
107 days ago

The folks paying £2 each to fight cancer so that they can abuse the FD at Canadian Overseas Petroleum

As Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) shares head to an inevitable zero, its FD Ryan Gaffney is trying to show what a good fellow he is by raising a paltry sum to fight cancer by running the London Marathon. Given his gratuitous troughing I am surprised Ryan is not making a big pledge himself.


157 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No I am not supporting team cancer

In today’s podcast I discuss Inheritance tax and the dangers of inherited wealth, cancer and Avacta (AVCT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Velocys (VLS), Helium One (HE1), Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Woodlarks. 


289 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel – the kids and I make a cake for Dad who died three years ago today

Jaya never met Dad. She was born five weeks after he died. But she knows about the Grandpa who is in heaven not least because of a battered green arm chair in the corner of our kitchen where I slump between articles. It was and is Grandpa’s chair. Joshua used to visit my father with me as Grandpa lay bed-ridden in Shipston. My Dad always had chocolates by his bed so Joshua enjoyed those visits and could not remember Grandpa as anything other than a bed ridden old man being, oh so slowly, eaten away by cancer.


1185 days ago

Is Neill Ricketts causing cancer with Versarien’s face masks? Read a scientific paper suggesting the answer may be YES

Shares in Versarien (VRS) have been ramped, in as much as you can ramp a cash guzzling POS, on the back of its graphene enhanced face masks. But as I pointed out yesterday there is, despite Ricketts’ misleading RNS claims – no scientific study on humans to show that they either stop one human transmitting covid to another but, worse still, there is no proof they do not harm wearers. It gets worse: there is evidence from a scientific study that they may well harm wearers which is why Spain, Ireland and Canada have already moved to ban and recall such products.


1216 days ago

Greedy Nurses do not deserve a 1% pay rise, let alone the 15% they demand: they should take a pay freeze like other public sector workers

When I was growing up, the majority of the population wanted to bring back the death penalty and my Guardian-reading teachers would explain why this was a great example of why we needed elected representatives to moderate the unhealthy views of the dirty plebs. Or, as you and I might see it, to block the democratic will of the people because the liberal intelligentsia always knows best. In 2016, the people were allowed their say on Brexit and, bloody hell, the dirty peasants went and did the wrong thing just showing that decision making should be left in the hands of a small elite.



1288 days ago

It is not we lockdown sceptics who have blood on their hands, it is you Matt Hancock

We lockdown sceptics are, increasingly, accused by the mainstream media and our political leaders of having “blood on our hands.” By lockdown sceptics, I refer not to lunatics such as Piers Corbyn who claim that Covid does not exist, but those of us who ask questions about government policies which are illogical and, in many cases, do more harm than good. Demonstrably, some aspects of lockdown mean that government ministers like Matt Hancock, egged on by the entire political and almost all of the media class, do, quite literally, have blood on their hands. Take the case of 23-year-old Kimberley Eccles.



1365 days ago

If you thought your MP was dim, try chatting to a member of the Senedd here in Wales – Meet Lesley Griffiths MS

Layla Moran MP reckons we need lockdown until Covid is eliminated, i.e forever. But she is not, perhaps, the dimmest MP in Westminster. Labour’s Carolyn Harris reckons that banning Tesco-selling kettles in Wales is fine as that is only fair on little shops and anyhow we can all buy Kettles on Amazon anyway. Clever folks don’t become MPs. But when you encounter a member of the Welsh Assembly, the Senedd, you realise that folks like Carolyn Harris and Layla Moron are, in comparison, intellectual giants.


1373 days ago

Bonkers Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford: buying milk is safe but buying socks in the same store spreads Covid

Three days ago, I asked who was going to certify Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford as insane after he announced that he was putting the nation under a fire breaker house arrest as of 6PM on Friday. This was needed, we are told, to protect the NHS in Wales. After his latest pronouncement, which marks him out as a true intellectual lightweight in the world of political pygmies, I wonder if there is anyone left in Wales who does not want Drakeford dragged off by the men in white coats?


1491 days ago

So the NHS is short of cash - so please explain to me Olivia Butterworth, Head of Public Participation

Those poor nurses. Hospitals with not enough PPE and underpaid doctors on 100 grand a year. The poor NHS and those wicked fucking Tories starving it of cash… Meet Olivia Butterworth.


1510 days ago

Expose: ValiRx jumps on Covid bandwagon but it is a total spoof

Having failed to cure cancer, almost out of cash ValiRx (VAL) needs another story to ramp to allow its low-life brokers Peterhouse to get another discounted placing away to its spivvy flipper mates. Ahoy is that a bandwagon I see in the distance?  Yes it is the Covid Express. Time to jump aboard.


1750 days ago

If you want to stop babies dying you need to back Versarien... Ricketts on twitter drivel

At the Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) AGM this year that scallywag Neil Woodford suggested that if I had any interest in beating the disease that would incdeed kill my dear Uncle Chris within weeks, that is to say cancer, I should be getting behind the joke company Rutherford Internationbal (RUTH) into which he had spunked vast amounts of other folks cash. This is a common meme among shameless promoters.


1851 days ago

Uncle Chris, my Godfather, friend and hero: Christopher Booker 1937 to 2019

A true giant of post war journalism died the night before last with his two sons at his bed side. Much will written elsewhere about his achievements: Co-founder of Private Eye, scriptwriter at TW3, Campaigning Journalist of the Year (opposing awful inner City redevelopment), Telegraph columnist for 60 years, the Godfather of Euroscepticism. The Guardian, if true to form, will have nasty words about that and about his exposing the global warming hoax.


2180 days ago

Oakley Health Report - it seems as if there is life in the old boy yet

Last week I reported on how the, once morbidly obese, three legged cat Oakley had lost 1 kg since April and was in a bad way. It got worse on Friday when the vet suggested that it might be cancer of the stomach but the only way to find out was to do a biopsy which would require an anaesthetic which may well polish him off. Oakley was only nibbling at titbits of smoked salmon, honey glazed ham and other treats and we had a long discussion about quality of life and know what.


2187 days ago

Poor Oakley, once morbidly obese now just skin and bones

It was not that long ago that my three legged cat Oakley tipped the scales at over 6 kg and was, rightly, described as morbidly obese. The vet warned us that he must diet. It is so very different now.


2392 days ago

Glaxo, The Mail on Sunday, the MPs and the Brexit lies - Brexit will NOT kill you with cancer

The Mail on Sunday headline says it all " Brexit fears are diverting cash from vital cancer battle say drug firms." That sod Boris Johnson and the witch Priti Patel - now they are causing more cancer patients to die. Bastards! Er....


2519 days ago

In praise of the loathsome New York Times after another edition of pure fake news & Trump Smears

The choice here in this part of Greece, if one wants an English language newspaper, is not a great one: The Daily Mail or the New York Times. The Mrs was planning a rest day while Joshua and I went on another road trip so bought both. On my return I tucked in. 


2548 days ago

The young woman asked me to undress and then fondled my genitals

I tried to look on the bright side all week. Most folks with an enlarged testicle do not have cancer. After his fondling session, my Doctor had said it was almost certainly a result of a dibetes induced condition. And anyhow the five year survival rate for testicular cancer is now 90%. And my advanced age puts me at low risk anyway. None the less, Friday's appointment at the Bristol Royal Infirmary was something I dreaded. My father and my wife shared that dread and so on Friday the Mrs and Joshua came along too for moral support.


2564 days ago

Considering my own mortality as the man fondled my testicles

This is not the sort of matter that my father would consider that a gentleman should discus in public. But, as my critics often point out, I am no gentleman and, in 2017, we should perhaps talk openly about men's health. I have for some weeks had intermittent pains in my private parts and my left testicle now appears to be larger than my right one.


2678 days ago

Saying Goodbye to my father...but, thank God, that was only a dress rehearsal: Good News from Warwick Hospital

The operation was set to start at noon so I headed in to see my father for quarter past eleven. In he wandered on his crutches wearing the most ridiculous surgical stockings and dressing gown. His garb invited ridicule but given the gravity of what was to happen I held back. 


2702 days ago

Donate to Rupert Williams' daughter's run against cancer

As stockbrokers go Rupert Wiliams is not a bad chap. He is younger than me and has been plagued with cancer. He seems to be on the mend but it has been tough. His daughter is doing a run in July to raise money for the fight aganst cancer. I have handed over a few quid and if you feel inclined you can read about Lottie and also do so here


2715 days ago

Video: Darren Winters' evil Mrs Tatjana reckons cancer is down to bad thoughts - but she can help cure it

The evil Mrs of charlatan and snake oil salesman Darren Winters lied to a judge the other day saying that I was not a reliable witness and that she was planning legal action against me. Methinks not darling. The scale of just how wicked Tatjana Winters is can now be revealed as she, like her husband, prays on the vulnerable and desperate once again.


2763 days ago

Feeling old - my wife's friends look back on a year of births - for me its deaths

My wife is younger than I am and her social set here in Bristol is younger than she is and thus on New Year's Eve I found myself with a group of folks in their mid thirties. I shall be 49 in ten days time. There were a stack of babies and young children there and one adult opined "it is just as if everyone is having babies, is it a Bristol thing?" No, dippy snowflake, it is a function of how old you are.


2959 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cancer, Fewer Bearcasts & Articles & Advanced Oncotherapy

I start with a few personal issues and then in this bearcast I explain why the mountain list of red flags at cancer play Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) matter but what will be the killer blow and when I shall deliver it.


2962 days ago

Advanced Oncotherapy - a joke valuation at 6.625p ( £93 million) - part 1

One is not allowed to be beastly to companies that claim to be tackling cancer since we are all terrified of the big C. In fact cancer overwhelmingly affects old folks and so if ALL cancer was eliminated tomorrow,global life expectancy would increase by just 4 years. If we really want to change the world we'd be tacking the reason why younger folk die in poor countries rather than why older folk shuffle off this mortal coil a few years early in the West. But, heck, who cares about the darkies, let's look after folks closer to home. We are still all scared witless by the big C and if you have cancer or are close to someone who does you have my deepest sympathy. But it is that cloak of "we are doing good" that allows some folk to, if you will excuse the pun, make a killing. I today start a new series on Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) by looking at boardroom pay.


2967 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's shortest bearcast ever: putting the Mrs first & flagging up Advanced Oncotherapy is "in sights"

This is, I think, my shortest bearcast ever as I flag up that Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) is "in sights". Sorry Malcolm but it is acceptable to be bearish on a cancer stock. But the real message is that the Mrs is now looking very big and its time to put her first.


2975 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Saying the unsayable - Advanced Oncotherapy is surely a massive sell

You can't be critical of shares in companies that are fighting cancer or of ones beloved by Bulletin Board Morons and Malcolm Stacey. Yes I can! Sorry but shares in Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) are surely a stonking sell. Then I cover PCG Entertainment (PCGE), and with reference to Teathers (TEA) I look at Boxhill (BOX) which will go to zero one way or another. I have a few comments on Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) but flag up that I am penning a piece tomorrow


3043 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Easter Day - Sorry Daily Mail Readers property is a bubble that will burst

There is only one thing that Daily Mail readers love more than articles about how illegal immigrants can give you cancer and that is articles on how prices are going up. But today there is an article which warns that the Bank of England is set to try and stop Buy to Let becoming a bubble. It's too late! It is not if but when it all bursts.


3062 days ago

Junior Doctors Strike, the hard data which shows how greedy the bastards are

Once again the middle class kids serving a very well paid apprenticeship before qualifying to join one of the best paid closed shops in Britain, with guaranteed job security, are on strike again. Don't bash the doctors they, are all saints who just care about patients and the NHS say the lefties - if you criticise them who are a fascist who is on ther side of cancer, they add. Of course the hard data says otherwise.

The Junior Doctors serve an apprenticeship for an average of 8 or 9 years starting aged 22-24. So the average junior doctor is in his or her late twenties on an average salary of £35,000. Put another way they are better paid that 79% of the population - source HERE. Compared to their age group peers they are doing even better. And then once you qualify the real gravy train kicks in.

On a 40 hour week


3119 days ago

David Bowie 1947 - 2016, farewell & RIP Ziggy Stardust

For me and, I suspect many readers of this site, David Bowie was one of the iconic musicians of the time when we were young. It is thus sad news that he has died of cancer aged just 69. It makes me feel that I am moving that much closer to the "front line".  


3341 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Advanced Oncotherapy Special

It seems as if some folks think that questioning the share price of Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) is akin to attacking the fight against cancer. It is not. But in this podcast I just have a few questions.


3891 days ago

Final Tom W ‘tash photo and appeal for Movember sponsorship

Thank heavens Movember is over. I do not know how men wear a tash all year round. It trickles, itches and is all round unpleasant. I shall be keeping my tash until the 7th December and a family event but cannot wait to remove it thereafter.

Having suffered for 31 days already perhaps you might care to sponsor my Movember efforts to raise money to fight prostate and testicular cancer.

You can sponsor me HERE


3895 days ago

More Ian Beale than Rhett Butler – thank you G Ashworth Esq of Interquest

Movember update – four days to go. As you can see below the Movember tash is continuing to grow. I am actually rather starting to like my “follicle splendour” as Mr Kit Ingoldby described my tash.

Mr Gary Ashworth of Interquest (ITQ) – which incidentally served up a very decent trading statement today and is a buy at 94p – was rather less charitable, saying the tash was “More Ian Beale than Rhett Butler.” Mr Beale is a character in East Enders. Hmmm.

At least Gary is not trying to “out me” as gay like Evil Knievil.

You can sponsor my Movember efforts and help the fight against testicular and prostate cancer here


3898 days ago

Day 23 Photo - sponsor Tom Winnifrith for Movember

ADVFN CEO Clem Chambers described Tom Winnifrith’s new facial hairs as looking “dashing”. Mrs W described them as making him look “like a criminal from the TV show Ripper Street”.  

Tom admits they are ridiculous but this is for a good cause: Movember. Will you sponsor Tom’s tash to raise money to fight prostate and testicular cancer? The most recent photo is below

If you care to sponsor Tom Winnifrith for Movember go HERE
