881 days ago
I am the first to say how dreadful Liz Truss is at almost every level, not least the way she portrays herself as the new Thatcher when she so obviously is not in every way. But some attacks on her are just hugely unfair and plain bonkers. Yes I refer to the dreadful, offshore owned, tax avoiding, Guardian, the paper that supported the slavers in the South in the US Civil War and which spouts a non stop diet of left wing bilge. Is this peak Guardian madness?
1228 days ago
The game for the, overwhelmingly white and middle class, idiots who do their best to gum up Britain’s roads is to waste as much Police Time as possible while screwing up the traffic flow. And so the latest wheeze is for these idiots to attach their hands or face to the road with superglue which causes police and medical staff to waste hours and hours ungluing them without causing pain. As ever we have it all wrong.
2351 days ago
I enjoyed two minor celeb twitter exchanges yesterday. First up was Paula Jones who was sexually harassed by the rapist Bill Clinton. When she flagged this up Hillary Clinton did not say that all women complaining of this should be taken seriously. Instead Clinton attack dog spokesman James Carville suggested that Jones was trailer park trash. Jones’ testimony was far more powerful than that of Christine Blasey Ford but #Metoo has double standards when it comes to dealing with conservatives and liberals Stateside. Anyhow Jones is a star. And she is a real victim. Next up was Bonnie Greer who being black and female may be seen by some as a more natural victim but as a playwright and media luvvie living in London is very much of the metropolitan elite.
2582 days ago
Channel 4 reporter Lindsey Hilsum could not contain her excitement as she reported on the drought hitting Cape Town. There were a number of factors to blame but Climate Change was repeated many times. Her conclusion was clear, Governments across the world must not wait for climate change to hit them as it had hit the Cape as that would be too late, they must act now. Hmm. Fake news alert! We know Channel 4 prefers pious virtue signalling to hard data analysis but this was extreme.
2671 days ago
I have never hidden my admiration for Priti Patel. She is the sort of aspirational Tory who could widen the franchise in the way Disraeli and Thatcher managed. Her parents arrived in the UK with nothing and worked hard. Priti went to a state school and modest university (Keele) and has worked hard. Her gut instinct on the role of Government, the EU, law and order and so many other issues marks her out aqs a real Tory in an era where the party is dominated by the privileged, the conceited ands the incompetent. Having said all of that I accept, sadly, that for breaking the ministerial code and for being a little economical with the truth when exposed, she had to resign. But those baying for her blood include some awful folks..meet Mona Baker who is an academic.
2775 days ago
I noted earlier today that World War One was pointless and that folks rewrite history aggressively to show otherwise. But the Nobel prize for rewriting WW1 history goes to the French Embassy in London as this tweet below demonstrates. Linking the slaughter of Flanders to the peace in Europe created by the EU is tasteless as well as wrong. Perhaps the lying Froggies might wish to discuss NATO, Bosnia, The Ukraine, the Basque conflict, Cyprus, EU funding of Hamas killers, how Reagan & Thatcher delivered the end of the cold war with policies most EU nations opposed and many other matters.
3093 days ago
Given that the pizza Hard Man Darren Atwater is Canadian, thus by definition a deluded lefty, you have to give him credit for the idea. We now have only 41 days to find a name for my son and there is still no resolution to the dispute between myself and the Mrs. Maybe I should tell the Mrs that my best man gets the casting vote in the event of a deadlock and that he is going for Thatcher as a first name?
3154 days ago
The issue of Britain's nuclear deterrent is a one that shows our political class at their most base and deceitful. For once, Comrade Corbyn is bang on the money in his opposition and, in what is becoming par for the course, Theresa May seems just incapable of telling the truth.
3639 days ago
A younger wife means that I have to attend parties, something a man of my age should be dodging. Cocoa, slippers and a quiet night watching Midsomer Murders with Oakley, that is what I want on a Saturday evening, not a trip up to London for a party.
At least it will be recognised that I am an older man so I will be offered a seat in the corner where I can fall asleep as the young folk stand, chat and do whatever young folk do. Texting? Drugs? I just don’t know.
The hosts are among the least mad of the friends of the Mrs.
3773 days ago
One of the attractions of the house the Mrs bought in a Bristol suburb last Christmas is its almost Mediterranean – if small – garden. It sits wedged between the house and my office, aka a large abandoned garage which is now starting to get a bit nippy. On that matter, I remind my rentier landlord (aka the Mrs) that she has yet to provide her exploited tenant (me) with the heating she promised. Truly, the deluded lefty has become a wicked capitalist exploiter. I digress.
The garden came with a lovely rhubarb plant, a fig tree but its main produce is grapes from the vines that snakes around the edge and onto anything it can find to climb along. And so the grapes were, some weeks, ago harvested by myself the Mrs and some of her deluded lefty mates.
How many deluded lefties does it take to harvest a vine? Five (plus myself who was let off grape picking as I was chief cook for the evening.). Of the five, that would be one to play the guitar, two to complain about Thatcher and austerity and the other two to pick the grapes.
The grapes were crushed (not with bare feet it is too bloody cold for that) and left to ferment ad then strained and now sit in two demi-johns. You will note that they are marginally different colours. I cannot remember which is which but one is the top liquid, the second was liquid plus a lot of strained grape material. It matters little. The initial tasting was “interesting”. Bottling takes place shortly and Chateau Brislington should – in theory – be drinkable by next spring. In practise…I have my doubts.
4256 days ago
Well folks, that is almost it for the writing fest. The Deluded Lefty is tonight packing her bags. Well actually, when I called just now it was quite clear that she was in a bar with her pals sipping fair trade Zimbabwean Chardonnay and blaming it all on Thatcher. But tomorrow she gets on a plane and joins me in Greece and on Sunday we are off to Albania.
As such the pace of articles is set to slow somewhat as of Friday evening as I have better things to do..like have a holiday holiday. Naturally I shall log on every day to check up on the AIM bad guys but ahead of me lie Butrint then Zitsa and Meteora. There is a mad plan being concocted by the DL to drive down to the Peloponnese. I have pointed out that this is environmentally unfriendly (as well as just plain mad) but if you get another video postcard from Monemvasia do not be entirely surprised.
4268 days ago
Trending overnight among sad right wing folk on twitter ( i.e people like me) is #socialistchatuplines – since I am unable to sleep ( too much non Fair Trade coffee after a day of successful capitalism enjoyed with two employees on the minimum wage) I bring you the best of what has appeared to date with the undoubted winner right at the end. I write as someone who is dating a socialist but I did not use any of these lines...
Billy Bowden @Ontablets 28m
#socialistchatuplines Did you hurt your head when you fell from heaven? Thats Thatchers fault!
Scott @TheBenitezYears 33m
#socialistchatuplines I would love your number. But I don't have a phone as they are tools of the bourgeoisie, Capitalist pigs
Scott @TheBenitezYears 59m
#socialistchatuplines Can you buy me a drink?
Jon Persson @J__Persson 39m
Thatcher stole my milk when I was little. Buy me a drink? #socialistchatuplines
The devilish one @Jigglypuff2344 1h
@Shugism #socialistchatuplines Roses are Pretty, Violets are Ok, but I can't buy you either, cos I'm on JSA.
4401 days ago
I am not a UKIP member nor can my support be taken for granted – generally I despise all politicians and which they would just stop introducing laws and go away. And with that caveat I approach the looming by –election in Eastleigh with the conclusion that the ONLY sane and the ONLY honest vote is for UKIP.
The election is caused by liar and criminal Chris Huhne (Lib Dem) having to stand down because he is almost certainly heading for prison. In terms of Government and policy it will change nothing. We will still be ruled by this wretched Tory Lib Dem coalition and Labour will still be offering a principle free crackpot populist opposition. And as such an Eastleigh resident can vote with a clear conscience and on principle.
I start with why each of the candidates from the main three parties does not deserve to win a single vote before turning to UKIP.