020 - Facebook & twitter cover up for disgraced Hunter Biden and his complicit Dad Joe

You have a right to know about Hunter and his business dealings and how his dad Joe was involved. Emails that emerged yesterday are, even the Bidens concede, genuine and show them in a terrible light as liars and worse. Yet Twitter and Facebook have taken extraordinary steps to stop you reading about this story which first appeared in the New York Post. And that has allowed folks across the Deadwood Press and MSM, notably charlatans such as Jon Sopel at the BBC, to ignore it completely. 19 days before polling day, Americans have a right to know about the story and the cover up which in these dark times marks a new low point in the suppression of a free press and free speech. I explain all and show why the position of Twitter and Facebook is inconsistent and unjustifiable in this podcast.
