license fee

1609 days ago

The BBC so misjudges the nations' mood as it's pay rises all round (for the ladies) – #DefundtheBBC

The news on jobs was bad on September 15 2020. Since the start of the Government’s fascistic reaction to Covid, 700,000 folks had disappeared from company payrolls. More, who are self employed, are now without work. As Furlough draws to a close, we all know that hundreds of thousands of other workers will be handed a P45. Meanwhile, wage rates in most industries seem to be falling as companies look to cut costs wherever they can as they battle to survive. But on this grim day, there was evidence that some are more equal than others.


1870 days ago

A Christmas Present from sister N who like the BBC believes in a made-up country which is not Narnia

My sister N is funny, kind, intelligent and thoroughly laudable. Except that like the rest of my family, with the honourable exception of step sister F, she is on matters political utterly deluded. She works for the State, reads the Guardian and her husband, who works for the State, goes on stop Brexit marches, well he did up until recently. I guess after “the people’s vote” on December 12 he might now accept that we smelly thick plebs get to have our way after all. A few years ago, N gave him membership of the Labour party for Christmas. You get my drift…


2075 days ago

Is Dead Ringers on BBC Radio 4 the worst possible way to spend my license fee?

Whoever is driving the car gets to choose the radio station. Thus, when I was at the wheel, I refused to listen to Radio 2’s utterly gormless Sarah Cox who earns a telephone number salary doing drivetime as part the station’s campaign to show that it does not pay mega salaries only to men. The local radio station in Cannock Chase, I kid you not, was far more interesting.  But as we headed towards Bristol the Mrs switched to Radio 4 for the 6.30 Comedy show…


2322 days ago

Video - tasting condoms, where your BBC license fee goes....

Is this as offensive as paying the bloated salary of jug eared virtue signalling prick Gary Lineker or the constant diet of fake news and #TrumpDerangementSyndrome? I don't know. But watch what is below and can anyone explain just why I should have cash extorted from me under threat of jail for this muck and piffle? Is this what Lord Reith had in mind when BBC TV was created? 


2475 days ago

The Institutionalised Bias of the BBC comes through loud and clear from Barnet

I will go to jail if I do not pay the poll tax that is the BBC license fee, monies needed to pay auto-cue readers enormous sums. That sticks in the craw but at least the BBC should be impartial should it not? So over to its coverage of the UK local elections and the studio wants to hear what is happening in Barnet.


2569 days ago

Lies, damned lies and the pay rises you and I will be funding for rich women at the BBC

PWC has today produced a report on the gender pay gap at the BBC. The state owned broadcaster funded by all of us via our taxes and by the poll tax which is the license fee, is wilfully misinterpreting the results in order to justify pay rises to some already rich and overpaid female staff.


2760 days ago

42 BBC fat cat women like Fiona Bruce and Laura Kuenssberg dress up naked greed as a feminist fight

42 grossly overpaid readers of autocues at the state funded generator of fake news that is the BBC have written to their boss today demanding that they be even more grossly overpaid. The least grossly overpaid of these women earns £150,000 a year or, put another way, just over 1000 license fee payments. They have made demands for substantial pay rises because they are doing their bit in the invaluable fight for women's equality, they are fighting as feminists. This is a truly selfless act on their part. Yup.


2795 days ago

Why am I paying for the BBC to run fake news just because it is institutionally anti-Israel?

I could just about accept the poll tax that is the BBC license fee if I was served a diet of high quality non news, as Lord Reith desired, and full impartial news. But in fact my license fee goes on paying idiots such as the tax dodging, virtue signalling, fraudsters pal Gary Lineker seven figure salaries to front up crap. And as for the news?


3111 days ago

Russell Square - the BBC still evades the point & so becomes ever less trusted

Out in the real world evidence has emerged showing that the Russell Square killer had been reading books supporting islamic extremism in recent months. The BBC is still buying the line from the Old Bill, calling this a killing by someone with mental health issues and referring to him as a Norwegian born in Somalia. Actually it is worse than that.


3121 days ago

BBC Radio 4 "celebrates" global warming - naturally it ignores all the facts

This morning the BBC's flagship Today programme on radio 4 came up with a report flagging up the lack of sea ice at the North Pole as more evidence of climate change or, as it likes to say when the sun is out but not when other weather types are on show, global warming. Sadly the facts about Arctic Sea ice do not bear up what the BBC says but so what? It is only YOUR cash via the regressive poll tax that is the license fee that pays for Pravda.


3121 days ago

The BBC still banging on about Brexit Project Fear - scrap the license fee

Barely a day goes by without the biased BBC serving up another reason to scrap the regressive poll tax that is the license fee. Yesterday it was its dire coverage of the Islamofascist butchers of ISIS. Today it is that old chestnut Brexit, you know that referendum where the sans culottes told the establishment and the liberal media where to stick it. The BBC is not listening. So GlaxoSmithKline has today announced it is investing £275 million in Britain creating thousands of jobs. Great news. er... The BBC tweeted this


3123 days ago

The Orwellian BBC - another good reason to refuse to pay your license today: Ansbach

I have noted HERE that the BBC will do anything it can not to report that a Moslem has killed Westerners in a terror attack. And when it is finally forced to accept that the latest atrocity was (as per usual) committed by an Islamist it makes all sorts of excuses. These days its Orwellian spin is in overdrive but with the Ansbach attack it surpassed itself. Who was the victim? Yes you got it in one did you not? As you can see below...


3138 days ago

Can we emigrate if Andrea Leadsom becomes PM? I ask the Mrs politely

Before every big election there are always a few luvvies who threaten to emigrate if the reactionary forces of nationalism and eveil capitalism (which have made them so stinking rich) are seen to triumph. That is to say we the plebs are told vote Labour/Remain or the luvvies are off. Paul O'Grady, aka drag Queen Lily Savage. notably said he'd flee the UK and his luxury London apartment and Kent farmhouse if the wicked Tories won in 2015.

O'Grady has, of course, refused to leave. What is his problem? 
