Monica Lewinsky

2112 days ago

A new take on #MeToo – Hillary Clinton gives CEOs a green light to fuck the entire intern pool

Well it is either that or Crooked Hillary is lining up the biggest double standard in the history of the Democrat party and that takes some doing. I refer of course to her husband, the serial sexual predator Bill Clinton and the intern with whom he had sex in the Oval Office of the White House, Ms Monica Lewinsky.


2117 days ago

The rank hypocrisy of the liberal left as they shout #Metoo and buy $745 tickets to meet a rapist and his enabler: the Clintons

In the fury of the recent affair Kavanaugh time and time again we were told “she must be believed”. After years of – undoubted – injustice the woman must be assumed to be telling the truth unless proven otherwise when it came to sexual harassment and rape.  Thankfully this distortion of justice was not allowed to win the day and Brett Kavanaugh starts work today on the Supreme Court. Among those making the case of a presumption of guilt was, without irony, Hillary Clinton.


2126 days ago

Swiss cheese - the multiple holes in the Christine Blasey Ford evidence - bad news for Kavanaugh haters with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome

I had thought that Rachel Mitchell, the lawyer brought in by Senate Republicans to quiz Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford was a total waste of space. I take it all back. She has just posted to the Senate her view, as a prosecutor specialising in sex attacks, of the "evidence" offered by by Dr Ford. I had suggested that Ford's statements had more holes than Swiss Cheese. I was being generous. Mitchell tears her evidence to shreds as you can see below,


2475 days ago

My #1QuestionforHillaryClinton - guess who paid Bill's legal bills during the Monica Lewinsky scandal?

You really could not make this up. I am almost rapturous.  This is karma at its best. You will remember that Monica was an 18 year old intern in the White House. Her boss, Bill Clinton insisted "I did not have sex with that woman". Well maybe it does not count in Arkansas but I reckon getting a blow job in the Oval Office comes pretty close. In the scandal that followed B ill racked up some hefty legal bills while his wife, Lady MacBeth, fought up for exploited young women in the workplace by calling Monica a "narcissistic loony toon." Anyhow so who paid Bill's bills?


2475 days ago

Waiting for crooked Hillary Clinton on the BBC Women's Hour - are its listener's mad?

Before the Mrs heads off to work, filling the heads of impressionable young folks with left wing nonsense, she switches on BBC Radio 4's Today progamme to ensure that she gains confirmatory bias of her world view. It also ensures that I stay well out her way in the morning. But in an attempt to change the way I think she leaves Pravda blaring at full volume as she leaves. And thus I heard that crooked Hillary was set to be interviewed by Jenny Murray on women's hour as she plugs her ghastly new book yet again.


2827 days ago

Ignore the lying liberal media: What the polls actually said, even pre FBI, is that Trump can win!

Before the FBI did the decent thing and, in some cases, afterwards the liberal media was telling us that the General Election was a slam dunk win for Hillary. But the polls told you that this was not the case. Even without the FBI reopening its investigation into Crooked Hillary which is really bad news for her, as I explain HERE, Trump was looking good for the White House. Here's why.


2857 days ago

Elitist millionaire liberal snob Alvin Hall on the BBC to call the great unwashed thick racists before they vote "the wrong way," for Trump

Self styled financial guru Alvin Hall took to the BBC last night to explain why his fellow Americans might vote for Donald Trump - because they are either stupid or racist. It was as simple as that. What a charmer.


2861 days ago

So Gennifer Flowers can't make the front row to stare at Hillary Clinton tonight - who should stand in at the debate?

It seems that Ms Flowers can't make it to the debate to remind any dippy millennial Dems of the sheer horrors of the sleaze and lies that marked the last Clinton administration. So who should fill that empty seat? I offer up a stack of other names for millennials to google and start to learn why no Clinton is fit to be a an elected Dog warden let alone POTUS. Let's start with Vince Foster.


2862 days ago

Happy days: Gennifer Flowers to attend Clinton-Trump debate: a refresher for Millennials on Clinton sleaze and lies

Oh happy days. The only way that Monday night's Presidential debate can get better is if crooked Hillary has a coughing fit and then another pneumonia induced collapse live on air. And if anything will bring that on it is the now confirmed presence of Gennifer Flowers in the front row. Gennifer who? say the millennials who still think that the Clinton family are not pathological liars and sleaze-buckets. Welcome, my young friends, to a refresher course on the 1990s.

In the 1992 Presidential election campaign


2923 days ago

Trump surges to four point lead post Cleveland - Beltway media calls it wrong again

The Beltway based liberal media and the imported Brits on the BBC got it wrong again. They thought the Republican convention went badly. They thought Mrs Trump was a disaster - they were wrong, she won fans. They thought lyin' Ted Cruz hurt Trump but no-one cared what the mendacious egomaniac said. The media thought Trump's message was dark. But Trump spoke to an America that the elite has ignored and he spoke their language. And thus having been trailing crooked Hillary by a couple of points he now leads in the polls by up to 4 points.
