33 days ago
A shocking RNS today lays bare that shareholders in Pennpetro (PPP), especially those taking part in two 12p placings were deceived and misled as to the state of a company that now admits it is facing possible insolvency. It says it is investigating past directors, the fuzz should be investigating. Investors have been defrauded, surely Lenigas should go to jail or, at the very least, never run a listed company again.
253 days ago
WHEN and not IF this company goes bust I shall be drinking Schadenfreude all day as I consider the morally bankrupt bellends at Yellow Jersey PR who smeared me on RNS or Felix, the peasant who thinks Gary Newman and I should be jail or the vermin who trolled my poor wife on twitter. I shall be merciless in my glee as I consider their suffering. Meanwhile today another billion odd pieces of confetti have been issued and that does not reduce borrowings of c $60 million by one cent!
305 days ago
I start with domestic woes & rising floods then head on to Tingo (TIO), Chill Brands (CHLL), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Audioboom (BOOM), Cellular Goods (CBX) and Bushveld Minerals (BMN). Sharestock tickets, as per bearcast, can be bought HERE
305 days ago
The SEC has already filed a civil suit against the Tingo (USLTIO) fraudster Dozy Mmobousi but now the Department of Justice has filed a criminal suit citing three charges which could result in 45 years jail time for Dozy, who now appears to be on the run. The suit is below but look at the wording, are you sweating Chris Cleverly? You should be…
323 days ago
It was just a week after we launched this website that we exposed a dodgy transaction between Pirate Pete landau’s Range Resources (RRL) and convicted heroin dealer Frank Timis. A lawyer’s letter from the criminal Pirate Pete duly followed. And it was not his only threat or lawyer’s letter to myself and ShareProphets. Oh well… I won’t be spending Christmas in the slammer. Landau will be.
334 days ago
After olive harvesting is finished for the day here in Greece, I will, again, be writing to Jen Knickerbocker of Deloitte about the Tingo fraud (TIO) asking why, in the light of the three images below, the Israeli firm that audits Chris Cleverly’s latest con and which is part of the Deloitte global network has failed to show any professional scepticism at all.
353 days ago
After the SEC suspended trading in the shares of the fraud Tingo (US:TIO) last week for at least a fortnight, Tingo filed a notice saying that it would not be filing its made up Q3 numbers with the SEC. It has now filed the numbers but they come with a big caveat:
515 days ago
I discuss Gary’s sacking then a monstrous lapse of judgement from Darren which surely merits a P45. Then the ouzo moments regarding Asimilar (ASLR) and Dev Clever (DEV) and who should be going to jail if the FCA was not so ffing useless. Finally, we now have just 11 tickets left for ShareStock so if you want one book now HERE
581 days ago
It is ouzo on my strawberries for breakfast at Sheriff of AIM Towers. For Gerry Brandon who broke AIM Rules in hiding a profits warning before a placing then published fraudulent interims before his next placing the imminent demise of Deepverge (DVRG) should be the end of his AIM career. He should be in jail as £50 million invested goes up in smoke. Brandon may have “been resigned” just before Christmas but he was the architect of Deepverge’s failure.
639 days ago
First up I have extended the deadline to enter our latest prize contest to 7 AM tomorrow - please do enter HERE. The I make a plea to Brian Kinane and then look at Chesterfield (CHF), Wildcat (WCAT), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) then, in detail, the latest David Lenigas promote PennPetro (PPP). Finally the get out of jail card that stinks of cover-up at Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV).
661 days ago
Surely now there must be a full regulatory investigation into Gerry “the arse” Brandon, former boss of Deepverge (DVRG) and still the BSD at AIM sewer posterboy Microsaic (MSYS). Deepverge has admitted that the revenue guidance given on 9 January was pure fiction. The clear implication is that interim numbers were also fiction and given that Gerry raised £10 million in a placing on the back of those bogus interims surely he should be going to jail. Here is the timeline of what looks to be clear fraud and a tweet from Brandon which is a real source of pride. For me.
707 days ago
On the jail tack I refer to the clear market abuse scandal at Powerhouse Energy (PHE). I also discuss Ocado (OCDO), clearly a stonking short, Versarien (VRS) and the latest utter cobblers and tripe from Ben Turney’s flip flop Kavango Resources (KAV). Ben, at least, provides a platform for some inappropriate Cheryl Cole analogies.
737 days ago
A lot of ouzos for the Sheriff for this one! And I am told that there is now an FCA enquiry into Standard Listed Caracal Goal (GCAT) following extensive correspondence from myself. Damn Right, there should be. At 4.45 PM yesterday there was a fess up with the company tripping over itself as it tried to cover up its crimes. This company is insolvent and its directors should be in jail. It is hard to know where to start.
739 days ago
In today’s podcast I discuss the naivete of the spider kisser over Coro Energy (CORO) but my main focus is on the fraud at Revolution Beauty (REVB). How on earth are Tom Allsworth and Adam Minto not heading for jail. And as for the shares….
752 days ago
I start with some nerd like comments about river and reservoir levels in North Wales. Bear with me. This will be interesting I promise. Then Bidstack (BIDS) and what questions today’s shocker begs about the pre-placing interims. Surely the Nomad ( SPARK) and AIM Regulation must investigate. Then Okyo (OKYO) where post podcast recording the company has published interims on its website. Technically it missed the deadline and the FCA – whose conversations with me I discuss – must take this further. As it happens the interims are truly appalling and red flag strewn as I discuss HERE, Then I discuss Lucian’s two big oil shorts: Pantheon Resources (PANR) and Canadian Overseas (COPL). He is right on both IMHO. Finally a few words on Helium One (HE1)
871 days ago
My problem, as ever, is being to much of a nice guy. So, generously, have long argued that Cineworld (CINE) shares might be worth 2p. And I stay with that view after yesterday’s Chapter 11 news. Evil Banksta,, being a bankster, is by definition not a nice guy and so has been even more bearish. He stays short and bearish and argues that, in a best case scenario, the shares are going to 1.5p. And unlike Damian from Northern Ireland who should be in jail, he explains his reasoning in a balanced fashion, thus:
873 days ago
AFTER the company announced that it was going into Chapter 11, Damian From Northern Ireland posted the video below urging folks to buy shares in Cineworld (CINE). Damian you should be in jail. For what he says is selective, quoting from the RNS about how deleveraging will strengthen the balance sheet etc, etc. But neglecting to mention the explicit warning that equity holders will be more or less wiped out. Unbelievably……
895 days ago
Yesterday I asked HERE if I should report Bell, the marmite boss of Red Rock Resources (RRR) to the FCA for selective disclosure of ( very good) news. Bell says he is an innocent man and explains why below. Do you believe him? Over to Mr Bell, Prisoner Number CB9298 says:
898 days ago
The first lawyers letter this website received about a week after its 2013 launch was from Pirate Pete Landau the boss of Range Resources (RRL). We continued our battles with Purate Pete and his associates such as Greg Smith and I am delighted to say that, last week, Mr Landau pleaded guilty to nine criminal charges in Australia. These days that is not a pre-requisite for a free trip to Oz but a prelude to a jail stretch. Landau will be sentenced on 31 January and he is going down.
988 days ago
Oh dear. Oh dear. Her lawyer and her barrister quit on Ms. Lingerie on Expenses eight days before her appeal against a contempt of court ruling and a 6 month jail sentence. Presumably, like all the 36 other firms of lawyers who have parted company with Julie Meyer MBE, they objected to not being paid. Julie did not appear in person in Court for reasons Lord Justice Males could only conclude were related to her desire to avoid a stretch in Holloway. His ruling is below in full.
996 days ago
Still branding herself after the colour of her hair dye, the blonde, Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer is today again spamming her GPDR non-compliant mailing list trying to persuade folks to join her at her latest investment conference. This email from the fugitive from a 6 month jail term here in the UK is her most insane yet. She insults the French, the Queen and invests a whole new island off Wales, North Anglesey. It is of course just Anglesey, or rather Yns Mon. Maybe she should visit the place as the North Wales Police are keen to have a word following her recent wasting of Police time.
996 days ago
Now describing herself as “the blonde”, after the colour of hair dye she uses nowadays, Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer is struggling to persuade fund managers to attend her Greek conference. For the spam to her mailing list comes almost daily, and is increasingly insane. Today’s offering is a classic. Julie compares herself to Meghan Markle, driven out of Britain only by a hostile press. So, nothing to do with that six months in Holloway, then?
997 days ago
Ms “Lingerie on Expenses” has rebranded herself as “the blonde”. Even that claim is untrue, I am reliably informed. But, as she flees British Justice and a six-month jail term, Meyer has sent out an email inviting folks to her next summit in Greece. The poor bubbles: have they not suffered enough already? This is one of her most bonkers communications to date, as you can see below.
1052 days ago
Okay, Ms Lingerie on Expenses is fleeing a High Court arrest warrant and facing a six month jail term as well as an FCA Criminal enquiry but you can’t keep the old crook down. Now she reveals on Twitter that she is to sue the Queen’s lawyers, Farrer & Co, and partner Julian Pike for £150 million. Don’t spend it all at once Julie… I see that having branded ShareProphets a terrorist organisation she now says Farrer is a “Terrorising Legal Organisation.”
1053 days ago
46 years ago my mother killed herself. I do not hide the fact and yes it is an event that saddens me. But I do not expose folks like Julie Meyer, who has fled Britain to avoid a six month jail term, owes taxes all over the world and is the subject of an FCA Criminal investigation because of what happened in on Oxford hospital in 1976 but because folks like Julie Meyer should be exposed. The tweet below ike others were Meyer incites the mob with talk of terrorism has been reported to twitter but nothing will be done.
1066 days ago
Yes it is Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer who appears to be having a bit of a meltdown. Yesterday she sent me an email saying that publishing THIS ARTICLE was a crime. Then she took to twitter accusing this website of being a “Bristol based Terrorist Organisation” (BBTO). I kid you not! Her meltdown is below.
1070 days ago
Yes it is Mrs Darren Winters and I’d send the snake oil salesman to the salt mines of Rotherham too. I have spoken to a £35,000 victim this morning and this really is a stain on UK financial services that I hope the FCA will finally act on after 25 years of doing nothing. I explain why I hope they might.
1070 days ago
Apparently a well known entrepreneur noted for putting lingerie and a sex toy on expenses once had a minor problem getting through security at Zurich airport when she was wanted on criminal charges in Malta. Perhaps learning from that lesson why not get a second passport to use in emergencies?
1102 days ago
Do you remember when Gulf Keystone (GKP) was the darling of the Bulletin Board Morons? Its market cap surged to £1 billion as its lying charlatan of a founder and CEO Tod Kozel claimed it had reserves greater than Shell. The self described “Tod Squad” of Bulletin Board worshippers insisted that folks like myself, Lucian and Was Shakoor who called out Tod’s bogus claims and the insane valuation were being reported to the FCA and would go to jail. Oh what sweet irony…
1112 days ago
A “private & confidential” KPMG report commissioned by the new managers of Petropavlosk (POG) has, as you can see below, been published in full by the company and claims that its founders Peter Hambro and Dr Pavel Maslovskiy and associates may have taken out $302.4 million to which they were not entitled. But Hambro says that he and Maslovskiy (currently incarcerated in a Russian jail) were not given, as promised and as the company says they were, a chance to comment on the report which,he says, is riddled with innaccuracies.
1144 days ago
I was made an insider on today’s placing a while back and I am not selling my shares in Kefi (KEFI) for reasons I explain. But I am pretty angry with Harry and understand the ire of many of you. I discuss this. Then it is onto Verditek (VDTK) which looks to owe us all a trading statement and is almost certainly bust already. The target there, at 2.9p, is 0p. I also have words for the FCA here on Financial Promotions and why it should be sending Richard “Gollum” Gill to jail. Finally I look at Eurasia Mining (EUA)
1186 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear. Still facing an FCA criminal investigation and also again slammed by a British Judge just the other day for lying and facing possible jail time for contempt of Court and still on the hook for millions of dollars in unpaid taxes in the USA, UK and Malta, it seems as if Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer might be forced to flee Switzerland too as she now appears to be an illegal immigrant.
1199 days ago
Not only a shit but a man who should be in jail.
1270 days ago
The subject of an FCA Criminal enquiry into alleged misuse of client funds, owing millions in unpaid taxes to the HMRC and IRS and now facing jail for contempt of court over yet another unpaid legal bill, Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer MBE has given her thoughts on the great issue of our time: the need to get more folks like her on boards. With no comment from me she opines:
1279 days ago
Do you remember the poltroon Julian Pike of Farrer & Co who trolled me on behalf of Julie Meyer and harassed whistle-blower John Galt? He was also slammed in Malta for attempting, allegedly, to bully a magistrate with long emails on behalf of Meyer. It seems Ms Lingerie on Expenses MBE failed to pay her bills of £200,000 forcing Farrer & Co, lawyers to the Queen, to take Meyer to Court. The bombshell ruling is below.
1368 days ago
I start with two bits of civic duty today. I end with an appeal to those of you ( 90%+) listening who are yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, we are now at over £19,000. Help us get past twenty please by giving HERE. Then I have a warning of “incoming” for loathsome Neill Ricketts at Versarien (VRS), discuss Trevor Brown and then at length Bidstack (BIDS) and its clear rule breaking. Then Verditek (VDTK) – looking more and more a zero – Watchstone (WTG) – Quindell as was and the jail cell waiting for Rob Terry, today;s update on that.
1393 days ago
Yes, of course that organisation is the state funded broadcaster and purveyor of very unfunny woke comedy, the BBC. You know the sort of comedy where a black comedienne makes a joke about killing all white people and the audience laughs because genocide is such a laughing matter. This time the programme is Have I got More News for You where actor David Tennant told a witty scripted gag about how, in Israel, only Jews get the covid vaccine and Arabs don’t. Okay it is not funny at all and it is also 100% untrue. It is just another blood libel from the woke left about those pesky Jews.
1451 days ago
I do not hide my view of badgers. If you are reading this in some big city, you probably think of them as loveable fury little creatures just like Foxy Woxy. I view them as aggressive vermin just like Foxy Woxy. Badgers eat hedgehogs, animals I rather like. They dig up the graveyard at the end of my fields where one day I shall be buried. They are not after the bodies, just the worms, and that also sees them digging up my lawn and those of all my neighbours. They have a go at my strawberry patch which is adjacent to their sett here at the Welsh Hovel. I loathe badgers.
1461 days ago
The battle for free speech is hotting up. I have just published a piece HERE on attempts to shut down a new TV channel before it goes on air because its founders are not part of the woke establishment. Meanwhile, a few days ago I expressed my hatred for the badgers living at the Welsh Hovel here. Mistakenly I also outlined a plan to get rid of them which, I now understand is against the law. Suddenly, on certain bulletin boards and on twitter, badgers are seen as the nation’s favourite animal and I am off to jail.
1509 days ago
I start with Joshua’s Advent calendar and my great uncle the jail bird and end with Christmas news from the Welsh hovel which shows how fecking green I am. In between I look at Hurricane Energy (HUR), Angling Direct (ANG), Cineworld (CINE), Trainline (TRN), Frazers (FRAS), Powerhouse (PHE) and Metro Bank (MTRO)
1603 days ago
Well actually I start with the curtain twitchers on the facebook page of the small village where I live in Wales. Boy have they excelled themselves today. What a crazy world we live in. Then it is on to Iconic (ICON) where today’s news should see the board in jail. Then Supply@ME Capital (SYME), a good section on Verditek (VDTK) and finally a detailed appraisal of Caspian Sunrise (CASP) after its interims. On reflection I lied to you. This is not a podcast about three stocks worth zero. It is about 4 stocks worth zero.
1604 days ago
Last night I revealed how, despite being warned that an article with ludicrous price targets for Supply@ME Capital (SYME) shares was fake, the CEO Allessandro Zamboni tweeted it out causing his cretinous followers to pledge to fill their boots today. Last night there was no sign of contrition but, I suspect, my communications with my good friends at the FCA rather focussed a few minds. So this morning we have an RNS admission of fake news from the company. It is not good enough, Zamboni has committed market abuse and should be in jail and it shows his company is a scam.
1620 days ago
I start with musings on croquet hoops, something I am geekish enough to comment on, and how it is symbolic of our age. I wander on to consider the craziest job creation scheme in history but one which the mainstream media takes seriously… back to crazy croquet hoops. Then it is news that Capita is closing offices where 15,000 work and the Government’s barking mad plans and pleas to reverse this tide. Finally, the response of Alessandro Zamboni of Supply@ME Capital (SYME) to me terming his company a con and saying he should be in jail. Other than his stupidity in telling an obvious lie, Sam Antar, the king of the fraudsters, would be proud of him.
1621 days ago
No doubt moronic shareholders in Supply@ME Capital (SYME) will urge it and its boss to sue me for libel. Bring it on baby! See you in Court Bitchez! This is a situation where surely the FCA has to act.
1682 days ago
At 6.34 PM last night, well past no-one is watching O’Clock, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) snuck out interim results for the 12 months to March 31 2020. It is interims as the company is chaging its accounting date but that period encompasses 8 days as a Standard Listed company following the RTO into Abal Group. The loss? £225.177 million. WTF?
1795 days ago
In a just world Dev Clever (DEV) boss Chris Jeffries would be in jail for selling shares while sitting on undisclosed adverse financial news. But while he still enjoys his liiberty he has announced the purchase of a crap company from some tax dodgers. Will he inform HMRC of the deal so ensuring the matter is dealt with? he is clearly an honourable man….
1811 days ago
In today’s podcast I look aty one theory about the past 48 hourse at Great Western Mining (GWMO). i shall be asking the FCA to investigate. I pass on a rumour about Zenith Energy (ZEN) which, if true, will rapidly accelerate its already inevitable demise and I explain why directors of Dev Clever (DEV) should be in jail. Hell’s teeth, Dev’s year end is November 30 not December 31 as I thought, making this case of securities fraud even worse than I describe in the bearcast. Lock em up starting with boss Chris Jeffries. Again I shall be contacting the FCA. I also look at NMC Health (NMC) and Novacyt (NCYT). Now that we are at 5 rogue bloggers for Woodlarks, with more rogue bloggers gto be announced soon, surely all listeners can spare a tenner to donate HERE
1911 days ago
We have been warning that Purecircle (PURE), a company once valued at a billion dollars was a disaster waiting to happen for more than six years. The shares were already suspended over the inventory fraud, now other “matters of concern” have emerged and the CEO is stepping aside pro tem. This company is almost certainly toast. City adbisors named below should hang their heads in shame and return fees, directors should go to jail.
2054 days ago
Amid calls from ignorant politicians and former members of the Woodford fan club, for reform of the Unit Trust industry in the wake of the Neil Woodford scandal, Paul Jourdan of Amati has explained in detail the bleeding obvious: Woodford’s own actions caused his downfall. As I noted some weeks ago there is no need to reform the industry just send Neil Woodford to jail. Jourdan is not quite as explicit as I am but is scathing. He writes:
2143 days ago
The administrator's first report into ponzi London & Capital Finance is damning and folks are certainly heading to jail including Amber Rudd's pal and donor Simon Hume Kendall. We publish it in full below. The helicopter for the CEO, the horsebox on the balance sheet the money lent to an insider to buy racehorses, the cash pocketed directly by folks including Amber Rudd's pal Simon Hume Kendall. Bondholders are warned they will get just 20p in the pound back. This is truly revolting.
2324 days ago
I am extending the Premaitha (NIPT) session at the 16th October UK investor event in London to allow an extended Q&A as I want folks to really grill the company. I shall. You can register and please do so HERE but hurry as the event is already 70% booked out! In this podcast I look at what really happened yesterday and why it shows the City in such a dreadful light. I also look at Tesla (TSLA) and Elon Musk where things go from bad to worse and at new US data and UK house prices.
2347 days ago
I start with a few thoughts on just how wonderful it is up here at the Greek Hovel, truly it is peaceful and heavenly. Then a thank you for your kind emails and comments on poor Oakley. Then this podcast takes an in depth look at Telit (TCM), run by insider dealer Yosi Fait, after its interims yesterday and at Tesla (TSLA) run by nutso market abuser Elon Musk after his latest outburst.
2357 days ago
Natch the news came not via an official statement but via a blog post at 11 PM, no-one is watching o'clock. Musk is a slam dunk for jail, the rest of the Tesla (US:TSLA) board may join him, and Tesla is finished, it could well be a zero. All is explained in my latest podcast.
2375 days ago
In this podcast I cover Tesla (TSLA) which is curiouser and curiouser, Optibiotix (OPTI) and the parasitic vampire that is ADVFN (AFN), Great Western Mining (GWMO), Toople (TOOP), Angus Energy (ANGS), the Brockham Well, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) anmd its latest despicable smear c/o yellow journalists at The Daily Mail and cheered on by the vermin paid share rampers of LSE Share Talk
2656 days ago
This is a small side issue in terms of the greater Quindell (QPP) fraud which will, in due course , see Rob Terry and others go to jail but this week Watchstone Group (WTG) as Quenron is now known suffered a minor setback against Terry and others. We publish the ruling in full below...
2809 days ago
I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.
2900 days ago
Yesterday I asked the Insolvency service to open a formal enquiry into whether Mr Aidan earley was acting as a shadow director of Worthington (WRN) at a time (when he was barred as acting as a director. If Aidan is guilty he faces up to two years in jail and could be on the hook for Worthington's liabilities (including its vast pension fund deficit) when it went bust. Time to put the Surrey mansion on the market? For I now have a killer email which I have forwarded on to the insolvency service as you can see below.
2901 days ago
If you are barred from acting as a director but defy that bar by acting as a shadow director ( doing the job without the title) you can face up to two years in jail and be personally liable for the liabilities of the victim company if it goes bust. Aidan Earley was barred as acting as a director for five years on 23 July 2013 over the disgraceful events at Wood Hall Realisations which you can read about HERE. Worthington (WRN) has gone bust and I have today formally requested that the Government's insolvency service which investigates such matters launch a formal enquiry into whether Mr Earley breached his order.
2908 days ago
As you can see HERE there were many half decent entries in last week's contest but the winner is a stand out and is, natch, from the LSE Asylum. Did you know that on that Asylum it has been arranged so that you cannot provide a link to an article on this website? Yup not only is it rampers only but you cannot even link to a counter point of view. Je suis LSE eh? So the winning entry is spotted by Juicin and is ( from the Cloudtag (CTAG) thread natch):
2928 days ago
Good news from the land of high culture: Aussie mining boss ( and former investment banker) Benjamin Kirkpatrick has just been sentenced to 12 months in the slammer. His crime? The same thing lyin Chris Cleverley did at fraud African Potash (AFPO), Fancy a roomie Ben?
3119 days ago
By the end of the last week most of the media had to admit that the GOP convention had ended well for Trump. Lyin' Ted Cruz was dismissed as a sore loser and a nasty piece of work for his non-endorsement and the Trump speech went down well.
3196 days ago
Nigel Somerville resisted the urge to heckle his "good friend" Angus Forrest of Tern (TERN) who - to his very real credit - bravely attended the UK Investor Show and even popped in to hear me present on why Chris Oil should go to jail. To see why Angus believes Tern shares are cheap, watch the video below
3203 days ago
responding to Chris Cleverley of African Potash (AFPO) starting to do soft interviews and the failure of his company to answer basic questions about Butterfly Corporate Finance I explain why Chris must go to prison for securities fraud and lying to investors and why his company must go bust, the only question is when net current assets go negative. One imagines Cleverley wants a bailout placing asap but who would be mad enough to get involved?
3409 days ago
As the Company’s House filings emerge more details of the various Rob Terry frauds at Quindell (QPP) emerge and the latest concerns Ingenie, the insurance company for whom Gary Lineker made £5 million. This is a panama pump. And it is black and white slam dunk, jail meriting, fraud, not for Lineker who is innocent of any wrong doing but for many others.
3463 days ago
I am grateful to a keen Quindellologist hailing from the Grim Northern post-industrial welfare safaris for this detailed re-analysis of the Quindell (QPP) restated 2014 results. It demonstrates the extent of the accounting fraud by Rob Terry and why he is heading to jail. It also shows how much trouble the saps at Slater & Gordon (SGH) are in and why its shares will continue to tank.