Justin Trudeau

886 days ago

Pure Gold Mining – can anyone explain to me why this is not suspended for being bust?

What is the biggest disgrace to come out of Canada? Justin Trudeau in his Pride socks at the Eid parade (or was it the other way round)? Darren Atwater’s idea of customer service?  The music of Michael Buble? No. It is Pure Gold (PUR), the TSX and London listed dog which has been exposed HERE so many times. Today we have quarterlies to June 30.


1085 days ago

Justin Trudeau - a smear of his own people, the #TruckersConvoy2022

This week, 50,000 truckers headed in a convey to Ottawa, the Truckers for Freedom. All along the route, Canadians braved minus temperatures and driving snow to wave flags and shout their support.  Prime Minister Trudeau claimed he had met someone with covid and so self-isolated in a hidden bunker. Almost the entire population of Canada, with the exception of my best man the deranged socialist Darren Atwater who has offered “Ol’ blackface” sanctuary at his log cabin in the woods, is revolted by Trudeau. So tweeting from his hideout how does little Justin describe the truckers, and in effect most Canadians?


1091 days ago

Justin Trudeau locks himself up because he is healthy – he is bonkers and should move to Wales

Canada’s ridiculous hereditary Prime Minister Justin “blackface” Trudeau, has been thrice jabbed for covid. He is often seen in a mask although obviously not when partying with other G7 leaders. He is a fit and healthy young man.  But…


1358 days ago

More woke morons in Canada - hell's teeth Darren your countrymen think you might be pregnant!

Being a Canadian, my best man Darren Atwater is a bearded uber-woke deluded lefty. Like his beloved leader Justin Trudeau, when he puts his socks up for the Winter holiday which he dares not call Christmas lest he offends someone of another religion or none, Darren always uses an Eid sock or a Pride Parade one. But even he must find it mildly disconcerting that many of his fellow countrypeople might think that my portly pal could be pregnant. We reactionary conservatives reckon that only women get pregnant but in Canada such a statement would be condemned as alt right freakery and – amid a twitter storm – there would be demands for instant career ending sanctions. It seems to be what the Canucks call progress.


1364 days ago

Woke twit Justin Trudeau ignores 13 years of a gender unemployment gap to virtue signal, poor, poor Canada

What did the wretched Canadians do to deserve Justin Trudeau as their leader? The man who wears his Eid socks to the Pride Parade, or is it the other way round, is a virtue signalling loon par excellence. His latest outburst is on the gender unemployment gap.


1381 days ago

Versarien – are graphene-enhanced face masks bad for your health? A problem in Canada for loathsome Neill Ricketts

I may have given the impression that Canada was a semi-socialist woke hell hole run by the biggest poltroon on this planet where within a few years the economy will be such a trainwreck that folks like Darren Atwater will be forced to eat their cats. If so, I’d like to apologise, for Canada is a progressive paradise run by a visionary statesman, Mr Justin Trudeau, who wears his Eid socks to the Pride parade, or vice versa (I forgot); a chap who is eerily reminiscent of FDR or Churchill. Where this dynamic and free nation leads, the rest of the world surely will follow which is bad news for loathsome promoter Neill Ricketts and Versarien (VRS).


1431 days ago

Site Publisher Comrade Atwater & his Mrs march through the cold snows of Ottawa to feed those made poor & hungry by Justin Trudeau

When you elect a socialist crackpot like Justin Trudeau, a hereditary politician and all round knobhead, it will eventually end in tears. The problem with socialists is that eventually they run out of other people’s money, as the greatest leader this country has ever known once observed. So in the snows of the socialist hell hole that is Canada, they are not yet at the pet eating stage but homelessness and hunger are a growing problem. But at least Mr Trudeau hopes to end lockdown in time to wear his Eid socks at the Pride parade. Or is it the other way round?


1544 days ago

Buying Brie & Burgundy – #IstandwithFrance and with the admirable President Macron

I have, in the past, viewed President Emmanuel Macron as a poseur in the mould of Tony Blair. He was, I thought, Europe’s equivalent to the ridiculous Justin Trudeau. His views on the rights of French fisherman to plunder British waters and his “helpful” interventions in the process of Brexit have not endeared the child husband to me. But maybe I was wrong.


1659 days ago

Cineworld – the legals have landed: not good news

Drowning in debt Cineworld (CINE) was in a hole when Covid struck. It had agreed the $2.1 billion purchase of the Canadian chain but with all of Cineplex’s theatres going darker than Justin Trudeau’s face on party night, thanks to the shutdown, and with Cineworld’s existing 787 theatres also shuttered, going ahead would have been financial suicide.


1667 days ago

Now we are nailing the evil of slavery, let's not stop with pulling down Roman Statues, can the fucking Italians give me my mule and 40 acres?

As you can see below, the pathetic Church of England is facing demands to pull down a quite modern statue of Emperor Constantine from outside York Minister. Amazingly, the wretched CofE has now shown that it does have a spine and that this statue is safe, although it is looking at many others in light of the Black Lives Matter movement and issues surrounding slavery. And, apparently, it will also be seeking guidance from Justin Trudeau as to how to make statues of Jesus look less white.



1941 days ago

Justin Trudeau squirms on brownface scandal but is he disgraced?

However bad our leaders are in this country, my colleague Darren Atwater cannot truly laugh as he is Canadian. And the Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is a truly pathetic figure. His attempts to dance Indian style made Theresa May’s dancing Queen seem kind of cool. Perhaps more importantly he has helped to train wreck the economy, is mired in corruption scandals and is the crown prince of “high woke”. Seriously, Titantia McGrath could not compete with a chap who wore Happy Eid socks to the LGBT parade. Oddly, and for reasons I cannot quite put my finger on, Justin did not wear LGBT socks to the Eid celebrations.  There are allegations of sexual harassment against Justin but none of this matters to the liberal media because he is just so incredibly woke. Justin can get away with anything.


2291 days ago

"Woman" with penis Rachel McKinnon wins women's world cycling championship - critics slammed as bigots

Can you spot a man in the photo below? That is to say a chap with a penis who does not have periods which disrupt his training, who has more testosterone than a woman. If you can, then you are a total bigot and should be had up for a hate crime at once because the man in the centre may have a penis, etc but says he identifies as a transgender woman so he is a woman. Got it? Not only is the man, Rachel McKinnon, now a woman but he is also the women's world cycling champion in the 35-40 category. Well done to him.


2396 days ago

Purplebricks – a smokescreen ahead of Godawful results in the land of the deluded dope fiends (Canada)

The Canadian economy and housing market is tanking, in part thanks to the crackpot socialist policies of its preposterous PM Justin Trudeau. Dope is now legal thanks to the only PM in the world who makes Theresa May look half competent but if you lived in Canada you’d need to be on drugs.  What better place & time to spunk £45 million on buying a cash guzzling estate agency? Step forward Purplebricks (PURP) keen to distract us all from what will be Godawful full year numbers announced later this week.


2755 days ago

Photo Article: The dysfunctional left applauds the Palestinans who execute gays at Gay Pride

It is really simple being a lefty. You have to be dogmatic and have a set world view. Otherwise you may be suspect in your liberalism. As such certain things are beyond doubt. LGBT and abortion issues are important above all else - these are the number 1 concerns of "real people", or at least of real people among the Metropolitan elites, not thick working class people or evil Christians because they don't matter. The USA is wrong on everything and Donald Trump is stupid and satanic. Israel is also wrong on everything. The EU is right on everything, The Daily Mail should be shut down to protect free speech. The Palestinians are always right. The BBC is a vicious right wing tool of the enemy but we'd all love to work there. You get the drift. 
