Inconvenient Truth

310 days ago

The global warming nutters just make it up as they go along: Flooding in St Malo

There is flooding in St Malo in France today and as you can see below, the cultist followers of the Doom Goblin are rushing to blame climate change or global warming as was. But, as ever, the facts, the truth, is a bit inconvenient. For starters St Malo has the biggest tidal swell in Europe making flooding all too common. In fact here is a list of the dates of major floods in the town since records began. I ignore minor ones:


752 days ago

Here are some temperatures the BBC is not reporting on: can you think why?

Oddly the BBC’s climate change correspondents are not reporting on temperatures in Siberia this week. You may remember their pitiful attempts, aftering being flown in on a private plane, to show you how global warming is melting the tundra a couple of years ago. But following on from its fake news on the death of European skiing thanks to global warmingg, oddly the BBC has not been back to Siberia.


1185 days ago

Is nature telling the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg and others that this winter will be an inconvenient truth?

As I have noted previously, as we observe extreme cold in Russia and China, in “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder,  an admrable libertarian but now like most dead white authors now officially a racist, nature warns the Ingalls family that the “extreme weather” occurring without man made carbon emmisions will be brutal. So what is in store for the UK this year?


1236 days ago

The Great Barrier Reef, global warming, Peter Ridd and free speech denial

If you listen to folks like David Attenborough, Prince Charles, Greta Thunberg, the BBC or other global warming cultists, there are certain key iconic symbols of their religion. There are the Maldives which we were first told would be underwater within 20 years in 1992 as a result of global warming and thus rising sea levels. Oddly every single Maldive island is still above water, the population of the Islands has grown dramatically and sea levels are unchanged. But still we must take action because we have only 20  years to save them.  Then there is the Great Barrier Reef.


1439 days ago

Australia is burning as never before thanks to global warming right? Er...another inconvenient truth

Kids: This is the sort of chart you should NOT include in your Geography GCSE coursework on the settled science of global warming. You see it is a bit of an inconvenient truth. Instead I suggest you show links to all those breathless BBC and Channel 4 fake News reports about Aussie bush fires in the past couple of years which you can cite as “evidence” of global warming as the broadcasters did. Or alternatively, if you care about facts rather than just getting an A* with some fake news…


1865 days ago

Carbon Emissions (the ones Greta can see) cause global warming right? How about we just look at the facts

as someone who believes that sun spot activity is critical to the earth’s temperature I rather fear that we should all be stocking up on our thermal underwaer. But that is not what is taught in Geography GCSE or what the BBC lectures with us as “settled science.” The global warmists like Greta Thunberg believe that increased carbon levels caused by many’s activity will lead to higher temperatures. This is a prediction ( ie what will happen) but is stated as a fact (what has happened). Anyone who challenges this world view is slated as akin to a holocaust denier. Indeed I remember some Guardian reading fanatatic screaming those exact words to myself and uncle Christopher Booker as we did a presentation many years ago.  But there is a little inconvenient truth, i.e the facts.


3010 days ago

Things the BBC won't tell you - Greenland is seeing record ice growth as temperatures plunge

The eco-loon climate change fanatics at the BBC are on a roll with the statement that the world's temperature in 2016 will be "the warmest since records began." In fact they are on such a roll they are again talking about global warming rather than climate change. But as they, again, warn that the arctic ice is disappearing there are a few inconvenient truths.

Of course "since records began" is not very long on a global scale and it is clear that the world in 2016 will be a lot cooler than it was during the medieval warm period which was before coal fired power stations. On that basis can anyone still demonstrate beyond doubt that we are seeing "man made climate change".

But there are other problems. Here are two charts.


3104 days ago

Louisiana Floods caused by global warming or climate change - a history lesson for the nutters?

We are told that the awful floods in Louisiana of August 2016 are caused by climate change or global warming. Whatever. Here is a report and a photo of the flooding in Louisiana. Guess the year - hint it is not 2016.
