
2415 days ago

How do you get the BBC to report on the Telford sex scandal? Tell them President Putin is involved?

Over the weekend news broke of the UK's biggest ever sexual abuse scandal. This makes events in Rochdale seem like small bear, horrific though they were. Thanks to the Mirror and the Mail we now know that over 40 years more than 1000, nearly all white, working class girls and young women were raped and abused and in a handful of cases murdered by Asian gangs in Telford.

I use the phrase Asian and wince.It is the phrase we are told we must use. My wife is Asian and so my son is half Asian


2594 days ago

Parsons Green - thank heavens for the Barcelona March, the Manchester concert and the candles lit across Europe.

Of course we must not jump to conclusions. That is the preserve of fake news liberal media outlets like the BBC, Channel 4, CNN and The Guardian as they report about racist Donald Trump supporters berating a poor Muslim woman in New York - or not as it turned out. So let us make no assumptions of guilt although if we had to place bet, there would be one grouping that was an odds on favourite.


2782 days ago

Orwell would be proud - the Dusseldorf truth emerges after the news cycle has moved on

I noted yesterday the ludicrous line being spun by the German Police that the axe wielding chap on the rampage at Dusseldorf station was from the former Yugoslavia, a country that had not existed for 16 years. Within minutes they had been able to say that the man had psychological issues. if only the NHS was so efficient in terms of diagnosis there would be no crisis. Yet the Police could not say where the chap came from. And the liberal media - in as much as they covered this at all - played along.


2783 days ago

Dusseldorf attack - Orwellian use of Yugolaslavia by Police, why not blame Donald Trump

You will remember that the killer of Jo Cox MP had a long history of mental health issues yet sections of the mainstream media still term him a right wing extremist. In Dusseldorf in Germany last night a man attacked folks with an axe injuring seven and he has already been branded as mentally ill. He may well be but the Police, without questioning from the liberal media, are also insisting that he hails from the former Yugoslavia. This is Orwellian.


2799 days ago

Madame Le Pen is so God Awful but she keeps doing things that folks love - the Muslim bigot & the headscarf

Though the candidates ranged against Madame Le Pen in the French Presidential election are truly dreadful, I must still hope that one of them triumphs. I just cannot support a member of the Le Pen family or of the Front National. The polls indicate that Madame Le Pen will win the first round easily but will almost certainly lose the second round, a playoff between the top two candidates for the first contest. But as each day goes by Le Pen's poll ratings improve. She keeps doing things that just cause her opponents to look silly. She skewers the elitists of the liberal left on their own double standards and the sans culottes applaud her again and again.


3195 days ago

Vicars should grow beards to appeal to Muslims says Bishop of London...I give up

And you wonder why no-one takes the Church of England seriously any more? You despair at the sad decline of Western civilization? Prepare for just another sad footnote in that decline.

Writing in The Church Times, the Right Reverend Richard Chartres, Bishop of London, suggests vicars growing beards could help the Church of England reach out to parishioners from Asia where wearing a beard could mark a man out as holy. He flagged up two priests in East London - the Rev. Adam Atkinson, Vicar of St Peter's church in Bethnal Green, and Rev. Cris Rogers of All Hallows Bow - who have grown bushy beards.

Chartres is himself a bearded fellow and if you did not think this man was already crackers he goes on to describe David Beckham


3567 days ago

Oxford University Press and the Pig ban – More fools than anything else

The City of my birth contains more than its fair share of deluded lefties who worship at the altar of political correctness while singing the praises of the great Money Tree in the sky. They may not be bad folks but they are fools and their sanctimony drips out in a most annoying fashion.

And so this week the Oxford University Press announced that henceforth it would not be showing images of pigs or sausages lest it offend Muslim readers. How many Muslims were offended by a picture of Peppa or Winnie the Pooh’s little pal? Sod all of course. The middle class lefties probably know very few Muslims. The Muslims live in the poorer bits of East Oxford, the folks at the OUP wouldn’t dream of crossing over Magdalen bridge and leaving leafy West Oxford.

Many of us find the writings of Polly Toynbee and Owen Jones offensive


3568 days ago

I am denounced as a one track mind leftie by a leading UKIP tweeter

I never thought of myself as a leftie. My hardline euroscepticism, belief in slashing taxes and slashing state spending,  ripping up the rule book on welfare, allowing free markets to operate unfettered, belief in total free speech always made me think that I was really very right wing indeed in a 100% libertarian way.  I think those folks who read my articles would be minded to agree as would the bunch of mad lefties who work with my wife. But it appears that by UKIP standards I am just a mad leftie myself. My crime… words fail me.


3642 days ago

Video postcard #87 – Our relations with the UK Muslim community – tolerance needed but also honesty

I sense that this video will not go down well in all quarters. A woman talking total rot on Any Questions prompts me to outline views which will not win friends in all quarters.

The UK Muslim Community must not be demonised - nearly all British Muslims are good folks. But on the other hand the way that we have approached matters such as the child abuse scandals of Rotherham etc. and also ISIS recruitment do not assist. Political correctness has been highly counterproductive but the failure of the Muslim community to speak out has also been damaging. This must change. We cannot sweep such issues under the carpet any more.

Tom’s financial video postcard covers a different sort of denial. The state of mind of investors in a stock that is plunging, And yes Tom does refer to a well-known fraudulent solar panels to insurance come telematics come golf company beginning with Q,  That video can be watched HERE


3681 days ago

Syria – whose side are we on today? Our leaders are clueless and do not speak for me

Last summer I argued that the West’s policy towards Syria was madness. I feel more than vindicated but madness has led to greater madness. Back in 2013 President Assad was the bad guy. The Western press, egged on by the vile Clinton woman, President Obama, Call Me Dave, the War Criminal Blair and others argued that he was so wicked we had a duty to arm the rebels, which we duly did. I pointed out here that many of these rebels were Islamofascist nutters who hated us and that this was an error. 

I also noted how both sides in Syria committed atrocities and that I could not play God in saying whose side we should be on. But our leaders knew better and armed the rebels including folks who are now fighting with ISIS. Yes, we assisted ISIS. We gave these nutters our weapons.

Watching TV now it seems that we are bombing the shit out of ISIS, the main force fighting evil President Assad. But we are also still arming and training anti Assad forces who are deemed “moderate”. Whatever.

ISIS will not be destroyed by death raining down from the skies. 
