1082 days ago

If you are going to slate anyone for Covid misinformation how about SAGE for its forecasts, the worst in history

Earlier today I reported how LinkedIn was censoring me for reporting facts because those facts challenged the set narrative on mask wearing. Reporting hard facts, data which is verifiably true, is now “misinformation” which in the UK will soon become a crime. If we do go down that line how about we start with SAGE and its forecasts which were obviously so completely bonkers yet have influenced Government policy. Was not SAGE supplying misinformation as youcan see in the chart below?


1119 days ago

Austria v Sweden in pictures - the GroupThink covid doom-mongers were just plain wrong, give them more knighthoods

The FT, the BBC and the rest of the political and media class warned explicitly that Sweden was heading for disaster with its relatively relaxed approach to Covid. The bodies would pile up inMalmo and Stockholm. Instead those in the GroupThink bubble lavished praise on Austria whose draconian lockdown, suppression of dissidents and crushing of civil liberties and its economy, would have made its most famous son proud. Austria was the posterboy for lockdown. So if the GroupThink crowd were right and folks like me were wrong, Sweden would have suffered far more covid deaths than Austria: right?


1319 days ago

#ImDone - this is what you should all be posting to Lyin' Boris Johnson today

This oppressive Government is beneath contempt. Wimbledon can go ahead with full crowds but kids are seeing school proms and parties scrapped along with sports days, end of term plays, concerts, Brownie and Scout camps, residential courses. There will be no singing or dancing at my wife’s cousin’s wedding as it finally goes ahead at the 4th time of asking but in pubs and stadia across the country folks will sing, dance, not just sit at tables of six as they watch the Euros. Of course, at the G7 folks broke all of the silly rules in place as VIPs can’t catch covid. There is no logic in any of this, it is just mean and oppressive. And masks?


1458 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - the herb garden takes shape

This part of the lands here is at the edge of the new orchard on the inner upper field. When we arrived just under two years ago, this field was under six foot high in grass, nettles and ferns. You could not see the gate and fence at the end of it, nor a chicken shed and small asbestos shed all of which have now been removed.


1467 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - now the herbs arrive

It seems that one reader reckons that the lavender which arrived yesterday will be drowned by the River Dee rising as a result of man-made global warming. The water from the Dee came within one inch of the bottom of the back step of the part of the house nearest the river in 2000 at its all-time record high and in 2020. At that point, the river was, in the middle, 29 foot deep. I reckon that to reach the first lavender plant it would have to climb another 15 foot meaning that most of the house would also be underwater as would many others in the village and half of Chester and Wrexham.


1497 days ago

The Stupidity of Matt Hancock – has he never read Defoe or studied the history of his home town Chester?

I note that Matt Hancock has a First Class degree in PPE from Oxford and admit that I cannot match his Geoff. I only achieved a Desmond from the same place in the same subject and, at the time, I remember thinking that I was jolly lucky not to have racked up a Douglas. I am pretty sure that my late uncle Christopher Booker had the same feeling after coming away with a second from Cambridge where he read history.


1501 days ago

Photo Article: Breaking out of Wales for a substantial meal in a boozer and it is heartbreaking

Thanks to the certifiably insane First Minister here in Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford, boozers shut at 6 PM and can’t serve booze anyway. I can’t remember whether it is illegal to cross the border with England yet or whether the North Wales Police start arresting folks for this heinous crime on the 24th, 25th or 28th. Anyhow, we set off from the Welsh Hovel last night, four of us in the car, dashing the few hundred yards to the bridge to free England and what we found was heartbreaking.


1509 days ago

As one sinner, James O’Brien, repenteth the case for not taking the Covid vaccine grows

The pompous, virtue signalling, radio presenter James O’Brien this morning apologised to his listeners on LBC for suggesting that all those questioning the Covid vaccine were swivelled eyed lunatics pushing alt-right crackpot conspiracy theories. Well thank you James, now how about an apology to those of us voting for Brexit? How about you admit we were not all alt-right freaks?  Okay back to Covid.


3033 days ago

Wandisco - CEO Dave Richards "unfired" but the ex Sage crew purged from board - the tale of the cat flying first class

On Thursday 29 September 2016 at 10.41 AM Wandisco (WAND) boss Dave Richards resigned. Or so we were told. The RNS prepared by Non Exec chairman Paul Walker (who agreed to take a massive pay hike and go Exec) stated that Richards was "stepping down.". No reason was given. In fact Richards had been fired by Walker, head of the "Sage crew" within the firm who had been battling Richards for a good while, the main issue being costs: Richards ( the founder) wanted restraint, the men from the "big company" had other ideas. Today Richards was reinstated. It gets better still and more farcical.
