509 days ago

Suicide, white privilege and the patriarchal hegemony – ONS data out, DO NOT discuss the facts

Were it to emerge that women were, as my mother, one great aunt and one of mum’s cousins did, far more likely to kill themselves than men, the BBC’s Women’s Hour would be all over it demanding that action be taken. Were it to emerge that black and Asian people were far more likely to kill themselves than whites, all the usual grifters would be out demanding public enquiries, Government spending and suggesting that this was a legacy of colonialism. David Lammy, Priyamvada Gopal et al would be all over the papers and outr TV screens crying and demanding action. As it happens, the ONS has published data on suicides today.


537 days ago

The left's favourite economist Stephanie Flanders tells porkies about poverty in the UK

I cannot remember which future Labour bigwigs she dated when at Oxford but Stephanie Flanders has always been the economist the left puts on a pedestal. This week, she stated that the poorest fifth of the population are now much poorer (in the UK) than most of the poorest countries in central and Eastern Europe…they would be better off in quite poor countries in the European Union.” Natch this was retweeted thousands and thousands of times. Those evil Tories they are just bastards aren’t they? Well some of them are, but on this matter the data just does not support Ms Flanders’ claim. As we live in a post fact world I suppose that does not really matter but just for the record…


1164 days ago

England Death rate falls to lowest since records began in 2001 – the madness of Covid hysteria exposed

That I need to preface this article by saying that all deaths are regrettable is a reflection of the hysteria that the Covid GroupThink has created, which thus drives a mob torching of anyone challenging that GroupThink. But here are some bald facts. In April 2021 – a cold month – the England death rate was, at 851.2 people per 100,000, the lowest since the ONS started tracking mortality rates in 2001. 38,899 folks died in April, 6.1% below the five year average.


1213 days ago

The data which shows the farce of house arrest, masks and lockdown

The data below is from the ONS and covers England and Wales. 2020 data is provisional so maybe tweaked a bit but with that caveat you will note a couple of things. Or if you are Boris Johnson and everyone else in the political and media class GroupThink you will ignore a couple of things which show how we citizens, we Winston Smiths, have all been taken for fools. Clearly more folks died in 2020 than in the years immediately before that. Suicides were up, untreated cancer deaths were up but Covid is responsible for most of the uptick. But for those who talk of the new plague, it is not that much of an uptick is it? More critically…


1258 days ago

The NHS & Telegraph think the covid vaccination programme is racist as they cannot do basic data analysis

Just wait until the professional fake news driven race baiters at the BBC, Channel 4 News and David Lammy MP get hold of this! The NHS has published data showing that almost 20% of white folks have been vaccinated the percentage of other ethnic groups is far lower. Oh no, call out the Witchfinder General of the racism industry, Mr Lammy, so that he can sniff another monstrous crime.  Of course there is a rational explanation for this which is backed up with hard data but who cares about that? This is 2021 so we must generate some more grievances and talk of inequality.


1311 days ago

Rewarding the most abject of failures here in Wales – not for the many but for the few

I refer not to Mark Drakeford, our First Minister. He is clinically insane so should not be judged too harshly for the scandal that is evident at the Welsh Assembly. For its members ( an MS) are set to get an inflation busting 2.4% pay rise next year taking the stipend of an ordinary MS, let alone a minister, to £69,273. This is a reward for failure. It is certainly not the sort of performance related pay we wicked capitalists in the private sector like to advocate.


1318 days ago

The chart from the ONS which shows the complete insanity of the "experts" Matt Hancock, Mark Drakeford & the other criminals

The argument for the biggest assault on our civil liberties since World War Two and for actions that are wrecking the economy, causing suicides and job losses to soar and bankrupting businesses across the land is that we must act now to save lives. The monumental folly of this is demonstrated in this one chart below with data sourced from the ONS. Read it and then I challenge any one of you to disagree with me that all those responsible for lockdowns and other measures should be put on trial for their crimes.


1471 days ago

The key ONS data that tells you to short Avacta and Novacyt big time

Forgive me, dear readers, for returning to the matter of the great Coronavirus bubble but data came out late Thursday from the ONS which screams at you that it is about to pop.


1537 days ago

ONS Covid data on deaths by occupation: Boris is “literally” sending folks to their deaths claim

After this is all over there should be a national enquiry into why our entire political and media class is swamped by liberal arts graduates with no concept of how to analyse data and the collective intelligence of a bumble bee. It should be let by my cats who have greater predictive skills than Professor Neil Pantsdown, our, until recently, expert in chief whose always wrong computer models drove the groupthink of our leaders. Let me be clear I have no time for Boris et al on this matter as I noted earlier today HERE. However…


2076 days ago

Weaponising suicide - the sheer nastiness of the left repels me & yes this is personal

As you might have guessed I regard Theresa May as a treacherous liar and the worst Prime Minister in history. She once called the Tory Party the nasty party but today it is the left in Britain which is truly nasty. The weaponisation of actual suicides as a stick to beat the wretched May is just a new low. Yes, for me, this is personal. My mother killed herself. I have struggled with depression and mental breakdown and have discussed both matters openly. In my wider family there have been three more suicides since 1933. Suicide is a very serious issue which we should be able to talk about openly and honestly. Yet..


2282 days ago

Photo Article: It was #Lesbianvisibilityday - but what about we Jedis?

As I wake up this morning I stare out over a dark Swedish lake in the middle of a frighteningly thick forest all sleeping under leaden skies and my first thought is "I need to see more evidence of lesbians." You see I was inspired by yesterday's World Day - #Lesbianvisibilityday.


2422 days ago

Some hard economic data from ONS why relative poverty is bollocks & the debt bubble set to explode

There was a spurious report this week claiming that an extra 800,000 folks were now in poverty as a result of the wicked Tories. The liberal fake news media lapped it up. Of course it is total and utter bollocks. Folks are getting richer. That was a key takeaway from some great data (not opinion) but FACT released by the ONS this week. The presentation is below.
