Peter Hitchens

502 days ago

As Pride Month gets into full swing the thing no one in the media dares mention about rocketing syphilis and gonorrhoea cases

The STD numbers are rocketing we discovered yesterday. in 2022 there were 392,453 diagnoses of new STIs among England residents, an increase of 23.8% compared to 2021. Cue howls of anguish from all corners but – as Pride month kicks off there is one matter nobody in trhe media dared to mention.


743 days ago

Happy Birthday Uncle Christopher Booker

My late uncle had a facebook page, thanks to his eldest son and, though he died more than three years ago, I wake up to a reminder to wish him Happy Birthday. He would have been 85 today and would, no doubt, have thought the world had become an even sillier place since his death. For starters there have been massive advances in the numbers of women with penises ands facial hair over the past three years. And our Universities have made great strides in purging Shakespeare and other dead white authors from the curriculum and eradicating folks with any link, however obscure to the evils of colonialism from the history books. All hail progress!


798 days ago

Christopher Booker will spin in his grave as the Daily Telegraph hits new depths of global warming fake news

Though on the payroll of the Sunday Telegraph, Chris actually cancelled his Daily Torygraph two years before he died as he found it just too ghastly: woke, metropolitan and innacurate. For a man of the countryside, of his beloved Somerset, the Torygraph had become a beast from another planet. And that brings me to the photo and article below frm last week.


817 days ago

You think the 2022 two day heatwave was bad and worse is to come – so when did global warming start?

The Met Office and the BBC and the rest of the liberal intelligentsia really are creaming themselves over the two day heatwave back in Airstrip One. Okay there were not quite 10,000 excess deaths in fact there were sod all excess deaths but that was probably down to mask wearing and the mass rollout of untested vaccines. So when did global warming start in the UK?


958 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The rank Nigel Farage hypocrisy, Hitchens, Syed, Nimmo and the great Chris Bailey

I take a tour through four weekend press articles starting with that greedy scumbag Nigel Farage – I refer in the podcast to THIS PIECE. Then to two great pieces on Ukraine and on the decadent West by Peter Hitchens and Matthew Syed respectvely before discussing the Sunday Times article on CBD and pot stocks. Finally I discuss Chris Bailey’s excellent piece on this website and my own approach to shares I own, mentioning Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and some news breaking in the USA.


1063 days ago

The Perfect Christmas Present for a deluded lefty in your life

Simply right click the photo below of two innocent men smeared by Joe Biden, the Democratic Party of America and the mainstream media but who were none the less found not guilty as charged. Then frame it and pop it in the post with a covering card featuring Jesus wishing the sort of folk who celebrate a  God free “happy holiday”, a very merry Christmas. Trust me they will love it. I am already planing it for both of my sisters, the Mrs and for thirsty daughter Olaf.


1153 days ago

Walbrzych, Waldenburg as was – the massive crimes against humanity nobody minded about as the victims spoke German

I follow the account @AuschwitzMuseum on twitter. Each day, in fact several times a day, it sends out the bare details of someone sent to Auschwitz, usually accompanied by a photo. When they arrived and what was their fate. Say what you like about the Germans, they were damn good at record keeping so in most cases we do know the exact fate. Each day you see the smiling faces of little boys and girls in happier times. Most of those were sent straight to the gas chambers. It is an upsetting twitter account to folow but an unpleasant reminder that one’s daily upsets are really trivial, they mean nothing at all. Today’s tweet is below.


1248 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Peter Hitchens on inflation

I start with good news: Rogue Bloggers for woodlarks have now raised £42,781.89 so are just over £5,000 short of our target. I describe my training walk today and fears that R Lewis Esq may be a bit lof a girlie swot in the walking department. Anyhow, if you are yet to donate please do so HERE. Then, prompted by Peter Hitchens, I discuss inflation. It is not bnenign and as it grows it will hurt many. The signs of its menace are all afround us. So what do we do?


1371 days ago

Private Eye vs Peter Hitchens - what would founder Editor Christopher Booker have thought?

Private Eye was co-founded by my late uncle Christopher Booker. At his funeral, there were a few folk from the Eye led by the current Editor and professional celebrity Ian Hislop and also Chris’s great pal Peter Hitchens. Today the latter takes on the former, rebutting an appalling hatchet job on himself in the Eye. Once upon a time, Private Eye challenged the establishment. Today it is part of the establishment and thus lockdown sceptics like Hitchens who dare to question the mask & lockdown GroupThink gripping the political and media classes are “the enemy.” I am in no doubt at all that Uncle Chris would be in the barricades with Hitchens on this one. He would also be appalled by the casual way that Private Eye just distorts facts in its attack on his good friend. This is not the journalism which Christopher Booker would have recognised as worthy of praise.



1586 days ago

And now the statue of George Washington topples… liberals have only themselves to blame

Yes that George Washington. The man who lead the US to Independence from Britain in 1776, a founding father, a chap who most folks admire as doing more good than evil. Yet on his statue in Portland Oregon they inscribed the words genocide and fascist. The goons at ANTIFA need to spend a few days at Auschwitz to discover what a real fascist looks like.


1660 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: have you lost your animal spirit yet?

On the occassion of my father’s 82nd Birthday i ponder how miserrable life must be for him today. I urge you to hold your nose and go online to the Mail on Sunday just to read Peter Hitchens today. His column is golden prose, a joy to read. we agree on the coronavirus and the Government’s appalling response. Luke Johnson is in the same camp and I quote from his Sunday Times column reflecting on where my animal spirit sits as a consumer, an investor and an entrepreneur. Where, I ask,  do you sit dear listeners? I sense, in many cases they have been crushed and thus what lies ahead is a recession of the sort few of us have ever seen before.


1673 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast number three - what would my late Uncle Christopher Booker have made of the pandemic?

As the author of two seminal works which are ideal reading while we self-isolate, Scared to Death (available here) and GroupThink (available here) Chris would have been a perfect commentator. Some of his friends like Peter Hitchens and James Delingpole seem to suggest that the cure may be worse than the disease or at least ask the question. I, though self isolating for reasons I explain, tend to agree with them. Oddly the executors of my uncle’s literary estate my cousin Nick and Booker’s long time collaborator Richard North think Covid-19 is the real deal. I start my discussion in a small Somerset village chatting to my Aunt.


1815 days ago

Photo Article: Guy Fawkes Night in Wrexham, a nation forgets its history & the Mrs thinks I am becoming Peter Hitchens

It is only a few days ago that I was bemoaning how the true meaning and heritage of All Soul’s Night or Hop-tu-Naa had been lost into another alcohol fuelled consumer-fest that is Halloween. Now the Mrs thinks that I am turning into Peter Hitchens as we approach Guy Fawkes Night, or as it is known these day Bonfire Night. My thoughts turn to my childhood, forty five or more years ago and a different world.


1835 days ago

The Syrian Kurds saved after betrayal by the West: Putin and Assad the good guys, told y’all

For almost a decade the Western media and our political leaders have told us all that Syria is simple. ISIS are the really bad guys but Preseident Assad is almost as wicked.  We have been spoon fed tales of the bad things he has done even if the evidence of some of his “chemical attacks” was very dubious indeed.  We have backed the heroic Kurds (clearly good guys and gals) and also those termed “The Moderates” by David Cameron, the Free Syrian Army, the FSA.


2409 days ago

Jeremy Corbyn will be horrified by his defenders over Russia

What do the following have in common: right wing Sunday Times polemicist Rod Liddle, Conservative Sunday Telegraph columnist Chris Booker, right wing blogger Tom Winnifrith and his (closet) reactionary father of the same name and Right wing polemicist Peter Hitchens of the Mail on Sunday? When it comes to Jeremy Corbyn quite a lot...


2673 days ago

Jon Snow of Channel 4 Fake News - the tweet that shows why he is so prone to pushing lies

All journalists have opinions. None of us can be truly impartial as we have our own views and prejudices. If you are a columnist, that is to say you write opinion that is why you do what you do. The views of Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot and Owen Jones are well known. They are Big State money tree worshipping lefties and argue that line. On the other side Mark Steyn, Melanie Phillips or Peter Hitchens take a different tack. I do not hide my own libertarian take on life. But none of the above are reporting news and when doing that your prejudices do matter. You should bury your on news when reporting FACT.


2790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The cafe Nero woman on BBCQT - the silliest middle class remoaning Brexit bashing bitch in Britain

The panel on BBC Question time were, with the exception of Peter Hitchens, who was predictably superb, truly dire. A daft lefty celeb, a truly thick labour MP - wasn't this a repeat? But it was the audience that never ceases to amaze me. How does the BBC manage to find a crowd week in week out which views the world so differently from the population as a whole. Last night's episode was a classic. Describing someone born outside the UK with a non British passport as a foreigner got one hissed and booed. That is a fact FFS. The highlight was an obviously middle class Guardian reader flagging up the real danger of Brexit: English people refuse to work in Cafe Nero so who will serve her a morning frothy semi skimmed organic Fair Trade latte? . I kid you not. At every level this sums up the insanity and lies of the remoaners, a matter I cover in this podcast. 


2912 days ago

The Four Words that Made Me the Most hated man in the room

This was the strap on an article posted on LinkedIn. aka facebook for really boring adults. It is a great headline which arouses interest but I really doubt that "I'm an emergency surgeon" was quite the answer you were thinking of as you hit the link. I am sure you could do better. For instance, when with the mad public sector working bunch of lefties who are the friends of my Mrs, I could come up with:


3014 days ago

Torturing stern lefty sister N as my reactionary father comes out in style

My lefty sister N is the one who gave her husband, the kraut, membership of the Labour Party as a Christmas present. Jesting with her about the current woes of the People's Party is therefore not something that boosts family unity. But there is a new tease from my father.


3016 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast The blessed Mel for Dad but Steve Moore & Gary Newman fired!

I had to buy a copy of the Guardian for Dad today and carry it home through the streets from the newsagent. How I am shamed in front of my neighbours. Meanwhile dad is reading books I own by Peter Hitchens, Niall Ferguson and Melanie Phillips and is loving them, as his inner reactionary is exposed. On the markets I look at Servision (SEV), Xtract Energy (XTR) - Steve Moore and Gary Newman you are FIRED! - Gulf Keystone (GKP), Taihua (FRAUD), Oxford Pharma (OXP), Judges Scientific (JDG) and another bad day for disgraced Roger "Ramper" Lawson of ShareSoc, Kennedy Ventures (KENV) and finally the poltroons stock of choice for today, Nyota (NYO).


3271 days ago

Weekly Postcard #130 - Syria our policies are unethical, unaffordable and just don't work

I watched Question Time on Thursday. He may be a fruitcake on some issues but on Syria as we contemplate the mess we have created with Asad, ISIS, the FSA, Saudi Arabia and the rest, Hitchens was on fire. The complacent Justine Greening was like the rest of the political class an incoherent mess. 
