Supreme Court

324 days ago

Supreme Court votes 9 nil that Dems keeping Trump off the ballot is illegal, they are trying to cheat and steal the election

If, or should that be when, President Putin stops an opponent being on the ballot the world rightly cries foul.  The Iranians try the same trick and we are united in condemning this bastardisation of democracy. But in the USA Democrats are prepared to cheat to steal the biggest election of all. Who says so? The  Supreme Court said just that today.


994 days ago

Tom Winnnifrith podcast: The death of Roe vs Wade, an attack on abortion in America, or maybe not?

The liberal media are telling you that thanks to evil Presdent Trump loading the Supreme Court, Roe vs Wade may be overturned so meaning the end of 49 years of legal abortion in America. As ever that is just not is what is happening and at every level the Guardian/BBC/ Kirstie Allsop – with whom I was arguing about this on twitter – narrrative is just wrong. I try to explain why and – only because I am a man – have to start with my own personal involvment with abortion in order to justify what follows.


1587 days ago

Joe Biden wants to rip up the constitution as Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg dies – watch what the liberal media does next!

The constitution is clear. If a Supreme Court Justice dies, the sitting President nominates a replacement who must be ratified by the sitting Senate which right now means a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate.  But guess what, creepy Joe Biden appears to think that the US Constitution does not matter. Anyone thinking of voting for this senile old coot should be alarmed.


2297 days ago

This is why Peter Tatchell is such a hero – he backs the bigoted bakers at Ashers on principle and for liberty

As I have noted before, the LGBTI and civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is a national treasure. I don't always agree with him but today he again showed why he is a man of absolute principle. The case is Ashers, a baker in God’s chosen lands of Ulster, which refused to bake a cake for a same sex wedding. A lower court ruled that it was wrong to do so but at the Supreme Court today the bigoted bakers won their case. Step forward Tatch, a man who helped found the Pride march in London and who has been at the forefront of the gay equality movement for decades,  in their defence, Tatch says:


2298 days ago

The rank hypocrisy of the liberal left as they shout #Metoo and buy $745 tickets to meet a rapist and his enabler: the Clintons

In the fury of the recent affair Kavanaugh time and time again we were told “she must be believed”. After years of – undoubted – injustice the woman must be assumed to be telling the truth unless proven otherwise when it came to sexual harassment and rape.  Thankfully this distortion of justice was not allowed to win the day and Brett Kavanaugh starts work today on the Supreme Court. Among those making the case of a presumption of guilt was, without irony, Hillary Clinton.


2299 days ago

Video: Female academic Janice Fiamengo explains Christine Blasey Ford, the author of the Brett Kavanaugh smear and hit job

Thank you to Somerset's most enlightened baker for flagging up this gem. Fiamengo covers the clear wretchedness  and weakness of Blasey Ford's witness statement used by the Democrat swamp dwellers to try to derail the Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination much of which I have covered, notably HERE, but she has more.  More importantly she explains exactly why Ford acted as she did and why, in every way, she benefits so greatly from her lies even after she is exposed as a liar. This video is priceless.


2300 days ago

The BBC hit job on Justice Kavanaugh continued all day

As I note elsewhere, I celebrate Brett Kavanaugh joining the Supreme Court but I’d rather that Donald Trump had nominated someone who is far more conservative. Naturally the BBC, the state funded British broadcaster and purveyor of fake news, which serves as a media hub for elitist metropolitan liberal group-think, took a rather different tone.


2300 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Time for an October stockmarket crash? What to do?

I start with a warning that this is a beer and popcorn day as we watch wailing BBC presenters, snowflakes, ugly feminists and other losers wailing as Brett Kavanaugh joins the Supreme Court. I have written about the persecution of Kavanaugh extensively HERE and shall be celebrating tonight, as those involved in this witch hunt, shed tears. Bring it on.  Next up: will the stockmarket crash this October and if so what to do? Here are a few practical tips for you all.


2304 days ago

Did Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford lie under oath? Lock her up!

If sexual harassment and rape are to be tackled seriously then those stepping forward must be believed. But equally those making untruthful allegations must be named, shamed and punished. Such folks damage the cause of equality and liberation immeasurably.  And that brings us to the rape of the reputation of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who will hopefully be a Supreme court justice by the weekend.


2305 days ago

Brett Kavanaugh: as accuser Number 3 admits she lied and made it up – Dems try to disbar over 30 year old bar spat

The main accuser of Supreme Court nominee, Christine Blasey Ford, is now shown to have paper thin evidence for her claims that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 36 years ago.  Witness number two has no evidence at all and not one witness for her lewd claims of party antics and now the third accuser, Julie Swetnick has gone on NBC and admitted that she made up all that she claimed. She is a liar. So what next for the desperate Dems?


2306 days ago

Swiss cheese - the multiple holes in the Christine Blasey Ford evidence - bad news for Kavanaugh haters with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome

I had thought that Rachel Mitchell, the lawyer brought in by Senate Republicans to quiz Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford was a total waste of space. I take it all back. She has just posted to the Senate her view, as a prosecutor specialising in sex attacks, of the "evidence" offered by by Dr Ford. I had suggested that Ford's statements had more holes than Swiss Cheese. I was being generous. Mitchell tears her evidence to shreds as you can see below,


2309 days ago

Has Christine Blasey Ford killed #Metoo hysteria as well as the Dems mid-term hopes?

Naturally the BBC, Channel 4 “fake” News and the rest of the liberal media presented a hopelessly one sided account of the Senate testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and the man she accuses of groping her 36 years ago, would be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But normal folks can see through all this.


2312 days ago

Will the Republicans win the mid-terms? The Red Wave looks good – best polls in almost 8 years as Dems self-destruct

The conventional wisdom of the liberal media is that the Democrats will regain control of the House and possibly also of the Senate in the mid-terms coming up in a few weeks and that this will be a body blow to Donald Trump.  Here’s something the BBC and Channel 4 “fake” news is not reporting – the latest poll numbers are just amazing.


2387 days ago

Video: Student snowflake butthurt ignorance in New York - Trump and his SCOTUS pick

This video is just a hoot. It was recorded before President Trump announced his nomination for the vacant Supreme Court seat. Students in NY were asked what they thought of a pick which, in the real world, had not happened yet. Over to the snowflakes...


2920 days ago

Euro loon & democracy hater Gina Miller - enjoys law for the rich down at Animal Farm

On the steps of the Supreme Court yesterday Brexit opposing Gina Miller gushed about how she had shown that we the citizenry can hold Government to account by using the courts. Really Gina? How much was your bill with top law firm Mishcon de Reya?


2921 days ago

Eleven old farts delay Brexit - good: the contempt for an out of touch Establishment grows

Eleven rich and privileged members of the establishment, that is to say the Supreme Court, today backed a millionaire bankster, Gina Miller, in delaying what the British people voted for in our largest ever exercise in democracy. I voted for Brexit but still regard this as great news.


3059 days ago

When in Rome...Masturbate in Public, The Decline and fall of the Western Empire

There are days when you start to think that in ranting about a decadent and degenerate West the chaps at ISIS have not got it completely wrong. And thus we today discover that masturbating in public, in fact in front of young women, is no longer an illegal act in Italy thanks to a Supreme Court Ruling.


3170 days ago

The Celebrity Injunction - Its still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah

I write this on a website hosted in the US and as someone currently resident in Greece. I hope that the law firm Web Sheriff takes this on board as it seeks to enforce a celebrity injunction applicable to media outlets in England and Wales but nowhere else. The law is an ass.
