
983 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: the prop forward turns one

My daughter Jayarani is already one. Her birthday was yesterday, not that she really noticed. So I took biscuits to the young mum’s group but, not being allowed sugar, she had none. In the evening her brother went to somebody else’s birthday party but after that, supper and presents. As you can see below she is modelling one, a Welsh Rugby top


997 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Halloween pumpkin carving and soup

It turned out that the bottom of the pumpkin that Joshua and I had bought had, within four days started to rot. I thought of buying another but, being a green sort of chap, I sliced off the offending section and improvised.


998 days ago

And the Welsh speaker of the week is....

He’s a dark horse is my boy Joshua!. He left this certificate below at school before half term but we picked it up today. Yes he was the Welsh Speaker of the week. The Mrs is not playing this game but Joshua and I both now drop words of Welsh into conversation with Jayarani who is now starting to understand a few ( cat, sit, etc). Joshua learns his Welsh at school, I am teaching myself a bit on the internet and so we exchange a few words every day. But he is better than me. He pronounces correctly, can say his school prayer in Welsh and much more besides. I am considering getting formallessons myself.


1005 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - cat in a trug

For some reason Quincey has graduated from sleeping in Jayarani’s baby chair and is today taking control of my garden trug which, after bringing in another batch of chillies for threading and drying, sits on the kitchen floor. Maybe, as he approaches his 7th birthday, he is growing up. Whatever, the bigger and friendlier of the two cats is very handsome as you can see below.


1018 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: The last crumble of the summer - blackberry and apple

Having spotted some blackberries in the churchyard yesterday morning, when the Mrs arrived home to take charge of Jayarani, I headed back through the drizzle with young Joshua to harvest. We discussed the weather in Welsh as walked up the hill. We both know all the key phrases and also “it is sunny” not that we get to use that very often.


1021 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Harvesting the spring onions, as neighbour E warns of doom again

“I don’t envy you, you have your work cut out” piped up neighbour and fellow Irishman E as I harvested another crop ahead of winter storage. Once again, I said that it was he who had inspired me to create a football pitch sized vegetable patch in what was the jungle, with his warnings of a post Brexit lockdown apocalypse with empty shelves in all the food stores as Christmas loomed. He repeated his dire predictions as I dug up the rest of the spring onions.


1022 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - yes Boris Johnson is an economic illiterate who screws the poor & why I sold all my MyHealthchecked today

In this podcast ona shortened work day thanks to a still stick Jayarani, I give the five reasons why I sold all my remaining MyHealthChecked (MHC) today. I look at Mercantile Ports and Logistics (MPL), Sosandar (SOS), Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Simec Atlantic Energy (SAE) – well done Peter Brailey – and finally as the economic illiteracy of Boris Johnson as the Tories screw the poor in an inflationary world they only make worse.


1048 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel- apples & cinnamon mush, part of so many meals these days

The cooking apples from the tree on the lane down to the Welsh Hovel have been dropping for weeks. But now those edible apples in both the old and new orchards are also  ripening fast and thus every few days I find myself making another jar of stewed apples and cinnamon to store in the fridge.


1048 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - the cats engage in colonialism

That is to say that they are seizing control of the possessions of baby Jayarani. Today Quincey had taken her high chair as his own while Sian goes for her baby rocker as you can see below. To be fair, when Jayarani cries, Quincey is often the first to rush to her to nuzzle up to her with his mousey breath and comfort her.


1067 days ago

Remembering my first day at work as I ponder my last – it was another country

Kept awake by the sort of irritating, minor and temporary but painful condition that a gentlemen does not discuss on the internet, I find myself, as is often the case, considering the idea of my last day at work.


1080 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - a father & children pass through the back streets of Kambos

Few, other than the locals, ever venture beyond the restaurant lined square beside the main road that winds through Kambos. Perhaps it is the damning words of Paddy Leigh Fermor in “The Mani” dismissing this as an ugly and boring place that spurs them on, rushing to the tourist infest hell hole that is Stoupa or Islington-on-Sea, aka Kardamili. They miss out for doing so.


1083 days ago

Photo from the Greek Hovel - an angel in a hat

Okay I am biased as I am Jayarani’s dad but as we sat in the square in Kambos having a late breakfast, you must agree that – wearing my hat – she looks angelic. If you do not, you need your eyes tested.


1092 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek hovel: trekking to the second castle we can see from our home - Kapetanakis

The 15th century castle of Zarnata sits on the hill overlooking Kambos and as you loll in our pool, its ruins can be seen clearly on the skyline. But look closely at the view from the hovel down our land and in the far distance you can see another structure on the skyline, Kapetanakis, and yesterday Joshua and Jayarani accompanied me on a visit while the Mrs did some of her very important work in lovely Eleni’s Kourounis taverna.


1097 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If Ron Pilbeam has not broken market rules either I'm a banana or the rulebook is a joke (or both)

Is the sound okay? The arrival of the Mrs and Jayarani means a change of recording location. I start with Peter Brailey’s Predator Oil & Gas (PRD) expose. If the FCA does not come down on director Ron Pilbeam like a ton of bricks we might as well all give up. Then I look at Vast Resources (VAST) – a total bargepole stock where I sniff a deeply discounted placing  – then challenge you on two counts regarding Online Blockchain (OBC) before considering Argo Blockchain (ARB) its strangely worded RNS today and whether it will still be solvent on St Ledger’s day. 


1099 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - Jayarani takes to the pool in her Burkini

I am not sure that the Mrs is not being a little over sun-sensitive when baby Jayarani makes brief forays into the pool. Anyhow, Jaya’s costume is a full burkini and she rather enjoys being swooshed around by her parents. At other times, as you can see, she just sits in a large plastic ring chillaxing as her elder brother splashes anyone else he can find. Even yesterday as the skies again darkened and a wind blew through the olive trees, the temperature was just perfect.


1102 days ago

Photo article: dark clouds above the Greek Hovel herald the arrival of the Mrs

This was the scene as Joshua and I left the Greek Hovel yesterday afternoon. Dark clouds gathered among the high Taygetos mountains. Would there be a break in the hot weather that has held sway for so many months here in the Mani? Or was this just a portent of the arrival of the Mrs?


1104 days ago

Almost the most gargantuan of schoolboy errors made

Joshua and I have been counting down the days to the arrival of the Mrs and Jayarani. All was planned to enable us to pick her up at Athens tonight. Joshua had even organised a pool party with the mad Guardian-reading lefties L&G for Wednesday to celebrate the reunion. We had tidied the Greek Hovel with the energy and drive of a swarm of bees and were preparing to erect the baby cot this morning. Then…


1110 days ago

Photo from the Welsh Hovel - grounds for divorce surely?

I refer not to the photo but to another matter. The photo is included because it is amazingly sweet. Even a hard-hearted old chap like me can be sentimental.


1130 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Jayarani's first word is ...

The photo is from the weekend. The backpack used to hold Joshua - here he is in it as we climbed up to Zarnata castle overlooking Kambos in Greece. In the heat, that is some climb. Anyhow, now I have eight-month-old Jayarani on my back and as you can see she is gorgeous. Before you say it, she must take after her mum.


1144 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Joshua and I over-rule the Mrs and our new present arrives

Jayarani does not yet get a vote so this was a 2-1 split: should we get an ice-cream maker?  But the Mrs was so vehement in her opposition that her vote almost counted twice. I say almost..


1152 days ago

My neighbour here in Wales said thank you, thank you so much and it really did mean a lot to me

Joshua and I were discussing elderflower cordial and champagne and so decided to wander to the elderflower bush at the top end of the upper field here at the Welsh Hovel, next to the graveyard. Gosh, the recent rains have seen everything sprouting ahead. I shall take some pictures of the gardens here tonight as I water them as they are starting to look mighty impressive.


1192 days ago

Two landmarks for my young children, this week in Wales

If you are not a parent neither of these little landmarks would seem to matter. But if you are you will understand the feeling. First up is Joshua, aged just over four and a half and still at nursery in England. But that will change in September.


1245 days ago

Photo article: and you thought baby mats were meant for ...babies?

Do not tell Quincey, the larger and lazier of our two cats, who should be lying on the baby mat. When not sleeping in the baby chair, he has a new place to catch forty winks as you can see below. As for baby Jayarani: well that is not HIS problem is it?


1296 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - the Mrs accuses Quincey the cat of cultural appropriation

Following on from the Life Imitates arts series at Christmas, the Mrs has tidied away all cardboard boxes, plastic bags and workers’ dust sheets, leaving sleeping spaces for our Northern cats, Sian and Quincey, severely restricted. But these Scousers are a resourceful lot…


1337 days ago

Photo Article: a cat, a baby, a young boy and an older father at the Welsh Hovel

Featuring in these family snaps are Joshua, pre haircut, baby Jayarani, myself and Quincey the cat who has responded very well to the new arrival.


1344 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - passing a 100% meaningless 25m landmark

I discuss a metric which for a private company, like ShareProphets, is meaningless. We do not seek to impress investors just to pay bills! I have a few words on life at the Welsh Hovel. Yes, Jayarani is eating into my sleep. Then it is onto Telit (TCM) and finally a discussion with Pierotlunaire on research notes and blackout period prompted by the WH Ireland & Pantheon (PANR) episode.
