71 days ago
At the risk of sounding like Mick Jagger saying that this really will be his final tour, after a quarter of a Century putting on events for investors I really do plan to call it a day after one last show: Sharestock 2025!
71 days ago
164 days ago
166 days ago
rite another batch of dried fruit is soaking in black tea to make the next two cakes. But after a 24hor soak, yesterday’s batch was added to flour, brown sugar, a bit of mixed spice and an egg, mixed thoroughly and baked in the Aga. Hey presto, the fist two cakes for tea at Sharestock on Saturday are now ready and being stored, as they should be, to mature a little.
168 days ago
What you do not see is a tray of blackberries flash frozen and packed away in the freezer for making winter summer puddings and another litre of ice cream (blackberry) now on its way to the same place. However…
172 days ago
As readers of my other website know, I have a few pressing medical matters at hand. Wednesday saw a long conversation and a short examination by my GP and on Friday I should get back some rather important test results. You cannot just sit there and ponder your own mortality. Life is for living though we must all, always, consider what the alternative means for those around us. So on Wednesday afternoon Joshua and I picked even more apples and that evening my pal C popped around to help me press.
174 days ago
It has been a funny old year for fruit. Damsons almost a no show. The pears are not much better but the plums were not bad at all. As for the apples, we look to have a bumper harvest but the odd thing is that not only are the early fruiting Discovery trees I planted by the river ready as they should be but so too are all the other trees, four weeks ahead of schedule. Apples are already starting to drop to the ground in large numbers. So the harvest is now underway.
175 days ago
Apparently, the first words little Jaya said this morning were “Daddy’s ice cream is so much better than Tesco’s or Bellis’s” I kid you not but she is right. Last night’s production ,pictured below, was blackberry and, having allowed myself a teaspoonfull, I can tell you it was amazing. It now goes in an increasingly ice cream packed freezer ahead of Sharestock when it will be served after supper. Also on the production line yesterday was damson jam. The harvest this year was dire and I had to scrounge fruit off a neighbours trees down by the river. and to chuck in a few of my plums. But, as you can see, we now have ten jars. And then to the orchard.
185 days ago
Some folks think it is easy putting on an event such as Sharestock. Far from it. Every single item has to be ordered, accounted for and laid out ready for use. Barely a day goes by without something now arriving at the Welsh Hovel which Joshua and I unpack and lay out in my office. Cutlery for each of the four meals, coffee machines, coffee and decaf, filters, tea, plates, bowls, the speakers, the mikes, the batteries, a big screen, cabling, boxes for ice cream, freezer boxes for milk, the list goes on and on and on. But all is in hand, Joshua and I are not panicking (yet) and September 7 is still three weeks away which means we must start making the nettle beer tomorrow.
187 days ago
202 days ago
208 days ago
Sharestock is looming. The date is September 7. The lawn is getting into shape. A team of helpers led by my two eldest daughters are lined up as are the speakers. All we need now is you! For what, I increasingly think, will be my last ever show.
243 days ago
It is still 215 days away but preparations for THE investor event of the year, ShareStock, are well underway with the first seven main stage speakers, the Welsh choir and Chef Vijay already booked in. You can now book your place at my 1650 built home on the banks of the river Dee HERE
243 days ago
I explain why Novacyt (NCYT) is a zero and Avacta (AVCT) is not a zero but at two levels is a short. I also discuss how companies pretend that the cost of an acquisition is less than its true cost ref Novacyt and also Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). And I have updates on Sharestock 2024, more details and ticket booking can be found HERE.
263 days ago
The big elderflower bush is at the top of the top field at the far end next to the graveyard. A track around that field was cut but is already growing back rapidly and will need strimming again this weekend. As for the area around the bush and around the olive, mulberry and sweet chestnut trees I have planted up there, Mr Strimmer is needed badly.
290 days ago
The man who predicted negative oil is once again a big speaker at Sharestock this year on September 7 where the line-up is becoming more complete as you can see HERE. As we discuss that Peter says that he has taken a position in Serinus Energy (SENX) as a trading buy at 2.75p. Is he mad? Well yes those that know him well would say that but he might be correct on this occasion.
313 days ago
As of today just under half the seats for the third Sharestock event on 7 September are now booked. If you have been before you know why but this year’s event will be bigger and better than any yet. Here is why you should make sure you have a seat HERE today.
314 days ago
I start with domestic woes & rising floods then head on to Tingo (TIO), Chill Brands (CHLL), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Audioboom (BOOM), Cellular Goods (CBX) and Bushveld Minerals (BMN). Sharestock tickets, as per bearcast, can be bought HERE
340 days ago
“A song about conspiracy theories” is the new release from Sharestock entertainer Dominic Frisby. I am so glad he got that Michelle Obama is a man line in. Enjoy.
342 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley, Riverfort Global & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock on 7 September 2024 - as you can see HERE. In this third episode of Altcast looking at small caps and AIM, Liam Bulmer of Riverfort and I discuss whether the market has bottomed and the small cap nuclear winter is over. Enjoy.
354 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up even more fun and games at Sharestock on 7 September 2024 - as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane about what on earth is happening at OpenAI. Enjoy.
363 days ago
If you have attended for either of the past two years you know what fun it is. My plan is to do at least two more years but we shall see. There are so many variables in life. Anyhow we are all set for 2024 and the date is fixed at Saturday 7th September. We now have a nearly complete speaker line up and it is top notch!
377 days ago
In today’s podcast I start with another couple of thoughts on the war in Ukraine and why a peace deal could see Eurasia Mining (EUA) have to ‘fess as to the lack of any real bidder and go to zero. I also look at a raft of other possible zeros discussing the reasons why for Verditek (VDTK) where my analysis suggests it is already essentially insolvent, Tintra (TNT), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and Boohoo.com (BOO). I also comment on the pre bailout pump at Guild ESports (GILD) – oh and a new speaker at ShareStock has been announced HERE.
405 days ago
Evil Banksta described at ShareStock how he takes Mrs Banksta on numerous luxury holidays funded by his winnings from shorting and then spends all day in front of a PC plotting his next swoop on some overvalued promote. And as such ,from a five star hotel somewhere hot and warm, I have received this message about Upland Resources (UPL) where the Banksta is short. I have no skin in the game but the great bear says:
414 days ago
I start with Joshua’s bonus Welsh lessons then it is onto Boohoo.com (BOO) with my thoughts and those of matt Earl. There is Tintra (TNT) and also Belluscura (BELL) and TMT Aquisitions (TMTA). Finally we have a date for Sharestock 2024 ( 7 September) as you can see HERE
433 days ago
After tea things started to go wrong with timings and Bev in charge of catering started to feel ill and so there were logistics issues creeping in. So I am afraid that guests missed out on home made ice cream and also lavender cordial. We almost have a date for next year sorted out (provisionally its September 7) so we will get things bang on next time! Back on the main stage it was Paul Jourdan whose talk was topical in light of Malcolm Stacey’s column today.
446 days ago
And so after lunch it was Peter Hambro (gold), Dominic Frisby (Bitcoin and a bit of gold) and me ( no longer convinced by either) on stage. Both guests knew their stuff and were excellent but I wonder if this debate is really of that much interest these days.
447 days ago
Chef Vijay made the food for my wedding ten years ago and the Christening of Jaya last year. Though not present himself he sent a charming young lady and everyone tucked in from the youngest ( Jaya and Joshua) to er….Peter Hambro there were no complaints.
447 days ago
After Brian Kinane finished it was myself and Peter Brailey on oil stocks. I want you to appreciate how awful is his dress sense. Jim Mellon’s dog could not handle Peter’s shirt and went outside to talk to one of my cats and also to my wife and Dominic Frisby, a man sporting an equally high volume jacket. My wife is the lady not leading the dog, that is Jim’s sister.
447 days ago
At 8.30 the first folks arrived to a lawn basking in glorious sunshine and breakfast was served: croissants with a range of home made jams, plus plenty of coffee, tea and orange juice. The bar did not open until 9.30 in a vain effort to keep Lucian Miers under control.
447 days ago
This is a company which is a dirty polluter and is only not bust thanks to the utter insanity of Sir Ed Davey, the leader of the Lib Dems from his time as a minister in the coalition Government. It is a scandal and one funded with £11 billion of your cash..
448 days ago
Pete Brailey shared three big shorts at ShareStock. All three should be familiar to you and all three begin with P and claim to be oil companies.
448 days ago
I cannot say how much I like and admire and am grateful to Nigel Wray. He was one of a select group at my last wedding 10 years ago and he will be invited to the next one. Not that there will be a next one! But should one go into bat against Wray? This is the first idea from ShareStock at the weekend.
454 days ago
I think it was a success and hope folks all enjoyed it. I think we will do it again. I reflect on the short and long ideas that were aired although many things were said which I wouldn’t dare repeat.
454 days ago
Steve will be at Sharestock tomorrow and I think there is a lot more to come from Optibiotix (OPTI) which I kick off with in today’s bearcast. Then the scandal at Regtech Open (RTOP) for which P45s should be flying at the FCA, Vast Resources (VAST) and – a reader request- Falanx (FCS).
457 days ago
In today’s bearcast I discuss ShareStock, VSA Capital (VSA), Optiva, Strix (KETL), TrakM8 (TRAK) and BlueJay Mining (JAY)
457 days ago
As a result of last minute pull-outs there are still a couple of tickets available for ShareStock this Saturday, for the c100 folks inked in to attend, as you can see below, preparations are well underway.
457 days ago
I was there last night buying vast amounts of Welsh sparkling water and Wrexham lager for Sharestock. Now look at the beer shelves closely.
459 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley, Riverfort Global & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this second episode of Altcast looking at small caps and AIM I Liam Bulmer of Riverfort . The first seven months of the year were bad but August was worse!. Where next? Enjoy.
462 days ago
I start with Russell Brand and Chile’s most famous poet, I end with Sharestock. In between Doc Holliday, ECR Minerals (ECR), that sordid buy idea, why Id like to see more AIM Companies going bust and Bidstack (BIDS)
467 days ago
I start with my nettle beer brewing and ShareStock, then move on to Fevertree (FEVR), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), the greatest joke ever told, IQE (IQE) and Chill Brands (CHLL)
469 days ago
I start with a few matters on ShareStock given that I am a dripping in sweat wreck having mowed the lawns today. Then it is onto Colin Bird, aged 79 and three quarters, and Bezant Resources (BZT).
475 days ago
If you are coming to Sharestock and have yet to email me please read this article HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss UK property prices, buy to let, bull in the Mail and, en passant, the micro market of Kalamata – I am thinking I might have to sell up. Maybe not but I explain.
483 days ago
At last year’s Sharestock, that fellow from Boatman Capital patiently explained how Argo Blockchain (ARB) never had made money and never would make money whatever the bitcoin price. And that is why its shares have a fair value of £0. Of course, as bitcoin surged in the first half of this year some investors with PhDs in ignoring FACTS thought they knew better.
483 days ago
I start with Nigel’s excellent piece on Tern (TERN) and also with Sharestock where just 4 of 100 seats are now left, so book HERE. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI)
483 days ago
In today’s bearcast I discuss what the BBC won’t be, yet more rain here in Greece. Then it is onto gold and my boredom. I discuss Ariana (AAU), Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) – where I have swapped emails with ‘arry this weekend -, Amaroq (AMRQ) and Jubilee Metals (JLP).And yes there are now just 4 of 100 seats left for ShareStock. Ticket emails will be going out within 24 hours on logistics to those who have booked. If you have not, those 4 go on a first come first served basis HERE.
483 days ago
I start with a report on extreme Greek Weather experienced today as I reported HERE. Then onto Malcolm vs Nigel and then onto a string of exposes on this website today. Will the FCA do anything? Finally there are now just five tickets left for ShareStock on 23rd September book now to get one of them HERE.
503 days ago
Last year’s big bear calls at ShareStock were Tingo (TIO) and Pantheon Resources (PANR).Didn’t we do well!!! There are now just 7 seats left for Sharestock 2023 on September 23rd.If you want to enjoy a great day out and get this year’s big bear calls BOOK HERE NOW. On the podcast I discuss Tingo, Ariana Resources (AAU), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Chesterfield Resources (CHF) and Angling Direct (ANG).
516 days ago
It is about twelve litres in all and yesterday I decanted the first nettle beer run of the year. The bottles should be ready for Sharestock this weekend but I may well hold back a few for personal use. There is a sweet honeyed taste and I could really get quite into making the stuff. Picking the nettles is a bit of a pain but there is no shortage of them here. And given the price of a pint of normal beer in the Peel of Bells..
517 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane and Alex Thompson of Sure Valley about the role of Google in the AI boom. Enjoy.
522 days ago
I start with a travel tale that has my good pal the Euroloon Jonathan Price at last seeing a benefit of Brexit. Then a schoolboy error from me today. How many folks put 2+2 together to make 25 re trades in Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) today. I chat with Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix ( OPTI). I have some light reading for the FCA, SI Capital and Ashington Innovations (ASHI) HERE which should sink its planned RTO. Finally, there are now just 9 tickets left for ShareStock on 23 September and you can book them HERE.
524 days ago
In today’s Bearcast I discuss: Marks & Spencer (MKS) and John Lewis, Amur Minerals (AMC), Ben’s Creek (BEN) – a zero in waiting – Optibiotix (OPTI), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX, Tingo (TIO), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and Sharestock where there are just 11 seats left for September 23 – you can book HERE
525 days ago
I discuss Gary’s sacking then a monstrous lapse of judgement from Darren which surely merits a P45. Then the ouzo moments regarding Asimilar (ASLR) and Dev Clever (DEV) and who should be going to jail if the FCA was not so ffing useless. Finally, we now have just 11 tickets left for ShareStock so if you want one book now HERE
525 days ago
Apologies for the introduction, long covid. In today’s podcast I discuss why what Gary or I say about a given stock does not matter, in the long run what matters is cash generation or lack of it. I discuss what Stuart Ashman and Steve O’Hara said about Gary’s bear piece yesterday. I discuss house prices. And I flag up that there are now just 12 tickets left for Sharestock so if you want to come book now HERE
525 days ago
I’m kidding of course. I discuss free speech on this website and why Gary is so, so utterly wrong on Obtibiotix (OPTI) and SkinBiotherapeutics (SBTX). If he watches the videos HERE he might repent of his sins. I also mention Sharestock were there are now fewer than 15 seats left. Book HERE
525 days ago
In today’s Bearcast I discuss the Tingo (TIO) fraud and my bombshell expose of late last night, contrarian investing with the fraud loving Tom Dobell and Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), the definition of a bad asset. There are now just 15 tickets left for ShareStock on September 23. So if you want one book fast HERE. Be warned, Matthew’s Dog and Catriona will love this podcast.
553 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley, Riverfort Global & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this first episode of Altcast looking at small caps and AIM I chat to Brian Kinane and Liam Bulmer of Riverfort about why AIM and small caps had such a dreadful H1 2023 and why that might change. Enjoy.
560 days ago
The broad bean crop this year was a bit of a disaster and we shall gloss over that. But I have had some success with dwarf French beans which have supplied a few meals and keep on going. They are, as I have explained to Joshua, magic beans. You see them below as picked, a deep purple almost black. But you then boil them and they turn green. Magic. There are about two more meals of beans and then where the plants were growing will be used for another couple of rows of radishes to be ready, pickled, for ShareStock.
565 days ago
I start with a question: £100 + 3 points or a speed awareness course by Zoom? Then I look at the track record of the new bird CEO at BT (BT.A) and ask why she is worth £1.1 million ( plus up to 200% bonus) a year? Then Wandisco (WAND), Chill Brands (CHLL), Optibiotix (OPTI), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and IOG (IOG)
572 days ago
So Hindenburg has shown Chris Cleverly’s Tingo (US:TIO) is a fraud as I first explained at Sharestock last September. Nigerian debt rating agencies say its a fraud. Now here is a New York Judge saying its a Norfolk. At what point do the SEC, Deloitte or White & Case blow this up. A more obvious zero you will not find.
581 days ago
Produced last night, these will be for the salads at ShareStock. I need to make at least two more jars of this size for the event plus more for the Autumn and winter family consumption. Hence, I am clearing a bit more of the garden to plant more radishes in a week or so to ensure that happens. The radishes are pickled in a South East Asian sauce including cider vinegar, sugar, a bit of salt and pepper plus mustard seeds and a home grown chilli. Yum, yum.
581 days ago
I am writing as ShareStock is now 78 days away but already more than two thirds of the seats have been reserved for September 23. There have been a few more changes since last year…
587 days ago
Peter Brailey and myself have been long term bears of Pantheon Resources (PANR), with Peter making a short thesis at 121p the centre of his ShareStock presentation in 2022. Who will he expose this year? The shares are now 12.5p after a presentation yesterday which revealed the dishonesty at the heart of this worthless POS. Even at this level the market cap is £120million and it is s stonking short.
599 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane and John Frizelle of Sure Valley about the role of Microsoft in the AI boom. Enjoy.
608 days ago
You can, of course ,just eat them and this attraction has prompted that rare spectacle, the Mrs and Joshua heading into the garden of their own volition. But faced with a glut, even that is not enough. I pushed a few through the blender to make the first strawberry ice cream of the year on Sunday and it is generally agreed that it was utterly amazing. If I sound conceited, anyone who has tasted my home made ice cream knows that I have every reason to be conceited. What you see below was picked in just 20 minutes by myself with Joshua and Jaya supervising ( i.e. picking to eat).
608 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year – as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane and also to Dan Kramer and Mark Barton of Jaid. Enjoy.
609 days ago
Dominic will be performing with a Gilet Jaune at Sharestock where he is also speaking on bitcoin and gold. His latest short music video is just brilliant. Enjoy.
617 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane and Barry Downes of Sure Valley but mostly to Jack Morrow of Retinize, a firm based in Belfast so which can do no wrong.. Enjoy.
629 days ago
I start with domestic woes and legal opinion on the claims of the IRA man. In the main body of today’s podcast I look at Purplebricks (PURP) and the role of Neil Woodford and Link. I cover Microsaic (MSYS), Deepverge (DVRG), Pantheon Resources (PANR), Asimilar (ASLR), Argo Blockchain (ARB) – placing at 6p?. I also relay the thoughts of the world’s greatest living expert on musicMagpie (MMAG) and why it is doomed. If you hurry and book a seat at Sharestock – where less than a third of seats are still free - you can meet the expert, who was also a great Quindellologist – on September 23. You can book HERE
629 days ago
The big call from Brailey at Sharestock 2022 was to short Pantheon Resources (PANR) at 121p. Yesterday evening the company announced a placing and Primary Bid offer to raise a minimum of $10.5 million at just 17p. It was hugely oversubscribed and $22 million was raised. But Brailey warns that those ponying up will also lose much of their hard earned. Here is why:
629 days ago
It is still 129 days to ShareStock 2023 but already ALMOST TWO THIRDS of the seats for September 23rd are booked out. If you attended the first ever Sharestock event up at the Welsh farm where my family live you may know why this will be sold out well before the event. If not, let me explain why this years show will be even bigger and better than that in 2022 and so why you should book your seat early.
629 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane of Sure Valley but mostly to Ronan Murphy who is the founder of both Getvisibility and Smarttech247 about AI and cyber security. Enjoy.
641 days ago
I start with discussing how my late Dad would have been fired had he still been a lecturer at Warwick University today. I am sure that I’d be getting a P45 in the corporate world in the wake of a new survey on workplace alcohol use. Then I move onto Frisby, a star speaker & also singer at ShareStock 2023, and Argo Blockchain (ARB), Versarien (VRS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and in depth lessons from today’s collapse at Purplebricks (PURP), one I did get right. I also discuss the weather and, in that vein, urge you to donate to a great cause HERE.
648 days ago
Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley Ventures and Pires Investments (PIRI) there are more big name speakers, entertainers and more free beer and wine at ShareStock on 23 September. And, as of tonight, almost two thirds of the seats are already bagged so to grab yours and to find out more go HERE. Also as part of this deal I shall be recording 24 podcasts between now and the year end. 12 of those are on AI, Artificial Intelligence. Number 1 in this series is with the surprise star of last year’s Sharestock Brian Kinane. Enjoy.
664 days ago
The Dark Destroyer has built up a sizeable short in ASOS (ASC) the Sunday Times blasted yesterday. Perhaps he’s been reading ShareProphets as we’ve been bearish for a long while. I discussed this in bearcast yesterday. But would you like to meet Matt in person as he is a lead speaker at ShareStock on September 23. There is more.
665 days ago
I start with Matt and the other speakers at ShareStock. It is exactly five months away and – as of today – 60% of the seats are bagged so book yours now HERE. Then it is onto house prices and the affordability issue and why the entire media and political class just don’t get it: Government is the problem not the solution. Finally is Matt right about Asos (ASC). I fear it is a high risk trade at this juncture.
670 days ago
The grass on the elevated lawn above the river is looking green but too long. So today I start work on getting it under control for the shares event with a difference. It is still more than five months days to ShareStock 2023 but already more than half the seats for September 23rd are booked out. If you attended the first ever Sharestock event up at the Welsh farm where my family live you may know why this will be sold out well before the event. If not, let me explain why this years show will be even bigger and better than that in 2022 and so why you should book your seat early. As was the case last year the whole day will be irreverent, relaxed and fun! In fact with my new guest speakers it will be even more irreverent and controversial. That I can promise.
679 days ago
I discuss that lawyer’s letter c/o the fools at Reabold (RBD) and will respond tomorrow. Thanks to a big donation I shall post pictures of Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f who we hope will join us on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. To see more please donate HERE. Then to the takeover of Sheffield United by a man in bed with proven scoundrels and whose US listed company’s finances stink. I called this out at ShareStock last year and they stink even more today. If the soccer authorities allow this deal to go through they are bonkers.
707 days ago
The big bear call from Pete Brailey at ShareStock 2022 last September was Pantheon Resources (PANR) at 122p and its shares are now 31p after another disastrous operational update. To have presented such data if you were drowning in cash would be alright, but Pantheon is not, it is rapidly running out of other folks moolah.
741 days ago
I am sure you can guess the sport related reasons for the fragility. Blame my pal C who you may have met at ShareStock last year. It is all his fault. I start with that and a milestone this website reached on Friday. Then onto pot/CBD stocks including Seed Innovations (SEED), Chill Brands (CHLL), Oxford Cannabinoid (OCTP), Love Hemp (LIFE) and Cellular Goods (CBX) and “investment expert” Clem Chambers of ADVFN (AFN) infamy. No sniggering at the back please
741 days ago
I start with today’s bombshell expose. Either shares must be suspended or an RNS is needed to answer specific allegations, first thing on Monday. Then it is onto the FTSE 100 hitting a record high: buy, sell or hold?. Finally, the full Sharestock line-up is (almost) revealed. You can book your seats (50% of which have now gone) HERE
741 days ago
I start with news on ShareStock – we have now completed the speaker line-up and 50% of the seats for September 23 are now reserved – for details and to book your seat go HERE. Then it is Canadian Overseas (COPL), Nanoco (NANO), BSF Enterprises (BSFA) where its placing ahoy and a joke valuation, and then Caracal Gold (GCAT). Finally, I shall be wearing an Ireland shirt in a pub full of Welshmen tomorrow, make sure you all sing Delilah wherever you are.
742 days ago
The big tent is now booked for ShareStock on September 23 this year. It will seat around 100 folks but already more than 40 of those seats have been reserved. And it is now wonder given who is speaking and all the other attractions. We might even have a jetty for you fisherman to try to grab a salmon or a pike on the day. That project is in hand. But the speakers are lining up.
742 days ago
I start with this, I promise, hypothetical explanation. Then I look at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) – ouzo for yours truly tonight. There was not time to discuss another triumph, Guild ESports (GILD) so you will have to make do with my article earlier HERE but I am working on the next exposé of that crock. Then I look at Darktrace (DARK) and Deepverge (DVRG) which might just be a buy. I discuss ShareStock, now almost half booked out even though it is not for almost nine months. You can get more details, discover our latest new speaker and book HERE
743 days ago
I am on a road trip from tonight on Warwick School business so am not sure when the next podcast is. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday or even Saturday. Then there is the news that 45% of ShareStock seats now taken – book yours for September 23 HERE. Ahead of that I have some very bearish macro ponderings about the state of the UK, then cover Caracal Gold (GCAT), Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Deepverge (DVRG) and – in depth – Inland Homes (INL)
746 days ago
This morning I met a man who organises tents. We wandered to the elevated lawn behind my barns and worked out how he can supply a big tent and chairs for ShareStock 2023. Things are now underway. Next in, I will get a friend of mine in to manage catering so that we have everything from morning coffee to home grown supper supplied on time. And I am working hard to get an amazing speaker line-up organised as soon as possible.
746 days ago
I start with a meeting at the Ha Ha earlier. As each day passes more details are inked in for ShareStock 2023 on September 23rd. More details and ticket booking is HERE. Then onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Vast Resources (VAST), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and then poor Gary Newman and the effect of those poisonous spiders he kissed from Suriname and Audioboom (BOOM)
747 days ago
The big tent is now booked for ShareStock on September 23 this year. It will seat around 100 folks but already almost 50 of those seats have been reserved. And it is now wonder given who is speaking and all the other attractions. We might even have a jetty for you fisherman to try to grab a salmon or a pike on the day. That project is in hand. But the speakers are lining up.
763 days ago
I start with a health update, finally some joy from the NHS and, even before that, I am starting to feel better. Then it is onto Pantheon Resources (PANR), Inspirit (INSP), and Atlantic Lithium (ALL) and share options, incentivising the dead. Then macro calls on interest rates, inflation, the real economy, shares, bitcoin, gold and oil. Details of ShareStock 2023 on September 23 are HERE
770 days ago
Dominic Frisby is a headline speaker but will also be performing a musical set at this year’s ShareStock on September 23. as a hint of what you don’t want to be missing, for all of you libertarians tired of watching the UK head down the pan, here’s Dominic’s new video, his best for a good while, in my view. Enjoy. Show Me the Way to Ancapistan!
837 days ago
While the brokers told you to fill your boots with shares in Made.com (MADE) after its £775 million IPO last June, I warned you again and again that this would end badly, as you can see HERE. Made featured prominently in my 2022 ShareStock presentation. This company never had one profitable year in its 12 year existence and now as it calls in the administrators, shareholders have lost everything and the recriminations begin, led by establishment knobhead Brent Hoberman who founded this crock.
867 days ago
Some folks said that I did not give them enough notice about ShareStock 2022 so they were on holiday, could not find anywhere to stay or had accepted a prior engagement. So for 2023 I am giving you almost a year’s notice of an even more unusual event! We start with some amazing new speakers:
876 days ago
Put it in your diary now. That is ShareStock 2023. Come on Jimbo you have more than a year to persuade your Mrs to allow you out for the weekend. Courage mon brave! In the podcast I look at Audioboom (BOOM), Parsley Box (MEAL), Fevertree (FEVR) and the greed of Novum, king of the spivs Jon Bellis and Strand Hanson with 2 Standard List IPOs today. No way on earth with that structure will anyone bar the crony capitalists make money from those deals. Coke & hookers all round.
876 days ago
Sadly, photographer C did not hang around for the cold salmon, stuffed marrows, leeks and new potatoes with mint all from the garden. Nor for the home made ice cream and for the drinking which continued until 9 PM. And for some of us even longer as home made nettle beer was opened up inside the house. Next year he must stay for that and so can you. The date is now fixed as September 23 2023 and we have a new really big name headline speaker. But back to 2022.
876 days ago
By noon, thanks to the verbose Peter Brailey, we were running late and thus lunch arrived while I did a double act with Boatman Capital which I really enjoyed. Great analysis from him and a few jokes thrown in as we talked about some crooks and some overvalued stocks not run by crooks. And we talked about transparency and short selling.
876 days ago
Folks carried on tucking into croissants however much I urged them to go to the main tent. The home made jam was just so good. But the cat was patient and still waiting for us and Gabriel Grego was ready and, later than scheduled Lucian and I kicked the day off. We over-ran too but talked about a lot of crooks.
876 days ago
Folks registered in the farmyard and headed through the main barn and up onto the new 35 yard by 35 yard elevated lawn ending with a Ha Ha where Sharestock took place. In the pictures below you see the tents, folks enjoying breakfast of croissants with butterand home made damson and blackberry jams and heading to the stand manned by my son Joshua who was obtaining an early lesson in the joys of capitalism. All profits on the stand go to his ice cream fund.
877 days ago
The photo below was of me at Sharestock talking about fraud. I discuss the day and ask those who attended to say which speakers I should drop for next year and to make any other comments. Then I discuss what profits warnings are inevitable a week on Tuesday. PS Thanks to those offering gifts of wine and ouzo yesterday. It is much appreciated although I am not inquite the right place to start on them today.
880 days ago
I am a Republican but was an admirer of the late Queen. I reflect a bit on her death and on mawkish sentimentality and appropriated grief. I can’t think she would have approved of either. ShareStock tomorrow will go ahead as planned. With folks having flown in from many places to attend it is too late to cancel even if I thought it appropriate which I do not. I then talk about Sosandar (SOS) asking when its profits warning will be? Then about Manolete (MANO ) and Gear4Music (G4M).
881 days ago
A few logistics on shared cabs etc for Sharestock first. Then Darktrace (DARK), Funding Circle (FCH), Alien Metals (UFO), Cenkos (CNKS), FinnCap (FCAP), Shield Therapeutics (STC) and Restaurant Group (RTN)
882 days ago
In today’s podcast I end with a few ShareStock logistics matters ahead of Saturday. Before that: Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Alien Metals (UFO), Avacta (AVCT), Asimilar (ASLR), TrustPilot (TRST), Ceres Power (CWR) and Deepverge (DVRG).
885 days ago
I end with some logistics on Sharestock, booking for supper, tickets etc – we are now looking at almost 80 seats on the lawn. If you want to book yours please do so this weekend so I can sort out catering etc HERE. I start with economics lessons for the NHS and greedy and lazy Shipmans, then onto Cineworld (CINE), then thanks to Evil Banksta, what is an RCF and musicMagpie (MMAG). Finally today’s new issue Zamaz (ZAMZ) a £77 million IPO worth, £350,000. This is a true shocker. What is the FCA thinking about in permitting this to list on the Standard List?
886 days ago
Yesterday, as my Oxford contemporaries discovered whether they were moving up or down the slippery pole at Westminster, my five year old son Joshua and I celebrated getting a sex pest suspended from his work, by going blackberry picking. It is horses for courses I guess. But boy was it fun as we discovered two new spots where nobody seems to have been and which were dripping with blackberries. Joshua’s motive is that if we picked enough I could make more cordial which then becomes ice cream. His birthday party looms and he is keen that his friends have his favourite ice cream. Meanwhile…
899 days ago
It is 8 days to Sharestock when 70-80 folks will spend the day in a tent on a raised garden on the banks of the River Dee, eight m,iles from Chester but in Wales! There will be free drinks all day and up to four meals of locally produced food. There is salmonand pike fishing, prize croquet but this day is for those who want to make more money from shares. It will be fun and entertaining with no speaker, least of all me, pulling their punches.
900 days ago
I start with a nasty shock my grandmother, Lesbia Cochrane, got in the late 1920s. This is relevant I suggest that a whole swathe of millenials could be getting a similar shock this year and that is one of many reasons why I pose the Boohoo (BOO) question. I look at its balance sheet, cashflows, shocking G (as in ESG) and find myself agreeing with ouzo man. Thewn the chart below and what it means for any company including Purplebricks (PURP) , getting some PR dictated puffery in The Times today, exposed to UK housing. Finally it is 12 days to ShareStock. I am off to mow the lawn for the tents next, book your seats HERE
900 days ago
I am working like a demon picking blackberries with Joshua in order to produce as much blackberry cordial as possible. On Saturday we spent an hour picking at our two favourite sites and the amount we produced generated 600 ml of cordial which is enough to make three litres of ice cream. But with both Sharestock and Joshua’s birthday party looming I need about 6 litres, plus some for normal family use. And fear not there will be other ice creams at both events (lavender and rhubarb & ginger). So it is all hands to the coalface.
900 days ago
Congratulations to those remembering Steve Holdsworth with a pint at 10 AM today. That is more than I could manage. Staying with the booze theme I discuss why Naked Wines (WINE) may run out of cash and how bad it is and could be. Then it is onto the housebuilders: is the bad news priced in with sub double figure PEs? Sharestock is now 14 days away. To get your seat book HERE
905 days ago
I start with a joke the late Steve Holdsworth would have appreciated for I can confirm that reports of his death were, sadly, not exaggerated. Then onto two US oil plays where I see big troubles ahead: Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and Zephyr Energy (ZPHR). Then onto the failings of Aquis in covering up the sins of disgraced Graham Mullis at Love Hemp (LIFE) and onto another shocker from the lobster pot Evrima (EVA), hat tip M for that one. Finally, a detailed look at Powerhouse Energy (PHE), its dismal interims, Zak’s appalling forecast/plain paid for ramping and the looming cash crisis set to unfold by this time next year. The big tent for ShareStock arrived today. Gosh it is heavy. I am dreading trying to put it up. To get inside it book your seats HERE.
908 days ago
If Steve Holdsworth has not passed away as I was told I hope he enjoys what I have to say about him. If he has that is my greatest loss today although I do also discuss Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) in detail, the two battering the value of my pension fund. I won’t push Steve O’ Hara in the River at Sharestock but if he brings his chairman I’d be tempted. Grilling O’Hara in person over a Wrexham lager is surely another reason for you to book HERE. The number of seats now needed: 74. Join the crowd on September 10. I discuss Red Rock Resources (RRR), Allied Minds (ALM), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and, on behalf of a convalescing Nigel Somerville, Haydale Graphene (HAYD).
908 days ago
I start with a reference to this personal podcast about Christmas Day 1914 HERE. Then it is onto Ironveld Resources (IRON), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and Argo Blockchain (ARB) and it is one of two more reasons given to book your seats at ShareStock on September 10 NOW HERE
908 days ago
It s just 16 days to Sharestock and I bought the big tent for it yesterday!. It will not just be about shares to short. Peter Hambro will talk about gold and how to play it. Chris Bailey will talk about making money from long only value investing in a bear market and 3 CEOs will face a 15 minute grilling from me, including Optibiotix boss Steve O’Hara and Cathal Friel of Open Orphan. But the short sellers presenting are legends.
908 days ago
All is explained in the podcast but my pension has gone to nil cash after this trade. Then I look at Eden Research (EDEN), musicMagpie (MMAG), Cineworld (CINE), Boohoo.com (BOO) and Revolution Beauty (REVB). As of today 72 chairs will be needed for ShareStock on September 10. I am scrabbling to get them so if you want to attend please book early in case I need to do more scrabbling. Book HERE
908 days ago
The apples should be falling later but this hot summer means that in the old orchard by the river they are starting to drop already. So they should be almost ripe. If I wait longer more will fall down the sloping banks into the river or just sit on the ground waiting for worms and other bugs. And so Joshua and I gathered a large plastic ball full and did our first press of ther year, aided by our new toy, an apple scratter.
908 days ago
I start by revealing the latest speaker at ShareStock and if you are thinking of coming please do book ASAP so I can order the right number of chairs, pizzas etc. You can book HERE. Then it is onto Cineworld (CINE), what should have happened on Friday but did not and what happens next. Then I discuss whether Marston’s (MARS) is another Cineworld in waiting.
909 days ago
I end with a few words on Sharestock as I prepare the jam tomorrow. Tickets and details of our latest speaker can be found HERE. Then onto Cineworld (CINE), Revolution Beauty (REVB) which is already making Mahmud Kamani of Boohoo (BOO) look like a prat. Again! And then Chill Brands (CHLL). Tomorrow I report another two corporate bosses tgo the regulators. That is my weekend treat!
912 days ago
I start with preparations for Sharestock on 10 September - if you are coming please book your seats now HERE. Then it is onto Cineworld (CINE), the stench of dodgy share dealing at Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), more buit still incomplete disclosures on boardroom share dumping at the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and why Mahmud Kamani of Boohoo (BOO) is the last person on earth to follow as his company (adviser Zeus Capital) takes a 7.1% stake in Revolution Beauty (REVB) – adviser Zeus Capital. It is a small and cosy world innit?
912 days ago
Yes it is just 21 days to the most unusual event in the share calendar – ShareStock. On September 10, sixty to eighty folks will be sitting in tents on an elevated lawn by the banks of the River Dee listening to legends from the investment world give talks and them chatting to them informally, one to one, in the drinks tent.
912 days ago
We have one damson tree here at the Welsh hovel up in the vegetable patch. It overhangs the road down to the hovel and you know when the fruit are ripe as they spatter onto the road and your car crunches over them as you drive in or out. There was a second tree alongside it but the gales took it and I have planted a cherry tree in its stead. For there is already a second source of damsons. My neighbours have a tree which leans over into our garden so we are allowed to pick its fruit too. Our neighbours are in their nineties and their needs are not that great.
914 days ago
I start with gardening news and a bit sbout ShareStock 2022 and 2023 and urge prompt ticket booking for the former HERE. Why Victoria (VCP) is a zero in waiting is a matter for Sharestock but today I look at why Cineworld (CINE) has not collapsed yet but why it will. Then there is Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and why it MUST end in tears whatever PL says. Finally I comment on the lunacy of Malcolm Stacey. I think he meant to send today’s column to the Guardian letters page, it is insanity writ large.
916 days ago
“Can I do my chat with you via video link?” said the least well-known person attending Sharestock on September 10 as a CEO speaker? “No! You are uninvited” said I. He missed the point about this event, it is personal. You can listen to all the speakers on stage but then collar them in the drinks tent before or afterwards for a one to one chat.
916 days ago
I start with a bity of my travel adventures. I was in bed by 3 AM last night after the previous night’s 5 AM. If I ever say that I am driving from Greece to Wales in 2.5 days again you can shoot me. Then I remind you that it is less than a month to ShareStock so book your seats on the greenest lawn in Wales NOW. Then I look in detail at Revolution Beauty (REVB), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), I have a hot rumour on Parsley Box (MEAL) and I comment on GSK (GSK) and the Zantac issue. or non issue. Any more carcinogens with your medication vicar?
916 days ago
In three days time I start the drive back to Wrexham and I explain why Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble (FOX) sees nothing wrong happening there but much to the disappointment of many on the LSE Asylum I shall be taking an alternative route home. I flag up now that my output may be limited next Tuesday and Wednesday. I then cover Deepverge (DVRG), Revolution Beauty (REVB) and also in some detail Argo Blockchain (ARB). Then say a few words on Sharestock to which I hope you can book a ticket HERE.
926 days ago
Somebody had the cheek to ask if I will record videos of ShareStock. Er, no!
931 days ago
I start with the trials of ordering portable loos for ShareStock which I have now done. More than 40% of the seats are now taken so with 7 weeks to go please book yours HERE. Then onto how Barclays (BARC) may strand me in Greece and why the Mrs reckons I am wrong on how gay is your stockbroker. Then it is onto Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Optibiotix (OPTI), Ben’s Creek (BEN) and Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO).
933 days ago
I indicated a week or so ago that I was bored by gold’s failure to run higher despite everything. Maybe that was a buy signal as it has, since then, gone up! Is gold a barbarous relic or will it zoom as chaos descends on the West. Peter Hambro has been involved in gold for 50 years- if anyone knows he knows.
961 days ago
Those attending ShareStock will enjoy a full range of homemade jams, alongside breakfast croissants and tea-time scones. First up is the gooseberry jam, made with dessert gooseberries. There may be another pot to come, but for now, that is it. Next up, blackcurrant and strawberry jams.
963 days ago
Much to my surprise, all 12 tomato seeds have taken. Thus, I worked late into the night on a small patch of the jungle, bringing it into life as a tomato bed. In addition to the ten plants I was given by a friend, I hope to be drowning in tomatoes by autumn. We shall see. It was about nine when I finished. I leant on my rake, pondering the last roped-off patc
971 days ago
I mix metaphors, after a hard session watering the lawn for ShareStock. Thereafter, I discuss: Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL); Wandisco (WAND) and a wasted decade; Argo Blockchain (ARB) and why Mark, who is right about most things, is wrong; Vast Resources (VAST); Tertiary Minerals (TYM); Guild ESports (GILD); and Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT).
985 days ago
I am pleased to announce the 5th of our six main stage speakers. Do join us for Sharestock, the share show with an all-day bar, held in North Wales (by 30 yards). Joining me, Gabriel Grego, Chris Bailey, Lucian Miers and 4 CEOs is…
988 days ago
I discuss both these corporates, and remind the 94% of you yet to support Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks: please do so, HERE. Then, I discuss Stuart Ashman of Skinbiotherapitics (SBTX), who has made me look like a complete git (again), as he withdraws from ShareStock. But, I will announce another BIG-name speaker tomorrow, and will replace Stuart. So, make sure you book your tickets, HERE. Then, I look at Cellular Goods (CBX) and Guild ESports (GILD), the David Beckham dogs.
988 days ago
I start with my weekend at the Christian retreat. Who would have thought that I’d be spending a Saturday night alcohol-free, sitting around a campfire as folks strummed guitars and sang to Jesus? I reflect on that, and, on the subject of weekend suffering, urge those of you yet to donate: please do so, HERE. Then, I discuss September 10, when I hope you will join me at the Welsh Hovel for an all-day bar, great local food and a day of expert talks. Yes, it is time to book into Sharestock! HERE!