787 days ago
The corporate governance at Nightcap (NGHT) is – as I have exposed on this website so many times – dreadful. That rather surprises me as the non executive chairman Gareth Edwards is not a bad old stick despite having been a partner at the accursed law firm Pinsent Masons. One issue that the cash strapped company, now right up against the limit with its banks, and with its rollout programme on hold, is bonuses. I urge Gareth to look at events at Gresham (GHE), which – to make it easy for him – are detailed in full below.
1746 days ago
I start wth a look at Carnival (CCL). then it is onto old pals, Cineworld (CINE), West Ham, Pinsent Masons and others and how this bailout is in fact allowing and will make the rich to get richer, reward them for past greed and will see the wealth gap widen in a wholly unacceptable way. What is happening at morally bankrupt law form Pinsent Masons is a particular disgrace.
2175 days ago
There is a lot of bad language in this podcast. Do not play it in front of the children. In it I cover Naibu (NBU), Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Pinsent Masons (WANKERS) and the latest from their legal battle. I look at TrakM8 (TRAK), Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Flybe (FLYB), and AIQ (AIQ).
2175 days ago
Covering Quindell (QPP), Naibu (NBU), Patisserie Holdings (CAKE), Staffline (STAF), Sefton (SER) and more I look at the role of auditors and lawyers in enabling corporate fraud and what needs to change to stop this.
2295 days ago
Tom Winnifrith writes: Held at the offices of morally bankrupt, journalist smearing, lawyer bastards Pinsent Masons, aka an ethics free zone, the AGM from Minoan (MIN) contained a statement from boss Christopher Egleton which can best be described as “unusual”...
2389 days ago
At the last AGM of Naibu (NBU) before it was booted off the AIM casino I attended its AGM, held at the offices of its Nomad Daniel Stewart, and accused the company of fraud. Only the NEDs were present - Chinese executive directors failed to show. As I asked about a loan to the CEO’s mum that had not been repaid, the NEDs said they were unaware of this. I pointed out where the loan was referenced in the annual report and the NEDs said they would go away and investigate. They did not. Only when they stopped getting paid did these useless upper class twits start to ask questions. Wind forward to today and it is time to shift the blame.
2420 days ago
Pinsent Masons was at the heart of the dirty tricks campaign Sefton Resources (SER) waged against myself and Brokerman Dan Levi as we exposed wholesale lying and fraud. Pinsents was thrashed in Court when Sefton sued us for libel. Scumbag low life motherfucker Pinsents partner Russell Booker was never disciplined so I guess it thinks dirty tricks against journalists are okay. Daniel Stewart (DAN) also sent me lawyers letters but never accepted my kind offer to "see you in Court bitchez", Anyhow the two are being sued for £180 million for their negligence over the Naibu (NBU) fraud I exposed HERE. I discuss that but also why Paul Scott should apologise to 6,000 House of Fraser staff losing their jobs in this bonus podcast.
2470 days ago
I start with a discussion of my drinking problem. My problem being that I just cant take it anymore even though this is the week when I am plied with booze. I then move onto humourless bastard lawyers, specifically at Pinsent Masons. Then I discuss AIQ (AIQ) - its share price is madness and I'm out. Its been a hoot fellas and will pay for my holiday in Sweden next week. Then Gattaca (GTCA), IDOX (IDOX), Magnolia Petroleum (DOG), Amur Minerals (AMC) and finally Challenger (CHAL) and its problem with a company I have renamed Star Rectum. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 - THIS SATURDAY - one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH. ORDER NOW and we cannt post but will email you a ticket tonight.
3212 days ago
City law firm Pinsent Masons acted for Sefton Resources (SER) as it attempted to gag myself and Brokerman Dan (Levi) from exposing the fraud at the heart of that company under Jim Ellerton. We stood up to Pinsent Masons bullying and won that libel case. Sefton caved, Ellerton was fired and we had our costs and damages paid by Sefton. Now I have obtained a leaked email which shows how Pinsent Masons partner Russell Booker urged Sefton to make fraudulent internet postings to discredit myself and Dan. Pinsent Masons claims to be an ethical firm. How can it be ethical if it does not fire Booker at once?
3234 days ago
You know I have been thinking about a career change. As happens every week facebook for grown ups, LinkedIn, has sent me a selection of jobs on offer that it thinks I would be interested in. Second on the list is Senior Internal Communications & Engagement Advisor at the BBC. So that is where my license fee goes, great. Er what does one do here?
3402 days ago
You may well remember my six part acid trip with scumbag a'hole dirty tricks specialist lawyers Pinsent Masons HERE. I had almost forgotten but last night I was sitting in Free Speech & Liberty Pizza when a white rabbit wandered in wearing a T-shirt saying "Chris Oil - Sefton's saviour". I looked up and the white rabbit handed me a sugar lump. Heck. Why not. I'd had a good day. Camkids was on its way to AIM casino death row so I said "thank you", forgot about my diabetes and swallowed. Shroooooooooooooooooooooooom.
3411 days ago
There are numerous reasons why the AIM casino system of regulation based on Nomads fails miserable to protect investors from lying and fraudulent directors. But one major failing is what happens when a Nomad resigns and to demonstrate this I have got my hands on the letter sent by Fox Davies when it quit as Nomad to Sefton Resources (SER) in September 2012 and am delighted to share it with you. Private & Confidential it is marked. Well not any more chaps!
Over the weekend I published leaked emails which demonstrated the moral vacuum at lawyers Pinsent Masons (earning obscene fees acting for Sefton) but also the real reason that Fox Davies quit – quite simply it thought Sefton was misleading investors.
3411 days ago
This is not going to be a good day for Sefton Resources (SER) or for London’s most despised law firm Pinsent Masons. My next leaked email is from Pinsent Masons partner Russell Booker and shows how he was at the heart of covering up the fraud at Sefton and wasting its shareholders cash on its doomed libel case against me.
3411 days ago
In today's podcast I cover Big Dave Lenigas, LGO Energy (LGO), Sefton Resources (SER) and Pinsent Masons and Boohoo (BOO), ASOS (ASC) and the unsustainability of super normal margins at a general level
3528 days ago
I have some frigana to poison, some snakes to encounter and after that swimming and a late lunch with the Mrs at Kitries which is a small seaside town in the Mani that I would recommend to anyone. After that or perhaps tomorrow I shall publish the smoking gun on Naibu (NBU) demonstrating that its claim to have lots of cash and no debt was a slam dunk lie from the IPO onwards. This was a fraud and it was one that its Nomad (Daniel Cesspit), accountant (Clark Whitehall) and lawyers (Pinsent Masons) should have and could have spotted. So who should get sanctioned and what should the LSE do about other China Norfolks on AIM now? Amazingly I also have breaking news from the LSE about China which will horrify you all.
3556 days ago
Old Sefton run by Jimmyliar Ellerton responded to criticism from myself and Brokerman Dan – in the days when he was a journalist not a crony capitalist – with a smear campaign sanctioned by Pinsent Masons ( as you can see HERE). Sefton may be changing its name to Stryker but the own goals and old habits continue.
I think Sefton’s shares have been ramped in an orchestrated manner and are ludicrously overvalued and have been happy to say so – notably here. With a false market the stock should clearly be suspended on the AIM casino.
3563 days ago
Brace yourself Pinsent Masons, Jim Ellerton and others as your dirty tricks and scumbag activities are revealed in full. I explain how I got onto Sefton, who were the good guys and who were the bad guys and how I nailed the latter in the end. Some folks have serious questions to answer. This video is of a session from UK Investor 2015.
3633 days ago
The good news: Worthington's lawyers letter issued today is not from Pinsent Masons and so as per my deal with God earlier I can carry on drinking, swearing and thinking about Cheryl Cole. In short: the letter has arrived and I shall see you in short bitchez! I am not a man for backing down. The bad news, my critics have anounced they will smear my 78 year old Dad as well as me. I feel a bit of white rage coming on here. At a company level I discuss Trap Oil, Gulf Keystone and Tangent Communications.
To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino (but also main market listed frauds) click HERE
3633 days ago
Great News! Is it once more into the breach dear friends? Can I add a lawyer’s letter from Worthington (WRN) to those already received from blinkx, Globo, Range Resources, Sefton, Quindell, LSE.co.uk and other scumbags? I wonder. In case you are tempted Worthington “your company is a fraud” – I have seen off bigger scumbags than you and I really do not fear you at all.
Why do I wonder? Two days ago I asked Worthington a simple question by email. “Who are the advisers working on your attempt to get relisted on the main market?
My answer today from Ms Harriet Lucking:
Many thanks for your email and apologies for the
3643 days ago
The jihadists of the QPPSAG and other frauds and morons have waged war against me, this website and especially our cracking Clerkenwell restaurant for 2 years as we expose crime and dishonesty in the City. Today we accelerate the fight back against the free speech deniers as the restaurant gets a makeover.
We all support free speech don’t we? But how far will you go in its defence? The staff at this restaurant know that defending free speech with words is easy but when you are in the firing line it can be rather harder.
During the past three years I have received more than 75 lawyers letters from a range of listed companies threatening me for what I have written on this website which I run with veteran Canadian journalist Darren Atwater demanding that I desist. I have not withdrawn one allegation or article.
In the first month of 2015, three companies that I have attacked have gone bust or seen trading in their shares suspended. Over the past year I have ended the PLC careers of more than half a dozen individuals and there are more to come. Good riddance to the crony capitalists!
Only one company (Sefton, run by JimmyLiar Ellerton) has upped the ante from bullying to taking full legal action. Its chairman was fired in disgrace and it ended up paying us costs.
I have also received three death threats in the past year which you can see on the walls at the Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House ( as well as a selection of letters from bully boy lawyers including Schillings, Pinsent Masons and Memery Crystal) , we have received dog shit in the post and the staff at one City investment bank have publicly threatened to beat me up for what I wrote about the way they ripped off investors by floating fraudulent companies. I responded by going to film a video outside the bank’s Christmas party which you can see here.
The most venomous reaction
3649 days ago
Grand Group Investments plans to IPO on AIM tomorrow thanks to fat crony capitalist Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance. The usual advisers to China Norfolks are on board: dirtbag lawyers Pinsent Masons and PR poshboy Henry Harrison Topham, I say old chap didn't your grandfather bugger mine behind the bike sheds at Eton? In this podcast I look at the other Red Flags
To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today fill in the form HERE
3653 days ago
Shares in the fraud Naibu (NBU) were finally suspended on the AIM casino on 9 January 2015 after the NEDS woke up and requested clarification of the financial position of a company claiming to be cash generative and drowning in cash. How long does it take to check this out? What next?
Having shown conclusively that Naibu CEO Houyan Lin had form as a felon HERE I am in little doubt as to the outcome. But what is taking Naibu so long? A letter to its Nomad, big Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance, follows. When Naibu ‘fesses up the questions start for Camkids (CAMK) and China Chaintek (CTEK).
4091 days ago
A well known businessman hosted a poorly attended soiree last week at which he approached one guest with the opening gambit “I don’t like Tom Winnifrith.” Had he been speaking to Terry “Junk” Bond of Vialogy or a partner at Pinsent Masons that might have been a winner. But his guest was in fact a godfather of my daughter. Within minutes his words were relayed to the rebel alliance headquarters in Clerkenwell.
Darth, you should know that the rebel alliance has spies everywhere. We know your pitiful plans as well as your social faux-pas and your gaffe spread across the galaxy within minutes. The force is powerful but the Dark Side of merely attacking ones foes and harking back to the past is not as powerful as you might think. The power of the force is to play to your own strengths. If you have them. The rebel alliance understands this. And that is why we continue to grow. Watch this space.
Incidentally the new Star Wars film was auditioning for extras in Bristol yesterday. I was tempted. The Mrs is short enough to be an Ewok. I’d happily be the bloke who helps Han Solo, who must be at least 104 by now, to climb up the ramp into the Millienium Falcon.
4113 days ago
Back in the Clerkenwell rabbit hole I was sitting with the dormouse. In the corner Lucian Miers was slumped on a chair. Having come up to London to view an exhibition of Japanese pornography he had been on the cheap lagers and had somehow found his way to the rabbit hole. Thank you for the Chianti I said to Lucian but he merely slumbered, mumbling something in his sleep about how it was all art really.
“So it is all over” said I to the dormouse. He smiled and opened a box marked “direct from Afghanistan” and pulled out two crudely hand rolled cigarettes the size of a cigar. He passed one over and I tried to light it. Damn. My lighter was on the blink again.
The dormouse opened a big box marked “Money”
4120 days ago
First up I met up with Darren to film a comic video at the offices of uber expensive bully boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons. It will go live next week when an agreed statement between myself, Dan and Sefton is published. V is no longer for Vendetta, V is for Victory! I think the video is funny. I am not sure that our pals at Pinsents will be so amused.
Then to Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell to drop something off before heading off to the Grim North for a weekend with the in-laws. Damn. Super cook Leo was not there and was running very late. And so Maribel and I opened up and pondered whether we would rather have a customer before Leo arrived or not. Shucks a cute young American arrived. We played for time but eventually she summoned me over to order food.
I prayed to God that she wanted pasta which I am pretty damn good at serving up. But maybe he was punishing me for becoming an Islamic spiritual mentor because the bird ordered a pizza. Damn. The chaps have tried to teach me how to make pizza but it is really hard. But I rolled my sleaves up and gave it a go.
I rolled the dough, pushed it out with my fingers and after a while produced a pretty excellent base. I added the toppings and Maribel and I struggled to get it onto the pizza spade and into the oven. “Yes, yeeees, yeeeeeeeeees” gushed Maribel (in a somewhat disturbing manner) as I managed to get the pizza into the oven. Three minutes later it was on the table.
After a while the girl asked for her cheque and said “that was amazing pizza I am so glad that I found you.” I ‘fessed up that it was my first ever commercial pizza. On that high I now announce my retirement as a pizza chef.
And now off to the Grim North…
4126 days ago
The old man with the circle on his jumper threw his papers up in the air leaving the floor strewn with images of sheep in various states of undress. I picked up one picture of a well shaven ewe from Caerphilly and handed it back to him suggesting that she had been well fleeced. “A bit like shareholders in Sefton” piped up the Dormouse. The old man looked pained again.
“Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me” he uttered. “I used to be a top oil analyst in the City and now I have to spend my days being a non exec for shit little AIM companies, some of whom cannot even afford to pay me.”
“Here, have a piece of cake” said the dormouse
4134 days ago
I am sorry not to report back before on my latest High Court appearance vs. Sefton. Dan Levi and I were up before Master Kay in what is termed a case management conference and nothing much was settled officially. But a lot was said and Dan and I emerged very much on top. I am, in soccer terminology, “over the moon” and Sefton’s lawyers must be “sick as a parrot.”
4136 days ago
Hi ho, hi ho it’s off to court we go – at 2.30 today Dan Levi, myself and Sefton Resources (SER) crack team from Pinsent Masons and a barrister on £1000 a session will be up in the High Court for another procedural hearing in the great libel cases.
I cannot see this lasting much beyond November 13th as I shall explain below, and it may all end sooner, but for now the Acid Trip with Pinsent Masons continues.
4137 days ago
Suddenly I was awake. I was back in real life. There were no dormice. No Mad Hatters. No white rabbits. And I was just wandering down from my Clerkenwell Rabbit Hole to the High Court on the Strand, documents in hand. I duly handed in my documents and some for Dan Levi and popped outside. Ahem said a small voice. I turned around and it was the Dormouse who offered me a small piece of cake. I was feeling rather peckish so gulped it down. Shrooooooooooooooooooooom.
Suddenly we were floating through the air over to Crown Place in the City of London the global headquarters of law firm Pinsent Masons. We floated through the door and were swept up to a plush but empty meeting room and hovered in the corner. Suddenly a team of well-fed lawyers wearing large top hats stormed in, dragging foxy Pinsents Partner Julie Herriot through the door by her hair.
“Why did you publish that memo on security of costs” screamed Russell Booker, acting in his capacity as legal counsel for Sefton, when not advising the litigation team, when not preparing to act as a witness against Sefton in the forthcoming trail. “Don’t you understand the idea of conflict of interest” he screamed, as he gulped a swig from a flask of smoking green liquid. Poor Julie was in tears.
“Hmmm”, I said to the dormouse, “do they realize they may have to stump up £275,000 which they have not got and so are fucked?”. “Sssssshhhhhh” said the Dormouse, “they can hear us!”
Indeed they could. The Mad Hatters looked up. “Cripes” thought I. But improvising hastily I announced “ we are the ghosts of Christmas past, we want to take you back to all those billings you have made to Sefton Resources for a case you could not win and which paid for your fucking great £2 million townhouses in Islington, please examine your consciences.”
In unison the Mad Hatters said “Do not use obscene language in our offices.”
“But he always uses the word fucking in his blogs” said the dormouse.
“Not fucking, that’s fine by us, but around here, conscience is a four letter word” chanted the Mad Hatters.
I could see I was getting nowhere fast. Noticing some sugar lumps with a strange topping sitting next to the coffee pot I swooped down and grabbed a couple and swallowed fast.
Shroooooooooooooom. The skies were marmalade, we floated past tangerine trees and we were back in the rabbit hole. Standing in the corner was an old man, gazing at pictures of sheep. He was wearing a jumper with a big circle on the front and had a vaguely persecuted look about him….
To be continued.
To read part 1 of my acid trip with Pinsent Masons click here
To read Part 2 of my acid trip with Pinsent Masons click here
To read Part 3 of my acid trip with Pinsent Masons click here
4138 days ago
I mean this most sincerely. I would like to thank uber expensive City bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons for producing an invaluable publication which Dan Levi and I have read thoroughly today, covering the issue of Security of Costs.
4139 days ago
Well fuck you Sefton Resources (SER). Your lawyer Russell Booker of Pinsent Masons has told you (in emails leaked on the internet) that your case is unwinnable. The whole City is laughing at you. You are running out of cash. The NEDs, led by Keith Morris, have been offered a way out that ends the cashburn for you but still you think that you can bully myself and Dan Levi. And so to court we go again on Friday. But now it is we who are going to start to play hard ball on the legal and also the editorial front. Brace yourselves for a firestorm.
On that bullying tack, please think again if you think that your posh, uber expensive, City establishment pals at Pinsent Masons can make us flinch. Our surnames are deceptive. You are taking on the fighting Irish. Okay Dan is a left footer and I am a blue nose but in the spirit of Wolfe Tone we are going to fight all the way together. Only, on this occassion, we will win.
My next article exposing you for the scumbags you are goes live tomorrow. The sniper is again very much active.
4140 days ago
It seems to have been ages since I ran a caption contest. But as I prepare for my next date in Court with uber expensive bully boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons it is time to go again. For on Friday we have another case management conference with Master Kay at the High Court in the Sefton libel trial. You may remember that Pinsents really should not be there at all since it is 100% conflicted as I have formally noted that Pinsents Partner Russell Booker is called as a witness by me. Moreover Pinsents only witness (Jim Ellerton) has been fired in disgrace by Sefton for being a liar and a crook.
The case is thus a total shambles yet Pinsents is ploughing on and will be invoicing poor old Sefton another £10,000 or so for its work in the week that lies ahead.
As such I offer up this picture and ask you to supply your caption in the comments section below by Friday at 9 AM.
For what it’s worth my caption is:
“As the crack Pinsents legal team met to discuss the Sefton case, partner Russell Booker put on his hat and declared of course we are not conflicted”
4142 days ago
Jeepers – yet another email from the Sefton (SER) cupboard full of skeletons has emerged and this one raises a ghastly question for uber-expensive bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons. Is it genuine? God only knows but round at Pinsents there is a deathly serious question to answer.
4145 days ago
My 12 year old daughter Olivia has to write an essay for school arguing the pros and cons of the Euro for Europe. Showing a greater grasp of economics than 90% of the bien pensants political and media elite she concludes that there are no material pros and argues forcefully and coherently that there are lots of cons. For myself and her Great Uncle Christopher Booker, as well as her Farage admiring mother, Pinsent Masons partner Big Nose, this essay is a triumph.
For the rest of my family who are true deluded lefties and thus take the view that whatever Uncle Chris and I write, they automatically support the other side, this will be a watershed. A third Eurosceptic writer in the family...great news.
4148 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear, - as the great Mike Walters used to say – it appears that whoever has access to Sefton Resources (SER) emails is again leaking some pretty toxic stuff. This time it is the email from Pinsent Masons partner and legal advisor to Sefton, Mr Russell Booker, in which he warns that the libel case against Dan Levi and myself should be dropped. Quite amazingly Pinsents litigation team are still ploughing ahead with the case regardless so racking up yet more fees for Sefton’s poor shareholders to swallow.
4148 days ago
I was once again back in my Clerkenwell rabbit hole. The dormouse was again pouring some tea of a herbal nature and produced a tray of cakes each one saying “Eat Me NOW or Pinsent Masons will frigging sue you.” “Surely we have been here before?” I asked the dormouse who just smiled and pushed the tray gently towards me.
A small mole appeared in the corner of the room, winked at me, grabbed a cake and gulped it down. Shroooooooooooom. Suddenly the mole was ten foot tall and was holding a smoking gun. He laughed, devoured another cake and was then carried away on a magical boat back to the Pinsents bunker on a journey past tangerine trees and under marmalade skies.
Curiouser and curiouser I thought. What might the mole have in store for us next?
4154 days ago
Suddenly I was back in my Clerkenwell Rabbit hole sitting with the dormouse sipping what looked like a cup of herbal tea. “Is the acid trip over?” I asked my new friend. “Surely with Sefton’s only witness exposed as a liar and a crook, with Pinsents in breach of the SRA rule-book if it continues to act for Sefton given that Russell Booker is now my star witness and given that the case was bollocks in the first place it is all over?” The dormouse leaned forward.
But at that point there was a loud knock on the door and a man dressed in a red military uniform with round gold rimmed glasses appeared. Bloody hell. It was John Lennon from the Sergeant Pepper album. “Are you sure that was tea?” I asked the dormouse. He smiled. Shrooooooooooom.
Rather thankful that it was not colourful James out on a bender with not Johnny Depp I opened the door. “John – where are Ringo, Paul and George? “ I asked contemplating how Real Man was attracting all the stars these days.
“Do not be so daft. John Lennon was shot dead thirty years ago by Mark Chapman, surely you know that I am Chris Mullen the senior partner at Sergeant Pinsents legal tarts club band? Here. Have some candy from my five million pound Notting Hill townhouse paid for in part by Sefton’s shareholders.”
4156 days ago
An open letter sent today to Chris Mullen, the senior partner at Pinsent Masons. I shall keep you posted on the response.
4157 days ago
The only witness Sefton Resources (SER) stated to the Court that it would call in its libel case was Jim Ellerton who is now exposed as a liar and a crook and who was forced to leave the Sefton board in disgrace on the advice of Nomad Allenby and Company lawyer Pinsent Masons.
That same firm of lawyers has today written to me declining my offer to settle (with it paying my costs and damages in shares) but saying it would talk to me if I agreed not to write about it for 30 days. It insists that it is quite prepared to plough on with what anyone with half a brain cell can see is an unwinnable case given the Ellerton issue and the fact that everything I have written about Sefton is verifiably true.
I have no intention of being gagged for 30 days. So I have told Pinsents to fuck off. The sniper is back on duty. Pursuing this unwinnable case will bankrupt Sefton. Shareholders need to be very much aware of that but frankly that is not my concern.
I guess we now must start looking at the Non-Executive Directors in detail as well as again ploughing through the old annual reports. Comrade Levi is – I gather minded – to take a similar approach.
4157 days ago
I was just sitting outside Real Man Pizza Company having a fag and looking a bit of a mess thanks to a quite surreal night with Colourful James in Clerkenwell, of which more later, but it involved, at a tangent, Johnny Depp. And a bloke shouts out from a passing cab - "well done on Pinsent Masons - keep on going." Thanks for the encouragement, I shall do so. The uber expensive bully boy lawyers whose fees will sink Sefton can expect my next broadside within 24 hours.
4159 days ago
I have not actually taken any LSD or even a magic mushroom for years but as I contemplate the insane world of Pinsent Masons and the Sefton libel case I feel like I am on the most amazing trip. For Pinsents yesterday stated that it is ploughing ahead with the libel case. I happen to know that this is bollocks – the remaining Sefton directors met Pinsents and other advisors last Friday and are trying to find a way out. Oh yes, I have my sources Pinsents, try not to get too paranoid. But anyhow let’s go on a magical mystery tour with the bully boy lawyers…
Suddenly a giant caterpillar appeared and beckoned me from my Clerkenwell rabbit hole towards the High Court. I called as a witness of fact Mr Russell Booker, a partner at Pinsent Masons, and asked him to read out his memo to the Sefton board in which he said that Jim Ellerton (Sefton’s only witness) was “discredited as a witness” and thus the case was unwinnable. “Thank you Mr Booker” said the white hare “would the plaintiff like to cross examine?”
The Barrister for Sefton consulted his team of lawyers from Pinsent Masons about how they would cross examine a partner from Pinsent Masons who was appearing as a witness of fact for the defence. Shroooooooooooooooooooooooooom. No conflicts of interest here said the Pinsents team as they smoked a large hookah offered to them by Dr Ali in lieu of his final draft preliminary final report on steamflooding.
The Judge offered everyone more tea and a piece of cake
4159 days ago
Let me be clear I have offered to allow Sefton pay a modest sum, in shares, covering my costs and the damages it owes me for its libellous RNS of 24 February. The company could have been off the hook by now wasting no more of its limited cash on settling this legal battle which it has lost. That would clearly be in the interests of shareholders who have suffered enough already. What or who is stopping this? Bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons.
Round at Pinsents Associate Helen Skinner (£500 an hour) has been removed from leading the case and replaced by a partner on £750 an hour ( a Mr. Twemey). And what did they spend the weekend doing? Sending letters to Dan Levi (at £750) an hour demanding that he allow an extension to the disclosure process which Pinsent Masons has already agreed with the Court weeks ago.
It is not as if Dan wants many more documents than the ones he wanted on July 27 when Pinsents agreed to the original timetable. Just one: The opinion of Russell Booker (Pinsents partner) presented to the Sefton board stating that Sefton’s sole witness (Jimmyliar Ellerton) was not credible and that the case would be lost and should be dropped. I am sure Pinsents can find that memo without too much trouble.
I feel sorry for Sefton shareholders and so have offered the company a way out that eases its very tight cash position. Shareholders should be begging their board to accept my offer and tell Pinsents to fuck off and stop billing for what little cash is left in the depleted corporate coffers. I should warn Sefton shareholders
4161 days ago
Jim Ellerton was toast the moment his sworn under oath deposition from Dillabaugh vs Ellerton fell into my paws. Late last night the 200 page transcript of that case arrived with myself and Dan Levi. We are still analysing it in full so won’t publish it yet but if Jimmyliar thinks it will could have saved him he is wrong.
As ever you really have to ask why Dan and I get documents that the AIM Team, and the fuckwits at Pinsent Masons do not have. Both have asked us to hand them over but how about for once the scumbags do the job they are grotesquely over-paid to do themselves rather than scrounging off poor journalists in such an unseemly fashion.
In court, as under deposition, Ellerton claims that he does need to repay monies he borrowed from Dillabaugh (and Dillabaugh’s young daughter Lisa) because of the offsets – benefits Gary received because Jim got him a job at Sefton.
4164 days ago
Sefton Resources (SER) has this morning fired its chairman Jim Ellerton from the board. He has been shown to be a liar, a criminal, a man not fit to run a PLC and there will be worse to come for him as the Serious Fraud Office, the US Internal Revenue Service and the Colorado Department of Justice Enquiries get underway. All three have been or will be provided with full dossiers. Ellerton will try to grub whatever cash he can from Sefton but he is toast. Toxic toast.
Sefton sued Daniel Levi (aka Brokerman Dan) and Tom Winnifrith for libel and also reported them to the FSA for market abuse and then accused them of market abuse and libel via an RNS. Sefton also briefed The Daily Telegraph that we were shorting the company for a monetary gain. All was part of their malicious Black propaganda campaign. Sefton is today negotiating with Dan and Tom.
It will be paying their costs in defending this case but also damages for defaming them. The only issue is how much will it be paying.
Those Bulletin Board Morons
4167 days ago
Just a reminder that my Tomograph Newsletter goes out weekly with its Weekend edition set to go out tonight ( Monday). This week covers my new pin up ( Despina Vandi), Greece, and from one finacially bankrupt entity to another Sefton Resources. Moving from the financially bankrupt to the morally bankrupt I also cover Pinsent Masons, lawyers to Sefton - the AIM listed company run by liar and crook Jim Ellerton.
The only way to get all of that is to REGISTER HERE
Planned delivery time is Monday evening.
4167 days ago
The more you dig the more you find with Sefton (SER). As such here are a couple of other items for Pinsents, Dr Ali, the NEDs and the Spiders from Mars to add to the internal investigation into liar and crook Jim Ellerton. And for the IRS to look into. I take you back to the 2005 Annual Report.
4167 days ago
Apologies for the delay. Well there is a lot happening right now. Following the highly successful interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and Libya it seems as if we are about to intervene in Syria as well. Will we ever learn? Away from the folly of our leaders my mind this week centred on victory in my battle with AIM POS Sefton Resources and its liar and crook chairman Jim Ellerton. Bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons has yet to throw in the towel officially (heck why not rack up some more fees while you can?) but it is only a matter of time.
If you missed the victory at Pinsents Video please watch and pass the link onto everyone you know. I gather the bully boys are hating all this bad PR. Given its role in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against me Pinsents deserves all the shit it gets. So please watch the video and pass on the link to EVERYONE YOU KNOW - it is HERE
This week’s picture is below. Please post your captions in the comments box below.
For what it is worth my entry is
4169 days ago
The Pinsents Masons enquiry into Jim Ellerton just got a bit longer thanks to Dan Levi’s smoking bazooka revelation of yesterday which means that without ambiguity one can say that Jim Ellerton is a liar and a criminal. The only question is what sort of criminal? I discuss below where Jim will be prosecuted and for what and what this means for Sefton and me.
4169 days ago
City law firm Pinsent Masons played its part in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against Dan Levi and me with its infamous letter to the FSA trying to stop me writing about shares. To protect its bent client it tried (and failed) to deprive me of a living. And it then (at great expense to Sefton shareholders) tried to bully me in the libel courts. As such you might understand why I am not its greatest fan.
Pinsents tried to destroy me on its chosen playing field (the law). It failed. Now the rematch is set to take place on my chosen playing field – the internet and new media.
Pinsents disgraceful behaviour is now all over the internet. Those responsible for its new media promotion cannot be enjoying what they read. Its role in the Sefton scandal is now laid bare and my triumphant visit to its luxurious office with a glass of champagne is now a well watched video. The Times newspaper mentioned it in full and Pinsents must be squirming.
In case you missed it or ( better still) wish to pass on the link to everyone you know it is here
But still the fuckers will not withdraw their law suit (which they admit is in tatters). Still there is no apology. I am not asking senior partner Chris Mullen (hey Chris you now feature in google searches alongside a pic of a scantily clad Cheryl Cole which is not pornography and the word fraudster thanks to liar and fraudster Jim Ellerton) to come and grovel personally. But Chris, you could send along a few of the other partners to buy me a slap up dinner at RMPC or just write a public letter of apology.
Oh shite, Chris now appears on google searches next to the word pornography. Welcome Pinsent Masons to my chosen battleground of new media.
Meanwhile I know Pinsent Masons has spent a great deal of effort building up its twitter presence so if you are bored just head off to @pinsentmasons find any one of its worthy tweets and draft a suitable reply. As an example earlier today I found a tweet from PM
Financial firms to set targets for female board members - Linda Jones of @PinsentMasons talks to @BBCNews http://bbc.in/13cGpRN #ukemplaw
So naturally I replied (including both @pinsentmasons and @bbcnews)
@PinsentMasons @BBCNews how about as a priority ensuring boards do not have contain crooks like Pinsents star client Sefton @TomWinnifrith
If you having nothing else better to do this weekend, feel free to go and tweet a reply to one of the numerous dreary tweets sent out by Pinsents and bring some life to its twitter feed. I am sure that they will appreciate the gesture.
4169 days ago
With its own lawyer, Russell Booker of Pinsent Masons, admitting that the Sefton libel case against myself and Dan Levi is in tatters with its sole witness ( liar and crook) Jim Ellerton having been booted off the board in disgrace and now ( in Booker’s words) “discredited,” the way is open for Dan Levi and myself to launch claims against Sefton. Will this sink the ship?
You will remember that Sefton issued an RNS on 24th February accusing us of libel AND market abuse. Via Company Secretary and IR genius Michael Green it also briefed Harriet Denys of the Telegraph (via two phone calls that Harriet has full notes of) that Dan was short of Sefton. Other folks are now coming forward revealing the full extent of the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against myself and Daniel.
As such Both Daniel and I have discussed with our (different) legal advisors not only the matter of recovering costs from Sefton but also now the matter of damages
4173 days ago
You should always end on a high. And I am on a high right now. Last night I exposed Jim Ellerton for the fraud and liar he is. The Nomad to Sefton (Allenby) has told me by email that if my initial allegations re the Dillabaugh case were proven either Allenby or Ellerton had to go. If it is the former the shares are suspended and won’t come back. If it is the latter the sole witness for Sefton in its libel trial against me will have resigned in disgrace. So I have won. I gather that the Sefton board is meeting this afternoon so, one way or another, the AIM career of Hawaii Jim is almost over.
I have already popped over to the offices of uber expensive bully boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons , champagne in hand, to record two short videos and when they go live that will be it from me.
Publicly I have put a brave face on this battle and on the Sefton dirty tracks campaign. But it has been a strain. I fear that there is not a cat in hell’s chance of me getting my costs back. Would I want to do this again or would I rather spend time with the bird, take up fishing again or do a bit of what I really want to do (goat farming)?
My priorities going forward are the restaurant, the UKInvestor Show, my partner (the deluded lefty) and my family, notably my step mother and ageing father - not necessarily in that order. As such the 666 shirt of investigative financial journalism united is (temporarily) retired. After today I shall confine my public comments on shares to my premium Nifty Fifty website. If you want to know my thoughts on shares pop along to Real Man Pizza and buy me a salad or subscribe to the Nifty Fifty
Shareprophets has 20 writers including younger investigative stars such as John Crawford and Ben Turney who I shall advise, if asked, but for now that is it from me on shares. The younger guys will take the battle against the AIM bad guys forward. I have a book to write (on Sefton), articles to write for this website on West Ham, Greece and other really important matters and a life to lead.
Thanks for your support since this battle commenced. My 36 hour drinkathon now continues and anyone who fancies coming along to Real Man tonight after 6 is more than welcome.
4173 days ago
I think that this is self-explanatory.
4174 days ago
Jim Ellerton has tonight been exposed as a liar and a cheat. His position is untenable. I thus serve up my video postcard with a simple message to all involved in this pitiful affair. I Win! Fuck you Ellerton and fuck you Pinsent Masons for invoicing Sefton for so much in pursuit of a daft libel case you could not win. Your case is in tatters now as Ellerton is damned by his own words.
I shall be spending the next 36 hours proving that my partner's parents were right - I am a drunken Fleet Street bum. The celebrations will culminate at Real man Pizza where we offer half price champagne while stocks last from 6 PM tomorrow. Thereafter I shall sleep it all off and then plan a year's sabbatical from investigative financial journalism ( yes there wiull be a book Pinsents will be delighted to know) while I focus on more productive matters.
4174 days ago
It is a fight to the death and it was hand to hand stuff on the front line today. For the Evil Empire Emperor Ellerton moved off the beaches of Hawaii and flew (at Sefton shareholder expense) to California. That left newly appointed company Secretary and IR genius Doc Gopher Green to lead the counter attack from his personal Shareprice death star.
Some of the Imperial strormtroopers in the BB Moron brigade of the Sefton army were hoping for a statement refuting weekend allegations, broadcast across the Galaxy by the rebel alliance. But that was not possible as the company is not in a position to refute anything. So instead Doc Gopher briefed a number of BB loons with the line: “all Sefton directors have been fully vetted by different nomads and nothing was found awry.”
That, of course, is NOT the same as a denial. Doc Gopher is not THAT stupid. And it is also meaningless as one of the Nomads immediately came forward and revealed to the intelligence officer of the Rebel Alliance that it had indeed commissioned independent due diligence on the Sefton board but that it was told that Ellerton/Dillabaugh was a personal matter and that Sefton did not disclose the Court case to it at all. Thus this did not feature in the due diligence.
Han Solo (played by Daniel Levi) then revealed that the non-execs on the Imperial board had now commissioned an independent enquiry into the activities of Darth Ellerton relating to the Ellerton case. And
4175 days ago
Apropos of nothing, I thought it time for a new version of an old classic
Picture yourself in a float on a river
With tapia trees and kan-as-as skies
Your broker calls you, you answer quite slowly
As Sefton’s share price slowly dies
Bogus production from Doctor Green
Cash all heading to Jim
Look for money shareholders have given
And its gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Follow the shares down to ever new lows
Where Jim spouts more and more lies
Everyone smiles as you slip past the strippers
That spout nothing at all
Pinsent Masons appears on the shore
Waiting to take you away
Climb in the back as it counts Sefton’s cash
And its gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Picture yourself with the shares now at zero
With Ellerton retired on the beach
Suddenly someone is there sat beside him
As Sefton’s share price quickly dies
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
4175 days ago
It is now inevitable that shares in Sefton (SER) will be suspended from the AIM Cesspit within days. There are only two outcomes and either means that the game is up. It will leave its vexatious libel case against me in tatters, its bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons ( who tried and failed to get the FSA to stop Dan and I writing about Sefton and indeed all shares in January) looking like total wankers and shareholders losing everything. And here is why.
4177 days ago
I am more than a bit excited, the inner child in me is in control. The new season is upon us and I am off to Upton Park tomorrow. My old pal Neil Masuda (who as my babysitter made my sisters and I watch the FA Cup Final on the box when Sir Trevor scored with his head) will be coming along with his latest bird. Neil, as you may remember started his long and glorious career as a peddler of sleaze on Fleet Street by breaking the Howard Jones (like to get to know you well) three in a bed scandal when on his local paper.
Anyhow, myself, Neil and his bird will meet up at Real Man Pizza before heading to the Academy. Cardiff were promoted last season so anything could happen. With Andy Carroll injured it will be interesting to see who can actually get it in the net for the Irons. Anyway, another season is almost underway. Another 40 weeks of misery is upon me. Like an addict I cannot wait and as 3 PM looms and we start “I’m forever blowing bubbles.”
I am excited already. It is almost as much fun as asking the Serious Fraud Office to investigate Pinsent Masons and Sefton.
4177 days ago
When did uber expensive Bully Boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons quit as Company Secretary to POS AIM listed company Sefton (SER)? We do not know. The Sefton website still showed the bully boys as Company Secretary earlier this week. But it has now stepped down (Nomad Allenby has confirmed this) to be replaced by IR genius Dr Michael Green.
The last man to be Co Sec and IR officer at Sefton at the same time was, of course, Colorado dentist Gary Dillabaugh. I have always wondered what sort of Doctor Michael Green was. Is he a dentist as well? Do you need a medical qualification to be the IR manager/Company Sec at Sefton? Questions, questions.
I wonder does Jim Ellerton also owe Doc Green hundreds of thousands of dollars? I suspect not but you never know in the crazy world of Sefton.
4178 days ago
This letter was sent earlier today. I have not had a response. BB Loons may speculate on the balance sheet position of Sefton but I am not speculating since I have discussed the matter with Sefton's advisers and having taken expert accounting advice the position is crystal clear – Sefton shares should be suspended at once. Andy they may well be. The letter reads:
To: Allenby Capital, AIM Regulation, Pinsent Masons
4180 days ago
I yesterday contacted the Serious Fraud Office and handed over documentary and other matters relating to Sefton Resources and Jim Ellerton. I have formally requested that the SFO launch an investigation into the activities of Mr Ellerton and Sefton in relation to Gary Dillabaugh and other matters in order to confirm that everything is above board. The SFO is now looking into what was sent.
Noting the board decisions made by Sefton in 2009 in relation to Ellerton and other matters I have also asked the SFO to investigate the actions of Sefton’s other directors and officers (including company secretary Pinsent Masons) in order to confirm that all of their activities are also above board.
Naturally one wishes to believe the best in all men & women and so I am sure that the SFO will find nothing other than a well run company governed in the best interests of its shareholders.
I shall keep you posted.
4181 days ago
Some of the Bulletin Board loons out there seem to think that the City is on the side of Sefton Resources (SER) in its libel battle with myself and Dan Levi. Au contraire…our big name backers grow by the day. And today came a fascinating endorsement which should make Sefton supporters as well as its uber expensive bully boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons think long and hard.
I posted an open letter via video this afternoon to the AIM regulation team calling on it to suspend Sefton shares pending a full investigation. Heading over to LinkedIN (Facebook for grown-ups) I see that this video has been “liked” by Tim Metcalfe.
I am not sure if I have ever met Mr. Metcalfe but I know full well who he is and he is incredibly well regarded in the Square Mile as a good and honest operator. He is currently joint CEO of the highly regarded City Corporate Finance house Zeus Capital. But until last year he was MD at Northland Partners. And that is where he knows Sefton from because Northland used to act for Sefton as its Nomad until the two parted company.
Why did the two firms part company? Hmmm.. The fact that Mr. Metcalfe likes my call to have Sefton shares suspended might just give you a hint. Fox Davies was Sefton’s next Nomad and it quit because it felt that Sefton was deliberately misleading investors. I already have the head of Fox Davies called as a witness in the forthcoming libel trial to testify to that. But perhaps there is a pattern emerging here? Do you think Mr. Metcalfe would make an interesting witness in the great libel trial?
Or perhaps now that the City is publically starting to back me the AIM Cesspit Regulation team will finally do something to end this farce once and for all and suspend the shares pending a full enquiry.
Tim – feel free to get in touch at any time.
4184 days ago
A difficult moment arose today as I returned my daughter Olivia to her mother Big Nose after a week in Kent. For some reason Big Nose was worried that I might humiliate her by wandering into her offices at Pinsent Masons wearing an inappropriate T-shirt, holding the hand of Dan Levi or just being a general embarrassment. For Big Nose is a partner at Pinsents, lawyers to the scumbags at Sefton who are accusing me of libel.
And so I arranged to meet her at Liverpool Street Station for the handover. Olivia and I arrived on time and called in but Big Nose was in a meeting. Then she had an urgent call and so I was instructed by her secretary to take Olivia over to the lion’s den, the global HQ of Pinsent Masons. Ooooo er. I could hardly contain my excitement.
4193 days ago
Some of the Bulletin Board loons seems to have expected me to be in prison or bankrupted by this afternoon after round 1 of Sefton vs. Tom Winnifrith in the High Court. Oddly there were three policeman waiting outside the chambers of Master Kay when we emerged but they were not looking for me. But I am sorry to disappoint the loons…this case is not going to be settled, if indeed Sefton is still around, until 2014.
The matters today were purely procedural. When must Sefton disclose various matters and what must it disclose. Who can or cannot be called as expert witnesses. How a certain key witness who destroys the case against me will be introduced. That sort of thing.
Sefton’s barrister was silky. I rather enjoyed it when he talked of the libel and Master Kay interrupted with “alleged libel.” He took the put down well. Sefton’s lawyer from Pinsent Masons (Ms Skinner)
4197 days ago
A couple of days ago my pal Brokerman Dan a co-defendant in the Sefton libel trial) had his twitter account suspended. He had not been abusing it by follow/unfollow tactics of spammers (he follows only 42 souls) so why was it suspended?
Yesterday Dan and his solicitor contacted twitter saying that he does not break any rules of twitter but is involved with a libel trial which he expects to win against Sefton. He asked twitter if the suspension was prompted by complaints and a request to block Dan from Sefton or its uber expensive bully boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons.
4233 days ago
On 29th January the Daily Telegraph ran a piece suggesting that my pal Brokerman Dan was short of Sefton Resources (SER) and that is why he was writing bearish pieces. The source of that story which was untrue was Alex Walters who acts for Sefton as its PR man. The journalist at the Telegraph has contemporaneous notes of the conversation. The paper has now withdrawn the article and apologised to Dan for its role in this i.e. being duped.
On February 25th Sefton announced that it was suing myself and Dan for legal action but also that it had received legal advice that we had breached the Financial Services and Markets Act of 2000 and that it had reported us to the FSA. Dan obtained the letter sent by Sefton’s lawyers Pinsent Masons on 14 January using a FOI request. It took him two minutes to respond and the FCA has now confirmed to Dan that the matter is closed – he has done nothing wrong. It was a spurious and malicious complaint against him (and also me).
I have also explained to the FSA (and to Pinsent Masons) why the compliant was spurious and frankly anyone with a basic understanding of the FSMA would know why it was spurious. As such, to suggest that we had breached the FSMA in a public release was damaging and defamatory. Sefton may regard it as part of a legitimate dirty tricks campaign but I am not sure anyone else would.
Sefton Resources and its agent (Alex Walters) have clearly committed not one but two acts of libel against Dan (also myself). I hope that Sefton will issue an RNS apologising in full to myself and Dan and I’d happily drop the matter there. But I am aware that Daniel is now considering suing Sefton for libel should an apology not be forthcoming.
4273 days ago
On Thursday I sent a letter by email to Sefton Resources (SER) boss Jim Ellerton asking him to apologise to me for his company's smear campaign against me and to make a small personal donation to the excellent Woodlarks Charity. I have yet to gain a reply or even an acknowledgement. As such I have sent a second letter and at the same time ask a couple more questions which either Sefton has neglected to answer or I have neglected to ask.
This letter is sent via Sefton’s lawyers at Pinsent Masons since I do not know whether Jim is currently in residence at his multi-million dollar Hawaii mansion or is in London, maximising shareholder value.
4276 days ago
I revealed some weeks ago how AIM Cesspit listed oil company Sefton Resources (SER) had instigated a smear campaign against its two principal critics, myself and Daniel Levi (aka Brokerman Dan). It is suing us for libel but has also engaged in underhand smear tactics. This has backfired as the Daily Telegraph has now confirmed to my comrade Mr Levi who, how and when Sefton played this sordid game.
As such I can reveal that Dan Levi will be filing a Solicitors letter with Sefton within days seeking a public retraction and potentially leading to a claim for vast damages for defamation. He has already agreed with Sefton’s uber-expensive City lawyer Pinsent Masons how this will be served.
Ooooh that Dan plays hardball. He is such a gritty Northern hard man.
I am, of course, a really nice guy and like to handle things on an amicable basis.
And as such I have simply dropped Sefton boss Jim Ellerton a friendly note
4306 days ago
Sefton Resources (LSE:SER), the tin pot oil company that its suing me for libel because I pointed out how on a serial basis it has misled investors ( down 99.9% since IPO) over the years admitted after hours (5.44 PM) yesterday that it misled investors 24 hours ahead of a placing last month – as I flagged at the weekend. It now wants us to move on and yet again promises a brighter future.
I find it hard to see how this admission, dragged out of it by myself and Brokerman Dan will add to its credibility in the forthcoming trial and I cannot see how AIM can let this go unpunished. So what is the guilty confession from Sefton?
4307 days ago
My only question is why it took Britain’s fattest bear raider so long to go short of Sefton (SER)? But it appears that Evil is now short. He has posted the following on the ADVFN Bulletin Board today:
I have shorted Sefton this morning. Surely, the situation is hopeless. It has perhaps £600,000 left (wasting money on fanciful litigations and God alone knows what other drivel) and is spending it at £200,000 a month whilst showing no prospect of trading at a profit before overheads. Only a lunatic would hold shares. Certainly, no sane Nomad will stay with Sefton.
Simon Cawkwell
I think EK has got his sums wrong. I reckon that cash net of liabilities (including huge legal bills round at Pinsent Masons) is now sub £500,000. But Evil is correct on the cashburn (in fact he may be underestimating it). I reckon that my target price of 0.01p or worse will be reached by June, that is if the shares are not suspended – as they should be – first.
The share price is now at an all-time low of 0.465p. It is only going one way.
4308 days ago
This is so blatant. I cannot see how the authorities are failing to tackle Sefton Resources (LSE:SER). If the company’s uber expensive City lawyers Pinsent Masons wish to bully me again go ahead – you know where to send your letter and you know where I will file it. But once again Sefton has been caught with its knickers around its ankles misleading investors and it did so less than 5 weeks ago and 24 hours ahead of a rescue share placing. If I was a client of Dowgate stockbrokers I would be demanding my cash back from the most recent placing first thing tomorrow. This is a black and white case. To Sefton I say: Gotcha!
4310 days ago
Under the UK’s libel laws if one is served with a libel writ one must file your defence with the High Court but also with the Plaintiff or whichever lawyer is acting for them. And so this morning Brokerman Dan sent his 1200 page skeletal (i.e. there is more to come) defence over to Helen Skinner, the lawyer at uber-expensive City firm Pinsent Masons which is acting for Sefton Resources.
Oh dear. Ms Skinner replies that Pinsent Masons systems cannot cope with an XPS or text file (they are “not compatible with our systems”) and so can Dan reformat as a PDF or send over a hard copy? I doubt that he will. He is not obliged to. My super cheap laptop can open an XPS or text file and so with Partners at Pinsent Masons on a charge out rate of £750 an hour I suggest that they splash out £420 on a cheapo laptop ( with all licenses) at PC World.
This begs a further question? Will Ms Skinner bill Sefton for her time in sending a letter to Dan ‘fessing that her firm’s IT systems are not as capable as my £420 laptop (with full licenses) from PC World. Pinsent Masons normally charges for a minimum of ½ hour slots and so if Dan can keep this conversation going for another couple of emails then Skinner can trot down to PC World buy the laptop and effectively stiff Sefton’s lucky shareholders with the bill. Problem solved.
Do you think I should invoice Pinsent Masons for my consultancy on this matter? Er that will be ½ hour at £750 an hour – call it two snotty emails to Dan on behalf of Sefton. I cannot say fairer than that.
Of course Pinsent Masons also earns large fees acting as company secretary to Sefton. I shall be turning to this matter and claims made on the Sefton website next week. Watch this space.
4318 days ago
My own defence against the spurious libel claims made against me by joke oil company Sefton Resources (LSE:SER) went in weeks ago. But today I have the good news that Brokerman Dan has filed his defence. It forms only part of his argument but already runs to 1200 pages of documents which poses an interesting question for Sefton, as Dan promises me that he has far more to come.
Uber-expensive City lawyers Pinsent Masons will now have to read every single page of Daniel’s submission. And its charge out rates are, I believe £500-750 an hour. Having read it all in detail missing nothing out it then has to submit its own response
4339 days ago
As you know Sefton Resources (LSE:SER) is suing me for libel. What is amazing is that as every day goes by more folks come out of the woodwork offering up information which makes my case ever more watertight. This is getting more and more enjoyable by the minute. Just to keep you all amused and to allow uber expensive City lawyers Pinsent Masons to rack up more billable hours for Sefton to fund I share a couple of little gems with you. Pinsent Masons really is expensive but I do not wish to deter Sefton from pissing all its cash away as the mother of my daughter Olivia is a partner there and its Olivia’s Birthday in a few months, school fees are very expensive as are piano and hockey lessons and I am delighted that all this business is heading the way of PM. And Olivia’s mother likes expensive holidays and so if Sefton’s shareholders can pony up some more and allow her a really smashing break this summer I’d be delighted for her.
4339 days ago
I spent all of yesterday talking to the two lawyers who are assisting me with my defence against the spurious claims made by AIM Listed oil penny dreadful Sefton Resources (LSE:SER) that I have committed libel. Well here is another article for Sefton’s uber expensive City lawyers Pinsent Masons to read for I make fresh allegations today.
I have also today lodged my intention to fight this case with the High Court. And I am keen that battle commences as soon as possible, before Sefton runs out of cash. I do not wish to be denied the chance to see inter alia Jim Ellerton, Doctor Green and the senior partner at Pinsent Masons (company secretary to Sefton) having to give evidence on oath.
In compiling my detailed response I had a great moment. My July 11th moment.
4367 days ago
LinkedIn has emailed me to say thanks. Aaah how touchingly American. And …I mean that most sincerely. Facebook for grownups is celebrating having 200 million users and apparently I have played my part as my profile was among the top 1% most hit upon in 2012. I am so touched. Grabs Onion. Weeps. I’d like to thank various of my stalkers, notably Mark & Sarah and those folks at legal firms Pinsent Masons and Kermans for crawling all over my activity log almost every day and making this possible. And so what does this all mean? Absolutely nothing.
While Facebook is inane, LinkedIn is just rather boring. Other than alerting me to the networking activities of Alecto Resources boss Damian Conboy ( liaising with the playboy PR bird Lucy HERE) I cannot say that it has really brought me much in the way of laughs over the past year. For what it is worth I am now on Facebook. I use it as I use LinkedIn to churn out links to my articles and so to attract readers to TomWinnifrith.com. And for what it is worth, over the past month LinkedIn has brought in about 3% of my traffic and Facebook 1.3%.
Natch I ‘d like to thank the two firms concerned but not by giving them any money. I am a customer in that I add to their metrics they boast about to hoodwink Wall Street. But the cash I generate for both firms is exactly £0.00. I have never clicked on an advert & will not do so. I use them for free marketing and that is it. I will link in or whatever the term is on Facebook with anyone (even one of those aforementioned stalkers) as it means they get alerted to my articles and might just be read them.
I am also sure that the 1% is misleading. In the same way that I think I am around the 2 millions most followed person ( of 500 million) on twitter ( @tomwinnifrith in case you want to push me over 3,000 today), the scales are logarithmic. So the top 2000 twitter people in terms of followers are followed by 1 million + or whatever and hen it tails off quite dramatically. And of course most of the twitter followers of those with a million + followers are paid for robots, exercises in vanity ( as I explained here) I am pretty sure LinkedIn traffic patterns are pretty similar. So being on the edge of the top 1% is a lot closer to being in the bottom 1% than it is to being in the top 0.1%. And on twitter I am closer in absolute terms to being the least followed person on this planet than I am to being the 1 millionth most followed.
Alerts on this article will naturally whizz off into the ether by twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn – I still fail to grasp why I add anything at all to your bottom lines, but thanks for having me none the less.
4387 days ago
This morning AIM listed penny dreadful oil producer Sefton Resources (LSE:SER) has via its lawyer Pinsent Masons sent lawyers letters to myself and BrokerMan Daniel. Such is the competence of this company that it sent the hard copy to an address that I have not lived in for three years. Luckily it got the email address right.
4477 days ago
During the past three months I have asked a series of questions of Jim Ellerton the chairman of AIM listed penny dreadful oil producer Sefton Resources (SER). He has failed to produce a satisfactory answer to any of them. I regard the shares, at 1.25p as woefully overvalued – my target is 0.1p. Sefton’s latest tactic is to waste shareholders cash on bullying its critics.