
1001 days ago

FRC fines KPMG plus former head of Manchester Office (again) – the pretence is that it changes anything

This is a charade. A pretence. A farce. For the second time, Nicola Quayle, the former head of KPMG’s Manchester office has been fined for signing off on misleading accounts. KPMG has also been fined but the idea that this will change anything is just a farce.


1521 days ago

Today’s utterly barking left academic you fund to poison impressionable young minds – Dalia Gabriel

Hashem Abedi, the man who blew 22 men, women but mainly children to bits and maimed many others at a pop concert in Manchester, has been sentenced to 55 years in jail. Two and a half years per life seems remarkably lenient to me. But it seems some disagree. For to be a “progressive”, one cannot be on the side of the blown-up little girls but one must see Abedi as the real victim, a man given far too long a sentence. Meet Dalia Gabriel.


1538 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: masks in Manchester to a water deprived Kambos and the Greek Hovel

I will start writing up my Greek diary tomorrow when I feel a bit more rested after the travel. But in this podcast, I give you a taster of a few of my thoughts and of life here in Kambos where I shook a man’s hand for the first time in months yesterday. I also look at the latest Covid madness from bonkers Boris and at BP (BP.) and the question of its dividend. Of course it should be slashed and if it is, I’d expect the shares to bounce.


1541 days ago

The Greek Hovel August 2020: day 1 and it's Masks at Manchester

No not a reference to the former vocation of my Mancunian pal Dan. Instead the start of our trip to the Greek Hovel. The Mrs had booked a 7.45 AM flight which meant a 4.30 AM departure from the Welsh Hovel. The Mrs had an early night, I decided to stay up accompanied by Bradley Walsh, Suzanne Jones, John Thaw and David Suchet and to try and do a bit of work. I reckoned I’d catch up on my sleep on the flight. No-one had told me I was sitting next to Joshua.


1858 days ago

Begbies Traynor: Ric Traynor has a £4 per square foot, £8.4 million, question to answer

Last week I asked a few questions of Begbies Traynor (BEG) about its office space and dealings wiuth the pension fund of boss Ric Traynor. It answered via RNS but I scored that response at 5/10. Someone has availled themselves of the Winnileaks service and as you can see below, the company now has a big question to ansswer ahead of its AGM tomorrow at 340 Deansgate Manchester.


2294 days ago

RogueBloggers4Woodlarks in Manchester Slums caption Contest Result

As you may know I showed extreme bravery in meeting Brokerman Dan on his home patch, in the Manchester Slums, last weekend. For that alone you should sponsor me ahead of my 32 mile walk for Woodlarks with Dan on July 28. We are now over 65% of the way to our £20,000 target. If you have not yet donated please do so HERE. The Manchester summit was captured on film as you can see below and I asked you for captions for the photo -  many were supplied.


2296 days ago

Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks visit Manchester slums - caption contest (deadline midnight)

Tomograph readers will know that I ventured to the grim north over the weekend to the slums of Manchester and there I met up with Brokerman Dan. Surely my bravery in heading to the post industrial welfare safari deserves some reward. My next meeting with Dan will be on July 28 as we walk 32 miles for Woodlarks. Sponsorship, to date, now tops £13,000 (£15,500 with gift aid). Thanks to those who have donated already, to those who have not I am sure you can spare a tenner HERE. Meanwhile Dan is the shorter one on the left, dressed like he's just left the Pride march. How about a caption contest? Do you worst in the comments section below - deadline Tuesday midnight.


2304 days ago

27 miles in up to 31 degree heat – yesterday’s practice trek for Woodlarks.

It is now less than four weeks until myself and Brokerman Dan try to walk from Horse Hill to Woodlarks to raise money for this charity which I have backed for 16 years and which does amazing work as you can see HERE.  Dan is far fitter than I am and sent late night texts on Friday saying that he had  managed a 21 mile walk but was a wreck and needed a lighter rucksack. I know it is hot up in Manchester what with all those fires on the Moors but I think he is kidding me. It is all psychology. My plan was to do 26 miles on Sunday.


2542 days ago

BBC 4 celebrates Friedrich Engels and the left cheers on 1917 - you could not make this up

BBC4 is one of the least watched of the channels of the State funded fake news broadcaster and its "edgy progressive" content really only appeals to die-hard Guardian reading hardliners. Just occasionally I stop by as I flick the control onto the channel next door, ITV3, home to Midsomer Murders and Lewis re-runs. And thus last night I started to watch a programme about erecting a statue to Friedrich Engels in Manchester. After 15 minutes my will to live was almost exhausted.


2594 days ago

Parsons Green - thank heavens for the Barcelona March, the Manchester concert and the candles lit across Europe.

Of course we must not jump to conclusions. That is the preserve of fake news liberal media outlets like the BBC, Channel 4, CNN and The Guardian as they report about racist Donald Trump supporters berating a poor Muslim woman in New York - or not as it turned out. So let us make no assumptions of guilt although if we had to place bet, there would be one grouping that was an odds on favourite.


2697 days ago

London Bridge: They DON'T Hate our way of life, they DON'T hate democracy and we CAN'T carry on as normal

I do not know why the pathetic liberal media, led by the taxpayer funded BBC, are bothering to interview London's useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, his hapless Mancunian counterpart Andy Burnham, stockmarket spiv turned home secretary Amber Rudd or any of the other members of the political elite after the London Bridge attack. They are all saying the same as they did after Manchester. They were lying then. They lie today. Just re-run the old tapes. There are three big lies.


2707 days ago

Manchester Terror attack - its General Election Impact

This is a human tragedy, it is a mass murder, the story is of shattered and broken lives. However there is still going to be a General Election on June 8 and it is a legitimate question: will this attack make an impact? The answer I suspect is that it will though folks may consider it tasteless to speculate about it, it cannot be ignored. Terror attacks are just not good news for Jeremy Corbyn.


2707 days ago

Photo Shocker: Who are the real victims of Manchester - liberal media elitists C4 reckon its Muslims celebrating violence

Listen to the mainstream press and, natch, the real victims of the Manchester terror attack are the poor Muslims of Britain who - the liberal media rushed to assure us - are set to suffer a barrage of hate crime. So far Katie Hopkins has been reported to the Met 934 times for tweeting so that the "real victims" can rest more easily. Sod the 22 kids and teenagers who are dead or the dozens lying injured and maimed in hospital. Sod their families, C4 News rushed off to Manchester's "Curry Mile" to meet the real victims, as you can see below.


2708 days ago

After Manchester the Politicians and Media elites say hope not hate, carry on as normal but it is all hogwash

As I drove across Southern England yesterday the radio news about the awful terror attack in Manchester kept on coming. It was all so sadly predictable as the politicians and media elite commentators prattled on: "our thoughts are with the victims, we must not let this divide us, hope not hate, light a candle, we are stronger and more united, carry on as normal, no to Islamaphobia, lets not make Muslims the real victims, we will not be broken." We have heard it all before.


3563 days ago

Sad about Deirdre Barlow but what is this about a serial killer in Manchester

My wife, a lifelong devotee of Coronation Street was naturally devastated about the death of Anne Kirkbride who played Deirdre Barlow in Coronation Street. This tragedy  was not reported in her paper of choice, the Guardian, so it was left to me, skimming the red tops at the tobacconist, to break the sad news to her. 

As I have admitted before, I have started watching Corrie myself to get an insight into what life is like in the grim, frozen post-industrial welfare safari park that is the North of England. As far as I can make out about one fifth of the population is a homosexual, most folks are on welfare but the rest earn their living selling drugs, selling stolen goods or shipping stolen goods in white vans while a few work in factories making underwear. Everyone in the North lives in a house with a partner and some kids who belong to one half of another couple living elsewhere down the street. And someone gets murdered in the street every six months. It is all very baffling.

But now I read of “the pusher” a serial killer 


3773 days ago

I have a terribly guilty confession and is Manchester packed with homosexuals?

I have a terribly guilty confession. It really is shameful. But I am open with you and so confess that …I have started watching Coronation Street. It is really quite gripping to discover what life is really like in the Grim North.

The Mrs – hailing from the entrepreneur free, economic wastelands of the welfare addicted Grim North, that is to say Nottingham – is a lifelong Corrie fan. Until recently we have agreed that when I am there she records and when I am away she gorges and catches up. But then I started watching. It really is fascinating.

I had no idea that life in the North was so interesting. Apparently there is a murder on the Street about once every six months. Folks disappear for unexplained reasons (because the actor who plays them is on trial accused of being a nonce, a rapist or both) and no-one lives with their actual parents. In the North it is apparently compulsory for kids to live with a step parent and their new partner while their actual parents both live with new partners and the children of other folk.

It is all very confusing but since The Mrs is a sociologist she is able to explain it all to me. Right now someone called Tina who seems to have had sex with every man in the street (apart from the large numbers of homosexuals camped out in Corrie) has been murdered. The main suspect is a white man whose son by his first marriage appears to be black and lives with his white ex-wife. Go figure. The main suspect lives with the wife of his father (currently a “disparu”) who is not his mother.  The other suspect is the main suspect’s wife (not yet divorced).  In fact the killer is the brother of the main suspect’s wife whose girlfriend is the sister of the main suspect. Or is it half-sister? Whatever. As you might gather it is all gripping stuff.

My wife says hat Corrie is set in the traditional small c conservative part of Manchester 
