
1216 days ago

That swings the election in Wales for me…if Charlotte Church tells me what to do I must obey

A newspaper drops into the letterbox here at the Welsh Hovel, the last house before you hit the river which separates us from the infidels in England. If you start at the back, the paper is in Welsh, at the front it is in English. It is the election newspaper from the cottage burners of Plaid Cymru urging me to back its candidate for the Senedd on May 6. Of course I shall do that for reasons I explained here but if I was starting to waver…


1859 days ago

Forget Russian Bots, it is Dad’s Army that is to blame for Brexit – media luvvie Daisy Goodwin goes full Cadwalladr

You may have missed it but Nick Clegg, once a hero of remainiacs like crazy cat woman Carol Cadwalladr yesterday spelled it out loud and clear – Brexit was not caused by Russian meddling and the Cambridge Analytica story is total tosh. Natch the crazy cat lady and her deluded followers dismissed poor Mr Clegg as a merchant of fake news. For them facts are an inconvenient truth, a bit like Carole’s self written life story.


2376 days ago

The Darkest Hour - wrong about Churchill in so many ways but not as the Independent says as it brands him racist

The Independent newspaper, a little read beacon of the London liberal elitists, hopes that we enjoy the film "The Darkest Hour" but urges its few readers to remember that its lead figure, Winston Churchill, was a racist with a string of unacceptable views. Otherwise it loves the film. Where to start?


2462 days ago

Disgraceful: Kevin Spacey plays the gay card as he stands accused of child rape

Actor Kevin Spacey today stands accused of trying to force himself on another actor who at the time was just 14. That counts as statutory rape, is utterly illegal and there can be no defence. That is unless you are a leading member of the luvvie liberal elite like Spacey or Roman Polanski.


2811 days ago

Sir Patrick Stewart on Donald Trump - the luvvie who cried wolf

Like most millionaire luvvies Sir Patrick Stewart, as the sanctimonious old bastard likes to be known, is a diehard liberal, embracing every lost cause and muddle headed daft idea with an enthusiasm that only someone who can afford to pay lots of tax can muster. And thus it is no shock that he was cheering for Crooked Hillary in the US election right up to the moment that the smelly little people voted the other way. Now, like all the other celebs he thinks we care about what he says about the result: "Donald Trump is probably one of the very worst things to happen to our World in the last 100 years." Er hang on...


2844 days ago

Lily Allen you spoilt privileged luvvie snob you do not speak for me or for England on immigration: feck off!

Born to two celeb luvvie parents, the pop singer Lily Allen has never had to struggle. Growing up in lefty and leafy Islington she attended 13 different schools including uber posh Bedales and was booted out of most of them. She is fabulously wealthy thanks to her pop songs. And now, when visiting the Jungle near Calais, she has apologised to those there on behalf of the whole country. Lily you are an out of touch elitist and can fuck right off.


2858 days ago

Pepsi - the Channel 4 News LGBT star from the Calais Jungle: a wet dream for Jon Snow

It was a total wet dream for liberal media luvvies Matt Frei and Jon Snow of Channel 4 News as they discovered Pepsi in the Calais Jungle. Originally from Indonesia, Pepsi had started adult life fighting as an Islamofascist terrorist before he moved to Libya where he came out as a homosexual which under the Gadaffi regime was, apparently, fine. But the Western backed rebels who ousted Tony Blair's pal Gadaffi were not so progressive when it came to gay folks so Pepsi, we are told, had to flee to Italy as an illegal immigrant. Actually he could have fled anywhere or even taken a plane back to Indonesia. He opted to illegally enter Italy and Europe but C4 gossed over that detail.

In Italy, Pepsi decided to start dressing as a woman but says he still likes to be described as male.

Clearly the place where Pepsi would fit in best is swinging London and thus Pepsi hiked it up to Calais 


2964 days ago

Keira Knightley today's patronising multi millionaire luvvie bitch to bash Brexit

So how does immigration affect multi millionairess luvvie Keira Knightley? Is she facing longer lines to get treatment on the NHS? Is there downward pressure on her wages? What about problems getting housing at affordable rates? Er no: it just means more cheap labour at her fave posh restaurants in London. Luvvie Keira and others in the 1% have no concept at all about how the EU affects those of us in the 99% , young or old.

Today Keira has released a video


2989 days ago

Tom Conti - Today's Luvvie in the Woodpile

From the comfort of his £17.5 million North London home, actor Tom Conti has complained that the word luvvie, as used to describe him and certain, but not all, other actors, is as offensive as the word nigger, used by either certain black folk or white racists to describe all black people. Conti is talking out of his arse.

If one is a white racist or a black person attempting to reclaim the word in the way that certain gay folk have attempted to "reclaim" queer, then all black folks are niggers. It is an offensive term and should not be used, it is a term from the era of slavery, a term that suggests that those with a different coloured skin are inferior to we white folk.

On the other hand not all actors would be described as luvvies. Can anyone remember the word being used in association with John Wayne? Or Ronald Reagan? Or closer to home would anyone describe wife beating


3082 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 Feb - If we vote for Brexit will Emma Thompson please fuck off & live in Germany?

It is now 48 hours without nicotine and lefty luvvie Emma Thompson attracts my ire. there is also comment on the Horse Hill ramping and Leni-maths, the tobacco smugglers at Afriag (AFRI), Fusionex (FXI), Adolf Hitler's business cards, Iofina (IOF), Petroceltic (PCI), Environmental Recycling (ENRT), Edenville (EDL), Tertiary (TYM), Totally (TLY) and Igas (IGAS).
