
2915 days ago

Democracy hating Labour MEP Clare Moody lies about Brexit to party members in email tonight

The way that the middle class elite in the Labour Party views the way ordinary Britons, including millions of Labour voters, feel is demonstrated explicitly in an email just sent by senior MEP Clare Moody to party members tonight. Quite simply Ms Moody hates democracy when ordinary folks vote the wrong way.


2927 days ago

Liberal media darling Inigo Gilmore uses Channel 4 News to smear all Eurosceptics as being on "far right"

In days gone by it was perfectly respectable to be a Eurosceptic and a lefty. Great socialists such as Tony Benn, Peter Shore and Barbara Castle lead the battle to get out of the EU in 1975. But gradually most on the left have abandoned that position. That they have done so while working people and the old, young and sick across Europe have been screwed by the EU might be rather surprising.

And thus while Greek Pensioners have to live on £9 a day


2938 days ago

Corbyn vs Eagle: Who should a #Tory4Corbyn back? Eagle has a lot of plus points

It looks very likely indeed that by tomorrow the post Brexit political pantomime will move on to Comrade Corbyn vs Blairite Kulak Angela Eagle in a battle to become the new leader of the Labour Party. The kulak MPs are backing Eagle but we loyal party members, including the massed battalions of my fellow exploited workers who joined with me last summer, appear to be standing firm with our man Jezza. But I admit that I am wavering.


2952 days ago

So what if Boris Johnson has screwed half the women in London?

A lot of Tory MP's do not like or are jealous of Boris Johnson and are said to be plotting to do anything they can to stop him being their next leader. The trouble is that he is by far and away the most popular Tory in both the wider party and also the country. He is box office. Being a Brexiteer means that he was on the side of the 52% but also of the vast majority of Tory members. So if among MPs he is in the top two in the initial poll, then Tory members are bound to vote for him.

That is not only because Boris has sex appeal but because there is no other credible candidate which almost guarantees him a top two slot. Theresa May has no personality and backed Remain - the losing side - and did so in a cowardly fashion yet she is seen as the leading challenger to Boris. George Osborne still thinks


2955 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Another big loser on Independence day - the idea we care what celebs think

The celebrities lined up in their droves for Remain yet today we celebrate Independence Day in Britain. Does anyone care what David Beckham, Posh Spice, Keira ffing Knightley or Daniel Craig think about the EU? I suspect not. Indeed some celebrity interventions were clearly unhelpful but celebs like Sir Bob Geldof are so utterly convinced of their own self importance they just don't get it. I discuss this all in a bonus podcast. Of course one celeb, pictured below, swayed tens of thousands of votes.



2955 days ago

EU Referendum caption Contest: War Criminal votes for Remain edition

The deadline to enter this caption contest is in 45 minutes. Only kidding Tony, let's call it midnight tonight. It seems that our favourite war criminal, Mr Tony Blair reckons that folks will follow his lead and has thus circulated this charming picture below. Apparently Islamic hate preacher Anjem Choudary also voted remain because the EU stops folks being deported for trial elsewhere. Do your best in the comments section below...


2956 days ago

Some of my wife's "Remain" patronising, elitist, sneering, lefty friends are bastards

I find myself on a round Robin email list of my wife's lefty public sector working chums because with my wife we entered a fiendishly complex Euro 2016 contest on which we get daily updates. Today one of these folks made a comment about how excited he was about the EU Referendum. I made a polite contribution and a firefight ensued. With names taken out here is what follows and left me feeling more angry than I have for ages.


2956 days ago

Not ALL who support Brexit are racist, but all racists support Brexit says Lefty group Avraaz in last awful smear

Left wing pressure group Avraaz claims to have two million Britons on its mailing list and has tonight emailed them with one last desperate smear on behalf of the "Remain" camp. Having already used the murder of Jo Cox MP to smear Brexit within hours of the killing this marks a new shocking low.


2959 days ago

The Best of the Baroness Warsi twitter ridicule as this repellent liar craves publicity again on Brexit

Baroness Warsi is an unelected Tory politician with a track record of dodgy business dealings who says the most appalling things to gain publicity. Today she has announced that she is leaving the "Leave" campaign on Brexit and joining "Remain" because of all the racism, xenophobia and bigotry of folks like Priti Patel and Gisela Stuart. The BBC laps it up as a major blow for Brexit. The only problem is that the silly cow Warsi never actually joined the Leave campaign.


2961 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Almost every reaction to the awful murder of Jo Cox MP is so utterly wrong

The murder of Jo Cox MP throws up key issues that are not being discussed: accountability ( or rather lack of it ) in public services and also how we treat and view mental health issues in the UK. The reaction of MPs and the media shows what a different world they live in from the rest of us. The reaction of the left and the some in the Remain camp in using this as an opportunity to smear and shut down debate is repulsive. This is an awful event but folks need to get some things in perspective. Knowing a little bit about murder and also psychiatric issues first hand - as I explain in the podcast - I speak from the heart as well as the head.


2962 days ago

RIP Jo Cox MP - can those supporting Remain please avoid suggesting that we who back Brexit have blood on our hands?

Every murder is a shocking event. The political world is shocked today by the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. She seems by all accounts to have been a pleasant and well meaning woman and naturaly all our thoughts will be with the woman's husband and children.


2965 days ago

Keira Knightley today's patronising multi millionaire luvvie bitch to bash Brexit

So how does immigration affect multi millionairess luvvie Keira Knightley? Is she facing longer lines to get treatment on the NHS? Is there downward pressure on her wages? What about problems getting housing at affordable rates? Er no: it just means more cheap labour at her fave posh restaurants in London. Luvvie Keira and others in the 1% have no concept at all about how the EU affects those of us in the 99% , young or old.

Today Keira has released a video


2974 days ago

The Daily Mail's Disgusting racist slur on Vote Leave

In today's Mail on Sunday journalist Simon Walters produced what, he terms, a "candid" exclusive interview with Dodgy Dave Cameron in which lyin' Dave says absolutelty nothing new at all. But it is the front page splash from Mr Walters that shames his paper and shows that a panicking Remain Campaign will stoop to anything. The Mail claims Vote Leave has been "infiltrated" by Nazis. 

Infiltration has a clear meaning in British politics. It means gaining membership in an organised and covert manner with a view to securing power. The Militant Tendency infiltrated Labour. On the other hand the Mail has manged to provide evidence that exactly seven nazis are handing out flyers for Vote Leave. it tops this up with a few quotes from a racist online chat room from Nazis who support Brexit.

I do not doubt for a second that the seven folk mentioned are loathsome racist and jew hating pigs. They are scum but to say that them handing out flyers, not setting policy, organising a campaign or anything close to having any power, just handing out leaflets is evidence of infiltration is laughable.

Vote Leave like Remain 
