
805 days ago

The liberal media runs scared of the mid-terms Red Wave – denial on BBC Woman’s Hour

The liberal media is now waking up to the idea that, tomorrow, American voters will use the mid-terms to blow an enormous raspberry to their man creepy Joe Biden and to the whole ultra woke agenda of their beloved Democrats.  Well, that is to say they know that the GOP will hand out an enormous whipping but they cannot admit why.


2213 days ago

Pocohontas for President – a wet dream for Republicans & other Deplorables

And they are off… the first Democrat to throw their hat into the ring as a potential Presidential candidate for 2020 is Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. As an out and proud deplorable I can think of few, bar crooked Hillary herself who is – quite amazingly - considering a run herself,  I’d rather see the Dems select. Pocohontas is everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.


2310 days ago

Will the Republicans win the mid-terms? The Red Wave looks good – best polls in almost 8 years as Dems self-destruct

The conventional wisdom of the liberal media is that the Democrats will regain control of the House and possibly also of the Senate in the mid-terms coming up in a few weeks and that this will be a body blow to Donald Trump.  Here’s something the BBC and Channel 4 “fake” news is not reporting – the latest poll numbers are just amazing.


2407 days ago

The dishonesty and double standard of Irish Republicans who say they want peace

I was flamed on twitter by a cluster of IRA apologist Republicans yesterday for suggesting that their approach to reconciliation and bringing communities in Ireland together was somewhat lopsided. 


2657 days ago

#WomenBoycottTwitter - it is hard not to sound like a sexist in the face of such silliness

Starting (natch) in the US women are being urged to boycott twitter for a day because it is sexist, oppressive, full of nasty men who want to exploit them like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton, etc. Okay I made that up about Harvey and Bill. Let's not talk about Democrat rapists and just stick to the narrative that Republican men oppress and Democrats all liberate. Natch it is the left which is pushing this boycott. The wonderful Ann Coulter and, almost as wonderful, Laura Ingraham are not taking part.


3230 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the Easter Uprising 1916 celebrations are all based on lies

How to annoy both communities in Ireland in 20 minutes. Admit that you too want a United Ireland but then point out how events in 1916 made that impossible and all the lies we ignore about events 100 years ago. This Easter, I shall say a prayer for the Dublin Fusilliers, brave men of both faiths who were slaughtered horribly 100 years ago, not for Pearse and his associates whose legacy is a poisonous one built on lies. Even Republicans should be able to admit that now.


3233 days ago

Lesbians For Donald Trump - Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News is very confused indeed

Out on the stump in a working class town in Ohio, one could sense the discomfort of Channel 4 News reporter Kylie Morris as she encountered rust belt workers from the real world. Gosh they paint their dogs in funny colours for St Patrick's Day she noted. I am sure she thought it all rather naff, rather white van man, but didn't quite say that on camera. But then salvation for Ms Morris as she stumbled across two big fat lesbians. However, much to the consertanation of the beltway liberal the bull dykes were voting for Trump.

But, an uncompreheding Kylie stammered: what about what he says about the blacks and the hispanics? 


3254 days ago

Kylie Morris on C4 News: "racist" Trump & the Hispanics, a new low point for lefty British Media

I have noted before how Kylie Morris, the US correspondent for Channel 4 News is perhaps the dopiest, most out of touch liberal left reporter going. This woman makes the BBC look balanced. But we can now show Kylie hitting a new low as she points out what a vile racist Donald Trump is.

Two days before the Nevada primary Kylie filed a long piece on how hispanics voters in Nevada were shunning Trump. After searching really hard all day Kylie managed to find just one Latino voter who was voting for Trump, a Vietnam vet who Kylie was thus able to expose as a weirdo. In Kylie world, latinos shared her view that Trump was a racist and none were backing him.

Now the Nevada results are in.


3279 days ago

Kylie Morris of Channel 4 News you are a patronising and silly woman - ref Donald Trump

Over on Channel 4 News on Thursday Kylie Morris was interviewing two God fearing hard working, tax paying folks from Iowa, that is to say Republicans from a flyover state - the sort of people the liberal media establishment would rather not mix with. Kylie put it to them that Donald Trump was making the GOP race a bit of a pantomime, after all "the UK Parliament even debated banning Trump from Britain". Words almost fail me.

In America they believe in something we used to fight for in Britain, that is to say free speech. Mr Trump is clearly a very popular figure among Republicans and even among Independents. Unlike the belle of the liberal media ball, the loathsome Mrs Clinton, 


3730 days ago

Well Done America – a good kicking for Obama, the vile Clinton family and the Democrats

The front page of the Telegraph’s coverage of the US midterms has the vile Clinton woman hugging the harridan Democrat incumbent in North Carolina. The democrat harridan lost her Senate Seat. Back in Bill Clinton’s home state the lecherous old dirtbag himself turned out nine times in support of the incumbent Democrat senator. He lost too. President hopey change is now so toxic that he was barely seen on the stump at all with many Democrats refusing to use his name and one high profile Senate challenger refusing to say if she had even voted for the man she refused to name. It did not save her. She lost too.

The GOP now runs both the Senate and the House. President Obama is a widely loathed lame duck President and all those associated with him, including the loathsome Clintons are equally tarnished. What a great day for America.

Six years ago President Obama promised so much and was promptly given the Nobel Peace prize. Six years later
