the establishment

1335 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Am I, as a Glaxo shareholder, sexist for saying that a CEO who underperforms should be fired?

Joshua and I are about to have pancakes and a swim and then set out on the next leg of our road trip. A few photos from yesterday’s tearful encounters are HERE. In today’s podcast, I look at the smears that establishment folk like Alex Brummer are using to defend an establishment woman who has failed to deliver, the grotesquely overpaid CEO of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Emma Walmsley. I want her to pack her bags too and explain why she should.


1506 days ago

Private Eye vs Peter Hitchens - what would founder Editor Christopher Booker have thought?

Private Eye was co-founded by my late uncle Christopher Booker. At his funeral, there were a few folk from the Eye led by the current Editor and professional celebrity Ian Hislop and also Chris’s great pal Peter Hitchens. Today the latter takes on the former, rebutting an appalling hatchet job on himself in the Eye. Once upon a time, Private Eye challenged the establishment. Today it is part of the establishment and thus lockdown sceptics like Hitchens who dare to question the mask & lockdown GroupThink gripping the political and media classes are “the enemy.” I am in no doubt at all that Uncle Chris would be in the barricades with Hitchens on this one. He would also be appalled by the casual way that Private Eye just distorts facts in its attack on his good friend. This is not the journalism which Christopher Booker would have recognised as worthy of praise.



1526 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - preparing to cheer Brexit at 11 PM with some more flag burning

We burned a home-made EU flag on a bonfire here at the Welsh Hovel on January 31 to celebrate the first stage of Brexit. Tonight at 11 PM we fully and finally leave the Evil Empire and after 45 years of family pain it would be wrong not to celebrate again.



3166 days ago

Chilcot: Where's the justice? Why can't Blair and Straw face trial for war crimes?

British Squaddies continue to face trial for war crimes where individuals or a few folks died. Yet hundreds of thousands have perished as a result of the war the UK and US launched against Saddam Hussein. And the Chilcot report makes it clear today that Tony Blair was a key architect of that war, urging on George Bush to invade with British involvment, for two years before the troops actually went in. It makes it clear that Blair, at best dissembled, and at worst lied to Parliament and to the Attorney General as well as to the Britsh People to get us into that war.

Jack Straw is also exposed as having suppressed one report and sexed up others in order to get us into war. The truth was a casualty of his campaign to start a war for which there can be no justification at all. 

If I were a juror and was asked did these two men take actions which caused their country to enter an illegal war, an illegal invasion of another sovereign nation I would - on the basis of what appears in Chilcot - find both men guilty without hesitating for a second.

That makes me unsuitable 


3193 days ago

The Establishment is trying to steal the EU Referendum - new grotesque cheating announced today: why we must all vote for Brexit

The political, media, big business and banking establishment are united in their determination to deliver a vote to stay in Europe. David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, Goldman Sachs, the CBI and the BBC are working together but amid growing evidence that we, the people, are rising up to vote for Brexit new cheating was announced today. The establishment will break all the rules to ensure their view prevails whatever the "little people" actually vote for..


3696 days ago

You cannot libel a dead paedophile: politician Leon Brittan is Dead

Check out twitter #LeonBrittan. The former home secretary covered up Westminster & Elm House paedophile activities but was also widely believed to be an active nonce himself.


Fleet Street has known this for decades. It has been all over the internet for years. Now the fun starts. I wonder what tributes will be paid to the man by the politicians of today? How many of them are implicated in the cover up, in the rapid departure of Brittan from front line politics here, to a sinecure in Brussels where the money grabbing toad could coin it in big time.

What of the other politicians involved


3749 days ago

Weekly Video postcard #91 - The Peasants let The establishment have it & they dont like it up 'em

This week's video postcard looks at how the peasantry (you and me) are revolting using new media against the political and media bubble dwellers, the establishment. Matthew Parris does not like it but I loves it as you can see on the video.

Over on ShareProphets on the matter of oil stocks our writers are divided. Ben Turney sees the recent OPEC meeting as disastrous for AIM listed oil shares (HERE). On the other hand Chris Oil (HERE) and Paul Curtis (HERE) argue that the bad news is more than discounted and are buyers of the sector. I started my career as an oil analyst and so what do think? You can find out HERE
