
112 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: gold dips, bitcoin surges, what is going on?

In today’s podcast I discuss: gold, bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB) and why it is still burning cash, FCA failings, statements needed from Chill Brands (CHLL) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the latest shocker from Vast Resources (VAST), Roland “fatty” Cornish and his pal the sex therapist.


113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 gold miners, a surprise lunch guest who I cannot name and a zero which is yet another triumph

I cannot name the guests for whom I cooked lunch but it has delayed me a bit, In the podcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Amaroq (AMRQ) and Dispensa (DISP), today’s triumph where nothing stacks up.


114 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Buying more shares today in a gold miner, tempted to lump the lot on this one

In today’s podcast I discuss my visit today to the Shipmans and frustration with NHS IT to get an appointment for another ailment, Versarien (VRS) and the issue of whisteblowers and then gold miners as I add to one holding and consider betting the ranch on it. I look at Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Ariana (AAU) and Amaroq (AMRQ).


116 days ago

Video: The Interest Rate Effect on Gold’s Breakout, target still $3,000

One minute, gold bulls tell you that inflation and rising rates are god for gold and then, as it fails to soar, we are told we need deflation and rates to plunge! Confused?


125 days ago

Video: Gold – The Ultimate Solution to Modern Problems

Asset manager Dr. Stephen Leeb argues that recent China worries are overcooked.  He says that the recent slump in China’s stocks has minimal effect on its general economy, albeit it may discourage some foreign investment. He argues that China’s economic model takes a different approach, focusing largely on knowledge generation and innovation rather than relying heavily on financial markets.


146 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the WW2 underpants obsession, more regulatory failures and why I'm down on gold juniors

The underpants obsession is explained HERE for those not up to date on Mincemeat matters. Then it is onto gold juniors and majors the gold price, Verditek (VDTK), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and a letter to AIM Regulation to call out Stuart Ashman as a liar. Rules are rules.


148 days ago

Video: The Road Ahead, $100 Silver, gold through $2100 & $200 Oil – Fueling the Golden Bubble!

Investor Gary Savage of Smart Money is the sort of commodities bull who makes our own Nigel Somerville seem almost sane. Almost!


174 days ago

Gold to peak at $2,300 this year, Palladium to dump again: Ross Norman’s precious metals forecasts

Ross used to run Sharps Pixley and now runs He is a thoroughly goo bloke and really knows his onions. What follows are his precious metals forecasts for 2024 and unlike some f the more enthusiastic commentators, Nigel you know who I am talking about he is bullish but in a sober and considered way. Certainly, there are no predictions of the sort of fireworks needed to get the juniors racing away. The great man opines:


183 days ago

Video: U.S. Treasury Market Continues To Dictate Dollar Liquidity Policies, buy gold, bitcoin & oil

Analyst Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees says that the interest on US Government debt will exceed a trillion this year. He explains that the U.S. government will need to borrow more money to cover the interest expense, indicating a debt crisis. According to Luke, the USA is essentially insolvent and running out of time.


188 days ago

Vast Resources and the Aprelevka spoof, morons fooled again

As I write, technically insolvent Vast Resources (VAST) has seen its shares surge by 21% to 14.25p on news that it has completed the Aprelevka gold mines deal. It is yet another spoof and here is why.


190 days ago

Video: The Fed Isn’t Done Breaking Things, keep buying gold

Lobo Tiggre, author and publisher of acknowledges that there were signs of a recession in various sectors in 2022, but low interest rates and labour hoarding prevented it from fully materializing. However, he believes that a recession will soon become undeniable, possibly in the first half of 2024, based on indicators such as the declining trend in job openings. Tiggre expects a softer landing for the economy only if indicators prove to be wrong and the overall health of the economy is stronger than believed.


191 days ago

Video: Gold & Silver Go Vertical When This Indicator Breaks Trend

Michael Oliver of Momentum Structural Analysis says this is a when not an if and starts with the problems in the real (US) economy.


195 days ago

Video: The Greatest Scenario For Gold Stocks

David Skarica, Publisher and Founder of Stock Chart Of The Day says that the current rate-cutting cycle by the Federal Reserve is driven by  political pressure. He compares the current situation to previous cycles, noting that in 2008, the market was in a crash, while in 2019 and 1995, stocks were rallying before the rate cuts. Skarica also highlights that the bubbles in 2008 indicated that previous rate cut cycles did not immediately work, but this time, the economy has held up relatively well. He expresses the belief that this rate cut cycle will be different and that predictions of a significant market downturn may not necessarily come true.


207 days ago

Video: The Fed’s Priorities are Changing in Golds Favour

Analyst Alasdair Macleod notes that gold prices rose significantly last week, but the miners did not hedge their positions. He believes this is because mining boards have come to realize that it is the weakening US dollar, not gold, that is the cause of the price increase. As a result, they have decided to hold off on hedging their positions.


212 days ago

Video: Rick Rule says You Have To Own Gold BECAUSE It Hasn’t Performed Yet!

Perhaps the best known investor in precious metals, Rick Rule, is, not surprisingly, bullish on gold. In this Q&A format podcast Rick discusses the importance of understanding the different stages of a bull market and the potential opportunities with mining companies. He also emphasizes the need to mitigate risk when investing in junior mining companies.


212 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – expanded prospectivity and progress update, further massive upside from a winning share tip!

Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) has announced “significantly expanded prospectivity of its 100% owned Nanoq gold project” and “successful completion of ~10,000 line kilometres of geophysics, with all results now received for detailed interpretation”, and the shares have ticked higher to 63p.


215 days ago

Global warming makes your chocolate bars more expensive says the BBC: #fakenews

The team at Radio 4’s Today programme got an enormous stiffy on this scoop by the BBC’s climate change team. It seems that climate change has caused bad weather in parts of West Africa which has sent cocoa prices surging and so makes your chocolate bars more expensive. It sounds like a great tale except that it is bollocks.


222 days ago

Video: Gold Moves When Miners Can’t Make Money, Like Now

Analyst Jonathan Mergott discusses the state of the metal markets, particularly silver and gold miners. He says that bearish sentiment remains in the market, with Comex inventories aligning with this sentiment and the Bulls dropping to 8% on DSI. The Fed’s forward path was identified as a potential influence on gold prices.


226 days ago

Argo Blockchain: You say it best when you say nothing at all

With bitcoin on the up, along with gold, you might expect bitcoin miners to be making hay while sun shines. But are they? Today we have a November trading update from Argo Blockchain (ARB) and as ever it tells us what sounds good but it does not tell us what really matters.


236 days ago

Video: The World’s Financial System is an Accident Waiting to Happen

Writer and gold bug Bob Moriarty might be termed a wild eyed conspiracy theorist. But some of his predictions seem plausible enough to me.


236 days ago

Video: Gold to $2,900 and silver to $45-50

More music for the ears of Nigel Somerville. Francis Hunt, Founder of “The Market Sniper” suggests that gold and silver prices have the potential to rise significantly. He believes that gold could reach $2,900 and silver could reach $45-50. 


237 days ago

Video: War is Accelerating Gold, Oil, and Dollar Buying

Analyst Vince Lanci serves up music for the ears of folks such as Nigel Somerville as gold breaks through $2,000 an oz.


240 days ago

Video: Gold is About to Explode Higher Through a Triple Top

Asset manager Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital sees an impending bull market in precious metals, particularly gold and silver.


247 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How do you fancy coming to Ethiopia? said 'arry Adams

In today’s Bearcast I discuss Jaya’s birthday and the Woodlarks Christmas appeal. Please donate to that HERE. Come on you can all afford a fiver can you not? Then it is onto Hotel Chocolate (HOTC), Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CER) – still a short – Verditek (VDTK) , Canadian Overseas (COPL) and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI).


256 days ago

Video: 2024-25 Will Bring Recession, Unrest, Along With Higher Precious Metals Prices

Jeff Christian, a gold and silver expert, discusses in this podcast various topics including silver usage in warfare, the role of gold as a “chameleon trade,” and the economic outlook for gold investment. Jeff Christian estimates that globally, between 10-20 million ounces of silver are used each year for warfare-related purposes such as missiles and electronics.


260 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A tale of two wars and more nonsense from Malcolm

Many folks have not liked what I have written about the Russia Ukraine war but it looks very much as if my prediction on its outcome is coming true and I assess what that means for shares and oil. Then to the Hamas Israel war and I make a couple of calls on how that will go and what that means for gold, oil and Israeli shares. Then onto Malcolm on ethical investing and why he is wrong to ignore bottom up analysis as he hops on another bandwagon.


260 days ago

Video: Gold Holding Strong Because It Knows What’s Coming - $3,000 on the cards within 5 years

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates reckons gold is going on a rip.


285 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No abuse from Avacta shareholders today but maybe Nigel and the gold loons will have a go instead

In today’s podcast I discuss 3 non financial red flags at Pennpetro (PPP), gold, Amaroq (AMRQ), Avacta (AVCT) and Eco Buildings (ECOB).


288 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My T-shirt at my wife's chapel and is Nigel really so sure about why gold is surging

Yes the T-shirt is about Israel and I seem to have caused a spot of bother as I dropped the kids off. Actually it leads into the real discussion which is about gold and if it is events in Israel and Gaza which are causing its spike and why I do not expect that to last. Then a few words on the fraud that has egg on the face of the FCA ( again), that is to say Regtech Open (RTOP)


288 days ago

Centamin – ‘substantially improved’ Sukari life of mine plan, Buy

Centamin (CEY) has announced a new life of mine plan for its flagship Sukari gold mine in Egypt, emphasising a substantial improvement with significantly lower operational risk. That is good news from a 82.8p share price.


289 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – record gold grade Nalunaq drilling results, Buy

Writing on minerals development and exploration company in Greenland, Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) last week with the shares at 57p we noted significant further gold exploration potential. We now note a “Nalunaq Drilling Results deliver record gold grade”-titled announcement from the company.


292 days ago

Video: Gold Will Soar Once Investors Realize Inflation is Beyond The Feds Control

Asset Manager Adrian Day, CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management is terribly bearish on the current state of the economy and investor expectations. Day believes that the effects of the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes in January 2020 will soon be felt, but he does not predict a market crash. However, there is a tug of war in place and valuations are high, primarily due to a handful of stocks.


328 days ago

Photo Article from ShareStock No4 – this fellow thought he'd beaten the old master at Croquet As Andrew Bell winds up the IRA man

And so after lunch it was Peter Hambro (gold), Dominic Frisby (Bitcoin and a bit of gold) and me ( no longer convinced by either) on stage.  Both guests knew their stuff and were excellent but I wonder if this debate is really of that much interest these days.


340 days ago

Britain's leading gold analyst takes to twitter with his usual understated and utterly objective analysis

If we have ever given the impression that Mr David Lenigas is a run of the mill Aussie penny share promoter, we would like to apologise. He is clearly Britain’s Number 1 gold analyst and a national treasure like his fellow Aussie Mr Peter Tatchell. I wonder if Dave and Pete know each other?


344 days ago

Video: Gold and Silver Reveal Fiat Fraud

Chartist and trader Patrick Karim asks, “Why is gold going up if it’s so useless?”


351 days ago

Video: Market Pain will Create the Perfect Conditions for Gold

Analyst and economist Julian Brigden of Macro Intelligence 2 Partners has music for the ears of Nigel Somerville but also for equity market bears.


365 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: my gold stocks have 3 years to deliver but some are not in danger

In today’s bearcast I discuss what the BBC won’t be, yet more rain here in Greece. Then it is onto gold and my boredom. I discuss Ariana (AAU), Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) – where I have swapped emails with ‘arry this weekend -, Amaroq (AMRQ) and Jubilee Metals (JLP).And yes there are now just 4 of 100 seats left for ShareStock. Ticket emails will be going out within 24 hours on logistics to those who have booked. If you have not, those 4 go on a first come first served basis HERE.


376 days ago

Video: a warning from the world's most bearish hedge fund - $7000 Gold & The Global Debt Contagion Powder Keg

Brian Hirschman is the Managing Partner of Hirschmann Partnership, also known as the “World’s Most Bearish Hedge Fund.”  He makes our own Nigel Somerville sound like a sober and moderate fellow.


385 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 30: pantomime villain Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources and, from Montana, gold loon Nigel Somerville

I am back with these bonus video shows and in this one my job is to play the sceptic though I own Red Rock Resources (RRR) shares – silly boy ! – and have 25% of my portfolio in gold & PGM shares. In this show I interview Andrew Bell of  Red Rock Resources dissect that interview myself and then chat to Nigel Somerville before discussing the gold and PGM shares I own and why. I hope you enjoy the show.


407 days ago

Video: We Are Entering the 2nd Phase of the Inflation Cycle & Gold Will Lead

Investor Gary Savage predicts both inflation and recession, a stockmarket crash and a surge in the gold price. Is he Nigel Somerville in disguise?


443 days ago

Video: The Financial Equivalent of Nuclear War

Gold bug, author and investor Alasdair Macleod believes that the US dollar is heading towards a major financial crisis due to its unsustainable debt trap, contraction of bank credit and rising interest rates. What a cheery fellow.


448 days ago

Centamin – interims, still a production-improving Buy

Gold miner in Egypt Centamin (CEY) has announced results for the first half of the 2023 calendar year emphasising “Improved results driven by strong operating performance and stringent cost management” and “in a robust position to deliver the next stage of growth including further optimisation at Sukari and continued development of the Doropo project”. Sounds good, and the shares have currently responded higher.


448 days ago

Video: The Most Destructive Crash in Financial History

Gold bug and Vietnam vet Bob Moriarty talks an awful lot of sense. That is he says the sort of things which would have my Mrs and Euroloon Jonathan Price, both great folks, spitting out their cornflakes.


452 days ago

Video: Gold and Silver Will be the Only Safe Harbour in Coming Crisis

I have not heard the word “capitulation” for a while.  But trader David Brady discusses what capitulation will look like in this environment.


452 days ago

Video: Gold, The Beginning of the Journey to $2905

Writer Francis Hunt, the founder of The Market Sniper talks about why inflation has not been “cured” yet; it looks better only because it is being compared to previous numbers and basing effects. He says that year-on-year effects have decreased, but the consumer is still taking a hit. He argues that the declining dollar and prices is an indication that US inflation will likely surge soon.


454 days ago

Video: The Current World Order is Breaking Down, buy gold AND Bitcoin

Nick Giambruno, founder of The Financial Underground and Editor-in-Chief of the Contra Speculator is the sort of conspiracy theorist I like my wife to listen to in order that she realises how moderate and mainstream I really am.


455 days ago

Video: Gold – Inflation Hedge or Real Rate Correlation

Analyst Michael Singleton explains his approach to the financial markets and business cycles, which are broken down into growth cycle, inflation cycle, and policy cycle. He believes the current inflationary picture is near its end but wage growth is still high. Mike says that the stock market has the highest correlation to the ISM manufacturing PMI, and that it’s important to pay attention to market history and study cycles for guidance.


456 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: chatting with Lucian, now 100% bored with gold: what are we both missing?

Firstly thank you on many messages re Olaf and her First. Then news that I am restarting the video shows and in that vein I had a long chat today with Lucian about gold and also Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). I mention 4 gold stocks I own. Then it is onto MusicMagpie (MMAG) and Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and a contest. Can anyone find a listed share, still listed, with a worse share price record than Mosman?


456 days ago

Video: Rising Rates are No Longer Bad for Gold ( whatever you say stale bulls) - but go short UK Government debt

Analyst Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees  is one of these stale bulls of gold who has to explain away why bullish predictions of what would cause gold to surge have all come to nowt! 


462 days ago

Promised You a Miracle. Only Simple Minds believed that: Fat Lady looking at gig with Scotgold

Oh dear, oh dear. Despite having raised £5 million so far this year, Scotgold (SGZ) today says it had just £620,000 cash as at June 30th and owes $500,000 with a fifth of that due as the first repayment due this week. This makes the #BBCScandal that the national broadcaster and protector of paedophiles told its viewers in late January that Scotgold had discovered new gold (when it hadn’t) to allow a pump and placing dump even more of a scandal. Today’s news is bleak.


468 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lets go for a quick death and vote Labour and I really am bored with gold

Nigel says that my boredom is a buy signal. But is it? Maybe it is right to be bored as something has changed.  After that a bit on house prices and why I don’t see a mega crash but would not buy housebuilders as Malcolm suggests I do. Finally, why not go for a quick death rather than a slow one and vote Labour? Oh, and I remind you why I may not be at liberty to bearcast on Tuesday. CORRECTION: Fellow Hammer J Price points out that Rice will be on £15 million a year not a week as I said in the podcast..


469 days ago

Video: Fed, Banks, and the Potential for Rapid Contagion offers a multi-generational opportunity in gold stocks

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates is another cheery fellow, viewing the world economy as a construct where the rivets holding it together  are continuing to snap. He says that we have had a number of bank failures in a matter of weeks, part of a larger pattern going back years and we  are seeing large commercial mortgage failures and companies walking away.  Lawrence believes more pain is yet to come in the banking sector, with one to two trillion in write downs.  He says that the Fed is likely to intervene once again, and something is likely to break soon.


472 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If I am not here next Tuesday here's why & I buy a new share

I start with a meeting at Joshua’s school next Monday PM. If I am not here on Tuesday that is why. Then to the new share I have bought as I reshape my SIPP to be more grown up. Then I look at shameful David Lenigas and Pennpetro (PPP), Simec (SAE), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU), gold generally, and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD).


474 days ago

Video: When Will the Miners Outperform Gold? They will!

Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started using charts when the self proclaimed pioneer of charting, Zak Mir, was only seven. 


477 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: re-wrote yesterday's articles, gosh Avacta shareholders are thick & is gold really a store of value? Nigel should have switched into cat food!

I start with yesterday. I have rewritten all of the Woodlarks articles and hope that you will re-read as they now have a bit more colour and a few jokes and, in a couple of cases, now actually make sense. Thanks so much to all who have donated. You ALL have an open invite to the camp. If you have forgotten to sponsor my last walk you can do so HERE. Then I talk about Avacta (AVCT) its placing I exposed yesterday HERE (might it, in fact, be lower than 90p?) and the denial and stupidity of some of its shareholders. Then I point out that Nigel would have made more money selling all his gold and switching into pasta and cat food ( or even tins of baked beans) so ask can he really still view the yellow metal as a store of value? .


478 days ago

Video: The Golden Age of Financial Assets is Over

Asset manager  Dr. Stephen Leeb is another cheery fellow predicting doom and gloom all round and telling us to buy gold.


490 days ago

Video: The Strongest Fundamentals for Gold Since 2008

Analyst David Kranzler is a bear on most things and also warns that the MSM lies to us all. He sounds like a good chap on that basis.


491 days ago

Great new Dominic Frisby video - Nicola Sturgeon's cellmate

Dominic will be performing with a Gilet Jaune at Sharestock where he is also speaking on bitcoin and gold. His latest short music video is just brilliant. Enjoy.


501 days ago

Video: The recipe for $2700 gold

Writer Jesse Felder says that Federal Reserve policy aimed to create a wealth effect through printing money,  has only generated bubbles and the illusion of growth. He goes on to explain that the more money a country prints, the less attractive that currency becomes to other countries. Please take note, the entire UK political class.


523 days ago

Ooops Red Rock did it again: - Andrew Bell needs to explain a suicidal value destruction as he places once more

I told you all to sell but have kept my shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR) as a reminder of what a prick I can be but perhaps also so that I can attend the AGM and give boss Andrew Bell the roasting he deserves. Gold is at a near all time high. The last time gold was at today’s levels, Red Rock shares were at a consolidation adjusted c400p. Today Bell has placed, yet again, at just 0.1425p. Bell makes excuses but there can be no excuses for such an abject performance..


532 days ago

Video: Nowhere near the mania part of the gold mining cycle

When we get there sell all your gold shares but we are nowhere near that now, says Jeff Clark, author of anew book “PayDirt”. He started outlining the book during Covid, with the goal of making it entertaining and engaging, yet simple and straightforward. Sixteen other experts from the industry also contributed to the book.


547 days ago

Centamin – first quarter 2023 report, a good start and further potential: BUY

Gold producer in Egypt Centamin (CEY) has announced “a good start” to 2023 and that it “look forwards to reporting later in the year on several additional projects which will deliver growth and underpin returns”. Good news from a current 105.3p share price?


547 days ago

Video: The Fed Cannot Stop Inflation, Gold will Shine

Newsletter publisher and investor Adam Hamilton claims there is a seasonality in gold but there is also an overwhelming bull case which merits buying now.


548 days ago

Video: The Crowd is Just Waking Up to the Gold Trade

Trader and commentator Greg Weldon is an unashamed gold bull..


554 days ago

Video: Negative Real rates mean inflation ahead, in fact stagflation so buy Gold

Author Adrian Day starts by discussing the lag in economic consequences as a result of rate hikes and changes in monetary policy. Adrian notes that the impacts vary depending on market sector, and that the overall economic effect has yet to be felt.


554 days ago

Red Rock - another day another share issue and punishment beating for we dumb shareholders, Cheryl sums it up poetically

Gold has surged to more than $2000 oz yet shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR) languish at 0.18p. I am down by almost 70% over three years, those who bought the shares the last time gold was at this level are more than 99% down. So gold “unch” over 14 years, Red Rock shares almost 100% down. The reason is, simple:


554 days ago

Video: On the Cusp of a Mega Bull Run in Gold

Of course as a bullion dealer, James Anderson of SD Bullion to the show is talking his own book. But maybe he is right?  James discusses the recent surge in gold demand due to problems in the banking system, with some depositors buying up gold out of concern. He says his firm has  seen record volume which has prompted it to place temporary minimum order limits, as it is difficult to increase staffing levels to meet this sudden demand.


558 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I disagree with Gary on Parkmead and question Nigel's faith in gold and gold juniors

Whether you believe or not I wish you a Happy Easter tomorrow. It is because of the death and resurrection of Jesus we all get a four day break. FACT. So Happy Easter. Then I explain why I would not touch Parkmead (PMG) with a bargebole – I speak as as a vindicated critic – then discuss gold and gold juniors and why, on this matter, I question the faith of Nigel Somerville.


558 days ago

Video: Generalist Funds have about 0% allocation to gold - guess what that means?

Asset manager Bob Thompson is bullish on all things mining but especially gold.


559 days ago

Video with Rick Rule: Gold & Natural Resources About to Outperform other Asset Classes

Of course the legendary investor Rick Rule is talking his own book but with gold at $2,000 maybe he is right at last?


566 days ago

Video: Central Bank Buying & Looming Recession Both Great for Gold

Academic Steve Hanke Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University has a stark message which will delight gold loons such as our own Nigel Somerville..


570 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – prospective debt financing and Iceland Nasdaq main market listing, upgrade to Strong Buy

Gold and strategic metals development and exploration company in Greenland, Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ) has announced that it has agreed heads of terms for $49.5 million of financing to enable trial mining, processing and production of gold doré at its flagship Nalunaq project and we’ve subsequently spoken to CEO Eldur Olafsson.


571 days ago

Video: Gold is Winning Against All Fiat

Trader and writer Francis Hunt of “The Market Sniper”  argues that you ain’t seen nothing yet for gold and that silver will do even better when things really heat up.


579 days ago

Video: The World is Functionally Bankrupt

Gold bugs will enjoy this podcast. Writer Robert Moriarty explains where the money is really coming from to bail out the recent failures in the banking system, noting that the $200 billion figure has ballooned to $2 trillion. Bob says that the Federal Reserve has effectively committed to printing $2 trillion in a week, which is unprecedented.


585 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Virgin Wines will surely wither and die - another IPO disgrace from 2021

In today’s podcast I look at Credit Suisse and the banking crisis, bitcoin, gold, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Online Blockchain (OBC), Mode Global (MODE), Okyo Pharma (OKYO), Virgin Wines (WINO) and Versarien (VRS) in light of the bombshell here earlier today.


589 days ago

Video: The Everything Bubble Collapse – 25x More Capital Into Gold

Broadcaster Michael Maloney details how modern banks simply imagine money into existence with loans. This is NOT real money.


589 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what to think about 3 gold miners? Has the curse of Chris Cleverly struck again?

Today I look at Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR), Ariana (AAU) and Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV). Then at Pantheon Resources (PANR) and at ADVFN (AFN). Finally Evil Banksta has sent me this Bulletin Board post below on Technology Minerals (TMI). I have always been bearish on this stock as any company in any way linked to Chris Cleverly is always a dog with fleas. The post below looks to be kosher, thought it may not be, so, I suspect, does not alter the bear case and my target remains 0p.


607 days ago

Video: Gold the Excellent Risk Diversifier that is Widely Underheld

Money manager Bob Elliot analyses the current economic situation, the role of debt cycles, and the trade-offs between a fiat monetary system and a commodity-based system. He note that productivity is the main driver of growth over the long term, and that debt cycles have been used to make up for declining productivity. He explained the risks associated with governments borrowing to make up for productivity declines and noted that wage growth is maintaining nominal spending at a higher level.


608 days ago

Video: The Fed is Creating a Perfect Setup for New Gold Investors

Keith Weiner runs gold investment firm Gold Standard Institute USA so he is talking his own book.


617 days ago

Video: Could We See a Precious Metals Buying Mania?

Trader David Brady is another gold bull whispering sweet nothings into the ear of our own Nigel Somerville.


617 days ago

Video: The Best Gold Bull Market I Have Ever Seen

Money manager Peter Grandich has a message that our own Nigel Somerville will be delighted to hear. Peter discusses the potential for this gold bull market and why it’s likely extraordinary. He says that Central Banks are buying at record levels, and many of those buying are doing it for safety reasons. He says  that you should not bet against the Fed and don’t bet against central banks when it comes to gold and hence mining shares have yet to reflect what is happening, and are, arguably, as cheap as they can get regarding the price of gold.


623 days ago

Video: All Pistons are Firing for Gold to Reach New Highs this Year

Analyst and trader Michael Moor believes in technical analysis. Whatever.


625 days ago

Video: Golds Time to Shine is Just Coming Into View

Author and analyst David Murrin discusses the role of commodities in the conflicts of the world and how governments should move towards a hybrid market command system in order to secure essential resources and protect their economies. 


629 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now I can talk about Kefi

I start with a meeting at the Ha Ha earlier. As each day passes more details are inked in for ShareStock 2023 on September 23rd. More details and ticket booking is HERE. Then onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Vast Resources (VAST), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and then poor Gary Newman and the effect of those poisonous spiders he kissed from Suriname and Audioboom (BOOM)


629 days ago

Centamin – Q4 and full-year update, a progressing gold BUY

Centamin (CEY) has issued an update on the fourth quarter and full-year of 2022, including emphasising that it is now looking forward to further increasing gold production while continuing to manage cost pressures and progressing the multiple identified opportunities across its portfolio.


629 days ago

Video: The Fed has lost control, of inflation, silver to $100, buy gold

Author and investor Don Durrett might be termed as a bit more of a conspiracy theorist than even our own Nigel Somerville He reckons that the financial media and government tend to release bullish information which is inaccurate and misleading.


630 days ago

BREAKING EXPOSE: The scandal at Caracal Gold, what a colourful cast of “characters” – this is a zero

If the name Caracal Gold (GCAT) does not ring a bell, count yourself lucky not to have this dig in your portfolio because it is a zero and one where the FCA should be crawling all over everything. Until 16 months ago, Caracal went by another name.


630 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The point of speaking to Harry Adams and do I believe the Kefi boss?

I start with the NHS pissing money away on my lawn, then onto why I opt to speak to CEOs, gold and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI)


638 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the argument for not selling rubbish like Red Rock and Wishbone

I start off with why the Times‘ demands for a Sheriff of Tipsters smacks of glass houses and throwing stones. Has its own tipster declared all conflict of interests. Then onto gold, looking at my portfolio and why I have not sold Red Rock (RRR) and Wishbone Gold (WSBN) yet despite my grave governance reservations and their failure to monetise assets whose quality I start to doubt. So why not sell and reinvest in a higher quality play I own like Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU) or even Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). One reason was the illness that laid me so low I just forgot. But there are others which I explain in the podcast, my second of the day after this photo/podcast from Lake Vyrnwy which has given me great pleasure.


643 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the mystery of the Midas Harland and Wolff share tip

I start with a bit about weather, snow rain and drought. Then gold vs bitcoin, Enwell (ENW), Ferrexpro (FXPO), Harland & Wolff (HAWL), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Pantheon Resources (PANR) before ending with Vast Resources (VAST) where a placing at 0.1p is surely being attempted after today’s incomplete news.


645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Pantheon collapses, boy you should have heard Peter Brailey on September 10

I start with a health update, finally some joy from the NHS and, even before that, I am starting to feel better. Then it is onto Pantheon Resources (PANR), Inspirit (INSP), and Atlantic Lithium (ALL) and share options, incentivising the dead. Then macro calls on interest rates, inflation, the real economy, shares, bitcoin, gold and oil. Details of ShareStock 2023 on September 23 are HERE


653 days ago

Video: Worst Recession in Memory and New Highs for Gold in 2023, bitcoin to $9,000

Market Strategist Gareth Soloway of “In The Money Stocks” is a cheery fellow predicting doom and gloom all round unless you are in gold and silver or short shitcoin.


658 days ago

Video: Could $3000 Gold Happen in 2023?

Chris Rutherglen runs Gold Investor Research so he talks his own book here. 


659 days ago

Video: The Coming Financial Iceberg

Alasdair Macleod is the head of research at GoldMoney and a cheery fellow. His conclusion, natch, is to buy gold. And here is why..


659 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: falling out with three old friends edition

Maybe I have fallen out with these folks already: Colin Bird, Richard Poulden, and Andrew Bell. But after this podcast I sure will have done so. I own shares in two companies mentioned. It is my intent to cut my losses when back at my desk in Wales next week and to reinvest the little cash that comes in, in a boring gold play with a dividend which will not be passing the begging bowl around numerous times next year. I think probably I shall buy a few more Ariana (AAU). The three companies that I slate today are Red Rock Resources (RRR), Tiger Royalties (TIR) and Wishbone Gold (WSBN)


666 days ago

Video: Gold – The Anti-Fiat Bubble

Diego Parrilla is an author, engineer and economist and a gold bug.


700 days ago

Jim Mellon’s Condor Gold puts itself up for sale (again), better luck second time around

In September 2015 with its shares at 53p Condor Gold (CNR), backed by my old pal Jim Mellon, announced that to maximise shareholder value it was putting itself up for sale. But with no takers by January 2016 and with its shares back at 20p it called the process off. Today: guess what? It is up for sale again! The shares are now 24p! So much progress in almost seven years!


701 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - The World is Turning To Gold Amidst Armageddon in Crypto

One of the few serious financial podcasters who swears more than me is Chris Irons, aka Quoth the raven. His latest soundings on gold and shitcoins are music to my ears.


705 days ago

Video: The world is turning to gold as debt resets

Francis Hunt, Founder of “The Market Sniper”  Francis, discusses how demand for physical metal appears to be increasing significantly in the United Kingdom. He says that a lot of interest is coming from those in the financial industry and some of those customers have expressed concerns about their employer’s stability. He says that self-directed pensions in the U.K. are also seeing a move away from equities and into custodial backed physical metals.


713 days ago

Video: The End of a Rate Hiking Cycle is Great for Gold

Author and political risk analyst Larry McDonald says that he is concerned about the impacts of rate hikes in Japan and around the world. Central banks are very nervous because they can’t assess the damage inflicted by their policies for many months.


720 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sohail I am not an expert but who is?

I prepare for Halloween with pumpkin carving and soup today. Photos tomorrow.  Sohail says he has given up on gold “experts”. I discuss this and then onto another area where there are a lot of “experts” who all talk their own book and it is the same one. I discuss house prices, volumes and stocks who I reckon will have a bad time includfing Purplebricks (PURP) which I expect to go bust in 2024, or possibly sooner


736 days ago

Amaroq Minerals – shares to recover following recent news flow and more ahead: BUY

Shares in Amaroq Minerals (AMRQ), formerly AEX Gold (AEXG), were above 40p in August before recently falling back to below 35p. They’re now back above 35p and we look for further recovery on upcoming news flow and sentiment improving.


736 days ago

Video: Has Gold Lost Its Safe Haven Status?

Asset manager Tavi Costa believes that we are witnessing an unprecedented economic environment, one with massive withdrawal of liquidity from central banks and developed economies. He says that interest rates and bonds are collapsing across the entire curve and that the dollar’s move up has also been relentless. What is occurring is unsustainable. Tavi discusses how the world’s economies have fallen into three different categories.


740 days ago

Video: The Biggest Wealth Destruction Event in History

Ronald-Peter Stoerferle, author of the  “In Gold We Trust” reports is a cheery fellow. He  believes that recession concerns will be the focus in the United States instead of inflation. This may provide the Fed some leeway as the public will be distracted by the economy. Europe will be more concerned with sticky inflation issues as energy problems continue. He says that Europe is definitely in a recession, and it’s quite likely the United States is now as well.


743 days ago

Video: Dollars or Gold, Choose Wisely

Gold asset manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity reckons that for gold bulls like him the goood rimes really are abnout to start soon as the world goes to hell in a hand cart. Jaime says, “I’ve been preparing for this storm for a long time, and it’s here. I don’t think we can hide from the global volatility. In 2008, they bailed out the banks, but now the question is who will bail out the governments.”


749 days ago

BREAKING: Jim Mellon, Matt Earl and Malcolm Burne join the fun – Sharestock 2023 now open for bookings

Some folks said that I did not give them enough notice about ShareStock 2022 so they were on holiday, could not find anywhere to stay or had accepted a prior engagement. So for 2023 I am giving you almost a year’s notice of an even more unusual event! We start with some amazing new speakers:


783 days ago

Video: The current system is close to collapse, a banking crisis is imminent

This will be music to the ears of Nigel Somerville. Alasdair Macleod predicts that the world is going to hell in a hand cart within months and that we should all buy gold as a result. But then, asd the Head of Research for GoldMoney, this has been his message for a while.


796 days ago

Video: Buy gold and shares, sell bonds as we head for a decade of inflation

Analyst and writer Kevin Muir  says that investors seem to be having problems understanding the current economy and inflation: those in charge are arguing that this past month had no inflation. The reality is that month over month figures may be indicating that inflation has peaked.  Kevin says that this may cause the Fed may to be less hawkish than most investors are expecting.


800 days ago

Video: The rush to buy gold is inevitable and will shock everyone says Quoth The Raven

The only financial podcaster who swears as much as me ( perhaps more) and is almost as outspoken as me is Chris Irons, aka Quoth the Raven. In his latest podcast with Palisade Capital he does not hold back.


815 days ago

ShareStock – Final Main stage speaker announced: gold guru Peter Hambro

I indicated a week or so ago that I was bored by gold’s failure to run higher despite everything. Maybe that was a buy signal as it has, since then, gone up! Is gold a barbarous relic or will it zoom as chaos descends on the West. Peter Hambro has been involved in gold for 50 years- if anyone knows he knows.


815 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Communicating with Amit, O'Hara and a man in a Paddington Dungeon

I end with a few thoughts onb your fires back in Blighty and the relative lack of fires here in Greece and what it says about the global warming scam some folks are pushing. Then dividends, ADVFN (AFN) and Royal Mail Group (RMG). Then Morses Club (MCL) and Optibiotix (OPTI). And I admit to being bored with gold. What does that tell you as I am a real gold bull?


841 days ago

Video: Central Banks Admit They have Lost Control of Inflation - gold should be at $3,000 oz

Analyst Jaime Carrasco says that he predicted inflation as the marginal usefulness of excessive debt has declined. He says that there is plenty of evidence from our debt-based system that a currency reset is coming; Governments taking on the debts of banks was evidence that some sort of currency reset is in the cards. Global trade patterns are rapidly shifting, and gold is part of that equation.


855 days ago

AEX Gold – strategic minerals joint venture heads of terms, a financial game changer? BUY

AEX Gold (AEXG) has announced a new joint venture – in which it will have a 51% holding – for its ‘strategic minerals’ assets, which will see an £18 million (circa Canadian $28.5 million) cash injection. This leaves AEX’s gold 100%-owned, and just refers to non-gold assets that most folks – ourselves included – had valued at SFA. Suddenly, they are worth £18-28 million. Game changer?


856 days ago

Video: Gold, miners and guns - why Governments will want all three, Quoth the Raven

From one foul-mouthed host to another. Chris Irons is Quoth the Raven, and never holds back; in fact, his language is far worse than mine.  


867 days ago

Video: the dollar will collapse & gold will soar

Asset manager David Brady believes another massive rally is coming for gold and that the Fed will reverse course. Countries never chose to default they always inflate their debts away. Markets today are centrally managed. What we have is not free-market capitalism.


867 days ago

AEX Gold – Q1 and strategy update, potential production and exploration Buy

AEX Gold (AEXG) has announced first-quarter results, emphasising that its strategy remains to bring the Nalunaq gold project back into production, and use it as a platform for strategic mineral assets in Greenland.


883 days ago

Video: Stay in cash now, look to buy gold in H2

Analyst, Chris Puplava, argues that Fed rate hikes don’t always result in recessions. He believes there is no spare capacity to compensate for a slowdown and, therefore, the Fed is limited in its ability to control inflation. The November elections are always a factor, and he doesn’t expect the Fed will tighten aggressively into the fall. Mortgage rate hikes, he argues, are already impacting the housing markets, as the interest rate pain threshold has been more pronounced with every debt cycle.


883 days ago

AltynGold – Q1 update, shares up but subsequent detail to spark them further?

Gold miner in Kazakhstan, AltynGold (ALTN) states that it “is pleased to announce its 1Q22 production update” and the shares have moved up to 130p, so what’s the latest?


888 days ago

AEX Gold – adds further exploration potential, still a Buy

AEX Gold (AEXG) is pleased to announce its addition of mineral exploration licences No. 2020-41 and 2021-11, covering areas in South Greenland.


899 days ago

Fresnillo – Q1 production ‘on target’, Buy

Fresnillo (FRES) has announced first quarter of the year production including attributable silver production of 13.28 million ounces and gold production of 0.15 million ounces and that, despite challenges, “2022 guidance remains unchanged”.


915 days ago

Petropavlovsk – even Stevie Wonder can see the writing on this wall

For Petropavlovsk (POG) – as I warned you all on March 4th, here – things go from bad to worse. Its banker and sole purchaser of gold, GazpromBank, is sanctioned by the UK, so the AIM-listed miner cannot generate any revenues, or even pay interest on its debts. Today, the banksters have thus stated that the company is in default and called in the loans.


919 days ago

Video: The Monetary Methadone is Running Out, so buy gold, silver & bitcoin in that order

Apart from on bitcoin, analyst, Gerald Celente, is bang on the money. He kicks off this podcast with the scamdemic, and the resulting actions of governments around the world. He states that one country after another is acting in lockstep, attempting to ‘flatten the curve’ by locking you down and putting you out of business. Then the vaccines came but, contrary to general belief, did worse than nothing. We in the West adopted the Chinese way of suspending our freedoms.


920 days ago

Video: Correlation and Causation in the Gold Market, buy food, buy gold!

Gold analyst, Jeffrey Christian, believes it is clear the world is shifting towards higher gold prices.


925 days ago

AEX Gold – Nalunaq exploration drilling results suggest very real upside potential: BUY

AEX Gold (AEXG) has announced exploration drilling results from its Nalunaq project in Greenland which it emphasises verify that the Valley Block, unrecognised by previous operators, is a new high-grade zone and supports its ‘Dolerite Dyke Model’ which has been used to predict the location and extents of five new high-grade zones.


930 days ago

Video: How do we get $14,000 Gold?

Bullion analyst Nick Barisheff comes out with a call which will cause even our in house gold loon Nigel Somerville to spit out his cornflakes. Of course he is taling his own book. 


931 days ago

Video: The Crowd will Start Chasing Gold like they Chased Bitcoin

Analyst, Gareth Soloway, believes Bitcoin will survive – and thrive – but it’s likely to correct further, as there remains irrational exuberance in the crypto space. He argues that the current pattern is more likely to break down.


931 days ago

Video: We Stand on the Gold Launchpad

Investor, Lawrence Lepard, states that Russia’s actions will likely drive the price of gold, as we’ve reached a tipping point not unlike in the 1970s. Putin is hitting back economically: the theft of reserves was a clear warning to many countries. Thus, the Ukraine/Russia conflict is not only military but economic.


932 days ago

Oracle Power’s Sheikh on the Make comes in handy again – yet another spoof & bailout placing

It is now two years since His Highness, Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, clambered aboard the jam-tomorrow joke that is Oracle Power (ORCP). News of the Sheikh’s involvement saw its shares surge to 1.25p. Last December, he exercised 200 million warrants, meaning he now owns 500 million shares, for which he paid 0.25p each. But Oracle’s share price has flagged a bit of late, as investors have grown mightily tired of its jam-tomorrow coal and gold projects.


932 days ago

Video: Debt and War – The Signs of a Dying Empire, buy Gold not Dollars

Asset Manager, Michael Piepenburg, is quite clear: we are at a turning point when it comes to the death of an Empire, that is to say, America.


944 days ago

Video: Fear Trade Coming for Gold Right Around the Corner

Analyst Don Durrett says that it is fear that will get gold racing away. And he can see plenty of fear on its way. 


957 days ago

Video: Protecting Your Savings with Gold and Silver

Precious metals dealer Patrick Yip is clearly talking is own book but is, I think, correct in suggesting that everything is becoming more expensive and we see that in the one year performance of most commodities. The US Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) report of 7.5% seems to be very understated but this rate of inflation alone would remove 35% of your purchasing power in five years.


958 days ago

Video: Nigel's hero says gold to $4000 by 2024

Nigel Somerville’s hero Jordan Roy Byrne has come out with a big call: gold to $4,000, silver to $100 by 2024 with a stagflationary recession on its way.  The great man says that…


958 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: two penny dreadfuls dying a slow death

I am shortly off to Tesco then will be in action as the family cook. Ahead of that I look at Deepverge (DVRG) run by the arse Gerry Brandon, wondering which will come first, the next trading warning or the next bailout placing, at Mirriad (MIRI) where I disagree with comrade Stacey, Amigo (AMGO), Chill Brands (CHLL), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Cellular Goods (CBX), oil, gold and Ukraine and finally at Argo Blockchain’s (ARB) latest news. 


962 days ago

Video: Rate Hikes Will Kill Wall Street

Bullion manager Stephen Flood says his company is seeing a lot of demand due to inflation concerns. The broader consumer base is not interested in buying gold but he expects this will change. He claims that we’re seeing seven percent inflation and it’s likely much higher. It’s not going to take long for money to halve in buying power.


962 days ago

Video: Fed’s Actions Could Push Gold Past $2300 this Year

Forget Ukraine it is not the real driver of the bull case for gold. Analyst Keith Weiner explains what is and why the makes him a gold bull.


962 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: China the peacemaker? Power shifts out East as the West wallows in woke degeneracy

I start with events in Ukraine and possible peace and where that leaves some Russian owned stocks.  Then I turn to Ncondezi (NCCL) and then a detailed explanation of why today’s Versarien (VRS) analysis matters but also why the cash crunch is coming far sooner than most morons realise and the next bailout for the loathsome Ricketts will not be pretty. And then I ask where next for gold and oil prices and stocks?


971 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Mrs is a"blackleg" - how very proud of her I am!

I start with a few thoughts on flooded fields then on where next for Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer after yesterday’s six months in jail (suspended pro tem) bombshell.I fear that things are very soon going to ge much worse for her.  Then onto Ukraine and panic, oil and gold. Then onto Hargreaves Lansdowne (HL) and finally as to why I am so proud of the Mrs which is,in a way, linked to Hargreaves.


974 days ago

Video: Interest Rate Tightening Cycles are Great for Gold

Analyst Mark O’Byrne is puzzled by gold’s lack of reaction to current global risks.  He says that the metals should have moved higher in response to inflation. Supposedly, they are anticipating rate hikes but a large move seems unlikely as that would crash the markets. Inflation is not transitory and we’re just seeing the start of it. He expects weakness in the short term for gold as Fed takes some sort of action. Then he says that within a short period afterward, we will see gold break to the upside.


986 days ago

AltynGold – Q4 update, “one of the most undervalued gold mining stocks on the London Stock Exchange”?

AltynGold (ALTN) has made a “4th Quarter results” announcement and states that it is “positive that we will deliver even better numbers in the coming year”. So what’s the detail?…


989 days ago

Video: Gold awakening the sleeping giant

Without making a specific call, analyst John Roque makes gutsy bold points worthy of note and the short equities/long gold long energy stocks short tech thesis is at the core of what Roque says.


989 days ago

Video: Fed Reversing Course will be magic for gold as shares crash

Writer Jesse Felder warns that equities have NEVER been more overvalued but that gold offers a …golden opportunity to get rich


989 days ago

A resting banker explains why Cineworld is a zero

Lucian Miers and myself have repeatedly called out Cineworld (CINE) as a compelling short and those who have followed our calls have prospered. But the FT, the home of almost every wrong call in history from backing the UK joining the Euro to selling its gold in 1997, runs a story “Cineworld debt pile set to save cinema operator from bankruptcy.” You might think this is a reason to buy. Au contaire. A resting banksta writes to me to explain.


998 days ago

Video: Gold Will Outperform Bitcoin and Stocks this Year

Another one to annoy our in-house bitcoin loon Jimbo although I sense that this particular sinner is somewhat repenting. 


999 days ago

Centamin – Q4 update, further recovery ahead

Centamin (CEY) has announced “the final quarter delivered what was a highly successful 2021” and that it is now looking forward to delivering on a clear roadmap to growing and unlocking further value from the Sukari gold mine in Egypt and its exploration portfolio. The shares have responded up to 93.425p and look to have much further to go.


1002 days ago

Video: Energy Crisis will drive gold to new highs

I cannot help but think that unfolding events in the Ukraine are going to be positive for both gold and oil in the coming weeks. But that is not the thesis of analyst Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report. Steve seeks to show how energy can impact the price of gold and why it essentially sets a floor for the metal. He argues that the foundation of our global economy is the cost to produce goods and there has to be a profit margin: Everything has a margin but unfortunately, investors often forget this factor when evaluating charts.


1002 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Unilever's new Emperor's ESG Clothes and TW ramping gold and deramping bitcoin bollocks

I start with the suggestion that I am ramping gold and de-ramping Bitcoin. I discuss this nonsense although I am vaguely flattered that anybody thinks me so omnipotent. Then onto Unilever (ULVR). Finally a related discussion on the wretched Sunday Times coverage of the laughable Black Pound Report.  I refer to the LadBible piece HERE


1003 days ago

Video: Bitcoin to crash to $20,000 but gold set to puke too

I run this to annoy both our in-house crypto loon Jimbo but also gold loon Nigel Somerville. But Andrew Gilbert who makes the call is a chartist so, almost certainly, wrong.


1004 days ago

Video: Here is why gold is heading to $3,000

Chris Rutherglen is a chartist so feel free to ignore everything he says but just to keep Nigel happy out there in freezing Montana at the log cabin with only the Unabomber on the next mountain to chat to .


1014 days ago

Video: Rick Rule says that Gold & Silver About to Go Much Higher

Perhaps the world’s best known resource investor Rick Rule is, of course,talking his own book but now he hasretired from Sprott he claims he can speak more freely than before. The joys of being unregulated. Don’t I know it!


1023 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The ghastly Mail on Sunday airbrushes history for a man who lost £21m of other folks cash

Yes Piers Linney is back. I fill in a few gaps for Mail readers including red flags from the latest venture of disgraced Piers, Moblox Limited.  Then it is onto macro predictions on oil, gold, interest rates,inflation, house prices, tax, equity markets and bitcoin. Happy New Year.


1028 days ago

AEX Gold – Valley Block early signs “very encouraging”, Buy

AEX Gold (AEXG) has announced that  it “is pleased to provide shareholders with an end of year update”, with it noting a revised mine plan will be driven by drilling results in the Valley Block where the early signs are “very encouraging”.


1036 days ago

Video: China Could Tip-Off a Global Inflationary Tsunami & for goldbugs that is what we need

Analyst Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity is still a gold bull and here’s why.


1038 days ago

Video: Gold to 3,000 oz and higher

Nigel worships the ground on which Jordan Roy Byrne walks. But to me he is just another chartist. Nuff said. If only to humour Nigel, I bring you Jordan’s latest shout. Gold at $3,000. That would be nice but I am not betting the ranch on it. Nor should you Nigel.


1058 days ago

AEX Gold – Q3 update, Nalunaq and exploration upside potential: too much yakking but we still have faith

AEX Gold (AEXG) has announced third quarter results and an update including that a Nalunaq project engineering study is on track to be completed by the end of the year and that it is extremely excited by the wider exploration potential of its assets and looks forward to also being able to demonstrate the potential value of its non-gold, strategic mineral assets in due course.


1058 days ago

Video: Fed’s New Faces Present an even more Favorable Situation for Gold

Commentator Adrian Day says that “The Fed’s bark is worse than it’s bite.”


1058 days ago

More incredible analysis worthy of Buffett from the UK's top gold analyst David Lenigas

Once again, if I have ever given the impression that David Lenigas is a penny share spiv happy to tell total porkies to promote worthless investments such as UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) I must apologise. And I mean that most sincerely. For this morning the great number cruncher has produced, on twitter, more in-depth and compelling research with conservative share price targets on a stock where I happen to be long, not that this influences me in any way. The great man reckons shares in this gem might gain 66% within weeks. Who am I to argue?


1063 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why I can't be as bullish as I should be on gold & is La Willingham's chairman independent in any way?

I start on gold and why, though a bull, I can’t be as bullish as I think I should be. We are all prisoners of our pasts. Then back to Nightcap (NGHT) the corporate goverance disgrace founded by Sarah Willingham of Dragon’s Den fame. This all started with the greed and reward for failure I exposed HERE, the misuse of company funds exposed HERE and then the shocking undisclosed relationship of La Willingham with the chap who runs the Remuneration Committee HERE. Now I turn to chairman Gareth Edwards and another NED Thi Hanh Jelf and the Pinsent Masons connection. Can we really view Gareth as independent?  I call for three resignations and the return of company funds first thing tomorrow. That is the least Nomad Allenby should accept as the price for it not resigning.


1075 days ago

Video: Gold is About to Enter it’s Next Leg-Up

Analyst Michael Oliver believes the movement in gold last week was just the start of another bull run. Silver is in a similar pattern to gold but needs to reach $25.37 on a weekly close to trigger a move higher, he claims.


1081 days ago

Video: Nigel's hero Jordan Roy Byrne warns gold is going lower - won't see $1950 for 12months

Oops. this is the man gold mega bull Nigel Somerville always defers to, Jordan Roy Byrne and for gold bugs his warning is bleak. The yellow metal ain’t going anywhere fast and indeed could go lower until Spring 2022. Ouch Nigel….time to move back from Montana, sell the beans and gold and buy some meme stocks? Over to you Nigel to respond. Meanwhile here is Jordan…


1090 days ago

Video: Gold – The Center of the Financial Universe

Investor and writer Nate Fisher kicks off by describing a regular monthly pattern he sees with silver that is indicative of manipulation.


1093 days ago

Video: Gold and Inflation

Analyst Jeffrey Christian admits that folks do not agree about what will happen next.  He discusses his recent presentation at the Silver Symposium and how his opinions differ. He notes that all currencies are fiat and that gold’s value is determined by fiat. Much in the same way that currencies are valued by national central banks.


1093 days ago

Golden Prospect Precious Metals – half-year disappointment, but upside potential from this still well in the money tip

Predominantly precious metals companies investor, Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPM) has announced results for the first half of 2021, with experienced Chairman Malcolm Burne noting “governments acknowledge gold’s safe-haven protection even if the fickle investment community does not” currently.


1109 days ago

Video: Gold 1, Bitcoin 0

This is just for Jimbo! Writer Keith Weiner says that economists and experts tend to say the strangest things and most of their statements don’t pass basic scrutiny.


1115 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Agony and the Ecstasy

I sart with a chat I had with my friend Lucian Miers on Demetri Kofinas and financial nihilism. Honest, it is more interesting than it sounds. Then to gold and why one might be losing faith. Lucian has.  Then to two stocks I own Kefi (KEFI) and MyHealthchecked (MHC) and one that I do not and which is on its way down the plughole: the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL).


1121 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – interims, production guidance maintained. Buy

Miner in Azerbaijan, Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ) has announced results for the first half of 2021 and that “FY 2021 Production guidance of between 64,000 to 72,000 gold equivalent ounces remains unchanged”.


1127 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - a sink full of beans which I shall be selling for gold by Christmas

I already have 25 bags of beans in the freezer and another 4 jars in oil in my larder but yesterday I picked the last of the 2021 harvest, enough to fill half a sink. Now you may laugh but it will be me who laughs last and loudest. Let me explain.


1141 days ago

Video: Bullion will be Impossible to Find in a Crisis

Bullion dealer James Anderson looks at gold demand since 2020 and argues that interest in metals is steadily increasing. In the years to come, he predicts that this interest will continue as uncertainty in the markets grows: The structure of the financial system today is vastly different than in the past. Now there are layers of obscurity hiding the unstable system. Eventually, these problems will be too big to hide.


1142 days ago

Video: Gold Stocks Are Only Industry Beating Inflation Today

Investor Michael Gentile has a simple message about the only way to cope with inevitable inflation coming down the track towards us and fast.


1148 days ago

Video: Bullish Signals All-Around in the Mining Stocks

Analyst John Feneck of Feneck Consulting, argues that FOMC Chair Powell is a former attorney and isn’t an economist. So, it’s important to listen to what the Fed chair is saying and avoid noise from others, even those at the Fed. John explains the importance of non-farm payrolls metrics but one should also watch the CPI and home prices. He cautions that a single metric should not affect the gold sector that much.


1150 days ago

Video - gold is going up but bitcoin will see $20,000

Okay, the call is from a chartist so you may wish to ignore it but since it will annoy some folks here goes anyway.


1157 days ago

Video: In a Crisis You Need Gold - it will reach $6000 an ounce!

Dan Popescu is an independent investment analyst of the gold and silver markets and starts with a history lesson to justify his bold prediction.


1157 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – Zafar maiden JORC Mineral Resource adds to potential

Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ) has announced a maiden JORC Mineral Resource for its Zafar polymetallic deposit in the Gedabek contract area, Azerbaijan, which it argues is “extremely encouraging and will help underpin the company’s future long-term production growth”.


1160 days ago

Video: The Dollar is a one way bet, Confidence is Grinding Lower

Analyst Craig Hemke, founder of TF Metals Report is no fence sitter. Craig discusses the growing shift in wealth inequality since the untethering of the dollar from the gold standard. The ending of the gold standard required faith and confidence in the US government. Today, that confidence is steadily waning.


1184 days ago

Video: Gold Has not YET Responded to Negative Rates (it will)

Asset manager Michael Gayed notes that this year has been remarkable in many ways. That is a bit of an understatement.


1184 days ago

Video: one more melt up for the Dow before a repeat of dotcom crash & lines in the sand for Gold and Silver

Patrick Karim is a technicals based trader so take what he says with a pinch of salt but he makes a few big calls. 


1184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will gold hit $18,000 - do I have to mention Cheryl?

I start with events on the Isle of Man and general covid lunacy and how that makes everything – including MyHeathChecked (MHC) – such a gamble. When will this track and trace madness stop? It is sheer insanity. Then I look at the gold price reviewing my portfolio and finally a few words on today’s expose on Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) where the silence of its scumbag advisors is deafening.


1185 days ago

Video: Gold is at the START of a ten year bull market - $18,000 oz is the target

This will be music to the ears of our in-house gold loon Nigel Somerville. Trent Norris from Sterling Capital is a gold bull but a silver mega bull. He believes the mining sector is in an excellent buying opportunity at that we are near the start of the cycle, which usually lasts a decade.


1204 days ago

Video: Current Monetary System makes Gold even safer

The author of the annual “In Gold we Trust” report Ronald-Peter Stöeferle has titled this year’s dossier “Monetary Climate Change” and the reports cover shows the Statue of Liberty drowning in debt. Ronald is trying to show the lack of sustainability of the US monetary system.


1233 days ago

Video: 1:1 Dow to Gold Ratio – $25,000 Gold Coming

Pierre Lassonde is the Co-Founder of Franco Nevada and formerly was President of Newmont Mining so knows his onions but is also talking his own book big time. With that caveat, he starts by discussing how a weak dollar and a low-interest-rate environment are good for gold. Real interest rates have to remain low or the debt can’t be repaid. Effectively today, we have negative interest rates, and that is always good for gold he argues.


1233 days ago

Crypto is Tulip 2.0!

I am a crypto bear but am aware that some readers think I am a silly old dinosaur and disagree. They might be at least half right! If only to stimulate debate i bring you a detailed note from Fox Davies which appears to be a fellow member of the old dinosaur club.


1246 days ago

Video: Stealthiest Bull Market Ever for Gold

Russell Starr is President and CEO of Trillium Gold so is talking his own book. But he talks a lot of sense. He explains how we are in the stealthiest gold bull market because most investors are overlooking it. This lack of interest has created enormous opportunities for investors. Inflation is likely to drive generalist investors back. Just consider housing prices and compare them with the official CPI numbers. The value of everything is being destroyed, and investors will soon realize that they should put money into gold


1250 days ago

Video: Measuring the move to $2900 gold as equities look set to crash

Equity strategist Gareth Soloway is as bullish on gold as he is bearish on equities, He claims one should balance news with chart technicals. I guess he is half right. Gareth says that you want to be aware of new economic data even though his focus is primarily on the charts. 


1250 days ago

BREAKING: Kefi – New Update from Ethiopia

As first reported here on Sunday, there seems to be a certain amount of argy bargy in Ethiopia which some have taken to threaten the Tulu Kapi mine owned by Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI).  Yesterday, Kefi said that it had received no letter indicating the mine was under threat but overnight a statement appeared on the website of the ministry of mining.


1252 days ago

Video: Fiat is Dead – Trade it for Real Value

Investor Rafi Zarber is a libertarian and an Austrian school economist so clearly can do no wrong at all in my eyes. He recently penned an article on money as a gold substitute where he defines the meaning of sound and hard monies. Money needs to be predictable in what it measures and have a predictable supply. Debt substitutes and paper promises become problematic over time, and the entire system becomes unbalanced. These imbalances cause price and supply disruptions across sectors, including commodities like mining.


1253 days ago

Video: Gold and Silver – Technical Break Outs just Starting

Kevin Wadsworth and Patrick Karim are both chartists so feel free to ignore everything they say.


1271 days ago

Video: If Gold is a Ship, Silver is a Rocket

As an IT geek turned mining entrepreneur John Lee of Silver Elephant Mining is talking his own book here.  He argues that everything in life is  probability-based, including gold and silver, and much hinges on the dollar. The dollar has recently broken down, which is great for metals, but if it resumes its uptrend, that would be tamper silver expectations.


1273 days ago

Video: Gold’s Next Move Up Will be a Quantum Leap

Michael Oliver warns that the charts tell you that equity markets are topping and points out that the large leading stocks are waning in these indexes. This could be a sign of trouble and evidence of a gradual decline into a bear market. He discusses how bonds are usually inverse to equities, and they are watching for a counter-trend rally. If significant funds get nervous, they will move to treasury bonds and gold.


1275 days ago

BREAKING: BlueBird Merchant Ventures – Aussies Southern Gold spill the beans, buy Bluebird (which must issue an RNS!)

Last night Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), pro tem, partner in Korea, Aussies Southern Gold spilled the beans on how the buyout talks on Kochang and Gubong are going.  I suggest that you should buy Bluebird shares first thing and that Bluebird needs to issue an RNS ASA


1282 days ago

Kefi Gold & Copper – very good news from Saudi but the even better news still awaited: be patient: STRONG BUY

Tuesday saw great news from Saudi Arabia from Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) but where was that “funding secured” in Q1 news on Tulu Kapi we were all expecting? Er… Wednesday brought a Q1 update and guess what? Yes: funding is not yet secured. To Saudi first…


1283 days ago

EXPOSE: Shares in IMC Exploration rocket on RTO News but is it telling the whole tawdry truth?

Shares in long term dog IMC Exploration (IMC)  have soared on news that it is to do an RTO of the company owning the Karaberd gold mine in Armenia. But is what it says in the RNS the whole truth or has it engaged in a deal on an asset originally awarded on a questionable basis and with a company that has screwed local people and welshed on a string of financial commitments?


1288 days ago

Video: Creating Generational Wealth in Junior Gold Stocks

Writer Erik Wetterling of the Hedgeless Horseman claims that real assets are undcervalued, indeed are at 97 year lows. What is a real asset? Gold of course.


1291 days ago

Video: Bitcoin is not real money

Gold businessman Keith Weiner argues that there is no way to extinguish debt in our current system, so the total debt grows, and due to interest, it tends to grow exponentially. He says that in the past, the Fed loosened regulations and lowered rates, but it’s like they are now pushing on a string. 


1292 days ago

Centamin – remains a recovery buy

Gold miner in Egypt Centamin (CEY) announced results for the 2020 calendar year emphasising “record revenue of US$829 million… generated significant free cash flow, of US$142 million, a 91% increase, making it possible to propose and pay dividends attributable to 2020 of US$104 million”  but also ‘impacted guidance’. A recovery buy?


1295 days ago

Video: The Mega Debt Bubble Reset

Trader Francis Hunt “The Market Sniper” says that gold is acting as the bellwether for the collapsing global economy. Gold and silver will soon be unleashed, not unlike the recent major moves in palladium and rhodium. He says that a lot is happening behind the scenes that will affect precious metals, and he looks closely at the macro picture surrounding the markets and bonds.


1301 days ago

BREAKING: Bluebird Merchant Ventures close to agreeing Korea deal say the Aussies

This is jolly good news for we long-suffering but loyal shareholders in Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV). I have been shown an email from a senior executive at Aussie based Southern Gold.


1314 days ago

Video: Too Much Debt & No Going Back

Economist John Adams works for bullion dealer As Good As Gold Australia so he talks his own book. But his views would once have been mainstream Austrian. So much has changed. 


1314 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 22: Well over 2 hours of gold, blockchain, bubbles, crashes & value with Richard Poulden and Chris Bailey

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on Wishbone Gold (WSBN) where I own shares and am a bull and on his other company Upper Thames (UPPT) a blockchain play where I cannot hide that I do not get it at all and Chris “Three Brains” Bailey on what he is buying and on macro-economics.You can access the show HERE 


1316 days ago

Video: The fiat endgame is $6,000 gold and $180 silver

All chartists, not just Zak Mir, talk total cobblers and so here are two of them on the subject of gold, silver, and copper. Kevin Wadsworth and Patrick Karim talk cobblers. I’d love them to be right but I bet they are not. Enjoy.


1322 days ago

Video: Rick Rule - Why Gold Miners Are on Sale

Perhaps the world’s best known mining investor, Rick Rule of Sprott, has recently announced his phased retirement. Is this a sign that the gold game is up?  Au contraire.


1325 days ago

Video: Commodities Flashing inflation, gold is next

Money manager Vincent Lanci explains some of the terms surrounding the bond markets and the current signs of low investor interest. Strangely, there was a massive reaction on Thursday’s Treasury auction to that lack of interest. The market was behaving like it expected the Fed to raise rates. In his speech on Thursday, everything that Powell said revealed the Fed would not raise rates, and they were not concerned by inflation. They stated they would remain extremely accommodating.


1326 days ago

Video: Big Money About to Rush into Gold

Gold investor Don Durrett believes that the yellow metal is currently trapped on the chart and will fall before it recovers. Investors currently don’t have a good reason to exit the stockmarket and buy gold. If a correction occurs in stocks, it seems unlikely that gold will avoid taking a liquidity hit, but it will recover.


1326 days ago

Bonus Video: A gold round table with Tom Winnifrith, Chris Bailey and Nigel Somerville

This is a bonus video for you all discussing gold with a bull ( Chris), a mega bull (Nigel) and a reluctant & cautious bull (me). We discuss macroeconomics, gold, silver, PGMs and copper and certain gold investments.


1333 days ago

Video: The Financial System is Starting to Crack & the bull case for Platinum

Analyst David H. Smith has a prediction to delight we loyal shareholders in Jubilee Metals (JLP). Nope, not Colin Bird’s resignation but almost as good is his view on the relationship between platinum and palladium and why the prices between them are currently inverted. Platinum being quite rare, it is usually more expensive than both gold and palladium. This trend seems to be in the process, he argues, of returning to normal. Good news.


1333 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 20: 2 hours of gold, flashbacks to 2001, value investing and Kerim Sener

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU), where I am a loyal shareholder, and then with the sorcerer’s apprentice Steve Moore on the markets and on what he owns. You can access the show HERE 


1341 days ago

Video: Stampede Coming Into Gold and Silver

Jim Forsythe served in the USAF and campaigned for the great Ron Paul, my hero, back in 2008. So he can do no wrong in my book although his participation in the recent #silverrsqueeze is perhaps a minor blemish. Jim says that learning from Ron Paul helped him understand the economic system that the world is under, and “The bigger problems facing the U.S. that are internal.” He has been a firm gold and silver believer since 2007, investing in both miners and physical. He says, “People need to make their own choice to have gold and silver as money.”


1342 days ago

An apology to Mr David Lenigas, the UK's top analyst of gold stocks

Of course, I am not influenced at all by my ownership of a significant number of shares in Wishbone Gold (WSBN), at 15p valued at £24 million. I note the claim, below, by Mr David Lenigas that Wishbone’s gold asset may offer a bigger gold target than that of Greatland Gold, market cap £856 million. If I have ever given the impression that I consider Mr Lenigas a penny share pushing stock promoter prone to laughable hyperbole I would like to apologise. The man, as you can see below, is the most prudent and conservative analyst of high quality gold stocks in Britain today. He is a National treasure.


1345 days ago

Video: gold will hit record highs this year & there is an arms race in commodities

After the recent fun and games in silver, writer Lior Gantz starts this podcast 40 years ago.  He explains the 1980 Hunt Brothers short squeeze and how they managed to corner the silver market by buying up a third of the global supply. The government’s solution was to prevent long contracts and forced the Hunt Brothers to sell.


1345 days ago

AEX Gold – sincere apologies for Nalunaq development disappointment, but average down

There is an “Update on Nalunaq Development” announcement from AEX Gold (AEXG) which we apologise for and about which CEO Eldur Olafsson was also very apologetic in a chat we’ve had. He damn well should be!


1353 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 18: A mining stock I've called wrong twice in 5 weeks plus Ross Norman with his gold, silver & PGM targets

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Tony Manini of Asiamet (ARS) which, I am starting to think, I have called wrong twice in 5 weeks and then gold guru Ross Norman on where the precious metals are going this year. As a Jubilee Metals (JLP) shareholder his biggest call is the most exciting for me. As ever, on the macro view and on bitcoin, Ross is brilliant. Then from me I discuss where UK small cap shares will go in the current climate. You can access the show HERE 


1355 days ago

Nalunaq on google earth

A hat tip to reader TP who spotted the amazing photo below on Google earth. I am – as you know – a shareholder in AEX Gold (AEXG) which will be pouring the first gold from here before Christmas. In fact I added to my holding at 57p the other day and see the shares doubling or trebling within eighteen month. Anyhow, enjoy the impressive photo.


1357 days ago

AltynGold – “pleased to announce” Q4 production update and we can understand why, shares still cheap

Kazakhstan gold miner AltynGold (ALTN) is “pleased to announce” a fourth quarter 2020 production update – and the shares have currently responded a pleasing circa 30% higher. So what’s behind the re-rate?


1358 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – special dividend & “significant opportunities” - still more upside in the shares

Good News! There has been a ‘special dividend’ announcement from gold, copper and silver producer in Azerbaijan Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ), with it noting that it has delivered expected strong cash generation. So what’s the detail?


1360 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 17: Well over 2 hours with a professional comedian and a bloke who runs an AIM listed company. Boom Boom.

It is such a good joke I think I make it about 5 times in what follows. And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), where i am a loyal shareholder expecting the shares to double or more by mid year, and also Dominic Frisby. The singer, songwriter, comedian, gold guru, bitcoin expert and libertarian is on great form especially on the bitcoin/gold issue and tips the only AIM stock he owns and explains why. You will laugh and learn with him. You can access the show HERE


1361 days ago

Video: Yield Spike Will Burst Stock Market Bubble but also whack gold, bitcoin and silver

Macroeconomist Henrik Zeberg analyses where we are in the winter season of the Kondratieff cycle and what comes next. He believes we are approaching the final deflationary phase, which will have severe consequences for investors.


1367 days ago

Video: gold miners suggest market crash is near

Writer Lance Lewis says that his early career as a tech analyst taught him the business cycle and that it was much easier back then to make money on the short side of the market, but that always came with risk. And that is why he is making this big call today.


1369 days ago

AEX Gold – positive procurement update, remains a strong buy - stock to more than double by Christmas!

AEX Gold (AEXG) has provided an update on procurement activity for its Nalunaq gold project, emphasising that it continues to de-risk the project’s schedule. That is very encouraging and confirms our belief that these shares should, at least, double within a year. If you doubt us, watch boss Eldur Olafsson on the latest video show HERE.


1369 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 16: Well over 2 hours of gold with Nigel Somerville and Eldur Olafsson who will double or treble your money

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Eldur Olafsson of AEX Gold (AEXG) who will, I am convinced, double or treble your money. I am a shareholder and this is, increasingly, becoming my favourite gold play.  I also chat to in house gold guru Nigel Somerville on whether gold is off the boil and on the stocks he owns. You can access the show HERE


1369 days ago

Video: Buy gold and silver on the dips, silver juniors are the sweet spot

Asset manager Jonathan Mergott, says that what folks are missing is that we are now seeing a loss of faith in the system. This will be the main driver for gold.


1370 days ago

Gold guru Ross Norman’s surprisingly cautious 2021 predictions

Ross Norman of Metals Daily is an industry veteran and knows his onions. His 2021 precious metals forecasts will surprise gold bugs such as our in-house loon Nigel Somerville, with their caution. Over to the great man who predicts:


1373 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am NOT losing my faith in gold

I note the comments on gold by Lucian Miers HERE and Nigel Somerville HERE. Are the bulls in retreat? Well I am not and I explain why. Like Lucian, I am attracted to non-gold metals, even if Colin Bird is involved, but I am still c25% weighted in gold and happy to be so.


1374 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 15: Stuart Ashman runs what could be a 20 bagger and Lucian Miers on his longs and shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Staurt Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) where I am 130% up in seven months but think the shares could 20 bag from here and bear raider Lucian Miers on macro economics his cooling feelings on cold and warming feelings on bitcoin and his big longs and shorts. Then there are a few thoughts on companies you must NOT own, including the latest nonsense from the scallywags at Powerhouse Energy (PHE).You can access the show HERE


1375 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – Production and Operations update highlights potential, Buy...

Gold, copper and silver producer in Azerbaijan Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ) has made a “Q4 and Full Year 2020 Production and Operations” announcement, noting Q4 full-year production of 67,249 gold equivalent ounces – suggesting Q4 of 16,542 such ounces – and that it is looking to “take advantage of the current market to expand.”


1376 days ago

Video: Copper Signals Inflation As Gold Remains Suppressed

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity looks back on 2020, the elections, and why the world needs a monetary reset. As some of us keep pointing out to bearded lefty crackpot Darren Atwater, Jaime notes that Darren’s beloved Canada is making many stupid decisions around energy and the economy. Globally, the consequences are becoming evident from all the money printing. Darren, be warned, this will end in tears for you and the cats. 


1381 days ago

Video: Inflation Starting to Rear its Ugly Head: buy bitcoin and gold shares

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates argues that the system has failed due to unsound money, and an immediate restructuring would be preferable. The alternative may be dragging the process out for the next twenty years. He explains the differences between today and 2008 and why we haven’t seen much increase in money velocity yet.


1383 days ago

Video: Silver’s Biggest Gains Starting Now

Silver Guru David Morgan says that in inflation adjusted terms silver is near all time lows and that “90% of the move comes in the last 10% of the time.” Physical demand in 2020 for silver from ETF’s has been unprecedented, and the gold-silver ratio has also outperformed. He argues that silver should continue to outpace gold, and he expects this bull run to continue for another two or three years.


1383 days ago

Video: Bitcoin fuelled by a con, gold will surge

Analyst Kirian van Hest is a specialist on the Comex and where its delivery default risk may be heading in the coming months. Kirian was expecting more stimulus this last Autumn and more investment in the precious metals. He says that the numbers Comex is reporting are highly suspect, and it appears that it’s now one big fraud. He feels that by February or the latest, the middle of 2021, the Comex’s fraud will become very evident.


1384 days ago

Another heartfelt apology to Mr David Lenigas

If I have ever given the impression that Mr David Lenigas, aka Big Dave, is a shameless ramper and promoter of penny shares I would like to apologise most sincerely. As a fellow shareholder In Wishbone Gold (WSBN) I note the tweet below and it must now be clear to all, that Mr Lenigas is the most thoughtful, balanced and objective analyst of gold stocks here in London and, as the late great father of the late Paula Yates used to say “I mean that most sincerely.” Mind you, on this occasion, Mt Lenigas might actually be right.


1384 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: stand with your red flag on the side of the track not in front of an approaching express train

I start with the 12 day of Christmas , what it means and what will happen here. Then it is on to events in Georgia, gold & the US economy. Then in today’s bout of market madness I look at Bidstack (BIDS), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Online Blockchain (OBC) and at Zenith Energy (ZEN).


1386 days ago

Bonus podcast from Tom Winnifrith: Why Georgia matters so much today for the gold price and for the future of the US

This is massive for US politics, the US economy and for we gold bugs. There are two Senate races being decided in Georgia today. I explain why they are occurring, why they are causing gold to spike, what are the implications of the results and what they will mean for 2022 and 2024. The reference to the 2020 General Election fraud is HERE


1387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: rejoice, rejoice, rejoice - Three Brains has recovered!

I start with the new nickname for baby Jaya and why I am double sleep deprived. Men of my age really should not be fathering babies. Then to the great news, I have spoken to Chris Bailey and he is recovered and plans to start writing again this week. I discussed gold, inflation, market madness with Chris and relay our thoughts. Then I ask you to consider your mask wearing habits and discuss Remote Monitored Solutions (RMS). Finally can you top £150 for a bid for something worth 2 Euro which will not arrive for 6 months? Please do so before midnight HERE.  And the reason I may need to seek asylum in England is explained HERE.


1387 days ago

We are already 100% ahead but BUY Golden Prospect Precious Metals - target price 100p

The response to the covid story of 2020 has been, short-term, government largesse and looks set to be longer-term debt and economic problems. In short, the stage looks set for gold to outperform – particularly with it down from more than $2,000 per ounce reached in the summer to currently around $1,860. So that means you need leveraged exposure to that.


1387 days ago

Video: The Gold standard is garbage

Analyst Martin Armstrong uses AI to generate hios reports but despite that seems to talk some sort of sense. He warns of the failing European politics and economics and why their global agendas are becoming an enormous burden on the world. The critical issue today is faith in government and the consequences when this collapses. People in Europe are hoarding cash, which is driving the ECB to implement a digital currency.


1402 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 14: Dr Doom becomes a mega bull & 1 stock where you MUST average down!

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble (FOX) and Dr Doom David Scott. I discuss averaging down  and after news this week Fox is a rare case where that is justified. This will – as I explain in the show – be a multibagger from here. Meanwhile Dr Doom is now a bull. we discuss sharers, bonds, real estate, bitcoin and gold in a must listen to interview. Then there are a few thoughts on companies you must NOT own, including Powerhouse Energy (PHE).You can access the show HERE


1404 days ago

Video: The End Of The Federal Reserve& the dollar as we start the last great gold rush

Author Charles Goyette  does not mince his words. They will print dollars until they destroy the currency and this means you must be ready for the last great gold rush. He argues that there is something different about this bull market – bull markets are generally driven by money printing, but today this is unprecedented and global.


1405 days ago

Video: Fed will lose control of inflation so silver, gold and bitcoin will soar

Writer Lyn Alden looks at the economic downturn and notes  that we’ve seen a rebound in some asset classes, but, she argues, that it will take most of 2021 to see all the effects play out. We’ve seen a weaker dollar and slowing GDP growth globally. By late 2021 the global economy should improve gradually.


1408 days ago

Video: Finding Upside Leverage to Gold - $3000 within 5 years

Analyst Steve Thomas notes that after a slow decline in gold prices, sentiment reached a new low when Bitcoin tested its all-time high. These times, he suggests, are buying opportunities.


1412 days ago

Video: Negative Yields Pushing Money into Bitcoin and Gold

Nicholas Mertin is the founder of Digifox a digital finance platform and DataDash, the largest cryptocurrency YouTube channel is talking his own book here. But as we have a few bitcoin nutters on this website, as well as the legion of gold bugs headed up by comrade Somerville,  here is something for you.


1414 days ago

Video: the world is bust but bitcoin is NOT Gold

Bullion dealer Simon Mikhailovich argues that today’s accounting practices may look okay on paper but the truth is that we are bust. It is now impossible to meet the future demands on cash-flow. Rates today are at 5000-year lows, while most assets are very overpriced. The dollar has declined in value during the past century by 95%. He argues that since interest rates are now zero, currency can only fall in value from here.


1417 days ago

Video - the EU banking system will implode, PS buy gold

Analyst Alasdair Macleod believes, unlike our beloved Government, in sound money. As such he does not read too much into November’s gold slippage.


1422 days ago

Video: The Runaway Gold Market will see the yellow metal at $4,000-$5,000 within two years

Bullion industry veteran Bill Haynes views the amazing prospects for gold in the context of past events starting with Nixon closing the gold window in the early 1970s. Bill believes that gold could reach 4 or 5 thousand dollars an ounce in the next couple of years and so says, “People need to buy gold before it gets too expensive.”


1423 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I must ask myself have I got it wrong on gold?

Firstly, we are just £121 short on our Woodlarks appeal target. Will twelve of you donate a tenner and I promise to shut up until February.  Please give HERE. Then I look at gold. Have I got it wrong again? Should I sell? If not what am I buying, I flag up three stocks which I may nibble at


1423 days ago

Video: Gold Price Signaling Imminent Stimulus, gold juniors cheaper than at any time for 20 years

Analyst David Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics argues that banks like JP Morgan leverage commodity market options via manipulating prices via massive amounts of paper contracts. This manipulation is a source of massive profits for these bullion banks and is permitted because it benefits Central Banks. These shock and awe hits to the market are designed to shake out weak participants.


1426 days ago

Video: Gold and bitcoin to the moon, or at least $4,000 for the yellow metal

Asset manager Frank Holmes argues that the US the election results and a split house may be the perfect scenario for the stock market and the ideal scenario for gold. He believes that G20 Central bankers have been functioning as a cartel since 2008 by synchronizing taxation and regulation. Now they are playing with MMT, zero interest rates, and monetary stimulus. However, they have redefined the CPI, and today if you use the old model, inflation is running at close to eight percent. Smart people are buying real assets like art, gold, silver, mining equities, and bitcoin.


1430 days ago

Video: Protect yourself with bitcoin and gold as shares and bonds set to tank

Libertarian speculator and author Doug Casey says it’s difficult today to be an investor with all the government economic distortion and mis-allocation of capital. However, in contrast a speculator can do well in this environment. He says, “Being a speculator should not be confused with being a trader.”


1431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Maybe I am a dinosaur and past it but this is why I am not attracted to bitcoin

I start with the therapy my woodshed offers and also a note on Chris Bailey. Then I look at Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS) before considering bitcoin and gold and why I personally have big exposure to the “barbarous relic” and no exposure to crypto.


1433 days ago

Video: US Dollar on verge of collapse - silver heading for $100

Trader Patrick Karim has words which will delight Nigel Somerville and other gold loons.


1436 days ago

Video: Gold’s Nuclear Winter Has Ended

Fund manager John Hathaway of Sprott argues that traditional portfolio weightings no longer work. Bonds today are return-free risk, which opens the door for gold since something has to replace bonds. He says that some large pension fund advisors are considering gold as a risk mitigator.


1436 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – shares up in tough recent days gold environment, more to come?...

Having reached more than 170p in August, shares in Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ) have recently been below 120p… but amidst a tough recent days gold environment have risen to currently 130p to buy. Why?…


1438 days ago

Video: Monday's hit on gold was like a drive-by shooting

Analyst Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin likens Monday’s hit on gold to a drive-by shooting. He says, “Physical demand has nothing to do with what we just saw on the Comex. This was done to create a perception of reality.”


1442 days ago

Video: A Biden Win is Great for Gold

Writer and trader Gary Wagner says that folks are waiting for more stimulus, but the next program will likely not arrive until February. The US economy continues to contract, and while some businesses are doing very well, others are being hit quite hard. The Fed has stated that interest rates will remain unchanged as it still has some options in their toolbox.He says that you can expect gold and equities to continue to do well in this environment.


1442 days ago

Wishbone Gold – shares rocket, what to do?

We hope very much that you took our strong advice to average down on Wishbone Gold (WSBN) at just 2.1p in August. If you did you must now be well ahead. My own losses on this stock are now down to less than £15,000! They were double that. This is following latest news from Australia. And it seems very encouraging…


1447 days ago

Kefi, the natives are not revolting

Earlier we outlined why on fundamentals Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) was such a strong buy. But one reader asks ‘are the natives not revolting out in Ethiopia?’


1456 days ago

Centamin – near-term production outlook disappointment, but the long-term promise remains...

Gold miner in Egypt Centamin (CEY) has updated emphasising “the third quarter marked another solid performance”, yet the shares have dropped back to 131.3p. The reason is a reduction in guidance for 2021 but the market has over-reacted…


1458 days ago

Kefi Copper & Gold Tulu Kapi news: on balance very good news indeed – STRONG BUY

Kefi (KEFI) never seems to make it easy for we long suffering and loyal shareholders but on balance, the news on how it will fund the Tulu Kapi gold mine in Ethiopia is very good indeed.


1458 days ago

Video: 1970s Style Inflation Will Set Gold on Fire

Analyst David Hunter of Contrarian Macro Advisors warns that we are now nearing the end stage of the current secular bull market in equities. He notes that markets move from excess to excess, and in the last stages, they can go parabolic. He expects a deflationary bust and a new debt liquidation cycle to begin in the first half of 2021.


1462 days ago

Video: Global Debt Implosion Coming - buy Gold

Asset manager Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management AG based in Switzerland argues that today’s events are not new. History does repeat itself. Governments love to spend more than they receive in revenue, and no currency has ever survived. Deficits have been nearly non-stop since 1930, and often an unrelated trigger can cause the crisis.


1464 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Olaf imprisoned by Covid deranged Queens & my gold stocks reviewed

Queens Colleage Oxford has enccouraged students to snitch on their peers and my daughter, now under house arrest, has fallen victim. What a mad and dark world we live in. After discussing this I look at all the mining stocks I own and one I sold, reviewing where we are now and where the real excitement lies at: Kefi (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Centamin (CEY), AEX Gold (AEXG), Ariana (AAU), Asiamet (ARS), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Pensana (PRE) and Red Rock Resources (RRR).


1464 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Boohoo audit "crisis" and how do the growing #BidenCrimefamily bombshells impact the Election race

I start with Boohoo (BOO) and what PWC’s resignation says about spineless auditors today.  Then I refer frequently to this earlier podcast I served up on the growing scandal surrounding the Biden Crime family, what it means for November 3 and gfor your shares and gold.


1467 days ago

Video: Rick Rule Five Things Gold Investors Must Know

Rick Rule of Sprott is, perhaps, the world’s best known investor in precious metals. So maybe he is talking his own book.


1467 days ago

Video: Gold Will Win the Presidential Election

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity starts with the Fed’s rampant money printing. Whenever central banks print like crazy, income inequality and destruction come to the middle class throughout history. These policies explain the politics today and why the outlier tends to be elected.


1467 days ago

Centamin – a Gold buy...

We recommended shares in Centamin (CEY) amidst market panic in March and they rose faster than even we expected, seeing us take a more than 60%, little more than 1 month, profit. They went on to above 230p, but are currently 160p to buy following a “Sukari Operational Update”. We believe there to have been a big over-reaction to that update and so…


1481 days ago

Video: China Stockpiling gold will devastate the dollar

Fund manager Nick Barisheff looks back to what happened in the past and considers the risk of confiscation of gold and why the correct term should be “expropriation.”


1481 days ago

Video: Gold, the Next Dot-Com Bubble

Fasten your seat belts and don’t sell your gold shares (unless they are in companies run by folks whose middle name is Dilution and whose first name is Calamity). 


1482 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 12: Almost 3 hours of Fox Marble, of Zak Mir ( with his top share tip) and of me on SYME & Trainline, 2 mega shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Chris Gilbert the boss of Fox Marble followed by me explaining why, though I am 80% down, I am sure Fox will multibag from here. Then a very long – and very funny – session with Zak Mir with his top share tip among London small caps, his view on the markets, the real economy and discussions on Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Eurasia Mining (EUA) & the lies of both, on Big Dish (DISH) and more. Finally it is me onSupply’s lies again and also on why Trainline (TRN) miust surely see a share price collapse. You can access the show HERE


1485 days ago

Video: Central Banks Hoarding Gold

Analyst Jan Nieuwenhuijs has strong views on the commodity markets, gold, and the problems within central banking.


1485 days ago

Buy AEX Gold - 60%+ upside

On 31st July this year it was “Admission And First Day Of Dealings On AIM for AEX Gold Inc (AEXG , TSXV:AEX), with founder and CEO Eldur Ólafsson emphasising “a highly exciting moment for AEX Gold, with our successful fundraise allowing us to progress our corporate vision, whilst also providing UK and European investors with the opportunity to be a part of Greenland’s growing gold sector. We now have the financial capacity to push forward to production at our high-grade Nalunaq gold mine together with targeted exploration across our wider gold acreage in Southern Greenland. Our ambition is to become a full-cycle gold mining business of scale in Greenland, with Nalunaq the first project in what we believe could be many from our existing portfolio of gold assets”. But hang on, haven’t we heard of Nalunaq before?…


1493 days ago

A Grade share ramping from Big Dave Lenigas – the great man takes to facebook to discuss Greatland Gold

When is an exploration company worth £1 billion? Very rarely. When does its market cap reach £1 billion with almost no, or no, institutional support?  When you are in a bull market and the stock is being ramped by folks saying it could treble again.  Ask yourself would you rather own 40% of Centamin (CEY) which has cash, is producing vast amounts of gold and whose directors are not big sellers of stock or 100% of an exploration play with heavy boardroom selling like Greatland (GGP). Exactly…my thoughts too which is why I own Centamin. But Big David Lenigas owns Greatland and so writes on facebook:


1496 days ago

Video: When to exit gold

Technical analyst David Keller says that the number one consideration for an investor should be price followed by regularly watching trends of many asset classes. He says, “Price tells you where capital is moving towards, while breadth shows you what bets are being made, and sentiment reveals what people are saying.” David gives some examples of breadth trends and why they provide a sneak peek into the markets’ operation.


1504 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It happens once or twice a decade, Zak Mir says something quite interesting

Sorry to the in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price who reckons that my interest in the US election is excessive but two new polls yesterday cast further light on the races in Pennsylvania and Florida which  as I noted yesterday  are two of the three states that will decide the election. I discuss this and then Justin Urquhart Stewart on gold where he gets his numbers so wrong that I am more bullish than I was as I think this tells you something of wider import. Finally onto my good mate the Sith Lord Zak Mir, a chap called Carl Linton who is a plumber and heating engineer, and the current mood of market craziness.


1504 days ago

Video: Fed has Triggered Inflationary Avalanche, follow Buffett and buy gold

And if analyst Craig Hemke is correct, you just have to buy precious metals exposure, especially gold.


1508 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 9: Almost 3 hours of Lucian Miers, Myself on Dev Clever and Harry Adams of Kefi

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with bear raider Lucian Miers on the markets, the real economy, his longs and shorts and gold and with Harry Adams of Kefi (KEFI) ahead of the most exciting six weeks of his career. Listen carefully to what Harry says, having just bought more Kefi a couple of weeks ago I am delighted with certain matters he raises. Finally, I look at Dev Clever (DEV) and why it should face a full stewards!. You can access the show HERE


1508 days ago

Video: gold to hit $6000 according to the manager of "the world's most bearish hedge fund manager"

Given the shape of my portfolio, I really would not mind if Brian Hirschman, the Managing Partner of Hirschmann Partnership is right with this call. Brian’s firm is known as the “World’s Most Bearish Hedge Fund.”


1515 days ago

Video: The Currency Reset is Here: sell dollars buy gold ahead of fireworks!

Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading says that the Fed has been unable to hit its 2% inflation target, but she says, “The Fed is getting prepared because they expect to lose control of inflation soon.” The Fed plans to quietly introduce a cashless system with an 18 step plan early in 2021. This new system will enable the Fed to deposit money directly and will give them absolute control of their policies. This coming UBI stimulus scheme will be the fuel that starts hyperinflation fire since we are a consumer-driven economy; they have to get us to consume.


1515 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 8: Well over 2 hours of gold, me on corporate lying, Richard Poulden and Steve Moore

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on gold and where it goes next, on the US election but also on Wishbone Gold (WSBN) as it takes a new direction. As a long suffering shareholder, down £30,000, I have a few tough questions. Then I discuss what gold stocks I am buying before chatting to Steve Moore, a man with whom I have worked for all bar a few weeks of his working life. He is this year 38! Frightening. I started the show with a suggestion that we all look back to the 1970s. I end with a look at corporate lying and why it is on the rise and why no-one cares but that will change. Verditek (VDTK) is a case study here. You can access the show HERE


1515 days ago

Red Rock Resources – looks to add to uber hot Australia gold potential...and a hot rumour

Red Rock Resources (RRR) has updated loyal shareholders such as myself that on “research, including the results of proprietary geophysical analysis… targets were identified across the western and southern boundaries of EL007329, one of the joint venture’s eleven application areas in the Central Victoria Goldfields, and an application has therefore been submitted for a further tenement, EL007460 (‘Kilmore West’)”


1516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Am I a nicer and more sociable guy than Luke Johnson and has Boohoo boobed in Leicester

I start with a look at Boohoo (BOO) shares in which a falling on back of reports in a paper founded on profits from the slave trade that suppliers in Leicester are using slave labour. Then I ask if Luke Johnson or I am more sociable and what this means about folks stopping working from home. Then onto gold stocks in general, Hummingbird (HUM), Kefi (KEFI), Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Ariana (AAU). I look at Amigo (AMGO) , Attis Oil (AOGL) and finally why today’s shocking Versarien (VRS) expose really could indicate a major scandal. Footnote:


1518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Nilesh Jagathia is not only a thief but a limpet too

My main podcast today was a history lesson for the loathsome BBC HERE. In terms of bearcast I am not so inpired today, I promise I shall be more on fire tomorrow but do comment on why Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) is share dealing like a dervish. I also look at the rebel at Inspirit (INSP) and explain why I think he is doomed to fail and why anyone buying the shares needs their head examined.


1518 days ago

Video: We are in the Early Stages of the Largest Bull Market in the History of Precious Metals

Analyst Nick Giambruno explains which assets are “hard assets” and so will fly when fiat is, as now, being debauched. There are key characteristics that make gold the best money, and other assets like silver and bitcoin share many of those features. Bitcoin fits this definition because it’s scarce, and its supply growth is similar to that of gold, gradually declining.


1518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will Asimilar be the much deserved Waterloo of Chris Akers? This stinks!

I start with a brief discussion of Rule Britannia where it is clear that the BBC and others (including the Mrs) have not actually read the words or studied their history. I will do a much longer piece on this when back from seeing my father in Shipston. I look at Asimilar (ASLR), All Active Asset Capital (AAA), Mesh PLC, and Chris Akers – a scandal where the unravel is surely underway. I comment on DFS (DFS) and furlough economics, on Iconic Labs (ICON), and on Amigo (AMGO) as well as on Xtract Resources (XTR), where there is yet more good news making you who followed my tip and I who bought shares even richer. Also covered is NoGold who has no gold exposure and lambasts me for tipping gold shares and making you all richer… even more of a miserable old git.


1518 days ago

Video: Dollar Destruction Targeting $15,000 Gold and $750 Silver

Once again we stumble across someone who makes Nigel Somerville look sane and balanced. Trader Steve Penny claims that  “Commodities have never been so cheap relative to paper assets.” He argues that today is a generational wealth transfer opportunity. His macro thesis is that the national debt is mathematically impossible to repay. History has shown that politicians will always try to inflate away the debt.


1522 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Bell, Adams & Bird are only heros because gold is going up, right?

I start this bonus bearcast prompted by your emails and comments while I started to make some Damson Jam with Joshua with a few comments on the wisdom or otherwise of averaging down with reference to Wishbone Gold (WSBN). Then I look at NoGold’s claim ( poor fellow having no gold exposure of late) that gold is being driven higher by herd behaviour. Finally I am told that Messrs Andrew Bell (Red Rock Resources -RRR), Colin Bird (Xtract esources – XTR, and others) and Harry Adams (Kefi) are only looking like heros, rather than zeros as has been the case for many years,  because gold is going higher. Referencing also Mr Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU) I discuss this and the nature of investing in mining stocks. 


1523 days ago

Kefi – the start of a transformational two months when shares could double: Stance & PT upgrade on news from Saudi

Loyal and very excited shareholder Tom Winnifrith writes: KEFI Gold and Copper (KEFI), you will note the name change, has announced the maiden Mineral Resource for the Hawiah copper project located in Saudi Arabia. This marks the start of two months which could and should be transformational for Kefi on two fronts and which will, we believe, have the potential to see the shares, now 2p offer, more than double…


1523 days ago

Video: Crashing Real Interest Rates Creating the Best Tailwind for $3500 Gold

Economist David Rosenberg says that flattened yield curves are promoting liquidity issues, credit supply has been contracting, and the velocity of money is also declining. So, he argues, if money velocity stabilizes were going to get a lot more inflation, and perhaps that is what gold is trying to signal.


1525 days ago

Video: reference gold - Corrections and Consolidation are Excellent Opportunities to Create Great Wealth

Jordan Roy-Byrne, the only chartist we take seriously, predicted the recent correction in gold. What next?


1525 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: At last Warren Buffett has listened to Chris Bailey, Nigel Somerville & myself

I start with a few thoughts on the possibility that Greece might be added to the UK’s Covid red list – feck you Boris you utter clown and here’s why. Then I see that old Warren Buffett has finally seen the light on gold and I have a few thoughts on that. Then a bullcast on why Jubilee Metals (JLP) has crossed in inflexion point and is now such a perfect investment.


1527 days ago

Has the gold bubble burst?

On 24th July I asked, in this column, if the gold market and shares in gold companies were a bubble? My conclusion was that although there were signs of froth there was no bubble yet.


1527 days ago

Video: The USA is an insolvent bankrupt nation so buy Gold

Michael Pento President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies does not mince his words. He says that  “We see now a rebound in the virus, the closing of the economies, and a fiscal cliff that is going to be absolutely devastating… The cliff is coming because you can’t print trillions of dollars and borrow trillions every few months. No economy in the history of planet earth has ever been able to do that without destroying its currency and bond market. I don’t think the US will be any different.”


1530 days ago

Altyn – “production update 2Q 2020”, where now for the shares?

Gold miner in Kazakhstan Altyn (ALTN“is pleased to announce 2Q20 production update” and it emphasises “ore mining output up a significant 55% quarter-over-quarter with 143,400 tons of ore mined in 2Q20 (92,324 tons in 1Q20). The positive momentum in production growth is expected to be maintained over the coming quarters”. Why then have the shares responded little changed?…


1532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: BREAKING, the first member of the Quindell crime gang to face legal action - it should be this week

A source who is 100% reliable tells me that the first member of the Quindell crime gangto face legal consequences will discover the good news this week. I shall keep you posted but I am in the right place to secure barrels of ouzo with which to celebrate. Elsewhere I discuss Eqtec (ETQ) and why an eminent poster on our comments section is wrong to give it a clean bill of heath regarding its fraud. I debate valuing stocks in relation to NAV with respect to mining stocksand investment companies and why it is different. I look at Cineworld (CINE) and bid rumours, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and lunacy and at the atrocious results from Versarien (VRS) and its startling admission re its illegal taxpayer loan. I also discuss why i am not panicking on gold and the gold shares I own.


1533 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I will be spending a lot of time with the FCA it seems

I start with a few other comments on Greek Hovel matters. Then I move on to talk about three companies which I shall be or are discussing with the FCA: Zenith (ZEN), Eqtec (DOG), and Verditek (VDTK). Then onto NatWest Group (NWG) where I apologise for my bad language. Finally my thoughts on the gold price and comments on gold stocks I own: Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU), Kefi (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant (BMV), and Xtract (XTR).


1533 days ago

Video: Volatile Selloffs Expected Before $10,000 Gold and $300 Silver

And you thought that our own Nigel Somerville was nutso. Meet macro strategist David Hunter. Hmm, now what are my shares in Ariana (AAU) & Xtract Resources (XTR) worth on a DCF basis with gold at $10,000 oz? I am only kidding; this is quite literally insane.


1533 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: drilling into the shocking accounts of broker Novum and is this the crazy broker note that marks peak gold madness?

The note I refer to is from Align on Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV). I agree the shares are cheap. I own some! But are they as cheap as the note suggests? Nope. It is bonkers. I discuss its author and other peak cycle bonkers notes etched in my brain. I look at R4E (R4E) and why you should not follow Fraud. Then at the accounts from troubled broker Novum which came out yesterday. They are truly shocking and get a full debagging from me. I comment on Hammerson (HMSO) and illusory asset values and on Simec Atlantic (SAE) and – en passant – Hurricane Energy (HUR).


1533 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Metro did not throw the kitchen sink at anything!

I end with a view from my office photo just to annoy Graham Neary. I also comment on the latest bonkers ideas from Boris about how to cripple the economy. Those are relevant as I discuss the assumptions made by Metro Bank (MTRO) and its Godawful results. Who is it trying to kid? It has certainly not thrown in the kitchen sink in terms of provisioning. There is far worse to come when the banking crisis really gets going. I discuss gold and ask those with a knowledge of cocaine to help Lucian out with a new valuation metric. I look at Centamin (CEY) and am not persuaded there is a new normal to justify a sub 4% prospective yield.


1533 days ago

Video: WARNING Red-Hot Gold Stocks Will Cool Off in August

ordan Roy Byrne is the only chartist we take seriously and he has a warning for you all. Jordan thinks a correction is coming. GDX & GDXJ hit major resistance levels and breadth indicators are extremely overbought. We highlight support levels in Gold & Silver. All is explained in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


1538 days ago

Video: Depressed Gold to Silver Ratio Creating Buying Opportunity of a Generation

Analyst Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin makes a very compelling case for past market manipulation by large banks like JP Morgan. He sees a perfect storm coming soon – one where there will be no safe haven assets except precious metals. He argues that bonds no longer have real returns when you consider inflation and are guaranteed to lose money.


1538 days ago

Video: US Dollar Crisis is Not the Only Factor Pushing Gold Higher

Trader David Kranzler, of Investment Research Dynamics, argues that the dollar index doesn’t explain the recent move up in gold and particularly silver. While the dollar has room to move quite a bit lower, the world still has a solid need for dollars. The excessive money printing could put a lot of pressure on the dollar, and the recent move in gold could be due to investors anticipating such a drop.


1545 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow Number 7: Two and a half hours on gold as it hits record high, what to buy or should I play the "green revolution" instead?

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Nigel Somerville on gold and where it goes next, on how to play the gold bull market, what stocks to buy and what non stocks to buy and how a gold bug positions the rest of his portfolio. Then Paul Atherley from a non gold miner, Pensana Rare Earths (PRE), a play on all this green shit everyone – bar me – seems to love. And I explain why I have bought Pensana shares even though I think man-made global warming is utter bunkum. Finally two stocks where the valuation is insane: Dev Clever (DEV) and Trainline (TRN). You can access the show HERE


1545 days ago

Miserly Investor with a genius trading strategy for these troubled times

All that guff you read in the deadwood press about reallocating assets for this new era is just worthless tosh. One investor from the world of twitter explains his“genius” trading strategy – one which is almost identical to mine, except that I have also bought more, largely gold, shares from cash.  Prepare for enlightenment:


1545 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Explaining to Shipston's Buffett why he is not so smart after all & Mahmud does the right thing at Boohoo

A brief and early bearcast today, as I am heading off to Shipston to see my dad and with reference to the sterling price of gold, I have to explain why he is not quite as clever as he thinks. Then it is off to near the Coronavirus hotspot of Leicester to buy an antique wood burning stove. What exciting lives Joshua and I lead. I discuss where next for gold and why companies with no proven resource can be a play on gold & silver prices but are really just a gamble. I cite Alien Metals (UFO) as a case study. What a terrible dog. Then it is onto Mahmud Kamani, (BOO), the slave labour allegations and today’s news. I read it as bad for the bears and good for Mahmud.


1546 days ago

Is gold a bubble?

Finally, the deadwood press is starting to notice that gold is reaching nominal record highs while silver is racing ahead. Admittedly, silver still has a way to go to catch up gold in terms of relative historic underperformance. As I revealed this week, David Lenigas is planning to launch a gold shares investment company on AIM. That the old charlatan has moved from pot to gold tells you where the action is at.  But is this a bubble, as was pot? We called the pot bubble, is it time to start lining up your gold shorts?


1546 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: bloody hell even my Red Rock Resources shares are going up on gold's record breaking day

I wonder how Nigel Somerville is celebrating. I wonder how long the gold rally will continue and discuss why Red Rock Resources (RRR) could utterly roof it if it can IPO its Oz gold arm in time. I just need another 25% and I am back at break-even. On an Andrew Bell stock, how many folks can say that? Only kidding Andrew – maybe we are in the right place at the right time? In the podcast, I also look at EasyJet (EZJ), Intercontinental Airlines (IAG) and how the woes of vodka fiend Olaf may be a sign of worse to come for all. I cover Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and look at results and the rum ‘n’ coke valuation of Dev Clever (DEV).


1549 days ago

Video: During Uncertain Monetary Conditions Gold and Silver is Where You Want to Be

Asset Manager Lawrence Lepard says, “What politicians and bankers are doing today is absolutely criminal. When they play with the value of money, they are playing with fire, and that can destroy a society. Having gold is a very good way of preserving your wealth, and in a year or two, investors in gold are going to look far from crazy.”


1550 days ago

Video: Caution Advised Before Gold Targets $5000 and Silver Targets $100+

And you thought that our own Nigel Somerville, residing in a Montana log cabin with 1200 cans of baked beans, a shotgun and stacks of physical buried in the woods was nutso?  Nope, Nigel is one of the most cautious members of the gold bug community.


1551 days ago

A sad ending: Farewell to the Cuba turned pot bandwagon as David Lenigas heads back to the UK and Mining

I revealed earlier this week, the plans of Big Dave Lenigas to launch a gold company for London investors, Lenigas PLC. Lucky us.  But hang on, just last year Big Dave told us that pot was the place to be.  Perhaps you have not kept up to date with recent events in Canada? Yesterday a small TSX-V listed cannabis investment company served up the notice below.


1552 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why is Bidstack trolling Darren Atwater?

Answers on a postcard please. Anyhow, it prompts me to discuss when Bidstack (BIDS) will run out of cash again so will have to do another bailout funding (again), and the history of its associates harassing me. I discuss historic death threats I have received. Elsewhere, I have more words on Lenigas PLC and frenzied activity in gold. I look at Midatech Pharma (MTPH), Petra Diamonds (PDL) and Symphony Environmental (SYM).


1553 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A challenge to David Lenigas

I have more on last night’s breaking news HERE on Lenigas PLC and offer a challenge to Dave Lenigas. Is he man or mouse? Or just a chicken? C’mon Dave what have you to fear? Then I look at Eve Sleep (EVE) and wider issues on the stated cash position of PLCs, then at 2 gold miners both of whose shares are up today. One, Altus Strategies (ALS) still looks cheap, the other, Cobra (COBR), sends off the wrong signal with today’s news which I view as a spoof.


1556 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: was Chris Oil the first domino & a posterboy for our times?

I start with a few words on MineProphets. I hope you all had a good time today. I end with a few words on West Ham which has brought myself and my daughter some rare joy in these past 24 hours. In between, I discuss Versarien (VRS) and also the strange case of broker Jub Cap and Chris Oil and what it says about the strange times we live in. I also discuss whether being long gold really is a crowded trade.


1556 days ago

Video: $2000 Gold and $21 Silver, Price Spikes Incoming

Meteorologist turned chartist Kevin Wadsworth discusses the gold-silver ratio and why he expects a further decline after the recent highs. Silver has been outperforming gold.


1556 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – quarter and half-year update, remains a buy...

Q2 & H1 2020 Production and Operations Review” from Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ) including “on track to achieve forecast production for FY 2020 of 75,000 to 80,000 GEOs” (Gold Equivalent Ounces)…


1556 days ago

Video: We Will Easily see $2000 Gold in 2020

Fund Manager Frank Holmes argues that the fifty and two hundred day moving averages act as essential signals for big institutional money. When these signals cross, they start to notice since they prefer to having the wind in their sails.


1559 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Like Sir Arthur Cochrane I'm trapped by the past so can't buy more gold shares though I am sure I should

I discuss why, like my great grandfather, I’m paralysed by an historic event. This means I am not buying more gold shares although I know I should. Right now c20% of my portfolio is gold exposed and I go through some of the stocks I own and explain why I think gold and gold stocks will surge. I know I should buy more but can’t bring myself to do so. Today i shall be recording another 9 videos for MineProphets. Make sure you book your ticket for next Saturday HERE


1559 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – a Golden buy

But didn’t we bank gains on Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ) just over a year ago at 96p… and the shares are now at 140p to buy? Yes, but the environment has, more than,  slightly changed since then!…


1559 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 6: 2 hours 17 mins of Richard Poulden on the collapse of the west and of empires, Kerim Sener of Ariana and me on Supply@ME capital and 6 more shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on the collapse of empires but also of the West at every level.  Also covered is the death of oil and how we should save our finances against such a backdrop and with Kerim Sener of Ariana (AAU). I also explain why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) is a crooked zero and I review the six short ideas from the previous five shows, one of which is already a zero. 

You can access the show HERE


1559 days ago

Highland Gold Mining – Q2 update, affirms FY guidance and remains a buy

Highland Gold Mining (HGM) has updated on the second quarter of the year and affirmed full-year production guidance of “290,000-300,000 oz of gold and gold equivalent”


1562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: I am going to buy a new stock as a result of MineProphets… and it's not gold

On Saturday 18th July, anyone serious about mining stocks will be tuning in to MineProphets. The conference will last all day, but the 30 videos plus will stay up until just after Christmas. Tipsters, CEO and a swathe of mining gurus and experts will be presenting, and most of those who do present will also be there on the day to chat to attendees in dedicated chat rooms. And, already, I have one stock that I am almost certain to buy.


1562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In bad Matt Earl they love the Governor, Boohoo, hoo

I hope that you appreciate the musical headline. In today’s podcast I look at Boohoo (BOO), the utterly ludicrous spoof from toxic Dave Sefton and Iconic (ICON), Natasha Toy (a Good German), Kevin Engel, Grant Thornton and the FRC and I comment on $1800 gold. In that vein with the sector set to catch fire, buy your £2.99 ticket for Mineprophets now HERE..


1567 days ago

Video: The Fed’s Actions are Unprecedented for Gold, Silver and Uranium - gold to $2000 soon

Fund manager Mark Magarian was bullish on the gold market before the crisis began since they were expecting some action by the Fed. However, the pace of the Fed’s efforts has been vast and rapid and thus, he says, he would be absolutely shocked if we don’t see $2000 for gold soon.


1571 days ago

The 10 Gold stocks today given the Kiss of Death by Wirecard cheerleader Stockopedia

Just two days before Wirecard, Germany’s biggest fraud since Hitler, was unmasked, it became the latest in a line of frauds to get a glowing endorsement from Ed Croft’s stock picking system at Stockopedia. And thus, the CEO’s of ten gold stocks should be warned that they too have been granted the sweet kiss of death that is a Stockopedia endorsement. Gulp…  I own one of them.


1571 days ago

Altyn – bond issue fully placed, emphasises confidence which we very much share: BUY

Kazakhstan-focused gold mining company Altyn (ALTN“is pleased to announce that the bond issue on the Astana International Exchange ( was fully placed… raising the targeted $10m amount”


1572 days ago

Highland Gold Mining – “Update on COVID-19 Response”, continuing as planned...

Highland Gold Mining (HGM) has updated on its COVID-19 response, with its programme of measures enabling its mining, processing, sales, supply chain and capital construction projects to ‘continue as planned’..


1572 days ago

Video: Why Silver Won’t Follow Gold to New Highs

Everyone says silver is a better bet than gold but everyone is wrong says author Mickey Fulp. He regards as “crazy” some equity valuations that have developed and what he coins “Market Covidicy.” He cautions that if gold or silver were to suddenly head multiples higher, you would probably want to have a bug-out bag by the door and a survival bunker nearby.


1573 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 5: Well over 2 hours of Gary Newman on mining stocks, Harry Adams of Kefi and myself on why Cineworld has to be a stonking short

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on the collapse of empires but also of the West at every level.  Also covered is the death of oil and how we should save our finances against such a backdrop and with Kerim Sener of Ariana (AAU). I also explain why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) is a crooked zero and I review the six short ideas from the previous five shows, one of which is already a zero. 

You can access the show HERE


1575 days ago

July 18 MineProphets Online Conference book your seat now

Is now the time to buy gold aggressively or has that ship sailed? What about silver, uranium, rare earths? We have assembled a panel of true experts ready to present to you on how to make money from mining stocks and all will present at on July 18. You can book your seat HERE.


1575 days ago

Video: Unprecedented Levels of Government Spending Creating Massive Leveraged Case for Gold

Fund manager Keith Watson works with my old pal Malcolm Burne at Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPM) and so can’t be a total fool.  He argues that the broader commodity sector is at an extreme discount to general equity markets. 


1581 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 4: Well over two and a half hours of David Bramhill of Union Jack, Nigel Somerville on gold and 4 gold stocks to buy & also the red flags at Diversified Gas

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen or watch very sparky interviews with our in-house gold guru Nigel Somerville on why you must be in gold and on the stocks or ETFs to own to maximise your bull market gains and with Union Jack Oil (UJO) boss David Bramhill, the most underpaid oil CEO on AIM. I also serve up a red flag-spotting session with reference to Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC). You can access the show HERE

To watch the third show featuring oil bear Peter Brailey, Skinbiotherapeutics boss Stuart Ashman (a stock I think is a 20 bagger), and myself on why Intu and Amigo are both zeros go HERE

To watch the second show featuring bear raider Matt Earl on Boohoo and First Derivatives, CEO Aidan Bishop of Bluebird Merchant and BigDish, and myself on why Purplebricks is doomed go HERE

To watch the first show featuring bear raider Lucian Miers, mining boss Colin Bird, and myself with a devastating expose of Novacyt (NCYT) go HERE


1586 days ago

Video: Updating the Dollar Milkshake Theory and $5000 Gold

Asset manager Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital is the man behind the “Dollar Milkshake Theory.” The name for this theory comes from the concept of extracting oil from a neighboring property by “drilling” a longer straw. Brent argues that the United States has this magic straw and regularly uses it to suck up the world’s capital. His theory’s controversial idea is that US equities are going to go to all-time highs along with a stronger US dollar at the expense of most foreign currencies.


1590 days ago

Video: Indications Point to $8,900 Gold Price

And now for someone who makes our own in-house gold bug, Nigel Somerville, seem almost balanced and sane. Ronald-Peter Stöeferle is a fund manager and starts by discussing his firm’s (Incrementum) recently released annual report, “In Gold we Trust.” It believes we are at the beginning of a golden decade, and the report goes over many aspects of the gold market. This year is also highlights bitcoin and have a special chapter dedicated to silver.


1593 days ago

Video: Gold Wins in All Situations Moving Forward

Chris Vermeulen looks at the current market conditions and sees a trend change coming as precious metals, miners, and bonds are all showing positive patterns. He argues thatb sentiment is reaching new highs, and a lot of leverage is being deployed in the markets.


1594 days ago

Altyn – updates on production & financing progress, up 60% in a month but still a buy?

Previously updating on Kazakhstan-focused gold company Altyn (ALTN) last month with the shares rising above 1p, we noted emphasises “significant production increase”, still a buy. Now from the company a Production and financing update – and the shares currently up to 1.60p on the back of it…


1596 days ago

Video: All Structural Momentum Pointing to the Sky for Gold, Silver, and Especially Junior Miners

Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started his career back in the mid-70s when gold was re-legalized. Instead of focusing on price, he looks at long-term trends, which is important because price being based in fiat can be misleading. He says, “Today, we are in the hyper-space of money printing.” Using price can be compared to building a house with a yard-stick that changes in length. Their focus is on the longer-term and not the day to day, they look for structure rather than short moves in momentum.


1609 days ago

Video: Inflation, Deflation, or Stagflation and the Implications for Gold

Investor Chris Temple argues that in the late 70s and early 80s, the dollar was inversely correlated with gold, and the markets reflected the real economy. Today, everything is inverted, but a lot of investors and experts still have the old out-of-date mindset.


1609 days ago

Video: Now is a Stunning Entry Point into Gold Miners

Mining entrepreneur Ravi Snood argues that valuations of companies can reach heights where there is little remaining upside. He says that today’s markets don’t bode well for most stocks, and plausible growth scenarios are doubtful from here.


1615 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chris is right about Whitbread as we hit 24% of Woodlarks target

Over the weekend I hope to bring you photos of a semi complete strawberry patch here at the Welsh Hovel and also of my first long training walk for Woodlarks. I donated £1000 yesterday and young Steve Moore also made a generous gift so we are now at 24% of the £48,000 we need to ensure Woodlarks survives. Please donate HERE. In the podcast I look at Whitbread (WTB), Catenae (CTEA) and at where we are in the gold shares buying cycle, referring to three I own and am very excited: Bluebird Merchant (BMV), Kefi (KEFI ) – no sniggering at the back please – and Xtract (XTR). Again no sniggering.


1615 days ago

Video: bear market rally is almost over, unbelievable opportunity in gold

Writer David Skarica feels that the markets are plateauing at this level and will roll-over later this summer when people realize that the return to normal is anything but normal. David makes comparisons with today’s charts to Japan in the 90s.


1620 days ago

Altyn – emphasises “significant production increase”, still a buy

Kazakhstan-focused gold company Altyn (ALTN) has updated on Q1 production, emphasising “production up a significant 130% year-over-year” and also that there is presently “minimal” COVID 19 pandemic impact on the operations, with it “closely monitoring the situation while cooperating with relevant authorities”…


1624 days ago

Video: Junior Gold Stocks will go Nuts when GDXJ Breaks Above 2016 Highs

He is the only technical analyst we have any time for and now Jordan Roy Byrne has another big call for you. 


1624 days ago

Video: Gold Miners are Orders of Magnitude Undervalued Relative to Gold

Fund manager Mark Yusko argues that we have the highest amount of leverage at all levels today, which is very similar to 1929. The 1929 crash was terrible, with markets falling 47%, then rallied back and then collapsed again. America today has an addiction problem, and that addiction is debt. Debt has to be defaulted on or inflated away, which is the path they choose in the 1930s.


1625 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Another discussion with the Northants fuzz about my "harassment" of a gender fluid Bidstack Moron

Mike Turner really is a stupid man.  I find myself once again talking to the Law about his attempts to stop me exposing him as a defaming moron. I move on to discuss the conflicted riole of the broker to the POS that is Bidstack (BIDS). Then it is onto events at Motif Bio (MTFB) and Tern (TERN) and the way it presents its dismal results. Finally I have just recoreded a 90 minute video for Saturday with Mark Slater. I see that in the comments section NoGold reckons he will would learn nothing from Slater but NoGold is a genius. For everyone else that video is gold dust. Buy your tickets HERE.


1625 days ago

Video: this is no longer a free market economy and gold is going to $4000

Analyst and entrepreneur EB Tucker says, “This is the last chance that people have to move assets… in what we are learning is a completely controlled economy.” We have moved from a cyclical economy where recessions clean out the undergrowth to a warped crisis economy where politicians and banks determine who and what survives.


1628 days ago

Video: Gold and silver miners to be the next dotcom bubble

Investment analyst David Hunter of Contrarian Macro Advisors has views that are controversial and not in any way mainstream. In terms of shares in general, David expects a rebound this summer and fall followed by another pull-back in the market. The market should rally for a few more years due to massive money printing by the Fed and central banks.


1640 days ago

Highland Gold Mining – shares bounce on quarterly operational update, looks more to come...

Shares in gold producer from Russia, Highland Gold Mining (HGM) are 5% higher at near 230p on the back of a quarterly operating update…


1645 days ago

Video: Gold now set to take out all time highs

Author Jeb Handwerger claims that now testing $1700 oz gold is set tio breach all time highs soon.


1647 days ago

Video: David Skarica: Leverage and Cheap Money Have Set Gold and Silver to Soar

Financial writer David Skarica discusses the economy and why many companies are mostly built on quicksand and debt. Excessive borrowing and inflated valuations have created additional risks. Companies have spent much of their earnings on stock buybacks which have made many companies vulnerable in a downturn. Everyone has borrowed and many are over-leveraged and now we see the hidden consequences of all that borrowing.


1649 days ago

Video: Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold to Hit $20,000, Silver to Reach $1,000!

Jordan is the only technical analyst we take at all seriously but this call from the guru at Palisade Capital is surely a tad extreme?


1651 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: New Highs in Gold & Major Producers, an Important Signal

Jordan Roy-Byrne is, as you know, the only Technical Analyst with an IQ into three digit territory and as such we do listen to his words. In his latest video update for Palisade Capital on gold and precioyus metals, he sees every reason to be ever more bullish. This is for Nigel Somerville. Enjoy. 


1656 days ago

Video: Extraordinary times reveal the true potential of gold - $5,000 on the cards?

Investor Lawrence Lepard claims that  people are gradually waking up to what is happening. Governments can’t create credit forever without consequence, and we are now witnessing the end of that system. In the space of only six weeks, we have seen stunning moves and government actions. Eventually, people will consider currency to be an inadequate means of storing wealth.


1673 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Good, the bad and the complete & utter bast*rds, I refer to Mike Ashley

I start with a few minutes on how the Covid 19 pandemic has brought out the good in many people and the very worst in others. I’ve today done another podcast on Coronavirus which I am proud of on my own website HERE. I look at soaring markets and gold and asset bubbles I discuss IQE (IQE), Photo-Me (PHTM) and Ascent Resources (AST)


1674 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I agree with comments section uber-pest NoGold, he is utterly correct and wise

Not i suggest on most things. the man is clearly bonkers. But on how the Government should tax companioes getting subsidies for wages he has a very valid point which I discuss. Then I look at gold and when, not if, it will soar and gow to play that. Finally i look at what companies will do in terms of dividends AFTER they have, prudently, scrapped payments citing the Coronavirus. I fear Nigel Somerville and Ian Cowie of the Sunday Times may be in for a nasty shock. 


1674 days ago

Golden Prospect Precious Metals – a gold buy

Gold is still up from around $1,300 a year ago and current uncertainty and economic responses look to create a potential perfect storm for precious metals ahead. We believe this is a geared, but lower-risk way than most, to play it… The sell off of gold in the past week is a dash for cash to cover trading losses elsewhere. But that will not last and you MUST have gold exposure.


1680 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: my distraction from the stockmarket crash is working out my odds of dying from coronavirus

It is a happy game which I have discussed with a couple of listeners. Anyhow, it just shows how data can be interpreted in so many ways. I am, you may be pleased, or maybe distressed, to hear taking steps tpo improve my chances. I then discuss the market crash and how it affects different classes of shares – the issue for us all is not whether our investments are cheap but will the equity in them survive? If the answer is YES then I suspect they are now cheap. If NO well then they are still expensive. I discuss Optibiotix (OPTI), Bidstack (BIDS), Versarien (VRS), Big Sofa (BST), Big Dish (DISH), Restaurant Group (RTN), Ascent Resources (AST), City Centre Pubs (CTC) and also why gold and gold shares are not soaring. Fear not, Malcolm Burne has the experience and the answer. They will.


1680 days ago

Podcast: Coronavirus vs the markets, the read across for oil, gold and silver

Newsletter editor David Skarica talks a lot of sense in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital. He starts by comparing Covid 19 to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 and discusses why it was under-reported.


1680 days ago

Malcolm Burne's top Aussie Gold picks

In a bearcast earlier this week I mentioned how the legendary gold stock picker Malcolm Burne was buying some Aussie miners as a currency and gold play and folks asked “but which ones?” So I asked Malcolm who said:


1717 days ago

Video: The trend tells me that gold is going to make an all time high

Analyst John Roque argues that any important move in an asset class should have a long-base setup. Gold has built up an impressive base over several years, and this strongly suggests that it can push past its 2011 highs.


1772 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tin hat on time as the Morons and greedy City w*nkers are exposed again and don't like it

In today’s podcast I look at the lessons from the Oracle (ORCP) debacle, at gold miners and how M&A will destroy value over the next 24 months, at Kefi (KEFI), Ariana (AAU) and at long term AIM uber dog Sareum (SAR)


1772 days ago

Podcast with Rick Rule - this consolidation for gold tells me this market is extremely healthy

Rick Rule is the head honcho at Sprott, the world’s best known resource investor so knows his onions. He argues that the current pattern for gold, one of climbing the wall of fear, and then slowly lurching higher and backfilling is an excellent sign for this market.


1774 days ago

Podcast - we are still at the beginning of a big bull market in gold

Analyst Ronald-Peter Stöeferle looks back at gold’s performance during 2019 and discusses how it operates as a seventh sense in the market. Gold is revealing issues and projecting an increase in recessionary and inflationary concerns. Both of these topics are quickly becoming contrarian perspectives as the Economist magazine recently noted in their Special Report that “We have reached the end of inflation.” Sentiment for gold remains negative despite gold reaching all-time highs against fifty currencies. All of this is indicating that we are still at the start of the bull market.


1783 days ago

Podcast: I’m Still Bullish on Precious Metals & My Gold Target is $1800

Analyst David Hunter says that he is one of the more bullish analysts on the street for gold. Gold reached $1560 this year and is nearly finished a consolidation phase. A further rally could happen soon, and he has raised his targets for gold to $1800 and $26 for silver.


1796 days ago

Podcast: Gold is an Attractive Asset for Today's Monetary Environment

Analyst David Wilson thinks gold is going to continue to run.


1807 days ago

Podcast: A Financial crisis is on the way and will push gold much higher

Analyst Sam Laasko says that 2015 was the bottom of the bear market for gold, and he doubts that we will ever see those levels again. Gold may retest the 2016 highs over the next month and then head higher by the end of this year.


1849 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition ELEVEN with Tom Winnifrith and Andrew Bell of the Brexit Party and Red Rock Resources

Just one guest in this week’s show, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) and The Brexit Party. we discuss UK politics, gold, AIM’s woes and Red Rock. Before Bell I look at recent bond flops and the looming liquidity crisis. After Bell I look at share options with reference to Falanx (FLX) where we shareholders have been kicked in the goands. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1849 days ago

Podcast: gold & silver bull market still has a long way to run

Investor and fund manager Matt Geiger starts with a discussion of the nickel market and its performance over the past year. The long-term demand picture looks good as E.V. adoption rates continue to grow, and Matt suggests that lithium-ion batteries should instead be called nickel-ion batteries. He thinks the market will embrace the improving nickel narrative.


1849 days ago

Podcast: Monetary Policy Will be the Main Driver for a Higher Gold Price

Entrepreneur Ian Ball warns ( don’t we all know it) that it’s hard to create value in junior mining today, and there are a lot of headwinds even with the increase in the gold price. Permits are difficult to obtain and usually take longer. Junior miners need to be able to generate cash in a down market and ride it out without having to issue equity. But…


1858 days ago

Altyn – loan approval follows interims, Sekisovskoye production ramp up ahoy

“Funding update”, following half-year results from gold miner in Kazakhstan Altyn (ALTN)…


1858 days ago

Petropavlovsk – interims & “now positioned to capitalise on higher gold prices and enhance cash generation”…

Petropavlovsk (POG) has announced results for the first half of 2019 including that it “remains on track to meet its full-year target of c.450koz – 500koz of gold sales (including the processing of 2018 Malomir stockpiles but excluding upside from third-party concentrate purchases)”, with also “the confidence to decrease total cash cost guidance for the full year to US$750 – US$850/oz”


1864 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 very exciting events

I discuss one of them in full. One have referred to before, part 2 is tomorrow bt I can’t say what it is for another few weeks. Then I look at today’s Neil Woodford shocker Benevolent AI and how much Neil personally has trousered from valuations now shown to be a joke. Then the attack on Saudi Arabia and what it means for oil prices, gold and the global economy. It is not as dramatic as if this had happened in the 1970s. But there is a dramatic scenario to consider.


1864 days ago

Podcast: Jamie Strauss - the recent move in gold tells me we are in a new bull market

Gold runs in the veins of veteran financier Jamie Strauss, one of the biggest names in the London mining scene. Jamie argues that the commodity sector is steadily advancing and beginning to take advantage of machine learning and automation. Also, the financing of projects now requires a lot more due diligence as sophisticated investors and streaming companies require it. All of these changes are making the sector very exciting.


1870 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHT with Tom Winnifrith, Frisby, Bramhill & Friel

In this eighth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast, sponsored by Yorkville Advisors, in order I discuss my guest next week (the biggest name yet on the show) and Burford (BUR) and the more genberal issue of revenue recognition. I then chat for about an hour to liberatrian comedian, songwriter and singer, Brexit Party activist, gold & bitcoin guru Dominic Frisby. Prepare for a few laughs.  Then it is Cathal Friel of Open Orphan (ORPH), where I am a shareholder, and finally David Bramhill of Union Jack Oil (UJO). After that section I discuss nearology with reference to Union Jack, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and more generally.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1871 days ago

Podcast: Smaller Explorers Will Provide Multiple Returns in this Gold Market

Entrepreneur and author Nick Germain feels that the cannabis and crypto markets have drawn some interest from new investors. There is a bit of an uphill battle with attracting young investors to invest in resources, but that may improve.


1871 days ago

Podcast: More upside still to come in gold and silver

Technical analyst JC Parets has been bullish for the last year on precious metals, and a part of his thesis was a call for a weaker dollar. However, the dollar index has been flat while gold and silver have shown a great deal of relative strength. If the dollar weakens, that would likely boost the uptrend in metals while if it strengthens that may weaken gold.


1877 days ago

Podcast: The gold stocks are only just getting started

Fund Manager John Newell discusses how historically gold will often go through long periods of sideways action and then breakout fairly rapidly once overhead resistance is overcome. Eventually, there is a waterfall decline, and then the cycle tends to repeat. Today there is little overhead resistance left in gold.


1877 days ago

Podcast: The 1 technical analyst we rate, Jordan Roy Byrne sees gold going to $1700 short term

He is the one chartist we rate and he is clearly still bullish on gold and precious metals. In his latest podcast with Palisade Capital the great Jordan gives us an overview of the latest COT results. The Net spec position is currently at an extreme.  He cautions that gold may keep running up in spite of the COT spec positions.


1878 days ago

Podcast: Rick Rule - big institutions are positioning themselves for a gold bull market

Rick Rule of Sprott Asset Management, the world’s best knowm resource investors, cut his teeth in a bull market a time when anyone can look like an expert!


1878 days ago

Podcast: Massive six year base will lead to higher move in gold - $1800 on the cards

Technical analyst Louise Yamada makes the observation that twenty years ago there were more stocks on the market than today. This is due primarily to companies buying back shares. Recently companies have cut back on buying back shares but that is a significant reason for the market moves over the past decade.


1881 days ago

Dominic Frisby's new song, "Hate Speech" out today- cracking video

My friend, the comedian & gold/bitcoin guru & Brexit party wannabee MP, Dominic Frisby, has a new song out today, Hate Speech. Suffice to say it is brilliant. The video is below.


1887 days ago

Podcast: Billionaire Investor Frank Giustra says Biggest Gold Bull Market of All Time Starting Now

In media and in mining Frank Giustra has a Midas touch. He believes that we are on the third and final phase of the gold boom cycle that started back in 2001, and the next cycle will be the largest of these moves.


1891 days ago

Podcast: We have a long way to go in this gold bull market - to $2700 oz

Analyst Chantelle Schieven says, “When no one wants to talk to you about gold, you know you’re at the bottom of the bear market.” When investors are attracted to other assets, then gold often gets overlooked. Gold is now becoming noticed again, and we see the change in the public interest.


1891 days ago

Podcast: We Are at the Beginning of a Three Year Up Cycle for Gold

Technical Analyst ( I know, groan) Tim Ord says he studies long-term market cycles, and there are 8 and 16-year cycles within precious metals. These cycles picked up the 2000 low and the 1987 low. Currently, both cycles are headed up and show a possible top around 2022-2023. That will likely be the next major point where gold consolidates. The trend is definitely upwards, and we will most likely test and possibly break all-time highs. He expects a powerful rally over a one to two-year time frame.


1902 days ago

Podcast:Big Base Breakout for Gold is Here

Analyst David Keller argues that as humans, we want certainty in our decision making and investors like to believe that experts exist that know what will happen. In reality, this is not likely to be the case. Investors and experts tend to be wrong around half of the time. The game is to recognize when you have an incorrect position. Most people take a position and then worry about the risks when things start going wrong.


1914 days ago

Podcast: I Think Gold will Eventually go to $5000

In this podcast fund manager Brent Johnson  argues that Gold’s recent breakout is significant, but he thinks that we will revisit $1380 once more. When we bounce off that level, the bear market will likely be over. He recommends everyone own some gold but cautions that doesn’t mean it will pay off in the short term. People should own gold as insurance against the hubris of governments and bankers. 


1914 days ago

Podcast: I'm calling for $1500 gold and $26 silver and shares to crash next year

Analyst David Hunter is sticking to his target of $1550-$1600 for gold, which he predicts will be reached around early September. For silver, he feels that $26 is still a definite possibility. He says, “When people become more interested in gold silver will head higher. Silver usually underperforms on the downward moves in gold and outperforms when gold rallies.”


1942 days ago

Podcast: We are in a Gold Bull Market that may well last 20 Years

As the only technical analyst with any credibility at all, we listen to Jordan Roy-Byrne. Jordan is not sure how long thislatest bull move in gold will last, but it could be a big one that lasts at least the next six months to a year. 


1946 days ago

Video: Gold hits six year high so what next?

The acceptable face of technical analysis, Jordan Roy-Byrne is on a roll with his gold call. In the latest video from Palisade Capital, he discusses the key technical levels, the importance of the close next Friday, Gold’s performance against foreign currencies and stocks and potential upside targets in Gold, GDX, and GDXJ. Enjoy.


1946 days ago

Petropavlovsk – “significantly oversubscribed” bonds issue looks to bode well

Petropavlovsk (POG) has announced a Convertible bond offering and repurchase” – with net proceeds to be used to advance construction of a new flotation facility at the company’s Pioneer gold mine…


1968 days ago

Video: Gold is heading for $5000 an ounce

Mining entrepreneur Rob McCewen gave the keynote talk at the recent Hard Asset conference and discussed where we are in this new bull market for gold. He discusses the historic Dow to Gold ratio and why we headed back to the day when one ounce of gold will once again purchase one share of the DOW. He thinks gold is headed much higher and likely towards $5000.


1983 days ago

Anglo Asian Mining – stellar 2018 results and remains “on track”, BUT…

Anglo Asian Mining (AAZ) has announced results for the 2018 calendar year and that it is “on track” to achieve a 82,000-86,000 gold equivalent ounces production target for 2019…


1988 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Gold Stocks Oversold but its too Soon to Buy

Jordan Roy Byrne is the one technical analyst we take remotely seriously on this website and in his latest Palisade Capital video he remains bullish on gold but with a caveat…timing.


1993 days ago

Altyn – results from a disappointing 2018, but reasons for encouragement…

Gold miner in Kazakhstan, Altyn (ALTN) has announced 2018 results and that “the directors are confident that further significant funding can be obtained in the near future to further increase production”


2030 days ago

Podcast: Dominic Frisby: Bullish on Gold When It Breaks 1360

I accuse Dom Frisby of using a very old photo on this occassion. How do you plead Frizzers? This podcast with the great libertarian and gold guru is nothing if not wide-ranging.


2033 days ago

Podcast: a much higher gold price is coming

Copper has always been a favourite metal for geologist turned broker Barry Dawes, being the third largest metal in terms of consumption and continues its historical pattern of long term growth. China and Asia use an enormous amount of copper and shortages are developing. This should result in a boom in copper prices and then new exploration.


2034 days ago

Podcast: Now is a Pivotal Time for Gold Investors

Author Danielle DiMartino Booth argues that it is iimportant that people understand the way central bank policies affect their lives. Her recent book reveals how the Fed has lost its way due to creating monetary policy based on market patterns and politics instead of economic metrics. She argues that the Fed is increasingly becoming backed into a corner ever since the money printing of 2008 with the introduction of “Zero Interest Rate Policies” and “Quantitative Easing.” Now the Fed has again become dovish over seemingly small corrections occurring in the markets.


2037 days ago

Gold shares are set to fly

The latest report from the world's best known resource investment group, Sprott, explains why now is the time to buy gold shares. Okay author Trey Reik is talking his, or rather Sprott's, book but the case looks a strong one anyway as you can see below.


2040 days ago

Podcast: Junior Mining Stocks have bottomed out

Geologist and analyst Mickey Fulp feels the gold market has bottomed and that a new bull market is developing albeit slowly. Once the rally begins, he argues, it will quickly move the mining equities. They are positive on the price of gold, due to global economic outlook being weak, geopolitical risks like Brexit and Venezuela, as well as U.S. and China trade talks. Central banks continue to buy, and a dovish Federal Reserve will likely have one interest rate hike in 2019 are all bullish factors for gold.


2040 days ago

Podcast: gold and silver WILL head to new highs

Fund Manager Lawrence Lepard argues that inflation is in the process of returning, and the Fed is losing credibility. More people realize that the money system itself is terrible. Unlimited credit is a temporary solution to regular markets, and the end-point of this process could be hyper-inflation. He believes investors will begin to chase gold as the broader markets are likely not headed to new highs. The technical picture for gold is looking good. Commodities are very cheap right now while stocks are almost certainly over-priced.


2054 days ago

Podcast: We are Back in a Bull Market for Gold

Economist David Rosenberg says that assessing commodity valuations is far more difficult than evaluating the bond or equity markets. Sentiment is important, but commodities each respond to different factors. For example, precious metals respond differently from industrial commodities which rely on global growth.


2055 days ago

Podcast: Commodities and gold Set to Move Much Higher

Veteran find manager David Brady believes gold will bottom and rally once the Fed reverses policies. Until now all we have seen is a verbal reversal, the Fed has not yet switched gears.


2061 days ago

Podcast: big moves (up) are coming for gold and silver

Analyst David Hunter notes that Gold and silver peaked in 2011, since then we’ve been in a long consolidation period. He is very bullish on gold, and he is calling for $1550 for gold and Silver to $26 by mid-year. The dollar is likely to roll-over soon, and he expects the US dollar index to decline to around 86.


2062 days ago

Podcast: Everybody Needs Some Exposure to Gold

Fund manager and commentator Jesse Felder argues that precious metals have become particularly hated. Looking at what is hated is a good way to find opportunities. Gold still brings a lot of skepticism even though the fundamentals are clearly suggesting the need to own it.


2068 days ago

Podcast: Whereas everything is in a bubble, Gold is arguably the cheapest asset relative to history

Analyst Luke Gromen is not sitting on the fence with this call. He argues that whereas everything is in a bubble, Gold is arguably the cheapest asset relative to history.


2071 days ago

Patagonia Gold – in short it’s fecked

Shares in Patagonia Gold (PGD) have more than halved today to 46.5p but the market is being kind. Today’s news is disastrous and things are likely to get far worse.


2073 days ago

Podcast: Ronald-Peter Stöeferle - The Perfect Storm for Gold & Mining Stocks - $2,300 here we come

Analyst Ronald feels that we are in a perfect storm for gold as his inflation indicator began to rise this January. One should load up on inflation-sensitive currencies, mining equities, physical gold, and the commodity sector in general. The combination of monetary tightening and rising rates is going to lead to recessionary risks and the economic numbers show a dramatic cooling.


2075 days ago

Podcast: The Long Term Gold Chart is Really Exciting

As you know, Jordan Roy Byrne is the only technical analyst we take seriously ( sorry Sith Lord Zak Mir). As such we note that Jordan  points out that the signs are close for declaring a new bull market in gold. The indicators are all showing positive. Both GDX and GDXJ have surged in their long term moving averages. We still need to rally up to the resistance levels but we are so close and the evidence is mounting. Lastly, he is looking for the ratio of gold compared to the stock markets to rise which is a classic bull market sign. All this is explained in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


2096 days ago

Podcast: Gold is Going to Have an Incredible Run - $1900 within three years

Pundit Frank Holmes says, “Gold has been so resilient all year especially when you look at real interest rates.” Due to negative interest rates in other countries, the dollar has held up reasonably well. When they talk about rates peaking gold will hit $1500 in the blink of an eye. The supply of gold is shrinking, and the costs are getting more expensive which is settings us up for a beautiful gold cycle. Gold is going to have an incredible shine and pass through the 1900 level in the next three years."


2096 days ago

Petropavlovsk – production update, boosted by successful commissioning of cornerstone project

Petropavlovsk (POG) has updated including “total gold production for 2018 was 422.3Koz… the group is targeting FY 2019 gold production of 450 - 500Koz”, with it “very proud to report the successful commissioning of our cornerstone project, the Pokrovskiy Pressure Oxidation plant”


2104 days ago

Podcast: Explosion in Gold Price on the Horizon

Author David Skarica is not sitting on the fence.  David feels the general markets and the way quantitative easing was structured are the reason gold has underperformed. This money instead went into financial markets, real estate, and art. Gold is a fear trade, and over the last few years, we have had mass complacency.


2105 days ago

Video: gold and silver not in a bull market yet

The one technical analyst we take seriously, no not the Sith Lord Zak Mir but Jordan Roy-Byrne, sees resistance levels on the charts for gold and silver which indicate that we are not in a bull market yet and indeed we may see some short term weakness. Courtesy of Palisade Capital, over to the great man...


2109 days ago

Podcast: Explosive upside for gold and silver

Entrepreneur Lior Gantz claims that the outlook for Gold and Silver is improving dramatically. His thesis is that recent market action has resulted in a rebound. In September mining stocks hit 52-week lows, and the regular markets are now entering bear market territory. Inflation is on the rise and many states are hiking their minimum wage. Recent US Dollar strength is actually a bearish sign.


2120 days ago

Podcast: Gold to roof it, Deutsche Bank to fail, it's back to 2008 says Jaime Carrasco

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco is a bundle of New Year cheer. Not! He assumes that markets are manipulated through excess money printing and suppression of some like gold and silver. Investors would likely be less interested in markets if the price of gold were much higher. Precious metals reveal the underlying market risks and the year ahead will probably bring additional risks but also opportunities.


2126 days ago

Video: Gold & Gold Stocks are moving closer to a bull market

The only technical analyst we rate, Jordan Roy Byrne explains why he is getting ever more excited about gold and gold stocks. His thesis:

The stock market is extremely oversold and should rally for a few months, which could coincide with a pullback in precious metals. When the market anticipates the first rate cut, the bull run in Gold will begin in earnest. This is all explianed in the latest video from Palisade Capital.


2168 days ago

Video - gold stocks could crash

Or they might not. But the potential is there warns the only technical analyst/chartist on this planet we pay any attention to, Jordan Roy-Byrne in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


2173 days ago

Video: Post mid-terms increased risk of more deficit funding will push gold & gold stocks higher

Celebrated fund manager John Hathaway feels that gold should be getting more of a bid, but investors remain lukewarm. In the near term, he is unsure of where gold is headed. John cautions that investors are going to become increasingly aware of the dangers of deficit spending and inflation which should cause gold to get more of a bid. A small pullback could still happen, but he doubts that there will be a retest of 2015 lows. Long-term he remains very bullish.


2174 days ago

Galantas shares to treble - this could be a conservative target

I don't normally take broker research seriously but a) Galantas (GAL) operates in Ulster so I am biased in its favour and b) analyst Roger Bade at Whitman Howard is no fool. He reckons Galantas at 6p is worth 17.3p per share. The market cap today is £12 million but Bade explains why by 2020 the company could be generating £8 million of cashflow and by 2023 that could be £13 million and that is on uber-cautious gold price assumptions. The note (below) is very much worth a read.


2184 days ago

Photo Article: One final walk in the hills above the Greek Hovel with Joshua & new wildlife diversity

And so on the final afternoon at the Greek Hovel we invited over the elderly lefties from the village up in the mountains. They were rather scared of the track so I had to go fetch them from Kambos and drive them up.


2185 days ago

Video: We Are Starting Another Leg Up In Gold

Mining entrepreneur Ross Beaty reckosn the really good times are coming for we gold bulls. He feels that we have been in a gold bull market since 2015. Gold had a good breakout in 2016, and that seems to be in the first leg of a bull market. Anyone who has invested in gold equities should do very well in the next few years.


2189 days ago

Video: We Are Feeling Tremors of the Impending Earthquake in the Bond Market - could gold hit $5,000 as a result?

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco feels that recent market activity is a good signal of what is coming. He says, “There aren’t many safe havens left, and one of the few is precious metals.” In this latest podcast from Palisade Capital, Jaime mentions that the Comex chairman commented that gold should be above $5000. The paper market has been suppressing the price of gold through derivatives. People need to understand they are living in a complete facade and when this game is over, there will be a re-balancing.


2191 days ago

Video: Gold and gold shares rally but there is more to come

Gold and gold shares have had a good mini-run/recovery. But there is more to come claims Jordan Roy Byrne, the only technical analyst who is not a complete saddo/fool. All is explained in the latest video from Palisade Capital


2203 days ago

As Stocks and Bonds Crash (A Rare Sign), Gold Rallies - What's Going On?

Looking for a safe haven in the stockmarket storm? How about gold? On the day the Nasdaq tanked 5% the yellow metal started to rally and Adam Turkeman of Palisade Capital put the bull case for a much bigger rally below.


2209 days ago

Video: Gold often has a false move before THE big move

David Erfle is a skeptic when it comes to the junior mining sector. He became involved in the resource market in 2003, shortly after losing a good portion of his investments in the crash. Those lessons helped him look for sectors that are undervalued.


2210 days ago

Video: I anticipate a slow and steady increase in gold prices

We long suffering believers in the only proper currency man does not devalue with the printing press might have hoped for more but we will settle for this if it is on offer.


2250 days ago

Sprott Gold Report: Buying Opportunity as Gold and Silver Shorts Reach Record Levels

Sprott is the world's best known resource investor so, after a sharp sell off in precious metals, its call that a sharp bounce is on the way should be taken in context. Over to analyst Shree Kargutkar...


2255 days ago

Podcast: Precious Metals Capitulation, Sentiment Has Changed Drastically in the Last Month

Brett Heath sees severe capitulation across the board from the metals to the majors and down to the juniors. Most of the majors are at or near 52-week lows. This looks like scary times, and both gold and silver are incredibly volatile right now.

In the latest podcast from Palisade Capital, Brett says that sentiment has changed drastically from just a month ago. He says that what we have seen for the last two years is gold stuck in a channel. It was looking like gold and silver were setting up for a very good run, but that did not materialize. He warns that the market may continue to be oversold for some time.

With this latest market decline,


2258 days ago

Podcast: Crash day in silver and gold

It is not a good time to be a precious metals bull. In the latest podcast from Palisade Capital David Morgan discusses the recent drop in silver and how it is another “spike low.” He argues that these massive down days are often very sudden quick drops and that these “spikes” are a good entry and exit point if you’re looking to get into the market.


2266 days ago

Sprott Gold Report: Gold Slumps on Trade War Fears

Sprott is the world's largest resource investor so a) it knows what it is talking about b) it normally talks its own book. I am not greatly surprised to see gold having a rough patch given the irrational exuberance affecting most other asset classes. I am sure that will all change. Anyhow, over to an expert, Shree Kargutkar of Sprott Asset Management who writes:


2289 days ago

Video: Gold due a relief rally but bigger move is on hold

In this week's video update from Palisade Capital and the only technical analyst we give any time to at all, Jordan Roy Burne discusses where the market is and why it failed to break-out. Traders were anticipating a breakout, and many are likely disappointed. The dollar is consolidating and now above the long-term moving average. Concerning GDX and GDX.J, things are still pretty dull. Jordan warns that “Silver is also on the verge of breaking down out of a triangle.”


2299 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: from (Audio) Boom to Bust by Q1 next year? And the mystery Optibiotix bull unmasked

Bearcasts may be sporadic over the next few days as I explain. By Wednesday I shall be mountain walking in Greece for my Woodlarks training. Think of me with the snakes and in 35 degree heat and donate HERE. Today I look at Optibiotix (OPTI), Audioboom (BOOM), Andalas (ADL), Frontera (FRR), Boxhill (BOX) and KPMG and in some detail at Jim Mellon's failing gold play Condor Gold (CNR).


2323 days ago

Podcast: Eric Sprott - This is when gold will begin its climb

Okay the man behind the world's best known resource investment group is talking his own book. But he is more often right than wrong.


2357 days ago

Altyn – 2017 gold production growth constrained, but transformational financing “very close”

Gold miner in Kazakhstan, Altyn (ALTN) has announced 2017 results including “infrastructure enhancements and progress of the underground decline have been continuing” but that “production was constrained by the closure of the processing plant for maintenance and availability of the necessary equipment”


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video Gold & Mining session - Frisby, Van Dyke, Atherley et al

 Chaired by Brian Kinane of Riverfort this was a real clash of ideas and featured Dominic Frisby, Paul Atherley of Berkeley (BKY), Richard Poulden of Wishbone (WSBN), Peter Bird of Asiamet (ARS) and - making a very welcome return - Amanda Van Dyke, now a fund manager.


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources

Kerim Sener is the founder and CEO of AIM listed gold producer and explorer Ariana Resources (AAU). He is one of the nicest and most honest guys on the market and I think Ariana shares are cheap. To see what he had to say at the UK Investor Show 2018 watch the video below. Enjoy!


2381 days ago

Video: Rick Rule sees Resource Opportunities in Uranium, Cobalt, and Gold

Rick Rule of the world's leading resource investor, Sprott says he has, of late, seen broadly increasing client and institutional interest which has been lead by strong private placements. This interest is being driven by 2017 commodity performance, and now the equities show good value.


2383 days ago

Video: Setup for a Breakout in precious metals but When?

Over to the only technical analyst not to be dismissed out of hand, Jordan Roy Byrne who argues that gold failed at resistance Wednesday but remains in position to break out anywhere from very soon to in the summer. Its increasing relative strength has brought it very close to a breakout. Meanwhile, the stocks are trading in tighter and tighter ranges and are set to move up aggressively and sustain it if Gold can close above $1360-$1370. It is all in the latest video from Palisade Capital.


2386 days ago

Video: I Took My Advice & Sold My Cryptos to Buy Gold

Jeff Berwick describes himself as an Anarcho-Capitalist, libertarian, and freedom fighter against mankind’s two most significant enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Good man.  He argues that the cryptocurrency ecosystem has had a lot of innovation and late last year the dumb money began investing. The January pullback was expected and needed. Many are glad there was a pullback as things were growing too fast. The potential of cryptocurrencies has not changed, there is still massive amounts of development. There is a lot of buzz in the cryptocurrencies, and it’s not going away.


2394 days ago

Video: Gold Breakout Above $1400 Coming in Next Two Months

Eric Muschinski is an ex broker and hedge fund player who for seven years has penned the “Gold Investment Letter” so this call in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital may be seen as talking his own book but it is argued along rational lines. 


2395 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the investment case for gold and two shares I am likely to buy next week

Tomorrow is the birthday of the Mrs so there may not be a bearcast. If not I shall be back on Wednesday morning ahead of a flight to New York on Global Shorting Conspiracy business. In today's podcast I look at why gold like my Wisdens is an investment. Then I discuss two shares in AIM stocks which, for very different reasons, I am considering buying next week and I'd like to thank one of my colleagues for - perhaps - giving me a chance to do so very cheaply. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH


2403 days ago

The Big Reset Is Coming with Gold Going to $5,000

Willem Middlekoop spoke at one of our shows a couple of years ago and is an inveterate gold bug. But this week his call is a gutsy one. Willem discusses how the Bretton Woods system created our current financial system and how that system is nearing its end. Many countries around the world like China are preparing for a new world monetary system. Precious metals futures markets have a lot of paper manipulation occurring. Both China and the United States have a vested interest in low gold prices. The Chinese like low prices because they are accumulating and the U.S. Government prefers it because it makes the dollar look acceptable.


2404 days ago

2018 is Likely to Set Off Large Gold Rally

That raraity, a credible technical analyst, Jordan Roy-Byrne accepts that gold has been quite subdued of late. He is not predicting an imminent breakout although one should be looking to take advantage of the value out there. Juniors are unlikely to get much cheaper than where they are now, so there is minimal downside risk. Her argues that the market will improve it’s just a matter of timing. There is still a bit of time before we make the run up to $1375. Now is the time to do your research and find the best companies.


2418 days ago

A Monetary Shift is Underway that will Kill the Dollar.. so buy Gold?

Fund manager Jamie Carrasco likes looking at the finances of the world from a geopolitical perspective. He says, “The Chinese use two symbols for danger, one signifies danger and the other can indicate wealth. We are on the cusp of some massive changes and the birth of a new system.” 


2427 days ago

Altyn – bonds agreement sparks shares, more to come

Altyn (ALTN) “is pleased to announce… an underwriting agreement with JSC Freedom Finance, a subsidiary of Freedom Holding Corp. to raise c. US$15m, through the issue of five-year non-convertible tenge-denominated bonds”, with CEO Aidar Assaubayev emphasising “completion of the bond issuance will allow the company to accelerate the achievement of target production capacity levels, transforming the company into a significant gold producer in Kazakhstan”…


2432 days ago

Video: Inflation Is Beginning To Rear Its Ugly Head

Ignore what Ed Karr says about ramping his own stocks. What he says about inflation, a word unfamiliar to younger readers, is of real note. In this podcast from Palisade Capital, Karr discusses how you need to time the market cycles correctly. Gold is currently catching a pretty good bid, particularly with the recent dollar decline. We have seen an increase in volatility recently, and things are looking pretty good for precious metals. We could break through the 1350 level this year, and 2018 is shaping up to be an excellent year for gold.


2432 days ago

Is Gold About to Breakout?

Gold has rallied back close to trendline resistance. Will it push through this time? That will depend on if Gold can breakout in real terms (against stocks, currencies) as its strength over the past year has been driven by only US$ weakness. This is the question answered by the only half decent technical analyst on this planet, Jordan Roy Byrne in his latest Palisade Capital podcast.


2439 days ago

I’m Attracted to Sectors that other People Hate says, a bullish, gold guru Rick Rule

Rick Rule of Sprott reminds us all how the Trump administration stated that a weaker dollar would be helpful. Younger generations will bear the decision to provide the boomer generation with 1.5 trillion dollars in tax cuts. The interim spending bill will add 300 billion dollars to this year’s budget as well as considerable commitments to funding infrastructure with no mention of where the money will originate. The US dollars weakness can be summed up in this saying, “When your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall.”


2467 days ago

Video: Gold & Gold Stocks Set for Major Breakout in 2018

Gold is positioned for a major breakout in 2018 and the gold stocks and Silver are not far behind. That is the claim of Jordan Roy Byrne the Technical Analyst at Palisade. In the video below he demonstrates his thesis  by analyzing 6 different charts and the key resistance levels these markets could test very soon.


2471 days ago

Sharps Pixley: Precious Metals Forecasts 2018

Ross Norman, the CEO of London's oldest gold bullion dealer Sharps Pixley will be among the speakers at UK Investor Show 2018 on April 21. Have you booked yet? Here are his precious metals forecasts for the year ahead.


2474 days ago

GOLD – If You’re Not Long, You Will Be Wrong - bitcoin & Metcalfe's Law

Frank Holmes is chairman of a blockchain company (Hive) yet is a major gold bull. He became interested in the space when found out that the CEO of Fidelity a company with two trillion in funds has been discussing bitcoin. He says, “Something big is happening.


2486 days ago

Tom Winnifrith New Year's Day Bearcast - 6 themes for the year ahead

In this podcast I look at the threat to free speech & how it does hit financial markets as well as the wider world. I look at the end of the ZIRP and silly money era and how to play it, Unicorn hunting. I look at the advent of a selective bear market, at the unwind of the Consumer debt-fest and how to play that, I look at gold which will, I think shine, in 2018 and how you should play that. And finally I touch on the real threat to your wealth and how to prepare for a Corbyn government.


2495 days ago

Video: Gold Stocks look very cheap but there are so many reasons why they have been total dogs

Gold Guru Adrian Day notes that only two gold stocks have outperformed gold itself in recent years. This underperformance is one of the reasons why many investors are not particularly interested in the sector. There are many inherent problems in mining, and poor management decisions exacerbate this.


2502 days ago

Gold Shares, Nobody Cares!

Gold guru E.B. Tucker considers mining stocks to be bad investments as they are capital intensive and they often have operational problems. However when the price of gold moves these companies are some of the most exciting markets to be in. These are cyclical stocks and you want to own them when they begin to move higher. Most investors have no exposure to this sector.


2510 days ago

Video: Rick Rule on bitcoin, gold stocks, the uranium opportunity and on the time to speculate

Rick Rule of Sprott is perhaps the world's best known investor in resource stocks. This video interview will be controversial covering bitcoin, uranium, gold, dollar default and much more.


2514 days ago

Pass the Welsh Gold mine parcel of shit - next up it's Alba

And in today's most useless shuffling of worthless assets as an excuse for a disguised placing we revisit Gold Mines of Wales, the owner of the Dolgellau gold prospect in the heart of sheep shagging country.


2515 days ago

2018 Likely to Set Off Large Gold Rally

Technical Analyst Jordan Roy-Byrne's latest research unearths some interesting similarities with gold stocks compared to historical three-year bear markets. He found three that compare well; they are the S&P 500 during the great depression, the housing market during the global financial crisis, and Thailand in the mid-1990’s which had a huge bust. He describes how all of the recoveries afterward seem to follow a specific pattern and he sees that behavior in gold stocks. Those patterns ended after 14-24 months with prices moving upwards by 133% to 200%.


2517 days ago

A gold bug writes about the biggest event since 1971 - the end of dollar dominance

I have been contacted by a well known gold bug flagging up something that he regards as the biggest event since 1971 in his world. Over to Mr Bug.


2523 days ago

It’s Time to Rotate Crypto Gains Into Forgotten Gold Stocks

Like the rest of us, Jeff Berwick has been surprised by just how good the crypto space has done this year. He was telling everyone to buy bitcoin back in 2011 and has continued to recommend it. Jeff compares cryptocurrencies to the beginning of the Internet. It feels like we are entering the Internet 3.0 and Wall Street seems to be finally catching on. The bitcoin market is still tiny, and if it ever gets valued anywhere near gold, it will still go up thousands of percent. The entire thing is bizarre and mind-blowing.


2529 days ago

Video: Keith Neumeyer: The Numbers Sound Crazy, but I Predict $8,000 Gold & $130 Silver

Yes it does sound crazy but we live in a crazy old world don't we? Keith Neumeyer argues that the reason the resource markets are lagging is due to institutions not entering the metal market.  The this is that until there is a crack in the major markets, we will not see institutional money flow into the mining equities. The market is quite similar to the year 2000 when it was flat and then took off. History is repeating itself. We need some sort of correction and sane-ness to enter the market. He feels the coming bull market will be quite impressive.


2537 days ago

It Is Time for Gold to Shine

Greg Orrell has 30 years experience in the resource sector. In this podcast he outlines where we are in the resource space and where we are going. He looks at this market as a hedge against financial uncertainty and currency risks.


2541 days ago

Video: Rick Rule: Gold Investor Fatigue Is Going to Lead to a Rally of Epic Proportion for Gold Stocks

Rick Rule of Sprott argues that there is capital misallocation on locating and extracting gold from the ground. Precious metals historically have been the most volatile part of the resource market. Reasons for this include the narrative around gold and silver being more interesting than say that of copper and coal. There is an allure to it. Thus there is a flaw in the way investors think. Investors that focus on precious metals likely do themselves a disservice.


2545 days ago

Why I Hate Gold, But Still Like Gold Equities

Resource guru Matt Geiger does not find gold as appealing as other metals. Much of the demand for gold comes from jewelry and investment. There is a lot of jewelry purchased in India and China. Very little gold is used in industry mostly because of the cost.


2546 days ago

Video: Eric Sprott:Make no mistake… We are in a Resource Bull Market

The keynote speaker at the recent Palisade Capital conference was Eric Sprott, perhaps the world's best known investor in resource stocks. Eric reckons we are in a bull market. Well he would wouldn't he. Eric stresses that Gold holds it’s value, unlike fiat money. It’s hard at times to recognize that we are in fact in a bull market; however, we are as the TSXVenture Exchange has had an excellent rally over the past couple of years.


2547 days ago

Gold Stocks – Biggest Opportunity In Thirty Years

Adrian Day admits that picking winners in the gold sector is not easy. A lot of people do not understand the inherent complexities in this industry such as high capital costs, low odds of success in exploration, and fixed assets that can be taxed or confiscated. When you look at the gold market not only is gold cheap but gold stocks are cheap even in comparison to gold. This, the gold guru argues, is the most significant opportunity in thirty years to buy gold stocks.


2551 days ago

Broader Market is Constraining Gold

Gold is the pre-eminent form of money. That is the basic tenet of money manager Greg Orrell. He says that we have yet to see the worlds radical monetary measures play out and when that occurs there will be a shift back to gold. Gold reveals the monetary debasement of currencies, and this has been ongoing globally. Currently, we are in a sweet spot for gold investors since the rest of the world’s money is focused on regular markets.


2557 days ago

Gold Is A Good Hedge and Investment

Financial guru Per Wimmer is invested in the natural resource space and has seen both the good and bad times. He has worked with many entrepreneurs in the mining space. Wimmer says, “From an investment point of view you have to do your homework. Investigate the stories and the management teams.” He became interested in the mining sector before the last supercycle when he discovered that it was a no-brainer from a supply-demand perspective.


2558 days ago

This is the Biggest Test for Gold Yet, if the Fed plays ball in December $1400 on the cards

If you look at the 2011-2017 gold chart, we are facing the most significant trial yet says gold guru Lior. Gantz We managed to break through support, but that is being re-tested. If we can maintain support, we should see no further resistance up to $1400. This outcome is contingent on what the Federal Reserve does in December.


2562 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Gold & Gold Stocks Bounce

So gold and gold stocks have started to rally. What next? Over to Jordan Roy Byrne for his technical analysis with the latest podcast from Palisade Capital


2564 days ago

James Rickards: War With Korea Inevitable A Black Swan Looms, sell shares buy gold

This is the second time this year Jim Rickards has predicted a major stockmarket crash. Maybe he will be right this time. In this podcast Jim discusses how most financial concepts are easy to understand. Dollar and gold are an inverse relationship, and gold has dropped due to recent dollar strength. Throughout 2016 and 2017 the dollar has been weakening. The Euro has risen against the dollar, and this weaker dollar has translated into higher prices for gold.


2593 days ago

Bitcoin is Going to Drive Gold & Silver to All Time Highs

I still really do not understant bitcoin but it seems to grip fellow libertarians like Dominic Frisby and, in this case, resource guru Doug Casey. In this Palisade Capital podcast, Doug discusses the commodity markets and why the most important thing is what they do cyclically. Most commodities are down 50% since 2011 and the dollar has lost 20%. Commodities remain quite cheap, particularly gold, silver, and copper. He discusses Junior miners and why now is a good time to get into these markets.


2595 days ago

Silver to $100 and Gold to $5000 by 2018 or 2019

Precious metals guru David Morgan is excited about the future of silver, “I have a lot tied to this sector. I’ve always felt that the highest calling you can have is to live your passion. You can be self-serving and serve others at the same time.” 


2596 days ago

Gold To Test 2011 Highs, Look for Autumn Breakout

In the latest podcast from Palisade Capital, gold guru David Skarica discusses the volatility in the market and the reasons for a coming decline. A fight over the budget, tax cuts, or the debt ceiling could create further problems. The technical foundations of the market have been crumbling in recent months. Gold is doing well although a bigger rally has not happened since the general market has held up.


2600 days ago

Gold and Gold Stocks Remain Under-Owned and Under-Appreciated

Adrian Day is, like me, an Austrian when it comes to economics and that is why, in this period of monetary lunacy and fiscal recklessness, gold has such an attraction for him. He is very bullish indeed. He argues that this year we've seen gold swing up and down several times, each time we have gone higher and had higher lows. This is a bullish pattern. It’s extremely encouraging that gold has held up well above 1300. Central banks are going to be very cautious from here.


2603 days ago

Simple Charts Showing Why Gold Stocks Are Poised To Blast Off

Okay, broker Palisade Capital focuses on resource plays so it is talking its own book. With that caveat, a short note it put out the other day caught my eye. It wrote: When gold began to rally in late 2015, investors breathed a sigh of relief. The longest resource bear market was finally over, and capital slowly began finding its way back into the mining sector.


2606 days ago

Silver to Outshine Gold In A Major Way

Fund manager Matt Geiger thinks we were in a consolidation period of this precious metals bull market for the past year. He doesn’t see much downside from here. It’s been a relatively healthy period for investors to get into the market. In terms of the gold price we are more likely to reach $1400 than to see $1200 again, he argues.


2620 days ago

Political Uncertainty Will Drive Precious Metals to New Heights

Gold guru Byron King notes recent US domestic news surrounding the media and those trying to control the narrative. The media’s recent interest in Confederate statues and how this is an ongoing massive political battle and distraction being waged between the deep state and those trying to be free of big government. King argues that if Donald Trump can’t push through tax cuts and infrastructure improvements, then everything that was supporting the rising stock market will begin to crumble. Capital will flow into the under appreciated precious metals sector if there is any loss of confidence in the larger financial markets.


2620 days ago

Goldman Sachs Portfolio Manager Says All Time Highs for Gold Coming Fast

Ali Zamani argues that gold has been in a bull market since the end of last year. The start of bull markets often go unnoticed; it’s a grind. However, we are making higher highs and higher lows. He looks at the most successful macro investors and many have come out recently with breakout calls. The ground is fertile, the charts look good, and the base is in, gold will rise quicker than most people think. Indeed he explains why gold will hit new record highs sooner than most folks think.


2636 days ago

Gold Just Reached Major Inflection Point - Big Move Coming

Palisade Capital's TA expert Jordan Roy Byrne is still short term bearish on gold and  on the sidelines in this market. But something big could be about to happen.


2649 days ago

Bitcoin or gold - which is the real safe haven or store of value?

Naturally Sprott Asset Management, as the world's best known resource investor, favours gold but, and this may surprise you, it does see a case for bitcoin exposure. Its latest monthly report discusses the battle: Bitcoin vs Gold. Over to analyst Trey Reik who writes:


2651 days ago

Major Autumn Rally Coming in Gold & Gold Stocks

We are seeing pretty classic gold action. Gold stocks are normally more volatile when compared to the regular markets. The U.S. system is currently very dysfunctional, nothing seems to get done, just like it was under Obama. Overall this will affect the psychology with the dollar. The Canadian dollar and gold charts look very similar since these are tied to natural resources. The Canadian dollar improvements in recent weeks have caused Canadian mining stocks to move up in US Dollar terms. We still need some sort of catalyst, an external event, some small drop in the markets to get things started. People are going to be surprised how quickly gold heads for the all-time high.


2655 days ago

Video: Gold, silver and precious metals - the primary trend is down

In this video from Jordan Roy Byrne, Palisade Capital covers Gold and Silver and where they could go over the very short and medium term. It also covers gold stocks which are trending lower slowly but remain in a massive multi-year bottoming process. Overall the picture is one that will make the bears not the bulls happy bunnies.


2660 days ago

Spectacular H2 2017 rally in gold is on the cards

We are building a good base for a spectacular second half of this year; people are in a state of panic and sentiment is at the bottom. So says gold guru Florian Grummes.


2670 days ago

July Is Going to be Very Ugly for Gold & Gold Stocks

This is not the normal fare from gold bulls Palisade Capital. The firm's technical analyst Jordan Roy Byrne is uber bearish warning that July will be awful for both gold and gold stocks. Watch the latest video from Jordan, for a TA saddo he is better than most. All we need now is the Sith Lord Zak Mir saying that the charts look bullish and the bear case would be complete.


2672 days ago

In Gold We Trust 2017

A year ago Ronald Stoeferle stated that we were at the very beginning of a bull market in gold, He was wrong. He says that was stopped by Donald Trump. Gold and commodities are dirt cheap when compared to stocks. Equities, bonds, and real estate are at or near their all time highs. He thinks the dollar is close to rolling over.


2684 days ago

A Tsunami of Selling in Gold Miners Is About to End

In this week's podcast from Palisade Capital Frank Holmes discusses how the GDXJ became just a buying index with no separation of value and little understanding of who was doing well fundamentally. The re-balancing has created a large uncertainty with five billion dollars initially moving into the space and now three billion dollars leaving it. This will affect many of the small and mid cap producers. The investment money is being reallocated to the big names like the Barricks, the Newmonts, and the Goldcorps of the world. Holmes argues that you should use this as an opportunity, as some of these stocks have been sold down indiscriminately even though they are reporting phenomenal fundamentals.


2702 days ago

Data shows the US Economy is very weak indeed but rates will rise - Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff is a libertarian a gold bug and a hero of mine. So I listen to what he says. His latest podcast - not surprisingly - has a similar world view to mine. The Fed is now indicating it needs evidence that  the Q1 weak economic data is transitory and not a trend.  This is interesting for 2 reasons.  The Fed’s narrative has always been to tout economic growth even in the face of flimsy or no supporting data.  Now the Fed is actually admitting there is weakness.  The other interesting thing is that, although the Fed continues to claim it is “data dependent”, it has been ignoring the economic data ever since the first rate hike.  The market puts chances of a June rate hike at almost 100%.  Maybe that is because it believes the Fed will raise rates regardless of proof.


2767 days ago

How to Profit in a Sideways Market for gold

Gold seems to be tracking sideways pro tem but that does not mean that gold shares will track sideways too. You can make big returns in such a climate claims Steve Todoruk a senior figure within Sprott, the world's leading investor in resource stocks. Steve opines:


2767 days ago

Ali Zamani: Former Goldman Sachs Manager Says Gold And Gold Stocks Are Best Investment

In this week's podcast from Palisade, Ali discusses how people compare the current financial situation to those of the past, however the big picture is usually different, as the underlying economic circumstances have changed. The US has real competitors unlike the 1950’s and the demographics are radically shifting. The US deficit will continue to grow in part due to baby boomer retirements, their pensions and health care.


2774 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Short-Term Upside But How Much?

In this video Jordan Roy-Byrne of Palisade discusses the short-term upside potential in gold stocks and the key resistance levels. It would be a good sign for miners if they can test their February highs. Otherwise, the sector would remain in a trading range.


2786 days ago

Peter Schiff Rate Hike Odds Surge As GDP Forecasts Collapse

Libertarian gold bug Peter Schiff is one of my heros and his latest podcast reminds us all why the stockmarket may be hitting recorcd highs but it is clearly way overvalued.


2787 days ago

Opportunities Abound in Mining shares, How To Find Them? Gold, Uranium, and Phosphates

2017 will be a lucrative year, as we have seen the bottoming of the bear market. Uranium appears to have reached it’s bottom in early December. We are in the beginning of a new uranium bull market which should last for three to four years. The agriculture minerals are under-invested and phosphates may be a straight forward play. And gold shares will also have a run.


2802 days ago

The inflation genie is out of the bottle and that is great news for gold - Peter Schiff

Libertarian gold bug Peter Schiff is one of my heros and his latest podcast reminds us all why we need material gold exposure in the months that lie ahead. Inflation is back!


2804 days ago

Political and Market Uncertainty Is Driving The Rush For Gold

In this week's Palisadce Capital potcast Peter Spina explains the recent market action and how gold stocks have historically lead the spot price. There is considerable support near $1100, and long term resistance at $1275. This level may well translate into resistance to the upside, once through it though, expect $1475 to $1500. He is seeing growing Wall Street and Chinese speculation in the market, there seems to be a general rush for gold.


2810 days ago

The bull case for gold from the team at Sprott

The world's best known investors in precious metals, Sprott Asset Management has published a detailed 22 page report explaining why gold will head higher and will do so fast after the Q4 post Trump correction. Analyst Trey Reik notes that:


2815 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Bearish Reversal in Gold but Miners Show Relative Strength

Gold formed a bearish reversal on its weekly chart right at a confluence of strong resistance at $1220/oz.If this reversal holds, then what happens to the gold stocks which have showed increasing relative strength? All is revealed - if you believe in Technical analysis, by Jordan Roy Byrne in the latest video update from Palisade Radio


2822 days ago

Time To Grab the Commodity Bull Market By the Horns

Resource specialist Fund manager Frank Holmes argues that the gold and bond markets and have been driven by global uncertainty. Bond rates have begun to decline again which is bullish for the gold market. Holmes reckons forward looking industrial indicators are currently positive - they are predictive of future global economic demand. Holmes says this is a good sign, and may be the underlying reason why commodities have been rallying.


2828 days ago

Video: Rick Rule - I Am Optimistic About Gold and I Am Cautiously Bullish on Gold Stocks

Rick Rule, the face of the world's best known investor in precious metals, Sprott, sees weak global demand for almost everything, however there is a sentiment change for resource stocks. He thinks this change is somewhat justified- although many recent resource prices do not appear to reflect any underlying rationale. Mr. Rule is cautiously optimistic about gold stocks and the gold price. We are in one of those flight-to-safety periods where the US dollar does well, and interest rates go up.


2849 days ago

Stay Down-to-Earth with Gold, While Going to the Moon with Bitcoin

There are so many radically extreme events that are happening, or will likely happen soon in the world economy, we have to be very careful. In Jeff Berwick’s 20+ years of market investments, he sees this as the most difficult time for investors. He suggests getting a lot of your money out of the markets by holding precious metals, other hard assets, and bitcoin.


2849 days ago

Gold, the Oversold Bounce Begins

Gold and gold stocks have begun their much anticipated oversold, post-tax loss bounce. Jordan Roy Byrne provides rally targets and discusses the implications for 2017 in the latest podcast and video from Palisade Capital. 


2850 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Assisted by my father, 8 predictions for 2017

Once again I am sitting here in Shipston with a live audience of one, my father. So we have his take on George Michael - mine is HERE. My views on Syria are referred to in the podcast and the article I mention is HERE. Then I go onto my 8 macro calls for 2017 covering Europe and the Euro, interest rates, corporate earnings visibility, fraud & bankruptcies, house prices, shares, gold and oil.


2850 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Rally Coming Now or at Lower Price?

The precious metals sector, specifically Gold and gold stocks have been oversold for a while. They recently broke lower and have made a small bounce the past few days. They may have to drop further before a sustained rebound takes place. Jordan Roy Byrne also analyzes the US$ and how its strength could eventually help Gold bottom in the latest video from Palisade Capital.


2864 days ago

Rick Rule: Gold- “Don’t Try To Catch A Falling Safe!”

Post Fed meeting, the freefall in gold and gold stocks continues. It’s a perverse characteristic of investing that the narrative gets better as the market gets worse. Rick Rule believes that a 35-40% decline in gold stocks makes them 35-40% more attractive. The legendary boss at Sprott explains why in a special video with Palisade Capital.


2865 days ago

Precious Metals Market Commentary - why has gold tanked since Trump?

Contrary to the pre-election consensus, Trump's victory has been negative for gold, at least in the short term. Since his election on November the 8th, price has declined from a peak of $1,336 to where it’s currently trading at $1,170 – a drop of $166 or 12.5%. So what next? Over to the experts at Sprott:. 


2865 days ago

Gold Producers Have Underperformed And Will Continue to Lag – How To Take Advantage Of The Recent Gold Correction

In the mining sector, there is an old adage that is often invoked at the beginning of a new bull market – “producers will move before explorers and developers.” It might make intuitive sense, but the adage rings false claims Palisade Capital in its latest research. Over to the broker...


2877 days ago

Peter Schiff: QE4 is going to be huge

Is the Trump rally fizzling out? Yes it is. But is this going to be a soft landing? No. That is the view of libertarian gold bug superhero Peter Schiff who explains in his latest podcast that bubbles just do not go away gently. And we are living in a bubble.


2890 days ago

Donald Trump to lead America off a fiscal cliff - Peter Schiff

Libertarian gold bug Peter Schiff is a hero of mine and in his latest note he makes a very vaild point about Donald Trump - he could well bankrupt America. Over to Schiff:


2890 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gold. Always believe in your soul. You've got the power to know. You're indestructible

In this podcast I discuss why Mkango (MKA) failed to impress me in such a major way last night and then I look at gold stocks in general and Condor (CNR) specifically before explaining how to assess when a cash burner will have to place.


2891 days ago

Conroy Gold, BMR & Mkango Resources Present at Mining Maven: What happened next?

I have no idea why Malcolm Palle of Mining Maven organises the events he does. He charges companies far less for his seminars than other folks so, after hiring a pleasant venue and providing booze and food for all as well as paying his own train fare down from the grim North he won't be making much. But all credit to him for putting on fun evenings. I commend him for his Saintly community spirit and reckon that more folks should pop along as I did last night.


2891 days ago

Gold to hit $1.050 then bounce strongly

Gold investors are a little worried in the last week. On election night, gold shot up $60, while the DOW went down 800 to 900 points. In the morning, gold was down and the DOW was way up! Some people are thinking we are back in a bear market, we need to sell everything- gold is done. Jordan Roy-Byrne argues that this is exactly the wrong kind of thinking. He says:


2891 days ago

Life in Trump-land: Why gold is set to bounce from here

Gold fell sharply after the victory of Donald Trump. But that was an over-reaction says the world's best known precious metals investor, Sprott. It explains the short and long term case for the yellow metal better than I can. Over to Sprott:


2896 days ago

Today 2 PM ...TWO share tips from the "Maverick Tipster" - this is not about Donald Trump!

I do not know about you but I am starting to feel a bit Trumped out. And I actually wanted him to beat crooked Hillary. But the papers and TV screens are just so full of the man, what he is doing and what it means for us all. Is the Donald good for shares or bad? What about gold? Or bonds? Or house prices? Or the chances of England winning the World Cup? The truth is that no-one really knows any of the answers... except that England won't win the World Cup.


2899 days ago

Where next for the markets and for gold after Donald Trump wins

I expected gold to surge on a Trump win. It did not. So what has gone wrong? Over to the world's best known investor in precious metals, Sprott.


2899 days ago

Do gold & silver care that Donald Trump won?

Short answer: No. Well that is the response of Dave Kranzler who manages gold and precious metals fund in Denver. Short term maybe the answer was in fact yes. But taking a broader perspective I reckon Kranzier is correct. He writes over on the Sprott website:


2902 days ago

Frank Trotter: US Dollar will fall Against Other Currencies & Gold

Frank Trotter is the Vice President of Everbank - a forex specialist who warns that the Greenback is set to slide. The decline of the US dollar may be slightly delayed by the likely .25% FED rate hike in December of this year, which may temporarily bump up the US Dollar. The fact that the Euro hasn’t gone down from the beginning of the year suggests that people are largely done using US dollars as a safe haven, and will probably start investing in other currencies.


2905 days ago

James Rickards: The Fed is Tapped Out & End Result is Ice-Nine for Gold

The Federal Reserve and IMF have both wrongly forecasted growth and inflation forecasts the for the last 8 years. The economists who run those organizations are not scientists, but dogmatists and ideologues who let preconceived notions and political preferences hinder their objective analysis. In his new book ‘The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis’, New York Times bestselling author James Rickards shows some specific examples of how the scientific methods could work.


2906 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Will gold zoom if/when Trump wins

I reflect briefly on the Brexit farce then move onto gold. Will it rise whatever happens on Tuesday? And what does it need to rocket? A win for Donald Trump or the instability of a narrow win for Hillary Clinton but a Republican Congress?


2907 days ago

This Pullback In Gold Is Over – Or Is It?

I am a gold bull and hope that after Donald Trump wins on Tuesday we will see another big leg up. Hence we retain big positions in gold plays such as Petropavlovsk (POG), Wishbone (WSBN) and smaller holdings in Kefi (KEFI). So what does the chart say? Over to Palisade Capital.


2909 days ago

Petropavlovsk: Debt refinancing (good) news - Buy

Updating last month on Petropavlovsk (POG), we noted debt risk but reassurance that “key terms have been agreed in principle for the rebalancing of the group’s debt maturities with its production profile”. The company has now further updated – including that it“expects to be in a position to confirm details of the refinancing shortly”.


2913 days ago

Sprott explains why the gold bull case is intact

Okay the world's best known investor in resource stocks and precious metals is talking its own book. But it does so persuasively. Over to Sprott.


2914 days ago

Sprott: Corrections, Patterns, and Positioning, what next for gold?

We gold bugs thought we were heading back to the good old days. But it appears paradise has not yet been regained. So what next? Over to the world's best known precious metals investor, Sprott...


2914 days ago

Podcast with Rick Rule: Chaos in the EU - Trauma on the Peripheries

Legendary resource investor Rick Rule has recorded a podcast covering gold (cautious), potash (mega bullish) but also the looming chaos in the EU and what that means. It is thought provoking stuff from Rule.


2917 days ago

Ex Workers at Avocet Mining seize 1,400 oz of gold - Avocet gives capitalism a bad name

It is the sort of incident that would have Sir Benjamin Dover fulminating about how you can't trust the natives out in Bongo Bongo land. Workers, who Avocet Mining (AVM) fired in December 2014, have seized 1,400 oz of gold which had been produced at the Inata mine. The incident says a lot about the way Western miners rape and pillage across Africa. I'm with the workers even as Avocet shares crash on worries that it may have a funding issue and that it clearly has breached Stock Exchange rules.


2921 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: A Low in Gold & Gold Stocks…?

A look at Gold and gold stocks and their trajectory going forward after completing what appears to be a short-term low. The latest podcast from Jordan Roy-Byrne at Palisade Capital. 


2929 days ago

Gold back below Brexit levels but for how long?

It has not been a great few weeks for gold bugs. But the bad times will not last long. Certainly that is the view of the world's best known precious metals investor Sprott. Over to the experts:


2929 days ago

Donald Trump Or Hillary Clinton? Which is better for gold

I think gold is going up whoever wins on November 8. The US is now $19.7 trillion in debt having been $10 trillion in debt when President hopey change took power in 2008. The debt rose by $170 billion in the past eight days! Whoever wins it will kee on spiralling and so I am happy to remain a gold bull. But who would be better for gold: Donald Trump or Crooked Hillary Clinton. Over to Palisade Capital with the chart that tells you:


2929 days ago

Becoming A Metalionaire – Go On the Offensive with Gold and Gold Stocks!

Many people wonder how it’s possible that so much money is being created without runaway inflation. Mining entrepreneur Lior Gantz believes it’s because the other side of the equation is deflation. The system is causing deflation in the private sector and inflation in the government sector. This creates a huge battle between inflation and deflation.


2931 days ago

Video: This Will Be The Catalyst For Higher Gold Prices & Rare Earths a joke - Rick Rule

This is a short video from Mines & Money with Rick Rule of the world's best known precious metals investor, Sprott, explaining to a dumb blonde what will be the kicker that sees gold prices head higher over the next 12 month. Rick also comments on the "disgusting sideshow" that is the US Election and what that means for the markets. And what he says about Rare Earths is damning and hilarious. Something for everyone.


2936 days ago

Sprott: The Bull case for gold is intact

You cannot have failed to notice short term weakness in the gold price and hence gold equities. The world's biggest precious metals money manager Sprott thinks it is a blip and argues that the bull case is intact. It would. Sprott writes:


2937 days ago

Gold could be ready to bounce soon, silver less so

Recently, we have seen gold make a downward turn. Jordan Roy-Byrne of Palisade Capital predicted this turn, and put a hedge on his gold positions. He thinks we should be looking for a bounce soon. If October doesn’t turn to be a bad month it will be a good sign that we will start to move up again. If the market takes more time to digest these losses, it could be anywhere from a month to a few months before we start to move back up again.


2940 days ago

The case for gold & gold shares - look to base rates

The latest missive from Sprott is, not surprisingly, bullish on gold. The key is interest rates. Over to the world's best known investor in precious metals.


2941 days ago

The fundamental attraction of gold - look at US Government debt

You wonder why all sensible folks want some exposure to physical gold? It is simple. I bring you the explanation provided by John Embry a senior figure at the world's biggest precious metals investor Sprott. To quote Voltaire: “Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero.”


2955 days ago

Gold, silver, & platinum a 3-5 year bull market lies ahead

Thom Calandra has learned with age that trying to predict where the world economy will go is often very difficult. The purchasing power of gold and real estate against paper currencies is a possible indicator. There is a compression of paper currency everywhere, and it’s difficult to see where the US dollar is going when it’s only trading against other paper. His ultimate insurance is to have plenty of metal stashed away. Against that background...


2962 days ago

Wishbone - why I am certainly not selling now : the maths are compelling

We are almost 200% ahead on our investment in Wishbone Gold (WSBN) with the shares at 0.815p and I must admit that in recent weeks, I have, several times, thought about banking a few gains. But then came Thursday's statement from the company and I did the maths again - am I mad? This stock could still be extraordinarily cheap. Hear me out before you send for the men in flapping white coats.


2964 days ago

This Chart Predicts At Least Up to $164 Silver! – What Happens If The Current Silver Bull Market Performs Like Previous Ones

Since the beginning of the current bull market, silver is already up 40%. While not enough to get crazy in the Hamptons yet, silver has incredible torque to outperform gold and based on this chart, we predict silver will hit $70 an ounce this cycle. But it could be more. That is the claim made by Palisade Capital. Over to the broker. which writes...


2969 days ago

The Gold Bull Run Is On!

Most people are unaware of the dramatic rise we have seen in precious metals and mining stocks so far this year. Many wait for a price increase to start before they jump in. This could be a super cycle in gold, and now is likely the best time to invest - so says Colin Kettell of Palisade Capital.


2970 days ago

Gold Equity Market Cycles what history tells us about where we are now

Over the past 45 years there have been 7 bull cycles and 7 bear cycles in gold equities with varying duration and percentage gains what does history tell us about how long the current bull market will last. Steve Todoruk of Sprott says there are clues in the charts. Over to Steve... 


2971 days ago

Comparing This Gold Bull Market to Those of the Past Is Invalid

We are 7-8 years into a monetary experiment that has never been done before. In previous bull markets we weren’t looking at the potential end of the financial system as we know it. When central banks monetize, they destroy the currency. This is happening all over the world. That is the thesis of gold guru Bill Holter.


2972 days ago

This Chart Predicts $4,000 to $8,500 Gold! – What Happens If The Current Gold Bull Market Performs Like Previous Ones

Ok this is perhaps just a bit of fun but with our gold exposure I can't say that Id mind greatly if Palisade Capital's prediction comes true. Over to the broker:


2976 days ago

Charge Into the First Half of This Gold Bull Market

It’s definitely not too late to get into the precious metals bull market - that is the claim made in this week's Palisade Capital podcast, by Matt Geiger. Even though the gains at the beginning of this cycle have been extreme, we still have a long way to go. These next 16-18 months should be exciting! Matt argues says that typically the real money will be made in the first half of the cycle. He recommends being aggressive in investments up to mid 2018- after that it’s likely to be less lucrative.


2976 days ago

There will be a war on Gold

Author Jim Rickards recently did an interview with Sprott in which he opined that there will be a war, by the Central Banksters and big Western Governments on gold. It is fascinating stuff. Over to Sprott:


2978 days ago

Too Much Money, Not Enough Gold - gold should be at $3,770 oz!

This short research note from Palisade Capital is interesting. It is just another way of explaining why gold is mis-priced and should be far higher, one reason we retain such a strong weighting in gold stocks in our portfolio. Palisade writes: 


2981 days ago

Billionaire Elites Piling Into Gold - follow the smart money

Jacob Rothschild, Stanley Druckenmiller, George Soros, along with his associate Crispin Odey, and other billionaire elitists are moving massively into gold. In his recent semi-annual address to RIT shareholders, Rothschild announced that they are reducing their stock and currency exposure and increasing their gold holdings.


2985 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Shall I fire Graham Neary and is it too late to buy gold shares?

The only fool worse than an old fool (Malcolm - see HERE ) is a young fool, that is to say Graham Neary, see HERE. Maybe I should fire Graham. What do you think?  Having discussed why young Graham is being foolish I move onto gold. Is it too late to buy gold shares? Why is Paul Jourdan not adding Caledonia Mining and how should you buy exposure if you have none?


2985 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff - The Fed is about to put the final nail in the coffin of the US economy, dollar to collapse

As you know, Peter Schiff is a hero of mine, a libertarian and gold bug he predicted when and why things would go wrong in 2008. Schiff says the next meltdown will be worse and it will be soon and explains why in this compelling new video.


2987 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Visiting a listener in Warwick Hospital, it's all part of the service

Actually it is not a service I provide to every listener but I explain why Maurice Byrne gets a premium deal. I mention the great con that are today's A-Levels with hard and shocking data analysed HERE. I have chatted to both Lucian Miers and Paul Jourdan of Amati about the markets, about  Lucian's tiny short portfolio and about Paul's three big Gold picks. I look at Physiomics (PYC), African Potash (AFPO) and Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) - target 0p for the later two.


2988 days ago

Sprott: Does the Current Gold Price Justify the Big Gains in Gold Stocks?

Boy am I kicking myself for not buying a few more gold shares a few months ago. But is it too late. That is the question asked by the world's best known mining investor, Sprott.


2990 days ago

Get ready for an Autumn surge in Gold Stocks

We are seeing a few weeks of rest in the junior mining space, and many are predicting a massive rally this fall. Markets move up when there are more buyers than sellers, and down when the opposite occurs. Both the metals, and mining equities markets are extremely well bid. If there is a break in the market it’s likely to be on the upside, not the downside. That is the key message from Rick Rule of Sprott in this week's podcast from Palisade Capital


2997 days ago

Gold might go Ballistic says Peter Schiff

There are several reasons the world economy is unsustainable within the current systems according to my hero, the libertarian Gold bug Peter Schiff. We have featured Peter several times here in recent weeks - see HERE. He believes the biggest factor is countries like the US which have huge deficits. They have low production rates requiring mass imports of goods in exchange for pieces of paper that are losing their value. This forms imbalances which destabilize the global economy. There are also enormous amounts of bonds and unfunded liabilities which creates vulnerability to a backup in interest rates. If rates go up, they can’t afford to pay.


3002 days ago

Negative Rates to Take Gold to Heights Never Before Seen in History of Mankind

As a historian, Don Coxe is cautious in saying there is something new under the sun. He didn’t think he would live long enough to see the creation of an entirely new asset class, which is negative and seemingly endless in scope. Negative yields were first created by the self-financing Swiss to get the euro-zone moving again. Don likens them to the multiplying of bad germs, and finds it likely that there will be painful corrections in the economy, the stock market, or both.


3007 days ago

Gold to head to $10,000 an oz?

As societal and political structures continue to breakdown worldwide, survival instincts are heightening. This inspires self-organizing communities and a decreasing confidence in central banking and other key infrastructures. Precious metals as a medium of exchange has thousands of years of tried-and-true history, so people run to these safe havens. Precious metals guru David Morgan thinks gold and silver have already hit bottom, and because of the unique situation in the world today, he wouldn’t rule out gold lifting to $10,000 oz! Oh I do hope so!


3009 days ago

Truly ashamed of West Ham today as it fires Tony Carr with a peanuts payoff

Tony Carr is the man who has enabled West Ham to retain its claim to be "The academy". For 43 years he has brought all sorts of youth talent through the ranks: Terry, Ferdinand (A&R), Cole (J), Carrick, Noble, Defoe, Oxford, Fat Frank Lampard etc, etc, etc. And yesterday he was made redundant with a payoff of just £14,000 which is the statutory amount. It is also less than one day's pay for some of our first team squad. It is a truly disgraceful way to treat a loyal club servant and it is a moment of shame for the club I support.


3011 days ago

Hang Your Hat on Small Cap Private Placements In Gold Stocks

It often takes one year of gains for the typical investor to get interested in something in the stock market, which is where we are approaching with gold right now claims gold guru Mike Swanson. Investing in the first year of this bull market is a great strategy. The bull market for precious metals and mining stocks will likely last 3-5 years so Mike reckons you should be 20% invested in gold stocks and thinks this might be the biggest bull market we will see in our lifetime.


3011 days ago

Eric Sprott: As the Fed Loses Control Gold Prices Will Soar

2016 has been exciting so far for gold investors. In the opinion of the world's best known precious metals investor Eric Sprott, what is happening to gold and gold shares is stunning. The average gold stock is up 160% in less than 6 months, and Eric thinks gold will easily go to $2,000.


3014 days ago

Petropavlovsk: Trading statement and company chat

Most gold shares have soared over the past few months. Petropavlovsk (POG) shares, which we own, have not. At C7p we are ahead of our tip but not by much. It is disappointing and we apologise. But we have not lost faith. There are reasons for the lacklustre showing which came through in a first half trading statement and in a long chat with CEO Pavel Maslovskiy and chairman Peter Hambro.


3021 days ago

All In On Precious Metals – Most Obvious Trade On the Planet! Shares to fall by 80%

Fund manager Etai Friedman says he has never seen a bigger green light in his life. It is literally the most obvious trade on the planet. The trade is so good that Etai just rebalanced his portfolio from a very small gold and silver allocation to 75%! And he’s not done yet. He expects to go 100% towards precious metals within the next couple of months. In this week's podcast with Amanda van Dyke's colleagues at Palisade Capital he explains why.


3023 days ago

Gold Is Good; Uranium Is Great - Rick Rule

Rick Rule started his career in the 1970’s bull market, which had a spectacular shift towards resources after a 50 year lull. He is preparing for what he believes may be the greatest shift in natural resource markets that he will witness for the rest of his career. He says that the next 5 years will be more generous for the junior resource space than most give credit for. The junior precious metals market is already up about 100% in a short period of time


3029 days ago

Fireworks Erupting in the Junior Gold stocks

In gold bull cycles, the junior mining companies represent the highest possible returns, especially for investors positioned early in a cycle. Commentator David Skarica believes that the next 6 to 12 months is a great time to position yourself. Historically, moves in the junior miner move between 3-5 years, and we are only 6 months into the current move! If you enter these cheap stocks right now, and invest in 20 or 30 companies, 5 or 6 of them will probably blast off, providing exceptional returns.


3038 days ago

Currency Debasement as the Real Driver Behind Gold & Brexit good news

We have had the deepest and longest decline in the history of commodity equity markets. Just recently we have confirmed a breakout in the space and there is much more room to run. The pattern is similar to 2002 where the mining stocks doubled and everybody thought they had missed the boat, when in reality there were years of powerful gains ahead.


3040 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Independence day Bearcast 3 - housebuilders vs gold miners

In the third bearcast of today's trilogy celebrating Independence Day I look at stocks or rather at two sectors - gold miners and house builders. One is soaring the other tanking. Is this all Brexit related? Or any of it? Could both trends accelerate? I focus on the house builders and explain exactly how bubbles collapse and this is a bubble. But do not blame Brexit for the collapse. All bubbles have to implode in the end. 


3046 days ago

No Major Pullbacks In Sight for Gold Stocks Until 2017

Oh Goodie Goodie I hope Amanda van Dyke's colleague Jordan Roy Byrne is correct as we own a stack of gold shares. He argues that: Gold performed well last week but there is resistance at the $1300 mark. There are many factors in play causing volatility in the gold price but this has not effected the stocks which have performed well without any significant corrections.


3053 days ago

A Vote for Brexit a vote to end Western civilisation or just for mass sexism - today's tough choice from Project Fear

You rather know that those in Project Fear are panicking when they switch their lead spokesman from Dodgy Dave Cameron to ex PM Gordon Brown at this late stage in the polls. That would be the same Gordon Brown who sold all our gold at the lowest possible price, who trainwrecked the economy as PM and who, in his disastrous only election campaign as leader, went around calling nice little old ladies bigots. Yes it is that Gordon Brown.

In footballing terms It is like swapping an injured Wayne Rooney for Venessa Feltz


3061 days ago

In Gold We Trust 2016 – Gold Headed for $2,300

Is the current pull back a correction in a new bull market or is this a fake rally? Will price inflation keep rising? Will we see stagflation going forward? What effect will Federal Reserve interventions have on the markets? Are we moving to a cashless society? What is gold’s role in the permanent portfolio?


3065 days ago

6 Reasons to be Bullish & long of gold from Sprott

Sprott is the world's best known investor in gold and precious metals and it today serves up "six of the best" - half a dozen reasons to be long gold. It talks its own book of course but can you disagree?


3075 days ago

This Gold Bull Market Could Be the Longest and Strongest in History

I am not sure that I believe it but I jolly well hope it is the case as we have a stack of gold shares in our portfolio. Anyhow that is the view of fund manager Al Housego, a cheery fellow who also claims that  the general markets are overbought and in a prime spot for a major crash.


3076 days ago

Rick Rule warns gold equities might see a pull back

Rick Rule of Sprott is still a long term gold bull but he has warned that after a good run some of the gold equities could see some consolidation or pull back unless gold itself moves ahead again. On the upside he notes in this week's podcast with Amanda van Dyke's colleagues at Palisade Capital he discuses what happens if there is a major exploration success somewhere


3080 days ago

Video: Amanda Van Dyke, Peter Hambro et al - the Mining Session at UK Investor

The afternoon at UK investor Show kicked off with the mining session chaired by Amanda van Dyke. Gold was the main focus and on stage with Amanda were Dominic Frisby, John McGloin of Amara (AMA), Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG), Tony Manini of Asiamet (ARS) and Ross Norman, the very sharp boss of bullion dealer Sharps Pixley


3081 days ago

Video: The Balloon Debate from UK Investor Show - now this was fun

This was meant to be just a fun debate to start the day with a few laughs. Girly swat Chris Bailey took it really seriously but other competitors myself, Malcolm Stacey, Colin Bird, Dominic Frisby were more relaxed. Speaking for gold Andrew Bell was so relaxed he forgot to turn up but Jan Nelson stood in at the last minute. I explain what a balloon debate is in the video. Enjoy.


3084 days ago

Video: Norman Ling of Kefi Minerals at UK Investor Show

Norman Ling is a NED at Kefi Minerals (KEFI) another gold play presenting at UK Investor Show. Enjoy,


3087 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 May -Don't fall into the trap Malcolm (Stacey) admit that facts have changed

In today's podcast I chide my colleague Malcolm over an article he runs tomorrow on Inmarsat (ISAT). He makes the mistake, as we all do, of failing to accept that facts have changed. I explain why Inmarsat is certainly NOT a buy but then also reflect on why J Hon Esq makes the same error on China and on why I am so bearish on equities and, in accepting that, why the case for gold grows stronger.


3095 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2nd May - why I like gold & why we own what we own

is this is a bullcast? We have 15% of our portfolio in gold becuase we are bearish about shares. Does that make sense? I discuss why you should own some physical gold and then why we own the shares we do, notably Petropavlovsk (POG), Ariana (AAU) and Wishbone (WSBN) but also much smaller amounts of Eurasia (EUA), Bluebird (BMV) and Armadale Capital (ACP)


3099 days ago

You want one gold stock to buy but what? Ten experts say it should be...

Gold seems to be in an uptrend so maybe it is time to get a bit of exposure to the gold sector once more? But how? We adsked ten writers connected to this site and/or speaking at UK Investor show on Saturday if they had to bet the ranch on one stock what would it be?


3103 days ago

Biggest Risk For Gold Investors Is To Not Be Invested

He may be a technical analysis freak but that does not mean he is not correct. After all this is not Zak "Judas" Mir we are talking about here. Jordan Roy Byrne argues that at the start of a bull market the miners perform way ahead of the metals and this is what we are seeing now. This has been the worst bear market in 90 years, so the following bull market should prove to be even bigger.


3109 days ago

Gold & Gold Stocks Bullish Consolidation

Will the rally in gold shares and the gold price continue? Yes. Well that is the view of technical analyst Jordan Roy Byrne of Amanda's pals at Palisade Capital. His most recent video explains why and is below. Natch all TA is bollocks but on this occasion I think he is right.


3109 days ago

Going for Gold, Sprott is bullish

Sprott is the world's best known mining investment firm and its had a good first quarter but it reckons that the really good times lie ahead. With c10% of our portfolio now in gold shares I rather agree. But over to Sprott which writes:


3150 days ago

Kefi valued at just 10% of its NPV - Broker Brandon Hill

KEFI Minerals (KEFI) has announced that the Tulu Kapi Gold Project in Ethiopia could be expanded from the initial 115k oz pa to around 150k oz pa by developing the underground potential of the project. Broker Brandon Hill ( house to Kefi and therefore so partial as to be ignored completely) says that the market cap of c$15 million ( at 0.4p) compares to a revised NPV of Kevi's share of Tulu Kapi of $150 million. 


3156 days ago

Amara Mining - merger with Perseus, hold at worst....

Amara Mining (AMA) has announced a recommended offer from Australia-headquartered Perseus Mining, with Amara Chairman and CEO John McGloin emphasising “Perseus has the strong balance sheet to move Yaoure into production and an experienced operating team. This deal therefore addresses two of the major risks facing a junior developer”


3160 days ago

Amara - really bullish claims on Yaoure: buy

Amara Mining*(AMA) has announced results of an optimised pre-feasibility study, re-emphasising that “we expect Yaoure to be among one of the lowest cost, largest new gold mines in Africa”.


3162 days ago

Ariana Resources at 0.95p worth 2.79p?

The research note making this suggestion comes from the house broker so treat it with a bucket of salt. Having said that, mining analyst Sheldon Modeland is no idiot and I also happen to think that shares in gold junior Ariana Resources (AAU) are cheap and thus in that vein (pun geddit?)


3186 days ago

(Good) Yaoure News from Amara - buy

Following a mineral resource update for its Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire in November and capital and cost estimates generated in a pre-feasibility study announced in May,  Amara Mining* (AMA) has announced an increase in the portion of higher confidence (‘Measured’ and ‘Indicated’) resources which fall within a designed project pit (‘mineral reserve’ and here based on an optimised pit shell corresponding to a gold price of $880 per ounce).


3200 days ago

Condor Gold - Lack of Offer Period over - it's screwed

Back in September ailing AIM listed gold dog Condor (CNR) announced that it was undertaking a strategic review and was in an offer period. Today it says both processes are over. It was bollocks from the start, you can't polish a turd and this company - of which I have been a long term bear - is screwed. It is almost game over. It will be lights out in May.


3201 days ago

Get free gold at the Tom Winnifrith mine - open now

You think this is an April fool. It is not. The Tom Winnifrith gold mine opened for business this week and it is free to enter and all miners can get real gold sent to them for free. I kid you not.


3204 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff - next move in US base rates DOWN - buy gold

As you know Peter Schiff is my hero, a libertarian sound money man. In his latest video he explains why the next move in US base rates is going to be down and why rates could go negative. On the basis of that he advises buying gold.


3226 days ago

Video: Amanda van Dyke's Gold Panel at Gold & Bears

On the gold panel at Gold & Bears chaired by my friend the Van Goddess, Amanda van Dyke are Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG), John McGloin of Amara (AMA), Dominic Frisby and Angelos Demaskos. Enjoy.


3231 days ago

Video: Armadale Capital presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

As I noted with Kefi earlier, we want a bit more gold shares exposure in our portfolio and Armadale (ACP) is certainly cheap. So note the disclaimer again. Here is the reason why it is cheap explained in a presentation from Gold & Bears. Enjoy...


3306 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 4 October - Jim Slater, Zak Mir, Daniel Stewart and closed shops

In this webcast I cover Daniel Stewart (DAN), red flags, a closed shop that should be ended to improve AIM at a stroke and another in the legal system, Zak Mir and Jim Slater tipping Optimal Payments (OPAY) and why I disagree and also how I suffered as the lefty mates of my Mrs talked utter rot at lunchtme. I am truly traumtised. I am also handing out 20 free investor class tickets to The Gold, Bears & Traders show on November 28 and 1 person booking an investor class seta tonight using the promotional code BCGB will be upgraded to a Golden Ticket giving access to the after show party with the speakers, etc. So book now at  using the code BCGB


3319 days ago

Buy Berkeley Energy at a 21p offer

Investment Case: Sector: “Mining”. Therefore, it is not a surprise that, having been above 100p just over 4½ years ago and 30p 2½ years ago, shares in what was Berkeley Resources, now Berkeley Energy (BKY), traded down towards 11p earlier this year. However, the last few months have seen a recovery to a current 21p offer price and, having largely (and correctly) avoided the sector here thus far, we now sense investor confidence is at least near the bottom. This together with recent developments at Berkeley give us the confidence to now add the shares to the Gold (really mining) portfolio, considering there the potential for further good gains from here in even just a relatively stable investment environment for the industry. Should sentiment actually decently improve – as it will at some point – we should be really off to the races here… Our initial target price to sell is 30p.


3355 days ago

Amara Mining Interims - still a buy

Amara Mining* (AMA) has announced results for the first half of 2015 as it continues to advance its Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire.


3370 days ago

Why Rob Terry should & will go to prison, 7 share tips & 6 shares to bet the ranch on

The August Edition of UK Investor Show Magazine is now live and the cover story explains why the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy should, and will, go to prison. There are seven share tips from Tom Winnifrith, Zak Mir and Steve Moore and the ShareProphets writers answer the question "if you had to what stock would you bet the ranch on". Amanda van Dyke explains why she is still a gold bull and there's more..


3388 days ago

Video of the Mining guru Amanda van Dyke with Sith Lord Zak Mir

Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was the mining guru Amanda Van Skye discussing mining shares. Her conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE

Amanda is one of 7 writers to have tipped a gold stock to buy in our latest book which you can order for free HERE


3397 days ago

David Lenigas Saint or Serial Sinner, Quindell worth 0p? and is now Gold’s moment?

The July edition of UK Investor Magazine went live last night. It is free to access and the cover story is “David Lenigas, saint or serial sinner” – a joint effort by myself and the Sith Lord Zak Mir. There are a couple of company profiles, three stocks to buy and three to sell. One of those is Quindell which really could be worth 0p again! And there is more…

Richard Poulden explains why gold really will sparkle this year, Zak Mir interviews Neil Ritson of Solo Oil, there is a share tip from Beaufort and the house view on Greece and why it should vote Oxi.


3423 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 9th June: Biotech vs Mining Juniors

In this podcast I ponder the similarities between the two sectors, a few thoughts on following experts like Jim Mellon (biotech) or Malcolm Burne (gold) and wonder what the renaissance of both sectors says about the wider market.


3447 days ago

Amara Mining - Yaoure PFS News

Amara Mining* (AMA) has announced the results of a pre-feasibility study for its Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire. The shares are currently 5% lower, at 15p, on the announcement as a net present value, at a 10% discount rate and $1,250 gold, of $228 million compares to $566 million in a 2014 preliminary economic assessment.


3454 days ago

Beauties and beasts, picking small cap winners - Barry Gibb of Beaufort at UK Investor Show

Beaufort Securities was a sponsor of UK Investor Show and has already signed up as a sponsor of UK Investor Show 2016 and the November 2015 Gold, Bears & Traders conference of which more later. Its small cap analyst Barry Gibb did a presentation on how to pick small cap winners at the 2015 show - a video of which is below.


3459 days ago

Video of Presentation by Greg Kuenzel of Noricum Gold at UK Investor Show 2015

The latest presentation from UK Investor Show 2015 is from the very likeable Greg Kuenzel of Noricum Gold (NMG) - enjoy


3484 days ago

Amara 2014 results comment

Amara Mining* (AMA) has announced results for the 2014 calendar year, emphasising that “we are now well positioned to deliver the next major African gold mine”...


3566 days ago

London’s leading gold forecaster: gold to average $1321 in 2015

Over the past 15 years Ross Norman of Sharps Pixley has been the forecaster with the best record in the LBMA for predicting gold price moves so you should take his gold price forecasts seriously. Ross writes, "We are going out on a limb this year." Indeed.


3575 days ago

Amara Mining - truly cracking news from Yaoure

Amara Mining* (AMA) has announced an increase in total mineral resources at its Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire from 6.3 million ounces to 6.8 million and a 63% increase (to 4.4 million ounces) in the higher confidence ‘Indicated’ resource.

These numbers are based on a pit optimisation using a $1,500 gold price, and reported at a 0.5g/t cut-off, though it is again emphasised that the “resource remains robust in lower gold price pit shells” 


3602 days ago

Amanda van Dyke: The Mining Goddess explains Mining stocks - new video

The mining goddess, oops I mean guru, was on flying form at the last ShareProphets seminar as she explained how to value mining stocks and whether one should be investing in gold or other metals juniors right now. Amanda will be among the roster of speakers at our Spring seminars which start on Febuary 2, to get priority booking and alerts of them register HERE - the video is below


3641 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 31st October

Equities are up. In this podcast, I discuss why but why this is not the start of a bull market. It is temporary coke and hookers time in the City and on Wall Street but only for a while. Next up I look at: Fitbug, ULS Technology & the failings of AIM, Arian Silver and other gold and silver producers, Coms and in detail following a chat with a former bull and insurance guru, Quindell.


3653 days ago

Amara Mining, drill results and thoughts on the share price of the ONLY gold stock we are tipping

Amara Mining (AMA) has announced further results from the 2014 drilling programme at its Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire which “continues to confirm high grade mineralisation throughout the deposit”.  This is the ONLY gold stock we are now tipping on our premium Nifty Fifty website.


3670 days ago

Amara Mining – New Estimate at Yaoure: clear value in the shares

Amara Mining (AMA) has announced an updated Mineral Resource estimate for its flagship Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire – emphasising that “with over 4 million ounces contained in a single economic pit and compelling economics benefiting from low cost hydro-electric power, Yaoure stands out as the pre-eminent gold development asset in West Africa”.


3681 days ago

Amara Mining – A real rarity a Quality gold stock on AIM

Amara Mining (AMA) has announced further encouraging drilling results from its Yaoure project in Côte d'Ivoire. Most AIM casino listed gold miners are a total waste of space, Amara is a rare quality play.


3718 days ago

Amara Mining – we are well ahead on share tip but there’s more to come – Yaoure news

Steve and I have avoided tipping gold stocks on our Nifty Fifty website but we made an exception for Amara Mining (AMA) suggesting readers pile in at a 15.75p offer. The shares are now 23p and there was cracking news a couple of days ago. This stock is starting to hum.

Amara Mining announced further drilling results from its Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire which “include exceptional intercepts, demonstrating high grade areas within the Yaoure Central Zone and the presence of mineralisation in ‘information gaps’” and “continue to confirm the high grade nature and continuity of the CMA zone”. These are expected to expand the mineral resource and reduce the strip ratio. 


3804 days ago

Exclusive: Evil Knievil piles into Oxus Gold – reckons an arbitration win soon

I can reveal that legendary bear raider Evil Knievil has reinvested a material portion of his horse racing winnings on the week (£135,000 to date) in shares in AIM listed Oxus Gold (OXS) at 2.2p.


3805 days ago

Amara Mining: Follow the Board & Buy

AIM listed Amara Mining (AMA) has announced that its producing Kalsaka/Sega operation returned to EBITDA profit in the first quarter of the 2014 calendar year but that “the head grade mined in Q1 2014 was below expectations and accordingly Amara expects production in 2014 to be at the low end of the previous guidance of 60,000-70,000 ounces”

Kalsaka/Sega production was 16,263 ounces of gold in the quarter, with the company reporting an overall net loss of $4.58 million for the period, though noting that “the closing cash and bullion balance of $7.3 million was augmented during Q2 by the $30.5 million fundraising (before expenses), ensuring that Amara is fully funded to deliver the initial Yaoure feasibility study in Q1 2015”

It particularly emphasised that;


3821 days ago

Vatukoula – Sell

I met up yesterday with a chap who was until recently very familiar with the goings on at AIM listed (*for now) Fijian gold miner Vatukoula (VGM) but naturally I shall not expose my source. Anyhow, he has sold all his shares in Vatukoula and even at 4.55p I suggest that you do the same. 

The reason is two fold.


3865 days ago

Amara Mining - ahead on our share tip despite placing - still cheap?

Amara Mining (AMA) has announced a proposed placing and open offer of up to a total of 131,527,262 new shares at 17p each to raise up to £22.36 million before expenses – the funds to be primarily used to advance the company’s Yaoure gold project in Côte d'Ivoire, but also Baomahun in Sierra Leone. We tipped this stock at a 15.75p offer price on our Nifty Fifty website and so at 16.5p-17p are marginally ahead. What next?


3935 days ago

Ortac Resources Buys into Andiamo - every cloud has a copper lining

The misery of the junior mining markets has caused pain for many but it also gives an opportunity to those with cash…step forward Ortac Resources (OTC) which has today announced a very interesting little deal which could be a real winner. 

At 0.24p Ortac is capitalised at just £5.4 million. Its main focus was and – having chatted to Ortac boss Vassilios Carellas over the weekend - still is Slovakia. In that country it has – at Sturec- a JORC compliant gold resource of 873,000 oz. and has completed a PFS. Progress on developing a clearly commercial mine has been delayed by bearded eco-loons who prefer trees to jobs but I am led to believe that progress is being made on that front and we will have news in 2014.

But Carellas is an opportunist.


3936 days ago

Happy Birthday to Me – Closer to 50 than 40 as of today

An early birthday present from Carlton Cole and Mark Noble sees West Ham out of the relegation zone but that will not change the fact that I am today 46, closer to 50 than 40. 

I did not expect to be spending this Birthday living in Bristol, married to a Guardian reading Sociology Senior Lecturer or less than 18 months into running a new business. Life is full of surprises.

I have now been working for 25 years and in the old days would now be just 19 years from retirement. For the Mrs – who did a Post Grad - the figures are 16 and 26. So Maybe I shall call it a day at 58 and live off the State (via the Mrs).  I suspect not, work is too much fun. 

My father’s generation expected to retire at 65. My generation? It might be 58 it might be never. The one thing we do know is that it is not an automatic gold watch at 65.

For me a picnic at Chew lake looms followed by a walk with the Mrs and Uncle Chris Booker.. and then back to subbing Zak Mir’s new book. Happy Birthday indeed.


4001 days ago

Amara Mining - Cute deal

Gold developer-producer in West Africa, Amara Mining (AMA) has announced that it has entered into a agreement to acquire $10 million cash, a drilling operation and three Liberian exploration licences for 51,846,782 new Amara shares (ostensibly $11 million).  It is a cute deal. 


4030 days ago

Q&A with Greg Kuenzel of Noricum Gold

I met up the other day with Greg Kuenzel, CEO of AIM listed Noricum Gold (NMG) for a catch up on a summer drilling campaign which seems to have thrown up some interesting grades. A number of questions spring to mind about this company which, at 1.1p, is capitalised at just £10 million.


4060 days ago

Is the gold price being manipulated? The Sprott view

That is the question posed by David Franklin, the chief economist at Sprott Group in the company’s latest newsletter. Conspiracy theorists among the gold bugs have long argued that it has been. I kind of think it might be. Over to the Sprott camp.


4083 days ago

Have precious metals bottomed? The Sprott View

Well it has been a hell of a ride (down) for gold and other precious metals. Srott is the world’s leading resource investment group so it clearly hopes that the answer is yes. This piece by David Franklin, Eric Sprott’s market strategist explains why it is more than hope.


4087 days ago

Exclusive: Q&A Session with Dave Paxton of Vatukoula

Today I ask David Paxton the CEO of Vatukoula Gold about the news on 12th August that his company has secured $40 million in new financing from China’s Zhongrun and where it leaves investors with the shares at 8.15p.


4097 days ago

Weekly Video postcard - The Poisonous legacy of Blair edition

In this week's video postcard Tom discusses just one subject - the greed and truly poisonous legacy of the war criminal Tony Blair, probably the most loathsome man ever to have been Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Tom's financial video postcard this week covers gold and the disconnect between physical and paper markets as well as a suggestion that investors in a raft of AIM stocks should sue the LSE. You can watch that video here.


4108 days ago

Exclusive: Evil Knievil buys Orosur Mining in size and predicts "market and Gulf Keystone Collapso"

Shareprophets can reveal that infamous bear raider Evil Knievil has acquired a near disclosable stake in AIM listed mining stock (OMI) after buying heavily at c7p. The shares are now 9.875p valuing Orosur at £7 million but Knievil (the alias of Simon Cawkwell) argues that on a break-up basis the gold producer is worth $30 million


4112 days ago

Sprott on Gold - the Shanghai Surprise

This article came out the other day from the team of Eric Sprott, the legendary precious metals fund manager. There is a clear disconnect between physical and paper gold markets and that is why, I find, this piece so interesting....


4120 days ago

Patagonia Gold: Tell the fat Cat/Greedy Pig Directors to bugger off - vote no to option repricing

This is a shocker. The directors of AIM Cesspit listed Patagonia Gold (PGD) are very well paid. They have significant equity in the company but they want more. They want shareholders to reprice their share options in order to “incentivise” them. This has to be passed at an AGM. Shareholders should tell these fat swine to bugger off and vote no. And here is why.


4121 days ago

Rick Rule classic gold & silver Q&A

Rick Rule is a legendary fund manager within Eric Sprott’s group – the world’s leading gold and silver experts. He gave this interview the other day in a client call in. It really is great stuff. What he says about management quality in this sector is understatement of the year.

What’s going to happen with gold and silver?

They’re going to be extremely volatile. But these are the sort of times where gold and silver have done very well over time. Remember, as my friend John Mauldin puts it, “We want to own things central bankers can’t print.” They can’t print gold and silver.

Right now, we’re seeing a classic move from one set of hands to another.


4122 days ago

Bullabulling - VSA Note: This company is worthless even at a $1400 gold price

Broker VSA initiated its coverage of dual listed hole in the ground wannabee gold miner Bullabulling Gold (BLG) at 7.15p with a speculative buy stance last October. With the shares at 1.875p the unrepentant broker’s stance is unchanged on this AIM Cesspit posterboy.

I guess VSA was half right; Bullabullshit is highly speculative it is just the buy but that was a duff call. Even VSA which seems to be a fully paid up member of the Bullabullabullshit fan club admits that at current gold prices (or indeed at $1400) this stock is worthless.

The gold price is now $1250 oz. It is all very well


4123 days ago

Ariana at 1p worth 5.51p says Edison - you sure fellows?

Do not get me wrong – I like AIM listed gold mining stock Ariana (AAU) and think that the stock is cheap at 1p but the latest research from paid for researcher Edison is, er….complete crap.

The note from uber-posh analyst Charlie Gibson kicks off with the following statement:

Ariana has announced the outcome of its final Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the Kiziltepe sector of its JV Red Rabbit project.


4123 days ago

Sprott: Silver...light at the end of the tunnel

This article by two employees of Eric Sprott, the guru of gold and ( especially) silver stocks has just appeared and is fascinating, if a tad conspiratorial in tone. It reads…

Silver’s year-to-date performance has been the worst among all commodities, falling 35% from January to June 30th this year. It’s been a rough ride for those who have held on, but recent news should give silver investors a reason for some renewed optimism.


4123 days ago

Centamin Q2 numbers good but the bulls remain in dreamland

Centamin (CEY), the gold miner operating in the delightful peaceful paradise on earth that is Egypt has today announced Q2 production numbers. As a bear of this stock since last summer when Egypt headed down the Islamofascist route it would be churlish of me not to admit that the numbers are not excellent. They are superb. But with respect that is not the point.

Incidentally I called Centamin 100% correctly on the bear tack just as I had on the bull tack (tipped at 8p sold at 139p) but got heaps of abuse from Bulletin Board Morons for going bearish. Fear not, those who abused me, I am not looking for an apology. You have suffered enough with the financial losses you incurred as you dismissed me as a fool. I shall have another poolside beer and drink to your health. “Cheers…here’s to the Bulletin Board morons”


4125 days ago

Which Gold stocks to own & when will they recover? The Sprott view

Today I hope to shed some light on the question – will gold stocks keep falling forever by bringing you a piece from Steve Todoruk who works for Eric Sprott at Sprott Asset Management – the world’s most successful investor in gold and silver stocks. Steve writes…

The period ending in 2010 was one of the most explosive episodes of growth for the gold mining industry, but the aftermath has been bleak.


4125 days ago

Why Gold is heading higher: Eric Sprott

Eric Sprott founded Sprott Asset Management in 2001, and is one of the gurus of gold (and more especially silver). This article appeared the other day summarising Sprott’s thoughts from a broadcast which went out on June 25th. It is an extreme view and clearly Sprott talks his own book but it is interesting none the less.


4127 days ago

Goldstone drilling results - can it really say this?

AIM Cesspit listed gold explorer GoldStone (GRL) announced drilling results from its Ngoutou project in Gabon on 4th July via an official release which I, charitably, describe as optimistic. I understand that companies in the “jeux san revenue” exploration game must always put the best spin on life ahead of the next fund raise but there are limits.


4130 days ago

Amara Mining - Baomahun Feasibility Study is a joke

AIM Cesspit listed Amara Mining (AMA) is today’s entrant in the “fantasy world of feasibility studies” with an absolute corker relating to its Baomahun project in Sierra Leone. This is beyond a joke.

The long delayed National Instrument 43-101 compliant Baomahun Feasibility Study is finally out. Amara states that it shows the project to be “robust” and to have a Net Present value of $127 million. At 14p Amara is capitalised at £23 million.

Hello sailor, where do I buy the shares? Oh hang on, wait a second


4131 days ago

Bullabulling - More bullshit as new mineplan announced - the maths DO NOT stack up

AIM Cesspit and ASX listed Bullabulling Gold (BLG) is running out of money fast. It needs to raise cash well before Christmas or it is toast. As such it is now issuing upbeat RNS statements to try to get private investors to buy stock to drive the share price up so that institutions come in (at a huge discount) later. And so we have today’s statement offering revised economics for its project at Bullabullabullshit in the land of high culture that is Australia.


4142 days ago

Centamin - where is the RNS fellows?

If a company has major news it should treat all investors the same and issue an RNS. And with that in mind what the hell is gold miner Centamin (CEY) playing at? Telling a newswire journalist material information so that City investors are up to speed but mug punters without an access to a Reuters terminal are kept in the dark shows a shocking contempt for private investors.

I merely quote


4154 days ago

Goldplat - Profits Warning: Buy for Income

On Monday, Goldplat (GDP), the AIM-listed African gold producer, rather disappointingly warned that “EBITDA for FY2013 is likely to be materially lower than market expectations”. I am disappointed because I had tipped the stock at a higher level. But how many gold companies issue an alert and still seem set to maintain a bumper dividend? Not a lot. And that is why this is a buying opportunity for both income seekers and those wanting gold exposure.

Although the company notes


4162 days ago

More bullabullabullshit at the Bullabulling AGM

At the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AIM Cesspit and ASX listed Bullabulling Gold Limited (BGL) held today the chairman served up a statement that was classic Bullabullabullshit. Investors are waking up and the shares lost another 10% to close at 2.375p but that still values this company – which may well be toast by mid-August – at £9 million.

The chairman’s statement is worthy of a prize. “I see no icebergs said the captain of the Titanic, let’s alter course by 1 degrees and press on full steam ahead we have done so well so far.”

Amid the congratulatory blather



4165 days ago

AIM Cesspit critical ward - Scotgold update

It is less than four weeks ago when I highlighted the tale of woe at AIM Cesspit listed Scotgold (SGZ) with the shares then at 1.625p. I note that the shares are now quoted at 1p-1.5p so I guess things are not looking up for this dual listed POS Company. But it will get worse.

If you remember this company came to AIM in 2008 and its Aussie management team happily plundered almost half a million quid in fees last year. It has its sole asset, a Scottish gold mine, on a care and maintenance basis as it cannot get funding to develop it. Quelle Surprise.



4165 days ago

Norseman Gold - Not Over Yet

Having been booted off the AIM Cesspit, Norseman Gold is still suspended on the ASX. However an operational update published before the Bank Holiday in Oz gives a glimmer of hope that all may not be entirely lost. But with Norseman, one of my worst share tips ever for which I apologise once again, we have come to expect the worst.



4167 days ago

May Spreadbet Magazine live featuring Tom Winnifrith, Zak Mir, Lucian Miers and Gold

The June Edition of Spreadbet Magazine is now live and features Tom Winnifrith on the failed AIM system, Zak Mir, an interview with Lucian Miers and a cover feature on gold. You can download it for free by clicking here. 



4172 days ago

In the AIM Cesspit - The African Eagle Saga

African Eagle (AFE) joined AIM from PLUS in June 2003. Today it is six months away from oblivion. Its rise and fall is a morality tale from the Cesspit. No-one emerges from this tale with any credit. I say this as someone who tipped the stock but a long while ago advised cutting losses.  But let’s start at the beginning. This is pretty horrific reading.

African started out as Twigg Minerals on the old Ofex market. At the time it came to AIM it was banging on about its gold assets in Tanzania: Miyabi and Iguribi.  But they were not big enough. Miyabi is now part of a JV with African having 25% but still nowhere near production. The other assets were even less spectacular.  And so to support fund raise after fund raise (there have been more than a dozen to date) the company started promoting copper assets in Zambia.

Sasare, Ndola, Lunga all were company makers we were told as investors were tapped again and again. That was until the company stumbled on something even more exciting. By 2009 the word was Dutwa – a vast Nickel find in Tanzania. The way to maximise shareholder value was to push ahead with Dutwa (oh can we raise some more money please?) and those other company makers were dropped. African had a new company maker.



4174 days ago

Scoop: Vatakoula to announce 15p placing as Chinese prepare to take 29.9 per cent stake

ShareProphets can exclusively reveal that AIM listed gold miner Vatakoula (VGM) has negotiated a deal whereby a major Chinese mining group will invest £4.5 million at 15p per share – this compares to a Friday share price of 6.5p.


4177 days ago

Centamin Excellent Results but....

Fully listed gold miner Centamin (CEY) has announced its results from its Sukari Gold Mine in Egypt for the quarter ended 31 March 2013. Total gold production for the quarter was a record 87,016 oz and sales totalled 86,054oz. The gold price received was $1,604/oz, giving revenues of $138.2 million. Cash operating costs were $556/oz and this resulted in a profit before tax of $71.89 million before a loss of $3.087M on the sale of financial assets.  There is no doubt that these results were superb. Yes you read that correctly – they were brilliant. But.

There are a few less than minor issues to flag up.


4183 days ago

Centamin Egypt: In De Nile without a paddle

Oh Dear. Oh Dear. Oh Dear. It looks as if the Islamofascists in Egypt are moving a step closer to seizing Centamin’s (CEY) flagship Sukari gold mine, but the company (and its shareholders) are in denial. A statement today reveals the grim tidings.


4192 days ago

AIM Cesspit - is Scotgold toast?

The history of Australian companies seeking a dual listing on AIM is not a happy one. With a vibrant mining sector in the land founded as a penal company, as a rule good companies have no need to travel to London to tap up British investors via the AIM cesspit. And so that brings us nicely to Scotgold (SGZ).

In the year to June 30th 2012 its five man board (with just 2 executive directors) cost shareholders (in remuneration only) A$640,000 – let’s call that £430,000. That was an increase on 2011. What an annual report does not disclose is the expense claims submitted by directors. But one always suspects that this will add a few bob to the outflow. This company has been kicking around as Scotgold since May 2008 and so lucky shareholders have – over that years funded the board to the tune of, shall we say £2 million.  Revenues to date? Natch. Nil.  This is a gold development company and as we know – and here I quote the Scotgold annual report: “The company’s aim is to remunerate at a level that will attract and retain high-calibre Directors and employees. Company officers and Directors are remunerated to a level consistent with size of the Company.”

Sure, so what value have these high calibre men (including a company secretary who has 2 other full time positions but still extracted A$166,000 in fees from Scotgold last year) delivered for shareholders? Aha. Oh Dear.


4195 days ago

No rush to buy resource stocks

Calling the bottom of any market is always impossible. I leave that to cleverer, if illiterate, folk than me. i.e. chartists like my good pal Zak Mir. But it strikes me that those who regard now as an opportune time to get back into mining (and plausibly oil) stocks are getting ahead of themselves. Yes, the sectors have performed abjectly. But I sense that there is far worse to come.

The story starts a few years ago when gold was racing ahead, folks were convinced that China would consume 120% of every tonne of base metals produced and that it would do the same for oil. Extrapolating these macro trends into a super cycle allowed an awful lot of marginal project,s or even non-projects, and arguably just dreams, to gain a stock market listing and secure equity finance. In the four or five years that have followed a few things have changed.

Firstly, it has become abundantly clear to investors that management teams across the resources sectors live the life of riley, awarding themselves huge pay packages and jetting here there and everywhere at vast expense. Generally having a great old time.

Secondly, very few of these management teams have delivered anything in terms of value creation. There are actually more mining companies in the world than there are projects to work on


4197 days ago

Pour a beer and watch Evil Knievil, Nigel Farage and real master investors on your PC this weekend

In case you missed the UK Investor Show and fancy watching real master investors this weekend we have it all on video and those videos are now starting to go live. 

If you want to hear what infamous bear raider Evil Knievil is buying and selling or what top chartists Zak Mir, John Piper and Clem Chambers are long or short of there is no need to leave your own living room this weekend – it is all here on video for you.

Or fancy Mark Slater’s top share picks and thoughts on the market – he is here too with a full slide presentation and video. As is gold guru Dominic Frisby, the UK’s most cerebral short seller Lucian Miers and also Nigel Farage MEP in full flow.

The videos are from the UK Investor Show two weeks ago so if you want to hear what these folks are thinking, buying or selling just relax, pour yourself a beer and spend the weekend at your PC.

There will be more videos appearing over the weekend featuring Britain’s Buffett Nigel Wray, Secret Millionaire and property guru Nick Leslau, mining guru-ess Amanda Van Dyke as well as the CEOs of Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas and a dozen other companies. For alerts on when they appear register now at

Meanwhile, sit back, relax and watch the explosive action.

To see Evil Knievil, Zak Mir, John Piper and ADVFN CEO Clem Chambers in action – click HERE

You can watch UKIP leader Nigel Farage here

You can watch gold guru Dominic Frisby & access his slides HERE

You can watch small cap legend Mark Slater and access his slides HERE

And you can watch infamous bear raider Lucian Miers HERE

Over the next 48 hours we will also be publishing videos featuring Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas, Nigel Wray and Nick Leslau and mining guru Amanda Van Dyke. For all their thoughts and hot tips and much more stay tuned to your PC this weekend.

Following the amazing success of the UK’s only serious investor show we have just announced that the 2014 event will be held at a larger venue in Central London on April 5th  . More details soon.

We will upload more videos from UKInvestor very soon to give you something entertaining to watch from home all weekend

Now, for me, back to the beach.



4198 days ago

Make a diary date for the UK's only serious investor show - April 5

Okay you have missed the only show worth attending for this year. Shucks. But following the amazing success of UK Investor Show 2013 we have now set a date for UK Investor Show 2014. So put it in your diary now: April 5th2014.

And in response to the success of the first show we have secured a larger venue in Central London for the 2014 event. More details to follow.

If you did miss the 2013 event videos of the main speakers and of 12 PLC presentations were recorded and are now starting to go live.
You can watch gold guru Dominic Frisby & access his slides HERE

You can watch small cap legend Mark Slater and access his slides HERE

And you can watch infamous bear raider Lucian Miers HERE

Later today UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP goes live on ADVFN with short seller Evil Knievil to follow shortly afterwards


4199 days ago

Galantas Gold is Toast Investment Grade

AIM and TSX listed Galantas Gold (GAL) is, I am afraid to say, investment toast. At 1.375p it is capitalised at £3.54 million but calendar 2012 results out today make it clear as clear can be that a target price of 0.01p is generous.

The company is a small scale producer of gold (with a dash of lead and silver thrown in) in Northern Ireland. The reality is that this company would only ever work if it massively ramped up production and if gold prices were much higher.  All figures used in this piece are in Canadian dollars but the currency is kind of irrelevant – red ink looks the same whatever the denomination.


4205 days ago

Bullabulling Share Offer Flops – Good: this company is a joke & is toast by August

Bullabulling (BGL) is the sort of disgrace of a mining junior that AIM could well do without. It is all too typical of the sort of Aussie junior that dual lists both in the land of high culture and over here.  It has today ‘fessed up that its open offer to shareholders has, despite some horrifically aggressive share promotion, flopped and this company should be toast before the end of the cricket season. Its shares have slumped by 11% to 3p after today’s debacle but that still capitalises this POS at £10.5 million. My target price is 0.1p by September.


4206 days ago

Centamin – And now there are two reasons to sell at 39p: target price 25p

Reasons to be bearish part 2. The first reason to sell Centamin (CEY) was political – it operates in Egypt where there is zero long term visibility for businesses since the regime change. But there is now a fundamental reason to offload the stock pronto – the maths simply do not stack up. And I warn you that there are some big broker downgrades on the way.


4222 days ago

What Cyprus actually means – the New post Euro Order

Cyprus is a small island and it was easy to ignore or play down events at first but the situation is now out of control. We live in a new world order, the post Cyprus order and you need to wake up to the reality of that fast.

The Euro was never an economic project. It was a political one. And as such the “believers” brushed aside any economic objections and sought to ensure that everyone joined the club. Some countries were not fit to join (Portugal, Eire Spain, Italy, France, Greece, and Cyprus) but that mattered little. The leaders of those countries and the ECB agreed to lie in order to gain entry. 

This was a concerted lie by the political elites across Europe – a class distinct from the folks they nominally represent. And so today as the Euro collapses the political elites of Poland, Rumania and elsewhere are still applying to sign up. Hey, I know the Titanic is going down but is there any chance of me jumping off a floating currency lifeboat and getting on board your fine vessel? Madness.

And one reason that it is madness is that we have no idea how Cyprus will play out. The initial plans for state bank robbery have been shelved and so if you have less than 100,000 Euros in your bank account that money is, pro tem, safe. But it is impossible to withdraw it in more than small tranches. If you have more you will lose some of it. Perhaps 40% or 60% or potentially all of it.  The idea that bondholders should lose everything if a bank fails seems fair to me. The idea that depositors should lose cash is just obscene.

What will be the effects?

For one you will see a growing scandal of how the political elite looked after its own and its friends.


4226 days ago

Centamin Calendar 2012 results good but broker downgrades anyway

Centamin (CEY) has this week announced its calendar 2012 results. There is no doubt that the numbers were impressive. I write that as a persistent bear of the stock. But credit where credit is due – Josef El Raghy and his team did well in difficult conditions. However…

Before looking forwards, I look back. Centamin produced 262,828 oz of gold – an increase on 2011 despite the operational difficulties experience in the autumn as a direct result of the changing political landscape in Egypt. That production generated revenue of $426.1 million and an EBITDA of $233.3 million, resulting in a profit after tax of $232.15 million. However, the company did have an exceptional charge of $33.1 million which reduced the headline profit to $199.038 million. However even that number surpassed the $193.99 million recorded in 2011. It was another record year for Centamin.


4228 days ago

April Spreadbet Magazine is live - TW on Highland Gold in a gold special

The April edition of Spreadbet Magazine is now live and is a gold special. My own contribution is a feature on Highland Gold (HGM)

You can download the magazine for free by hitting the image below


4229 days ago

Shanta – time to call it quits?

Shares in AIM listed Tanzania gold miner Shanta Gold (LSE:SHG) have not covered me in glory. It has not been a disastrous share tip but it would be a lie to say that the stock has flown. I did have hopes of lift off as the shares reached 24p in January but today they sit at 18.375p, a stock becalmed in a sector unloved. Does that mean that it is time to call it quits?

Steve Moore and I first recommended these shares at 21.5p in July 2011 back in our days on and the journey since has been far from smooth. My first post tips analysis was still a bullish one and much of what I said then still stands today – you can see that analysis here.



4230 days ago

Chaarat Gold – On balance positive update but read the small print

AIM listed wannabee gold miner Chaarat Gold (LSE:CGH) has issued an update on its operations in the Kyrgyz Republic which is – on balance – very encouraging but hidden at the bottom of the text are a couple of minor blemishes. On balance it supports the very strong buy case but it is worth reading the whole statement.


4233 days ago

Aureus Mining – Not Out but Certainly down

Shares in AIM and Canada listed Aureus Mining (LSE:AUE) trade higher today at 40p post the company’s 2012 results release and an update on financing for the company’s New Liberty gold project in Liberia. However, the shares are still well below the 57.25p at which I called them a post t1ps sell in November.

I wrote about the company three times in November as it was flushed out on a cash call and my detailed analysis has proven pretty much bang on the money


4234 days ago

Ariana could be worth 6.31p says Edison - shares now 1.425p

I have always had a soft spot for AIM listed Turkish explorer Ariana Resources (LSE:AAU). Its management team do not take the piss on salaries and battle on showing grim determination to deliver and perhaps things are starting to go the way of Kerim Sener and his team. The newsflow of late has been positive. I reprint below a research report from Edison. Okay, this is commissioned research but it stacks up.


4235 days ago

Guest Post Sam Bottell on Petropavlosk: Jam Tomorrow does not pay the bills

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a piece on FTSE 250 listed Petropavlosk. Sam writes...

I wrote bearishly regarding shares in Petropavlovsk (POG) on February 22nd at a then year low of 302.5p.  Since then the gold company has updated investors on growth in its resource base but it is cash flow from production that pays the bills and after a rotten two years for this sector, investors want jam today and not tomorrow.  The shares now trade at 248p.


4238 days ago

Why UK house prices must crash

This went out on a few weeks ago but perhaps meriots a wider audience I stand by my view expressed here:

It is part of the British DNA that we believe that house prices must always go up.  That is not the case. Be warned. Falls of 30% or more are inevitable within the next few years.

Of course inflation (the erosion of the purchasing power of the pound) has made house prices a one way bet since the early 1970s. I will not bother serving up a chart just imagine climbing a ski slope. But this is an inflation given gain. It simply reflects, to misquote Harold Wilson that the pound in your pocket is worth far less than it was.  You might note that in 1971 you could buy an ounce of gold for £14. Today that will cost you more than £1000.  The destruction in the purchasing power of Sterling during the past 42 years has meant that all physical assets look, in headline terms, like smart bets, housing included. You cannot live in a bar of gold but it has actually been a better bet than UK house prices. So as it happens has been am 1870 Wisden cricket annual, but again you cannot live in it.

House prices have not, as anyone who bought in 1987 will remember, moved in a straight line. There are periods when they fall sharply.  That happens because a) they get overheated and b) because there is one of two external shocks: either a sharp rise in unemployment or a sharp rise in interest rates and either of those two triggers mean that large numbers of people with mortgages cannot pay, default and become forced sellers.


4239 days ago

Centamin output guidance published - sell

Egypt based FTSE 250 listed gold miner Centamin (LSE:CEY) yesterday gave guidance for 2013 output – that it does so 2 weeks ahead of the publication of 2012 results is a bit odd. Is it a case of getting the bad news out ahead of the next bad news...the results.

The company states that it expects to produce 320,000 ounces of gold this calendar year at a cash cost ( assuming no fuel subsidies) of $700. That would be a 22% increase on 2012 output which is not surprising given that a range of political difficulties scarred 2012 numbers. Of course Centamin assumes that these difficulties (or new ones) will not reoccur. Given the newsflow from the increasingly Islamofascist republic of Egypt, I am not so sure of that. The company reaffirms that it expects output to increase to 450,000-500,000 oz from 2015 onwards. Inshallah.


4246 days ago

Minera IRL - is it worth hanging on for the bounce?

Shares in AIM, Canada and Peru listed Minera IRL (LSE:MIRL) commenced 2013 at more than 50p but currently trade down at 43p – capitalising this Latin America focused gold miner at just below £75 million. This has not been one of my greatest tip from my days (I tipped it at 69p) so what to do now.


4249 days ago

What will be the Black Swan that blows up the world economy by 2015? China, US or Europe?

The answer to the 1998 financial crisis was to slash borrowing costs across the globe so that we all over-leverages and misallocated our capital. On that occasion it was junk dotcom investments and property. In 2008 another crises and the same solution. The fact is that the world has been misallocating capital for decades, led by Governments freed from prudence by the abandonment of the gold standard in 1971.

With each crisis that crops up, the solution is simply to print more money and to get folks to take on even more debt. You owe too much – heck borrow some more. And so capital is misallocated and bubbles grow ever bigger. But at some stage the party ends. It will. The current set up is simply unsustainable.

And so what will be the black swan event that causes the mother of all reality checks? If offer four runners and riders. Inevitably if one occurs it will trigger the others. And it will probably be a fifth black swan that no-one has thought much about that starts the party. But here goes.

1. The Chinese property bubble. I have written before on numerous occassions about just how mammoth this is and how it really can knock the Chinese (and thus the worlds) economy for six. The answer of the authorities to the slowdown in the PRC in 2012 was to pump more hot air into this bubble. It has to be my top black swan bet. Read this piece out yesterday on Zero Hedge if you doubt me.

My major work from September 2012 on China, the misallocation, fraud an inevitably of a crash is HERE

2. A market refusal to buy US T Bonds in an auction. The US Government is three years away from having a balance sheet like that of Greece just before the crisis. An economically illiterate President and, to show balance, a spineless Republican party in Congress just cannot get to grips with what is happening. The US today is like sick Britain at the end of WW1. But it will take the US far less time than we took to see its currency tank. At some stage folks will refuse to stump up cash for a debt that yields sod all and is clearly unrepayable and unsupportable.

3. Sovereign default across Europe accompanied by widespread Civil unrest. The only folks buying Spanish debt right now are the Spanish state pension funds. Oooh lucky Spanish state pensioners. But those funds are tapped out. Spain is bust and its economy is enjoying an EU austerity driven spanking session which Max Mosley could only dream of. It is not just Spain. Italy, Greece, Portugal are in the same mess. The Irish economy and society has been beaten to a pulp in the name of fiscal responsibility and yet could still collapse. France is heading the wrong way fast as is the UK. The collapse of the Euro as we know it has to be an odds on bet it is a matter of how it occurs.

4. The Arab spring moving to Saudi Arabia. A regime with no legitimacy is kleptocratic, autocratic and barbaric. It bribes the people with a fraction of the nation’s wealth and panders to radical Islam in a most unhealthy sort of way but it is unloved. One day it will fall. Revolution in the world’s largest oil producer could perhaps trigger unforeseen events elsewhere.

Hey, maybe we can all carry on spending beyond our means, leveraging up as individuals and as States for a good while yet. We have been kicking this can down the road for decades so maybe we can carry on for another few decades. Or maybe not. One day something will happen and we will find our noses against the wall at the end of the Cul-de-sac. That day may be sooner than we think.

For more thoughts from Tom Winnifrith follow him on twitter @tomwinnifrith


4254 days ago

Medusa Mining Buy at 300p – target 400p

London and Australia-listed, Philippines-focused gold producer Medusa Mining (LSE: MML) is a top multi-bagging share tip from my past life at t1ps and I commented that I again thought the shares were cheap in an article last month. Following recent interim results, the following is my current take…


4260 days ago

Guest Post Sam Bottell: Petropavlovsk (POG) – 2013 Guidance reduced – shares at year low but still a sell?

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a piece on Petropavlovsk. Sam writes…

A mid January trading statement from FTSE 250 listed Russia based gold miner Petropavlovsk (POG) was not entirely well received: although 2012 output will be ahead of estimates, 2013 guidance was reduced. That and the recent weakness in the gold price has seen the shares, which were trading at 750p a year ago, fall back to 302.5p, valuing the company at £567 million, but this is not one to bottom fish.


4260 days ago

Guest Post Sam Bottell: Gold – Is the sell off the start of a bear market?

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a piece on the gold price – ‘natch I agree with the great metals guru. Sam writes…

Those who have called the top in gold at $800, $1,200 and $1,500 are again predicting the start of another gold market following the recent sell off down to $1565 oz. They are joined by newer names such as Goldman Sachs which has cut its long term price target to $1,200 oz and Citigroup which says that the bull market is officially over. The chartists have also joined in with talk of a “death cross”. They are in my view wrong, the long term uptrend will continue and gold bugs need to simply hold their nerves.

As a rare digression into technical analysis, I just point that there is no Death’s Cross – when the 50 day MA falls below the 200 day MA. That can happen only if the 200 day MA is declining, it happens to be rising.


4260 days ago

Is the great 41 year gold bull run over? No.

And so we are told the great bull run in gold may be at an end. As I write, the one true currency is trading at $1570 oz. I am told by chartists, not that I listen to a word they say, that as long as a $1550 gold price holds then the story is intact. The problem with chartists is that they are such short termists. They regard a three day trade as a long term investment. Okay, before Zak Mir wades over to Real Man Pizzain Clerkenwell to drink me under the table again as punishment, that may be harsh. But the way to look at gold is on a forty one and a half year view and I am not sure that many technical analysts have bothered to go back that far..?


4262 days ago

Norseman Gold – Well It is not Over yet

There were those who wrote AIM and ASX listed gold miner Norseman Gold (LSE:NGL) off as an investment. That may still prove to be accurate. This has been a sorry tale and one which has made many of us, myself included, look like total prats. But we are not at write-off as yet as a statement from the gold mining stock of 20th February made clear.


4263 days ago

Guest Post Sam Bottell: Kryso Resources - Project Delay – Share price overreacts – a buying opportunity

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on Kryso Resources. Having spoken to Kryso CEO Craig Brown yesterday I agree with Sam’s conclusion. Sam writes…

Shares in Kryso Resources (KYS) are off by 7% today after it announced that it would not complete the construction of its Pakrut gold mine in Tajikistan by March 2014 as previously scheduled and that a new completion date would be announced “in due course”. The company has spoken and the market has over-reacted.

The project has been delayed by a few months but work is now on track albeit a few months behind schedule. There is even the possibility of a catch up occurring if additional resources are brought in. The delay (which will be just a few months) does not create any cashflow issues for Kryso; and for a mine with a 14 year estimated life (and it could be longer) a delay of three or four months really does not make a jot of difference to any DCF valuation. The fact that Kryso operates in Tajikistan which some might consider a more exotic location might add to the way that investors have been un-nerved but I view this as a buying opportunity.

The maths are not complex


4264 days ago

Guest Post: Sam Bottell on African Barrick

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on gold miner African Barrick, a company I know little about. Sam writes…

I have written twice about African Barrick (ABG) here in the past six weeks and both times recommended the shares as having long term attractions on a fundamental basis at 355p, notwithstanding the withdrawal of bid approaches around Christmas. Following the publication of full year numbers on 13th February the shares trade at 295p which begs the question of whether it is time to admit that I was wrong?

I am not hiding from my previous buy tip. You can find it


4264 days ago

Shanta Gold – Shares down but look at shareholder list movements: value Unchanged

It makes no fundamental difference to the inherent value of a company who is, or is not, on the shareholder list. Companies huff and puff about “establishing a solid institutional following” but with few fund managers delivering exceptional returns , it should not normally concern you who is in or out. But just occasionally a buyer of note emerges. And followers of Shanta Gold (SHG) should note the latest addition to the Shanta list with some interest. It is good news.

Not that this is reflected in the share price. With gold having suffered a mini-sell off in recent weeks, few of the mid cap stocks have seen their shares move the right way. Shanta today trades at 20.75p to buy


4267 days ago

New Guest Post by Sam Bottell: The Major Gold Producers – a sector “steeped in mediocrity”

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on the major gold producers across the globe (85 of them). It is very interesting indeed.

Did you wonder why when gold was racing ahead to $1,700 most gold stocks failed to follow suit? You would think that operational gearing would have seen gold stocks racing ahead across the board. As a believer in gold heading past $2,000 within 12 months you would have thought that I would be universally bullish but those who have read my work will know that I am not. As such I thought it worth reprinting an excerpt from a note published this week by analyst Roger Bade of Whitman Howard who makes a very valid point.

Reviewing 85 gold producers from across the globe he finds just 11 that manage a 25% return on capital. That is truly dismal. Bade’s conclusion is that the obsession with stock promotion has led to an increasing focus on production targets and valuations based simply on per ounces in the ground rather than on what return investors might actually generate. He writes:


4268 days ago

Guest Post: Sam Bottell - Pan African is a buy

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on Pan African Resources. For what it is worth I agree with his conclusion!

South African gold miner Pan African Resources (PAF) has reported its results for the six months to 31 December 2012 and they are somewhat disappointing but do not affect the strong long term buy case. The shares have dipped to 18.75p on the numbers which makes for an attractive entry point.


4269 days ago

Black Swan New Year Letter 2013: China to recover, US to recover, Europe Doomed

This is the annual letter sent out by my friend Richard Poulden. This year – as every year – we wil hold a 10 minute debate at the UKInvestor Show – I am not sure of the subject matter yet but it is always sparky. I am not sure that I agree 100% on China but on Europe we are at one. No debate there. Over to Richard:

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation” – Alan Greenspan, 1966

“Keep a clear head and always carry a light bulb” – Bob Dylan, 1965

Yesterday morning in Dubai was foggy: thick, gooey, 12-metre visibility stuff. As I drove my daughter to school , I said: “Let’s see how many cars we can find driving without lights”.

“Come on”, she said, “no one could be THAT stupid”

“Oh yes they could”, I said, “I’m going for a starter of three”.

Well we found three cars in the space of a few blocks. As we hit Sheik Zayed Road where the traffic in the fast lane was still doing 120km, she said: “OK, this is crazy, let’s go for 8 or 12”.

“That’s fine”, I said, “but I want to go for the big one: I want to find the European Union…. I want to find a bus..or a large sewage tanker”……and we did.

The gurus at Deutsche Bank published a study1 in July of last year suggesting that the politicians guiding the world economy were behaving exactly like those sewage tankers and buses in the fog. They propose this because their hypothesis is that none of the old economic philosophies actually apply to the current world economy and thus the levers being pulled by the politicians are not actually connected to anything.


4271 days ago

Video Postcard Number 27

Greetings from deluded lefty central in Shipston-on-Stour. I think I got both sound and picture right this time! A short video as an afternoon of sporting misery beckons.

On the agenda

1. Cupid
2. S&U
3. UKInvestor Show
4. Market rotation bonds vs equities: Tom Stevenson
5. Inflation & equities
6. Gold and silver
7. The ability to price set
8. It is not a matter of life & death it is more important than that.


4281 days ago

Medusa Mining output guidance pared – a reason to sell?

I commented previously on London and Australia-listed, Philippines-focused gold producer Medusa Mining (MML) earlier this month. Earlier this week the shares suffered a bit of a setback on the company’s publication of its quarterly activity report (to end December 2012) which has spooked some investors into selling. On balance that is, in my view, a mistake.


4282 days ago

Fox Davies: Buy Highland Gold at 112p with a 181p target

Fox Davies has published a broker research report this morning on yesterday’s H2 production numbers from AIM listed Russian gold miner Highland Gold (LSE:HGM), a stock I also favour. The note is upbeat and reads:

“Highland Gold has released its production figures for the 2H of 2012. Production for the half was 106,185oz of gold equivalent, taking production for the full year to 216,885oz of gold equivalent.

This was a good performance from Highland, beating guidance


4283 days ago

Highland Gold Full Year Trading Statement: Buy at 114.5p target 200p

AIM-listed, Russia producing gold miner Highland Gold (HGM) has published a calendar 2012 trading update which reads very well. There was an 18% increase in group wide production to a record 216,885 ounces of gold and gold equivalents, exceeding guidance estimates of 200,000-215,000 ounces. The shares have ticked up to 114.5p on the news capitalising the company at £372.5 million. I wrote a buy share tip, at 91p, shortly before Christmas so I am already partially vindicated. But this re-rating has a lot further to go.


4285 days ago

Guest post Sam Bottell: Nordgold – 2013 the recovery year

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on Nordgold


4288 days ago

Guest Post: Sam Bottell on Hochschild Mining

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on African Hochschild – as it happens I agree with his thesis.

Hochschild Mining (HOC) in my opinion, is the only sensible way to get gearing to silver on the London market and as a silver bull that naturally arouses my interest. On 23rd January the company released its Q4 and calendar 2012 production numbers which came in ahead of expectations. It has a strong balance sheet and a clear pipeline for a marked ramp up in production. As such, at 424.9p valuing the company at £1.3 billion the stock is a buy. Here is why.

Whilst silver may be considered the poor man’s gold, the explosion in paper money as a result of QE has to drive inflation at some point and that should push gold higher dragging silver with it. But there is more. Increasing industrial and medical demand for silver means that, in my view, it will outstrip gold. As such I am a silver bull.


4289 days ago

Amara: Weak numbers but a good investment. But not good enough

Dual AIM and TSX (Canada) listed West African focused gold mining company, Amara Mining (AMA) has announced 2012 production results for its Kalsaka mine in Burkina Faso ahead of a full-year results announcement scheduled for 27th March. I commented positively on the company in November and the following updates my view after this latest news from the company…


4289 days ago

Guest Post: Sam Bottell - Buy African Barrick Gold

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on African Barrick Gold.

African Barrick Gold (ABG) has in the past week updated investors with full year and fourth quarter production numbers – perhaps as critically it has secured a $142 million loan package in order to dramatically increase output from its Bulyanhulu mine which should drive its organic growth. The 2012 numbers were not that impressive and with investors already spooked by the collapse of a takeover approach from China National GoldCorporation the shares have retreated to 355p at a time when most gold mid caps have moved ahead sharply. I believe the market has over-reacted.


4292 days ago

Edison Increases Target Price on Pan African from 20.77p to 29.83p – the shares at 21p are a buy

Heck I know that this is commissioned research (i.e. paid for by the company) but analyst Charlie Gibson might be incredibly posh but he is no fool. He does know what he is talking about. And thus when I read his research I generally seem to think that his sums stack up. Today comes a note on Pan African Resources (LSE:PAF) in which Charlie increases his target price from 20.77p to 29.83p in light of the purchase of Evander. With the shares now at 21p, it is worth taking a look because Charlie also predicts a dividend of at least 0.34p per share for the year to June 30th 2013 – thus there is still upside of 43.66% on offer if he is right. And I do think he is right.


4292 days ago

VSA: Buy Highland Gold at 106.75p – target price 175p

It is not often that I comment on broker’s notes as most are pretty worthless. Normally I post comment if I disagree violently or agree strongly. Which brings me to the VSA Resources note out today on Russian gold producer Highland Gold (LSE:HGM). The problem with gold is that it is usually found in dodgy places, Africa or Russia. Neither is exactly East Surrey in terms of political stability. VSA engaged in this debate. It writes:


4296 days ago

Guest Post Sam Bottell: Pan African Resources (PAF) – Buy at 18p

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip from TradingResearch Point on Pan African where he is even more bullish than I am. I hope he is correct.

It is not often that you see a mining mid cap or junior announce a rights issue – the norm these days is a placing at a deep discount, but as part of its recent fund raise, LSE and JSE listed Pan African Resources (PAF) did just that. On 14th January the company announced that the offer (at 14p) has been 175% subscribed for. Given that the shares had moved ahead to 18p after the rights issue was announced I suppose that is not surprising but that Pan African has such widespread support ( and has seen its shares prosper) amid the gold stock bloodbath of 2012 is no mean feat. This was a penny stock going nowhere just a few years ago, so is there market excitement behind it now? I would argue not


4297 days ago

Medusa Mining: Is it time to buy again?

London and Australia listed Philippines gold producer, Medusa Mining (MML) is a top recommendation from my past. I recommended the shares on, the site I founded in 2000 and left in September 2012 to establish the Nifty Fifty, at 49p in August 2008 and recommended selling at 426.5p in December 2010. I noted then that a higher share price still could be achieved but that a re-appraisal of political risk and the company – as a low-cost producer – being set to benefit less in terms of operational gearing from a rising gold price than others had led me to consider the risk/reward trade-off more attractive elsewhere in the sector. The shares would go on to hit 560p in 2011 but have subsequently fallen back to trade at a current 350p share price. Perhaps it is time to buy back in?


4298 days ago

Shanta Gold – Getting There: Buy at 23p

It was not a good Autumn for AIM listed Shanta Gold (SHG) but the last two RNS statements from the company demonstrate that it is both soundly financed and that, at last, it is delivering operationally. The shares have always had clear latent value it is just that investors have had a number of (utterly valid) reasons for not believing. But the times they are a changing.

Four days ago came news that Shanta had tidied up its financing issues with the signing and drawdown of a $30 million loan from FBN Bank which pays interest at LIBOR plus 8% with a 2% arrangement fee. That allows Shanta to clear existing debts of $15.3 million plus cover all costs as its flagship New Luika mine ramps up production. The loan is repayable over two years with a 6 month repayment holiday and monthly instalments thereafter.


4302 days ago

Goldplat – Market Over-reacts to mild profits warning – buy for bumper (safe) yield

Shares in AIM Listed gold miner Goldplat (LSE:GDP) have been hit hard by a profits warning. It is a minor profits warning and the market has over-reacted sending the shares down by 9.71% to 11.625p. At this price I believe you would be buying for a June 2013 yield of 6.9% rising to 8.6% for the year that starts in less than six months time. The market has over-reacted given how profitable Goldplat is and how much cash it has. This is a buying opportunity. The trading statement was clearly not helpful but looks at the bigger picture.


4304 days ago

Centamin Publishes Record Q4 Results but that still leaves it as a sell

Centamin (CEY), the London and Canada listed gold miner operating in Egypt, has announced record quarterly gold production of 85,543 ounces for the period closing December 31st 2012 – taking full year production to 262,958 ounces, a 30% increase on 2011 and above guidance of 250,000 ounces. The shares have responded by currently trading just over 5.5p higher at 49.75p, capitalising the company at just under £550 million. The company emphasises the numbers as “particularly pleasing given the challenges faced during the year” but the announcement also makes clear that challenges remain. The following details my current view…


4307 days ago

Centamin – Deafening Silence on whether it is selling gold or not

I flagged up on the third of January an explicit allegation that fully listed gold miner Centamin (LSE:CEY) was not in fact selling any gold. The allegation was originally not made by an attention seeking share commentator (i.e. me) but by a well regard research analyst in a published note distributed by a respected London broker, viz Fox Davies. If the allegation is true then the implications for short term cashflow/ working capital at Centamin are profound. The response from Centamin? Er…


4310 days ago

Centamin: Is it exporting gold or not?

On 20th December fully listed gold miner Centamin (CEY) announced that “following the recently-announced export of gold and resumption of fuel supply, operations have now resumed at Sukari.” The market read this as meaning that output and cashflow generation was now back on track. The shares have thus rallied to 39.3p. But this morning, top broker Fox Davies has published a research report stating “We also understand that gold exports have again been suspended.” Well have they? A RNS statement from Centamin is called for pretty urgently. This is a critical matter but the answer does not matter but the episode reminds us of why the shares are a sell.

The Fox Davies note is pretty damning and I reprint a critical section:


4312 days ago

My sixth 2013 tip of the year is live: a gold play for New Year's Day & Act now to get my 7th tip tomorrow with

Six down one to go. I refer to my seven tips of the year for 2013. The seventh will not appear on any website but will be the first share tip on my new partnership with ADVFN, – sign up HERE.

It is simple – sign up for free and tomorrow you get my last share tip of the year. In the three working days that follow you get the tip of the year from each of ADVFN boss and columnist Clem Chambers, my pal Zak Mir and ex senior writer Steve Moore.

Thereafter every working day of the year we will send out by email a free share tip from a panel of 20 top tipsters, bloggers and analysts. Each of us serves up around one tip a month. All you need to do is sign up here
If you missed my previous six tips of the year:

On New Year’s Day my SIXTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On New Year’s Eve my FIFTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 30th December my FOURTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 29th December my 3rd share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 28th December I published my second share tip of the year ( here).
The day before I published my first share tip of the year ( here).
On Boxing Day I published my macro-economic assumptions for 2013.

The only way to receive the FINAL TIP OF THE YEAR in your email is to register HERE at .
Go on, you know it makes sense.

Happy New Year


4320 days ago

Aurcana: Second Mine Now Operating Makes This A Strong Silver Play For 2013

2012 was not a good year for precious metals stocks and with a number of commentators calling gold lower, December was another poor month. However TSX and OTC listed Aurcana Corporation (AUNFF.PK) announced on 14th December that its second major silver mine, in Shafter, Texas, was now in operation and that has propelled it into the ranks of the mid-tier producers, something not recognized in a share price of US$0.94. As production ramps up during 2013 this stock is one that should enjoy a material re-rating. My target share price is US$1.89 per share.


4323 days ago

Highland Gold: A 2013 Recovery Play?

Like many junior miners, AIM listed Highland Gold Mining (HGM) has seen its share price decimated during 2012. The stock traded at 197p at the start of the year but now sits at 91p valuing the Russian based gold producer at just shy of £300 million. Indeed during the past few weeks as folks have worried that the great bull run in the gold price is about to end the shares have lost 20%. I do not think gold is heading lower. So is Highland a recovery buy or is the sell-off only just beginning? I sense we may be close to the bottom.

The material de-rating is down to a number of factors. The whole sector has been about as popular as the Jimmy Savile fan club during 2012 and it is hard to swim against such a tide. However having Barrick Gold dump its 20% stake in the company in April at 120p a share also spooked some investors. And there were operational issues thanks to inclement Russian weather (whatever happened to global warming?) and that impacted net income. But recent news is more positive.


4327 days ago

Centamin – Good News but Not all Good: TW vs the Barmy Sukari army Round 3

Fully listed gold miner Centamin (LSE:CEY) has served up two pieces of good news in two days. The barmy Sukari army on the Bulletin Boards will be delighted and the share price has raced ahead to 44p. That is your cue to sell. Remember 44p it is important.


4330 days ago

UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP joins headline speakers at UKInvestorShow on April 13th

UKInvestor Show is an event about making money but I have always thought such a show needs one non investment speaker and I am delighted to say that Nigel Farage MEP emailed this morning and he is up for it. The leader of UKIP will talk about how staying in the EU costs all of us so much and why we should leave now.

And so on April 13th at Excel we now have a main stage line up of Nigel Wray (Britain’s Buffett), Nick Leslau (property legend and secret millionaire), bear raiders Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers and Dominic Frisbey, Mr Gold and Nigel Farage. And there is one other surprise for you on the main stage.

The traders session ( also a main stage event) is chaired by Steve Moore and stars Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Simon Denham, John Piper and Zak Mir ( plus one name to reveal shortly)

In the breakout rooms we have the Goddess, Amanda VanDyke on making money from mining stocks, Stanley Gibbons boss Mike Hall on alternative investments, Roger Lawson on shareholder activism and Christopher Booker on how global warming costs you so much.

There is the Poulden v Winnifrith debate (10 minutes of main stage comedy) and 80 companies presenting at CEO level.

You have to admit that is a cracking line-up. No other show even comes close. If you want to hear a master investor speak this is the only show worth attending. To register for your free ticket on a first come first served basis go HERE.


4331 days ago

Centamin Shares Collapse - Time for Bulletin Board Morons to apologise to me. Still a sell

I first tipped Egyptian gold miner Centamin (LSE:CEY) at 8p on I advised readers to sell at 137p. I called it bloody brilliantly. In the summer at 67p to 75p I repeatedly urged folks to sell warning that the new Islamofascist rulers of Egypt had changed the game. I was greeted with heaps of abuse from Bulletin Board commentators (mainly here on ADVFN). Well arseholes the stock has almost halved ( again) today to a 27p share price so: a) you lose money and b) it is time for you to apologise. You can post your apologies on the comments section below just as you posted the abuse in the summer.


4332 days ago

Sterling - No Grounds for Optimism

The chancellor’s Autumn statement was spun by the Tory Party and its supporters in the press as a bit of a triumph. George Osborne was helped by the fact that the riposte from New Labour came from Ed Balls who is nor an impressive orator, appears to have a minimal grasp of his subject and who was part of the Treasury team which created many ( but not) all of the balance sheet issues that Bankrupt Britain faces. But the Tories should not kid themselves – Osborne has not delivered.

Since 1971 Sterling has lost c99% of its value against Gold. To be fair the dollar has lost 98.4% of its value too. The great experiment with the printing press has had a rather predictable result but the weakness of Sterling against not only gold but other paper currencies has been marked. This is a reflection of the fundamental economic problems the UK faces. And the biggest of those problems remains that Government spending is quite simply out of control, notwithstanding two years of “austerity Britain.”

For three years every State employee, student, Guardian reader and welfare recipient has bleated on about the wicked Tories and how they are slashing State spending


4336 days ago

Orosur Mining - a gold winner so far for me and set to glisten

Orosur Mining (LSE OMI) is an AIM and Canada listed gold producer, shares in which I initially recommended as a share tip at 24.25p in May 2010 on – the website I founded in 2000 but departed from in September – and subsequently updated on here last month. On Friday the company released a production update which I review in the following against a backdrop of a 37.75p share price


4337 days ago

Buy Amara Mining at 65p – worth 99p to 124p says top broker Ocean Equities

Top broker Ocean Securities has published a buy note on Amara Mining (LSE:AMA) in which it suggests that investors buy the shares at 65p with a target price of 99p. I long followed Amara, formerly known as Cluff Gold on and I also regard the shares as very cheap. As I shall explain below.


4341 days ago

Pan African Resources Evander purchase update

AIM-listed, South Africa-focussed precious metals miner Pan African Resources (LSE:PAF) has today updated investors on the ongoing process for its prospective Rand1.5 billion (circa. £110 million) acquisition of Evander Gold Mines Ltd. At a current 20.75p share price, capitalising the company at just over £300 million (£378 million adjusting for a prospective rights issue), Pan African remains a big winner from my time at t1ps – the website I founded but departed in September – where I first recommended the shares in November 2005 at a share price of 2.6875p. Surely even barking mad Bulletin Board loon Bob Burnard accepts that was a good share tip? The following reviews the current position here…


4341 days ago

Minera Drilling News – A Golden Prospect?

AIM, Canada and Peru-listed Latin American gold miner, Minera (LSE MIRL) has followed last week’s publication of a feasibility study on its Ollachea project in Peru with an announcement that it has awarded a contract to begin drilling extensions of the Ollachea ore bodies from underground. This is a company I followed for a couple of years on t1ps – the website I founded but departed in September – and initiated coverage post-t1ps last month, suggesting, with the shares then at 50.25p, it not a bad move to add a few shares in the company to a gold portfolio at those levels. With the share price now 54.5p, the following reviews today’s announcement…


4344 days ago

Minera: Good news from Peru – cheap but are there cheaper gold plays?

AIM, Canada and Peru-listed gold mining stock Minera IRL (LSE: MIRL) has today announced the results of a feasibility study on its Ollachea project in Peru. This is a company I have followed for a couple of years on and more recently on my own blog and which I have recently written about in a modestly bullish way twice – with the share price lower than it is today. The following reviews the feasibility study announcement and its implication on the current investment case…is it still a good share tip?


4348 days ago

Centamin – Market Update Does Not sound Good say two brokers and me

Fully listed Egyptian gold miner Centamin (CEY) has today provided a market update on its various woes and at two levels it does not sound good at all. And it is not just me saying this, it seems that some brokers agree. To hoots of Bulletin Board derision I warned folks repeatedly ( when the shares were much higher than today’s 60.2p) that Centamin was a sell. That was not because I dislike the company or have a grudge. This was a stock that I tipped on at 8p but told readers to sell at 134p. It is because life in Egypt has changed irrevocably and for the worse since its revolution. Those who have fallen in love with the stock seem to forget that.


4351 days ago

Pan African: Rights Issue News - can we build on a 644% gain?

AIM-listed, South Africa-focussed gold miner Pan African Resources (PAF) is a big winner from my days at – the website I departed in September after twelve years. I recommended the shares there at 2.6875p in November 2005 and they currently trade at 20p a gain of 644%. The following reviews an announcement the company has made today about a c£50 million right issue and whether there remains more share price upside to come…


4351 days ago

EMED: Broker Fox-Davies thinks shares will treble & Slovak approval

Regulatory approval for EMED (EMED): Great news we have been waiting so long for this news. But sadly this is not the final Spanish permits needed to get the giant Rio Tinto copper mine underway but news from Slovakia. Meanwhile broker Fox Davies reckons that the shares could treble from 10.625p to 32p. I think it is correct about this stock I first covered on But to Slovakia first.


4352 days ago

Ortac – Gold Site Visit in Slovak Republic: Value Play?

Ortac Resources (OTC), the AIM listed developer of a gold mine in the Slovak Republic is today hosting an analysts jolly and has announced as much via RNS. Is it worth the trip? Is there value there?

The company’s shares have like most gold juniors not exactly prospered over the past year. Back in September I reported that speculation in the Daily Telegraph about a bid approach was just wide of the mark but I hinted that there might be value at 0.58p.


4352 days ago

Centamin: Broker Fox Davies Warns shares worth 44p if fuel subsidy discussions fail

I think that my views on fully listed Egyptian Gold miner Centamin (CEY) are well known. For me the great risk is a political one – I trust the Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood rulers of Egypt less than I’d trust an 1970s Radio 1 DJ to do a spot of babysitting. But Fox Davies has another concern: the fuel subsidy.


4358 days ago

Centamin – Quarterlies Good Enough But...

I have never said that Egypt-focused, London and Canada listed, gold miner Centamin (CEY) was a bad company. After all I tipped the shares at 8p on and got my readers to sell at 134p – not a bad result. My problem is that it operates in Egypt. That is the country next to Gaza happily assisting Hamas as the heat gets turned up in the region.

Centamin announced results for the third quarter of 2012 on Wednesday. Despite reporting record quarterly earnings, the share price has continued to decline since.


4359 days ago

Aureus Mining Q3 Results: Still a sell?

Aureus Mining (AUE) was a poorly timed recommendation from my 12 years at and I recommended selling and reinvesting in more attractive gold plays at the start of this month with the shares at 57.25p. Following results for the company’s third quarter (to 30th September) released today, the shares now trade at 50p. Does this change my view?


4377 days ago

Video Postcard Number 12

Once again both the sound and picture are all okay. A pity about the window occasionally banging in the background but almost there for the latest video postcard which is fairly wide ranging.

Back in London on the first train Tuesday I plan to record my first CEO Videocast this week. Hopefully no banging windows there. And I cannot say where it will appear. But it will.

The video lasts 12 minutes


4386 days ago

Time to Help Dominic Frisby over the line?

Dominic Frisby needs your help. The author and comedian needs a set number of pre-orders for his book for his publisher to publish it. And he is 82% of the way there.

Just for producing the classic debt bomb video (below) Dominic deserves support

Now watch Dominic discuss the book he wishes to publish and please consider a pre-order.


PS Dominic you owe me one. I shall have here books for you to plug in a month’s time.


4433 days ago

1 or 2 Fundraising windows for Junior Resource stocks before Oblivion and another 1 million overtaken on twitter!

I see that twitter has delayed its planned IPO. Well there is a surprise. After the debacle of the Facebook (FB) flotation I cannot think that investor appetite for new media stock is exactly enormous. My other reason for showing lack of surprise is that I think that Twitter really does not wish to undergo the sort of metrics scrutiny of its user base that Facebook has suffered.

For what it is worth


4450 days ago

The Economic Debt Driven Crisis started 41 years ago yesterday

It was 41 years ago yesterday that President Nixon scrapped the Bretton Woods system. Until then you could exchange 35 US dollars for an ounce of gold. The US could only print as many dollars as it had gold reserves and all other currencies were linked to the US dollar, so they too were restricted in what they could print by how much gold they sat on. As a result we enjoyed fiscally responsible Governments that did not spend more than they could afford.

Nixon scrapped the link because the US Government needed to print dollars to finance the folly that was the Vietnam War. Since he did that the purchasing power of the US dollar has fallen by 82%. The purchasing power of other currencies where the Governments have been even more profligate (er…the UK) has fallen by more.


4455 days ago

Video Postcard Number 4

For me the dual highlights of the week were Madonna taking on Putin on civil liberties and the hilarious reaction of Russian church and state and my visit to the best bakery in Greece, indeed my whole time in Zitsa.

This is the penultimate video of this series. There will be one next week and then a two week break as I head slowly back to England. The book will, by then, be almost finished. And I have almost decided on my next move. So it is time to go back to the UK and sort that out.

Video Postcard from Tom #004 by dm_500db406b2995

On the Agenda


4470 days ago

A Second Video Postcard from Greece

I think I am getting the hang of this video technology. I am writing to you from the Connections Bar where there is a high speed wi-fi service and my latest video is whirring its way online. Last time it took 14 hours to get back to the UK. This time it looks set to complete in 150 minutes.

The play list here could have been created by me. Oasis, Nena, Dexy’s, all I need is some Undertones and I shall feel like I am back at Real Man Pizza. Anyhow, I hope that you enjoy the video

On the Agenda

  1. Greece
  2. The Euro
  3. Gold
  4. Oil
  5. Inflation and how that affects your portfolio

A new share tip on the way on – maker sure you follow me on twitter (@tomwinnifrith) for the alert. It will go out during market hours.


4474 days ago

Video Postcard from Tom Winnifrith & Book News

It is all happening. Or rather it will happen. One minute, from the comfort of a sun bed by the swimming pool, diet coke in hand I am sitting here trying to think how I can advance a long article on the Bombay property market. The next minute it appears that there is another book to be written with a contract winging its way to me from France. Meanwhile I amuse myself with a video recording using a neat little gadget some Welsh bloke gave me before I left London. Recording is a piece of cake. Transmitting is a horror. But at last the video now plays smoothly for all to enjoy.

On the agenda:

The Euro Crisis
The Impending Dollar Crisis
The Middle East and the Oil Price
Avanti Communications, Northern Petroleum, 1Spatial
Cash shells, investment companies
Speculative oil stocks
Risk & reward
The equity markets generally
Lots of cheap jokes


4504 days ago

The Great China Bubble and the crash of 2012: Fraudulent statistics unravel

One of my big calls for the past 18 months has been that when China slows it will not be a slow slowdown but a rapid, dramatic and painful mess. My timing has not been perfect. The bubble (and it is a bubble of sorts) has expanded for longer than I expected but it seems as if the avian flu infested chickens are coming home to roost.


4513 days ago

New Gold Book for the Autumn – Contract signed

I was wondering how to spend the summer as I take it slightly easier ahead of the next big challenge. And now I know. I have today signed a contract to produce a 30,000 word e-book for a well known financial website (er… not t1ps) on the subject of Gold.

At the speed I write, when I know something about a subject, this is a leisurely canter for me. Something to do on rainy days in England or during a family break in France. The thesis of the book is that gold is heading sharply higher and how to profit from that. The title … work in progress. How about “Gold at $3000 – how to maximise your profits.” I am not sure, the title is the last thing to worry about and I have a couple of months to figure that one out. Somehow I suspect that will not be my main job within a few weeks. But writing will certainly be at the heart of what I do.


4525 days ago

Gold - $2,000 oz or $3,000 oz?

Gold raced ahead on Friday by almost $100 to $1625 oz. I have long predicted $2,000 gold for 2012 – I actually think we are heading rather higher. For weeks gold has been slipping (to a low of $1525). This has not been the fault of gold but of the morons who run (I use the word loosely) the EU. As the Euro has tanked there has been a flight to the US dollar and gold has slipped in dollar terms as a result. But now there are worries about the US.
