Martin McGuinness

1220 days ago

From IRA victim Máiría Cahill another poem that won no prize in the Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation contest

Máiría Cahill waived anonymity to expose her sexual abuse at the hands of the IRA. She is a brave person unlike Easter Egg distributor Gerry Adams and his utterly unlamented late partner in crime Martin McGuinness. The “Peace Foundation” honouring the Butcher of Londonderry, who almost certainly did personally kill people for the IRA, is running a poetry contest. Sentimental fools such as Joe Biden or Owen Jones who like to romanticise the evil Fenian bastards should read Cahill’s entry which, oddly, has won no prize. The BBC which frequently rewrites history so that our kids can be taught a false narrative should broadcast this poem. Everyone should read this poem.


1223 days ago

Timing is everything is it not Gerry Adams? You blood-soaked, evil, murdering old bastard

Indeed it is and on that note I encourage you to view the best twitter put down in history as it concerns Mr Adams. That was 2016. This is now.


1733 days ago

It is not an April Fool: Peace foundation launched in memory of Martin McGuinness

Yes that Martin McGuinness, a man who murdered people. A man who was a senior commander in the IRA which killed folks ranging from a 6 month old baby to numerous grandmothers and grandfathers, nurses, teachers, folks with no connection to the RUC or British Army, an organisation that engaged in systematic ethnic cleansing of Ulster Protestants. That Martin McGuinness.


1783 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I am glad Mugabe is dead & burning in hell with Martin McGuinness

I start with the incredibly exciting matter I flagged yesterday. It did happen and I shall be able to say more in 4-6 weeks. Then onto the death of Robert Mugabe. I am sure the BBC will focus on early heroics. It should not. That is like saying “but… Hitler created some good art early on.” I celebrate Mugabe’s death wishing it had happened years ago. I look at how the regulators fail to tackle white collar crime reference Sefton (SER) and at why Altitude (ALT) MUST be investigated. I also cover Alien Metals (UFO) and Neil Woodford dog Xeros (XSG).


1965 days ago

San Francisco honours IRA butcher Martin McGuinness for his war record – a crazy cause too far

The City Hall in San Francisco is a bastion of political correctness, backing every “woke” cause going  Whatever… it is the taxes of San Franciscans which pays for it all so not my battle. But its latest initiative is just so utterly offensive, it is a step too far.


2087 days ago

The Remembrance day massacre the BBC and liberal elites won’t be remembering & want you to forget

World War One ended 100 years ago this week and so, quite rightly, the media is giving wall to wall coverage to ceremionies and other tributes. It was a ghastly and pointless conflict but we should honour the fallen in that conflict and others and show our respect. Of course some Cambridge students and pampered Serbian soccer players at Manchester United will not. That is a sad reflection on them. But there is one Rememberance day event the liberal elites, the BBC and  its sister paper the Guardian will do their best to ignore. They want you to forget.


2188 days ago

Video: 46 years ago today: the ballad of Claudy

There are some who try to suggest that former IRA members like Gerry Adams or the late Martin McGuinness should be remembered for bringing peace to Ulster. There are those who say that talking to such men was a heroic act by Jeremy Corbyn.  Those folks probably cannot remember "the troubles" or if they have heard about it it is with a false narrative of one sided British brutality. On this day I ask you to remember the small town of Claudy and what happened there 46 years ago as you watch and listen to the ballad of Claudy.


2296 days ago

The smoking gun emerges that proves that lying terrorist scum Gerry Adams was in the IRA

For as long as I can remember Saint Gerry of West Belfast has insisted that he was a peace loving politician leading up Sinn Fein. You and I have known that this was a lie and that the blood soaked old murderer was also in the IRA. The liberal British and American media, and the Republican movement, has been complicity in allowing the bearded monster to pedal the man of peace lie. But a fellow high profile Fenian has let the cat out of the bag and now provided proof that Adams was indeed an IRA man.


2550 days ago

Am I wicked in looking forward to the death of the White Widow, the British ISIS bitch Sally Jones?

I have written before about how I do not celebrate the death of anyone, not even a bloody murderer like the IRA's Martin McGuinness. But are there some folk whose demise really should be celebrated. I think of Sally Jones, a graduate of SOAS who lived her entire life on benefits in Britain before marrying a home grown jihadi and eloping to Raqqa where she has been a key recruiter for ISIS.


2578 days ago

Sally Jones: stay and die in Raqqa or maybe live with Gary Lineker, we don't want you back on Benefits Street UK

In 2013, Sally Jones a, then, 45 year old former punk rocker who has never worked in her whole life moved to Raqqa to join ISIS with her younger husband. happily he was wiped out by a US drone strike but living off his widow's pension Sally, or Umm Hussain al-Britani as she would rather be known, has continued to fight the good fight. Until now.

Her young son was shown on video being taught how to behead infidels. She ranted on line about wanting to behead Christians with a blunt knife and to kill Jews. She and her late lamented husband were shown to have been involved in more than a dozen attempted terror attacks in the West. Working for ISIS in Raqqa she is believed to have recruited dozens of other Western women to the cause, persuading them to also flee to Raqqa.

But now Sally has let it be known that she wants to come "home".


2680 days ago

Martin McGuinness was not a Terrorist says his lying terrorist colleague Gerry Adams

As they prepared to lay the coffin containing the remains of the murderer Martin McGuinness into the ground in a place which the craven liberal British media termed Derry but which we know as Londonderry, the old killer's comrade in arms Gerry Adams screamed to the crowd "Martin McGuinness was not a terrorist". They howled their appreciation. Adams continued "Martin McGuinness was a freedom fighter". The fenians howled some more. But of course Adam was lying - not that the liberal British media dared to flag that up.


2680 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Terror attack on London Edition

Clearly this is the story of the day. I reflect on this from various angles. I then move onto Franchise Brands (FRAN) shares in which surged 16% forcing a suspension. No insider dealing here guv, walk on, walk on. Then it is onto Bowleven (BLVN),  Yolo (YOLO), Starcom (STAR) which I may have called Starvest but I meant Starcom, Van Elle (VANL), Nyota (NYO) and finally the uber dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) which is in freefall. Hah! Death spiral shylocks Bracknor your spoof is not working is it! On the subject of terror I mention that evil bastard Martin McGuinness.You should not speak ill of the dead but for this unapologetic murderer  and for those in the media who praise him as a good man I make an exception HERE.  Mr McGuinness was a wicked man who sought no salvation in apology and repentance and, if there is a hell, his soul is right now burning at the heart of it. 


2680 days ago

Uber liberal Jon Snow of Channel 4 fills me with revulsion as he eulogises unrepentant murdering bastard Martin McGuiness

And so Martin McGuinness is dead. I welcome no death - as I explained here with reference to this unrepentant murderer of many - but equally I would agree with Norman Tebbit that old Martin is right now suffering agony in a particular part of hell reserved for the truly wicked. Martin's crime, in the eyes of St Peter and indeed many on this earth, is not so much the killing many innocent folks but a failure to accept that this was a sin, that he had sinned and to show remorse. For that McGuinness can only be viewed as evil and damned to burn in hell for eternity.


2699 days ago

Bloody Martin McGuinness: heading rapidly towards death - can I say that I am sorry?

It appears that the health of Martin McGuinness, the former commander of the IRA in Londonderry or, as he prefers to be known, former deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, is deteriorating fast. His date with the grim reaper is almost upon him. Can I honestly say that i am sorry about this?


2919 days ago

Tom Winnfrith Postcard - IRA murderers such as Adams and McGuinness must ensure Para C is not prosecuted

A 65 year old retired British soldier Para C faces the possibility that he will be prosecuted for the killing of an IRA leader Joe McCann who was guilty of what were almost certainly war crimes. Meanwhile folks who we know have blood on their hands - notably Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, today politicians, but back in the 70s IRA bigwigs, know they can never be prosecuted under a deal agreed with their fellow war criminal Tony Blair. I discuss what happened back in 1972 and the nature of reconciliation and what Adams and McGuinness should do now if they really believe in peace.


3547 days ago

Video Postcard #88 - Peace & Reconciliation in Northern Ireland Edition

I am just back from Eire and wayching the UTV news on Friday night the ghastly old muderer Martin McGuinness appeared demanding that he have his cake and eat it with regard to reconciliation in Northern Ireland. This is the theme of this week's video postcard.

On my financial video postcard I again accuse Rob Terry and Quindell of being liars and frauds and invite them to sue me for libel. That video can be watched HERE


3740 days ago

What is sauce for the Goose… Gerry "blood on my hands" Adams arrested.

Personally I would have hoped that for Northern Ireland to have moved on, there should have been a universal amnesty for ALL deaths that occurred during the troubles. However, folks like Gerry Adams and the Butcher of Londonderry Martin McGuinness insisted on the hugely costly Bloody Sunday enquiry and want former British soldiers prosecuted. Ok you murdering bastards so be it.

Gerry Adams who was actively involved with the IRA whilst also fronting up its political wing Sinn Fein is today in prison facing questions about the brital murder of Jean McConville in 1972. The IRA thought she was an informant so they dragged her away from in front of her screaming kids in Belfast took her over the border, murdered her and hid the body. They told the kids she had gone away to England.

As it happens Mrs McConville was not an informer. Certain former IRA men have come forward to say that Adams organised death squads to deal with informers and one claims that Adams order the killing of Mrs McConville.

What is sauce for the goose Mr Adams…let us hope that justice is done.


4249 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – O Come All Ye Conservative Party Faithful Edition

I was tempted to try to find a caption to reflect today’s news from David Cameron of his new flagship policy to reach out to address the key concerns of hard pressed middle England in these austere times. That is to say, allowing gay marriages in Church.

Having won such praise for our last caption contest featuring the Butcher of Londonderry I considered that in this season of goodwill we revisit Ulster which is still part of the United Kingdom but where, in an act of pure sectarian malice designed to provoke, the Union Flag will not now be flown over City hall in Belfast except on special occasions. If there is a problem what do you do? Send for an O’Clinton of course. The family that has brought peace, love and happiness to folks in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Lewinsky family, can do anything and so the vile Clinton woman met up with Martin McGuinness ( who must have been gutted that the EU rather than he won the Nobel Peace Prize) to sort it all out.

But I cannot think of anything funny to say about McGuinness any more. And so I fall back on the Doha Climate Change conference where Dave Cameron came up with another big vote winner: give two billion quid to African dictators to build wind farms to tackle global warming.

In light of this I ask you for your captions for this photo taken today. To win one of our “It’s Time to Leave” (the EU) T-shirts (which you can buy here.) please post your entries in the comments section below to this picture:

My entry is:
