970 days ago
From one foul-mouthed host to another. Chris Irons is Quoth the Raven, and never holds back; in fact, his language is far worse than mine.
2333 days ago
The Police constantly bleat that they are under-resourced and so cannot deal with many crimes such as burglary as they would wish. If you get robbed well tough that is just part of the joy of living in Britain. The State will not allow law abiding folks to own a gun to protect their homes and families but the State says that it will not protect them either so giving a green light to criminals. But are the fuzz under-resourced? I bring you a tweet from Greater Manchester Police below.
2534 days ago
The millennials, on the coasts at least, are up in arms calling for and end to the rights of Americans to own firearms. Mistakenly they think that repealing the 2nd Amendment so that honest folks hand in their guns allowing criminals and nutjobs, who won't, to shoot at will, is going to make America safer. Whatever. But at least they should be consistent.
2661 days ago
The quote is from John Humphreys on BBC Radio 4. It was at least better than that from American Muslim activist Linda Sarsour who tweeted after the Halloween attack in New York
3070 days ago
Every time there is a shooting in the US the liberal elite demands a ban on guns. That is even when a good guy with a gun shoots the bad guy to prevent deaths. But the terror attacks in New York and New Jersey at the weekend did not involve guns: the most lethal weapon used by Ahman Khan Rahami was a pressure cooker. Hell's teeth the US must ban pressure cookers now. Surely liberals can show logical consistency on this issue?
3129 days ago
When poor Jo Cox, the late Labour MP for somewhere Grim in the North was murdered the British Liberal media did their utomost to pin the ghastly crime to the Brexit campaign. So what if the killer had spent ages in an asylum was on medication and called social services in a right old state the day before? That did not matter. Not once was the phrase "lone wolf" used. If the liberals could not link him directly to Brexit it was enough to find a few posters erected several hundred miles away by UKIP and Leave or a few harsh words from Boris Johnson and claim these "turned the poor chap".
3526 days ago
In this week's postcard I ask can someone in a wheelchair jump queues as of right - this is based on an incident at 1.35 AM at Bristol Temple Meads last night. Then it is onto jihadis on UK welfare and what that says about welfare and finally to answer a few points made by my pal Paul Scott I explain why I believe in gun ownership
3639 days ago
From morning through to night you can hear gunfire everywhere in the Mani right now. Yes it is the Albanian hunting season. Only kidding. What the folks shoot are little birds – anything with wings. In the old days Thrush was considered a delicacy and at least some of the carnage was eaten. These days the dead birds are just left to rot. This is all done in the name of “fun”
The area around the Greek Hovel is deemed a good killing field and so
3814 days ago
It is a twenty five minute walk from the Greek Hovel down snake hill to the spring and up past the deserted monastery and a stretch of olive groves to the village of Kambos. But it is where my nearest neighbours live and I now know enough folks to say yassas to many of them as I bike in, although no-one other than wonderful Eleni, the taverna owner speaks any English. One of the joys of Kambos is that absolutely nothing ever happens there. Me falling off my motorbike at 3 MPH in front of Eleni’s taverna was the big news of the summer. That was until we had the murders.
4420 days ago
The gun rights activist might seem like a bit of a paranoid loon (okay he is a loon) but a) he is one of the folks organising the deport Piers petition and b) his debate is against a man who is not exactly a towering intellect, viz Piers Moron.
The loon just takes Moron apart, before at the end exposing himself as a prixe loon. It is a shame that the ratings for the show make the Jimmy Savile fan club look like a mass membership organisation and that the destruction of the great phone hacker was therefore watched by so few. Join them. It is a delight.
Final scores: Loon 1 (og Moron): Phone Hacker 0.