The Police

257 days ago

Sacking Suella Braverman – electoral suicide and caving to the mob

Over the past few years this website has chronicled time and time again the manifest failings of the Police. Folks in this country who are law abiding, pay our taxes and do not hate where we live feel utter despair as the Fuzz let us down again and again and again. Using the metaphor of a lavatory leaking shit floating down the river by my fields, I explained my sense of despair a few weeks ago. That is heightened as I watch TV and see folks who break the laws, spew hate and unhappiness but support radical causes getting a free pass.  The one politician who dared to speak up for folks like me and my wife, and – I sense and polls suggest – the vast majority of the population, was Suella Braverman and, for that, she has today been sacked as Home Secretary.


371 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - another hour with the Police

No BBMs do not get too excited. It is not me for I have done nothing wrong. My discussions were about the obscene email one such moron sent me last Friday. After that I discuss IOG (IOG), pointing you to two tweets from morons below and the share price chart. I await apologies for I am never short but am usually right. IOG is very possibly a zero, today’s update is grim. Then it is onto Mirriad Advertising (MIRI), Cloudbreak Discovery (CDL) and its disgraced CEO, Unbound (UBG) , MGC Pharmaceutics (MXC) and Flip Flop’s Kavango Resources (KAV) and why Ben Turney should be sacked in disgrace.


374 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: starting the post mortems on Deepverge & Microsaic

But first, the changes needed to Bulletin Board to deal with defamatory trolls. I write as someone reporting one incident to the Police last night and taking up another with twitter earlier in the week. Then, I might be a bit premature, on the post mortems of Deepverge (DVRG) and Microsaic (MSYS) but I name ALL the guilty men


925 days ago

Defacing statues - the BBC cannot have it both ways

The BBC, the Police and others equivocated on the clearing of the four criminals who pulled down the statue of slave trader turned philanthropist Edward Colston and threw it into the waters of Bristol harbour. “On the one hand but on the other hand” argued the state funded broadcaster and others on the left.  Most of us simply said that the law had been broken and it was not up to individuals to decide what could be defaced or destroyed on the grounds that it offended them.


1005 days ago

If Insulate Britain morons want to glue themselves to the road: some advice for the Police

The game for the, overwhelmingly white and middle class, idiots who do their best to gum up Britain’s roads is to waste as much Police Time as possible while screwing up the traffic flow. And so the latest wheeze is for these idiots to attach their hands or face to the road with superglue which causes police and medical staff to waste hours and hours ungluing them without causing pain. As ever we have it all wrong.


1214 days ago

After Everyone's Invited, will Warwick School's new Headmaster deal with the Geoffrey Eve abuse & other sexual abuse & the cover up, here's the old one washing his hands of it

It appears that after two years in the job, Deneal Smith is no longer headmaster at Warwick School, where 43 years ago sadistic brute Geoffrey Eve, a serial physical abuser of young boys, threw my head against the wall not once but twice. I reprint below Dr Smith’s last email to me, washing his hands of the whole affair. Perhaps new HM, James Barker, himself an OW, might – in light of revelations of Everyone’s Invited – actually deal with this issue.


1219 days ago

Backdoor Blasphemy laws via mob rule in 2021 Britain as the wretched Police again show a double standard

A teacher at Batley Grammar school in Bradford showed students in a religious studies class a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed. Over in France, such actions can see you getting your head chopped off and what happened next is just so predictable. A mob gathered outside the school. Had that mob included James Delingpole, Piers Corbyn, Toby Young and Laurence Fox and the protest been about lockdown, the Police would have waded in, made arrests and broken it up.


1236 days ago

Reasons to Despise the Police No 543: the Met virtue signalling on #InternationalWomensday

I do not despise Policemen or Policewomen. But increasingly I find ever more reasons to despise the institution that is the Police Force, especially Cressida Dick’s useless Met in the nige plagued cesspit that is London. All I want of a Police force is for it to act tough on serious crimes like burglary, muggings, rape and, in London, stabbings. Is that too much to ask? Are my views not reflective of what nearly everybody else in this country wants. Instead we get folks arrested for throwing snowballs or drinking a takeaway coffee alone in their car during lockdown. And now this…


1497 days ago

The Reading attack, Faima Bakar, The Metro and why we more and more despise the deadwood press

Some tweets do not age well. This gem below is from Ms Faima Bakar, a journalist on the tawdry free publication The Metro, and it came out on Thursday of last week. Events in Reading, on Saturday, will surely make even more folks who reflect on Ms Bakar’s work despise the dying, deadwood press and its out of touch, intolerant, liberal, elitist values.


1603 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: And so the Police came to see me

Befire Versarien (VRS) owning morons get too excited I do explain what happened in full. Then it is onto Sirius Minerals (SXX) where it does seem increasingly likely that having been egged on by folks like ShareSoc, the turkeys will be voting for Christmas tomorrow. Then onto Big Dish (DISH) and comments from a chap call Mitch below my article of earlier today which show the mindset of bull market madness – I take him and those who think like him to task in a big way.


1700 days ago

Day Two of the 2019 Olive Harvest at the Greek Hovel – Thursday, Vreki & the Police pay a visit

An early start for myself and volunteer 1 K, who I really should hire out at commercial rates to my neighbours as he is a most excellent harvester, clambering up trees to saw off branches and using the twerker as if he was a veteran. After a good morning’s work, starting on the button at 7.30, we retired to Eleni’s Kourounis taverna for lunch. And then the skies darkened.


2032 days ago

Warwick School – your mea culpa on historic sexual and physical abuse is an outright fail

The Old Warwickian, the glossy quarterly for those of us who attended Warwick School, arrived just now. As ever it is full of pages of smiling rugger buggers and sporty young men of old and of the same fine fellows at OW receptions around the world today. I see a couple of my contemporaries (Alan Dee and Clark Sergeant) at a reunion last year. They are still recognisable but, like me, much older, Do I look that much older? Almost certainly yes. But I suspect I look far less respectable.


2262 days ago

Roger Lawson & ShareSoc links a hate crime against my wife with my writings - may his soul burn in hell

On a post approved by ShareSoc on its blog, Roger Lawson has today commented on the incident I described in bearcast on Monday - the email I received in response to my fraudbusting work. I have made Lawson aware of the content of that email currently with the Police so something I cannot publish - but it is the most disgusting material about my wife of Indian origin. Yet he is unapologetic for writing in a way that trivialises it and has refused polite requests to withdraw his article of today. Roger, may your soul burn in hell for your failure to see hate crime against an innocent woman, committed by someone not wanting fraud exposed,  for what it is. Roger comments on Audioboom. My comments are in bold.


2265 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - shaking as I speak to the Police

For reasons explained in this podcast I am shaking and have just spent a long time on the phone to the Police. I do question sometimes why I continue to work. I do also comment on Mothercare (MTC), Uvenco (UVEN) and Servoca (SVCA). But if you don't mind I am having the rest of the day off.


2537 days ago

The law sucks - Geoffrey Eve Child Abuser of Warwick School pupils like me looks set to escape so Plan B?

I have written a number of times about Geoffrey Eve, a sadistic bastard who is still alive but who in the 1970s and 1980s physically, not sexually, abused a number of boys at Warwick School. I was one of them. Twice Eve worked himself up into such a furious rage that he threw my head against a wall. Earlier this year I went to the Police.


2712 days ago

An Open letter to Ben Turney - why have you not called in the police at Teathers Financial

Yesterday I revealed a series of 74 "interesting" transactions on the Teathers Financial (TEA) company credit card and some curious payments on the Teathers pre-payment card belonging to Nilesh Jagatia the company's former FD. There is now a very real suspicion that Teather's poor shareholders were paying for Jagatia's domestic shopping at his local Sainsbury's in South Woodford and that he was making withdrawals from the company's account for personal use. I have thus written to the new CEO flip flop Ben Turney who, of course arrived in the coup that saw Jagatia fired. The letter is below.


3366 days ago

Suffering Head On Bike Crash in Greece – Feeling Bruised and stupid

In the end I could not get my head around a 200 cc bike with gears and so chickened out and hired another 150 cc automatic. But it felt great being on two wheels again as I whizzed up the mountain road from Kalamata to my home village of Kambos. It was warm but the wind was in my hair and as I swept down towards Kambos with the ruined castle looming in the background I just felt content and happy.

After dealing with the rat at the Greek hovel I headed into Kambos to do some work at my office, aka the Kourounis tavern. But for some reason they key in the bike was jammed and then broke. I could start the machine but not turn it off so I knew it had to be fixed or I’d have a dead battery by morning. Feeling really pissed off I headed back to Kalamata. I was so pissed off that I drove on the left hand side of the road.

Prang! At


3850 days ago

Are 99% of the population of Lewisham: Mad Lefties, morbidly obese, criminally stupid or all of the above? Ref BBC Question Time

The audience on BBC Question Time is meant to be representative of the local community and last night came from Lewisham in South London. I can as a result conclude that the residents of Lewisham are almost without exception either morbidly obese, madly left wing or in terms of intelligence make the X-Factor audience look like a gathering of Nobel laureates. 

Among the gems were a contribution from a 29 stone woman who claimed that the coalition were using the immigration debate as a smokescreen for their real agenda of privatizing the NHS and dismantling the welfare state and a only mildly obese old coot who reckoned that merely stopping tax evasion would allow the Government to spend another £90 billion a year on more schools, hospitals, fire stations, welfare payments etc. Heck no chance of closing the deficit then?

Should anyone be shot while unarmed was the question. Half the audience seemed to assume that the Police just liked killing black people at will. The other half thought yes, if the person in question was a member of UKIP.

77% of the British public want immigration controlled. I am in the 23%. But when the matter came up, the fellow from UKIP (deputy Fuhrer Paul Nutter) got only abuse and not any applause at all as he spouted a whole load of total scaremongering hogwash about waves of Romanians arriving here next week. 

I guess the Romanians are too smart to want to go to Lewisham lest they be crushed to death by a stampede of 23 stone local residents rushing to pick up a welfare cheque, so it is not an issue there.
